Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 687: Sleepy Fairy Sword Platform (Part 1)

   "Moon Falling Heaven is great!" Someone couldn't help but tremble and said, "The invincible king soldiers of the Moon Falling King!"

   A giant stick, the whole body is like a moon, crystal clear like jade. In this giant stick, there is a bright moon and night sea, as if there is an endless sea in the giant stick, and a bright moon rises and falls on it.

The Moon Falling Heaven Rod is the natal treasure of the Moon Falling King’s ancestors. According to legend, the Moon Falling King once picked a star in the galaxy like a bright moon, and refined the precious gold for the ancestor of the Moon—Yuhai Yuxi! After a hundred years of refining, he has become his own invincible soldier of the king!

   "Boom——" Yan Shisan had just been knocked into the air, and another invincible king soldier suppressed it, a skull like the sky, crushed down, can crush the dragon Tianpeng!

  The king is as powerful as the sea, and all spirits bow down and dare not fight. Under this invincible king's soldiers, it seems that all creatures have become insignificant!

   Yan Shisan's face darkened, and the Eastern Emperor's Bell pushed, Linghe Ancient Secret reached its limit, spanning thousands of miles, but the skull is like the sky, crushed down, even if it flees thousands of miles, it is difficult to avoid the invincible Wang Wei.

   Yan Shisan was still swept away by Yu Wei, and the man and the clock were still swept away for thousands of miles. The soldiers of the heavenly kings are indeed terrifying and powerful.

   "Hey, hey, hey, little beast, your doomsday is here." At this time, King Lingjiao Ni held the ancient soldier poisonous bow, grinning grimly, blocking a corner.

At the same time, two people appeared in the void, an old man with a beard and hair like a moon, and a crescent moon behind him. The moon fell and the sky rod was floating on top of his head. The other was covered in iron armor, although he had no head and neck. But there is a group of brilliance that changes, sometimes turning into a head, sometimes turning into a ball of light! And another invincible soldier of the king accompanies him!


"The ancestor of the royal family of Falling Moon, Ghost Ghost Rider!" Seeing these two heavy-duty figures, I don't know how many people tremble with their legs. Both of them are supreme at the peak of Dao forbidden, and both are stepping towards the realm of half ancestors. Take a step.

   "The falling moon is great, the sky is heaven!" The supreme who was watching the excitement in the distance couldn't help but trembled in his heart, and said: "When the two soldiers of the heavenly kings come out, suppress the spirits!"

   Many people have seen this scene, and some of the patriarchs took a breath of air and murmured: "The ancestor of the falling moon, the ghost ghost rider, the two supreme peaks of the Dao Forbidden Peak are holding the king's soldiers, who can be the enemy?"

   "When is the Ghost Ghost Rider coming?" Someone murmured: "So, the Moonfall King Clan, the Heavenly Shen Cavalry Clan, and the Bell Horned King have joined forces to form an alliance!"

   "This is really unexpected. Back then, the royal family chased and killed King Lingjiao Ni, but today they are teaming up." Someone could not help but sigh.

   "Yan Shisan is dead this time." Someone also said: "The three Taoist Supremes, and the two come with the soldiers of the Heavenly King, Yan Shisan definitely has no chance to leave alive!"

   "The poisonous bow of Bell Horn Niwang is also terrifying. The stronger the bow is, the more powerful it is. It can even be said to kill the gods and kill the demons!" someone murmured.

   "Boom——" At the other end of the void, at the same time, when the Lie Jiao Sun killed the fish that slipped through the net, the void was torn open, and thousands of horses galloped out!

   "Boom, boom, boom..." Thousands of troops came from across the sky, blocking this territory, and flags were thrown out, and the heavens and the earth were like fog, covering this piece of sky!

"Heaven Shen Qi Clan, Moon Falling King Clan!" As soon as they saw these iron knights, the complexion of the many powerful men who had not yet dispersed changed greatly, and they immediately retreated and kept a greater distance, especially when they blocked the world, other people Don't even dare to approach.

"Assemble!" Seeing the iron cavalry, banners were thrown out, and the faces of the Phoenix Tree Clan and Gutimen all changed. The chief veteran screamed. The Phoenix Tree Clan veterans immediately formed an array, and everyone became a team. !

   The banner is locked in the air. Among the swaying banners are a group of iron horses stepping out of the air. There are the iron horses of the moonfall royal family, the iron horses of the Heavenly Shenshen Cavalry clan, and the team of the Phoenix Tree clan...

   When I saw my disciples, the expressions of everyone in Lie Jiaoyang changed. Lie Jiaoyang's gaze was sharp, and he swept straight at these people from the Phoenix Tree Clan, and said coldly: "Who asked you to come here?"

  Many of these disciples are elites of the Phoenix Tree Clan, who dared not look directly at the blazing sun, so they all bowed their heads.

   "Hey, you are no longer the patriarch!" A sneer sounded, and a person appeared. In addition, there are many powerful men who fall into the moon!

   "Liequan!" When they saw this person, everyone's expressions changed. This person is the veteran of the Phoenix Tree Clan, Liequan! And it was the disciple of the Phoenix Tree Clan who followed him!

   "Beast, betrayed the clan!" Liemu and the veterans were shocked and angry, and many of the strong disciples of the Phoenix Tree clan present were even more stunned! Glared at them.

   At this time, everything is understood, no wonder King Lingjiao Ni can track their night shuttle, it turns out that Liequan, a traitor, is doing the blame!

