Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 704: 9 Dragon Burial (Part 2)

   "Hey, I don't know about this. Hey, it's a pity that we don't have Daozu here, otherwise, if you dig up the fourth block and take a look, you will know what is buried inside." Grimace said with a smile.

   "This can't be fun." Liemu elders were taken aback, and said: "Digging for the fourth seat, isn't it a dead end?"

With a sound of "Dang--", as everyone was talking, Yan Shisan kept staring at the huge ancient seal celestial scripts engraved on the mountain. He who was proficient in ancient scripts of celestial scriptures understood these ancient scripts at once. He was moved by the word Xianwen. And at this moment, his Donghuang Bell flew out and rang without moving!


   The Eastern Emperor Bell flew over this giant mountain, instantly becoming huge, vomiting endless copper light, exuding an incomparable ancient aura, just like the resurrection of an ancient bell.

"Om, om, om..." At this time, one after another huge ancient seal immortal inscriptions engraved on the mountain turned out to be alive, one after another huge ancient seal immortal inscriptions leaped up and flew towards the Eastern Emperor. Bell, the East Emperor Bell seemed to have come alive, and the whale swallowed these ancient words one after another.

   "Taiyi Immortal Sutra!" At this time, the grimace was moved, and he saw the clue, because he knew some origins for the Donghuang Bell of Yan Shisan, and he couldn't help but yell when he saw the scene before him.

"It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the "Taiyi Immortal Sutra" does not exist independently, but is integrated with the East Emperor Bell. Only the "Taiyi Immortal Sutra" and the East Emperor Bell are integrated, will it exert its true power." The grimace saw it. After the clue, he muttered.

   For a long time, the Donghuang Bell was used by Yan Shisan as a fierce and thick weapon, used to smash others, although it is an unparalleled ancient treasure, no less than a soldier of the Taoist ancestor! However, it was unable to play the invincible Zuwei like the Daozu's soldiers. Compared with the Daozu's soldiers, it was still far behind.

   Yan Shisan could not urge it to exert its invincible combat power, because there is no "Taiyi Immortal Sutra"!

In the end, the Eastern Emperor Bell swallowed all the ancient seals and immortal scripts on this mountain, and the Eastern Emperor Bell fell into the hands of Yan Shisan. At this time, the Eastern Emperor Bell was completely rejuvenated, and the mountains, rivers, rivers and mountains above the body, Flowers, insects, birds and beasts seemed to come alive all at once.

   It seems that the river is rushing, the birds and beasts are flying away, the flowers are blooming...

   Moreover, above the bell body is a complete scripture flowing, evolving one after another supreme art, and this supreme art after another is integrated with the clock body!

   At this time, with the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand, Yan Shisan had a treasure that was no less than the soldiers of the heavenly king and Taoist ancestor, and it belonged to him.

"Look—" When the ancient seal immortals were sucked away by the Eastern Emperor Bell, a huge hole appeared in the middle of the mountain. This huge hole was punched through from the inside out, even if it was like the King of Saint Feng Zu Standing outside the hole, his legs were frightened by a terrible breath.

   "Something has escaped from here." Lie Jiaoyang said with a change of expression.

   Yan Shisan said faintly: "This is also the reason why the Eastern Emperor Bell has fallen into the world. Someone once left the Eastern Emperor Bell to suppress this place, but unfortunately, it was eventually broken out of the mountain by something underground!"

   "What has been buried in this underground!" At this moment, even big people like Limu and the others, their faces were pale, their backs were cold, and their palms were sweating.

   If it weren't for characters like Yan Shisan, Lie Jiaoyang, and Saint Fengzu King here, I'm afraid they would not dare to go on.

   "Except for the Taoist ancestors who have been here, I am afraid that no one knows." Yan Shisan shook his head and said.

   Everyone was speechless, and climbed to the sixth giant mountain. This giant mountain was torn apart, as if someone had torn the giant mountain with two hands, tearing out a huge crack.