"Hey, betray the clan?" Liequan laughed wildly, and said: "In that case, go to the underworld and talk! From today on, I will be the patriarch of the Phoenix Tree Clan! You are stupid and mediocre, and you are stupefied with the Human Race, but you are finally caught by the Human Race. Assassination, Yan Shisan and Gutimen joined forces to kill all the treasure hunting disciples of our Phoenix Tree Clan, as well as the patriarchs and patriarchs. I united with the Celestial Royal Clan to kill the remnants of the Human Clan and raise the power of my clan!"

   "Beast, want to kill the same clan to usurp the throne!" The elders were so angry that the chief elder shouted loudly.

   "You want to be the patriarch because of you stupid?" Lie Jiaoyang was not angry, but said coldly.

  The scorching sun is overwhelming the world, like the scorching sun in the sky, and it is all over the place, making people breathless. The proud son of a generation, who has swept the East Green, is not the one who has gained a reputation.

   Liequan is considered an elder, but at this time, under the gaze of Lie’s scorching sun, everyone feels guilty and dare not look directly! Lie Jiaoyang is still unparalleled, and she is still the patriarch.

   "Sister, those who are acquainted, please obediently hand over the immortal treasures you got, and I will keep your whole body." Shen Zhuoyue smiled, her smile like a silver bell made people shudder.

  The scorching sun's eyes were like ice-cold snow blades, he swept away, and said coldly: "What are you!"

   These words are arrogant and mad, full of eyes, looking at the world. In the past, Lie's posture was very restrained, but this time, she was arrogant and arrogant. There is no doubt that Lie's sun is furious!

The words of Lie Jiaoyue made Shen Zhuoyue's face extremely ugly, her face turned cold, and she said coldly: "Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!" As soon as the words fell, there was a "hum", and a round of falling moon rushed up. , Wang Shu shows, Wang Wei is majestic!

   "Fuck -" Lie Jiaoyang said unceremoniously, the avenue spread under his feet, and the sun was in the sky, suppressing the king of falling to the moon with his arrogance.

   "Kill—" The elders of the Phoenix Tree Clan and the Wei Shi of the Gutimen led the crowd with a roar, and rushed to the iron knights of the Moonfall Royal Family and the Heavenly Shenqi Clan!

   "Kill—" The iron cavalry of the Moonfall Royal Family and the Heavenly Shen Cavalry Clan smashed into the void and swooped down, with the momentum of the wind and the remnant clouds.

   "Bang——" However, the blazing sun's Dao is unparalleled, and his own Dao skills are exhibited, and the round of the moon falling on the spot is smashed! God falling into the moon spouted blood and flew out!

   At this time, Shen Zhuoyue really understood the gap between herself and Lie Jiao Sun. With one move, she was defeated, and she was not Lie Jiao Sun's opponent at all.

   "Those who betray the clan, kill without mercy!" The blazing sun is cold and ruthless, and the world is overwhelming. It doesn't care about the falling moon at all, and comes across the sky, looking down at Liequan!

   "Kill her!" Liequan trembled and screamed under the unangered and mighty momentum of the Lie Hot Sun, and he went into battle with other disciples in person! He roared wildly and opened his mouth to spit out his most powerful treasure.

Although the disciples were Liequan’s cronies, at this time, they were all lacking in confidence. Under the mighty power of the Liequan sun, they could not help but tremble with their legs. However, at this time, they had no retreat. They had no choice but to bite the bullet. Roared: "Kill—"

   "Those who betray the clan, kill without mercy!" The voice of Lie Jiaoyang was extremely cold, and she was unwilling to kill her own people, but this time, she still picked up the butcher knife!

   "Zheng——" Eight thousand horizontal swords jumped into the air, leveling the Three Realms, arrogant and invincible, Ling Shi proud of heaven! Eight thousand heavenly swords swept past, the screams fluctuated, and the sky rained blood!

"Puff--" The Heavenly Sword crossed, and one disciple was cut and killed one after another. The blazing sun was cold, but there was still a sigh in her heart. She strode across the air, opened with a sword, and made a "boom". The sword smashed Liequan’s most powerful treasure~www.readwn.com~Fairy, save me! "Under the unparalleled majesty of Lie Jiao Sun, Lie Quan was frightened, turned around and fled to Shen Luoyue.

   "The blazing sun!" God Lunar Moon roared sharply, his beautiful face distorted, and he instantly cast a heaven-defying technique. One round of the moon fell to pieces, and the endless blood was sprayed, and the chains of the heavenly kings were hanging down like a waterfall!

   "Kill——" An iron rider came across the air. Although it had no head, the divine armor was shining for hundreds of thousands of miles, the supreme might swept across the sky, and a giant sickle in his hand cut into the void.

   "The old patriarch of the Shen Qi Clan!" In the sky, the crowd watching the excitement opened the eyes of the sky, forcibly through the fog that locks the sky and the earth, peeping into the battlefield, and seeing this person emerge, he can't help but say.

  The old patriarch Yuqi came across the air, and the giant sickle took the scorching sun directly, forming a pincer attack with the falling moon of the gods!

With a sound of "Om——", another scorching sun crossed out, and there was a clear roar, and the roar was like the sea, and the sun was in the sky, facing the old clan of God Falling Moon and Heavenly Shen Cavalry, but the true body was still on the air. , Kill Liequan.

   "Puff——", Liequan's blood spurted wildly, and with a scream, he was chopped with both hands by Lie Jiaoyang, and his whole person was nailed into the void.

   "Those who betray the clan, kill without mercy!" The Lie Jiao Sun was cold and fierce, and mighty without anger.

   "Winner and loser!" Liequan laughed miserably, and said: "I only hate me for being inferior to you, otherwise, the traitor would be you!"

   Liequan’s head was cut off with a wave of the Heavenly Sword, blood rushing to the sky, Liequan’s head! In the end, she killed Liequan herself!

  . m.

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