   It seems that there is such an existence against the sky, tearing the sixth giant mountain, and digging out something from it.

Sure enough, when everyone walked to the mountainside, they saw an ancient coffin that was ten times larger than an ordinary giant coffin was thrown beside the seam. The ancient coffin was shattered by a palm, and a terrible palm print was left on the ground. , Daowei could not dissipate for a long time.

   "This is the legendary Fengwu Treasure Tree! This giant coffin is probably made by cutting down the entire Fengwu Treasure Tree." Wei Shi couldn't help but feel moved when he saw the broken ancient coffin. Speaking of this, he all glanced at the elders of the Phoenix Tree Clan.

"Fengwu Treasure Tree!" The phoenix tree elders couldn't help but be moved, and said: "Take the Fengwu Treasure Tree as a coffin!" Their ancestors once cut down the Fengwu Treasure Tree to grow the gods by grafting the old branches of the undead tree. Phoenix rejuvenation tree.

   Now someone cuts down the phoenix tree to use it as a coffin. What an extravagant act is to be buried in the phoenix tree, that is definitely a scary character!

"Hey, although it's broken, you can still make it up. This kind of coffin is the best for me. It would be better for me to lie down and sleep." Grimace was greedy for money, and unceremoniously accepted the broken ancient coffin, leaving everyone speechless. !

"There was no fighting, no one was killed. The invincible presence was only digging out an empty coffin, or the buried person had expected that someone would come to dig the coffin, so Jin Chan escaped and left the coffin empty. "Sheng Feng Zu Wang carefully observed, and finally came to a conclusion.

   "In fact, someone was buried here, lying in this coffin." Hearing the words of the King Saint Feng Zuwang, the grimace took out the broken wood of the ancient coffin and smelled it, and said.

   "Who shot this?" Lie Jiaoyang couldn't help but said when he saw this handprint. The palm print is an invincible existence that Zu Wei cannot dissipate for a long time. There is no doubt that the palm print is an invincible existence!

   Yan Shisan looked at the handprints, sighed softly, and said: "Dao Shi——" Such a handprint, he had seen such a palmprint on the ancient yellow mud coffin of the Linglong ancient dynasty!

   "It's that mysterious Taoist ancestor, the guy who won't do anything in his life!" The grimace came from the territories, and he knew Dao ancestors better than everyone in Lie Jiao Sun.

   There are rumors in the world that Dao Shi has never made a move in his lifetime, even if he has never made a move in the face of an existence like Jie Zu's evil evildoer, and Jie Zu Fu first conceded.

   In fact, this is not the case. In the ancestral land of the Linglong ancient dynasty, Dao Shi has an invincible palm against the ancient coffin of Huangni, but here, Dao Shi, who has never done anything in his life, tore through the mountains and dug out the ancient coffin of treasure trees!

   Daoshi, it's not that he didn't make a move all his life, as the rumors in the outside world did. In fact, he still made a move in this life, and more than once.

"The Bodhi Dao ancestor is here, the immortal soldier Dao ancestor is here, the Huayun Dao ancestor is here, and the Dao ancestor is here. One after another Dao ancestor of the human race has come, hasn't the heavenly king of the Tianyi tribe ever been here?" The Liemu elders couldn't help but wonder To say.

   When everyone boarded the seventh giant mountain, Liemu took back what he had just said.

   The seventh giant mountain was printed with one after another strange traces. These traces are very strange and incomprehensible. They are neither the law pattern nor the mark wounded by the treasure soldier! These traces are very deep and deep, and they are about to crush the entire giant mountain. If there is something buried in this giant mountain, I am afraid it will be crushed into meat sauce!

   "What do the traces of the whole mountain look like?" Lie Jiaoyang glanced at Yan Shisan, and she saw the clues, who was talented.

   "Armor, a pair of invincible divine armor, there are invincible people wearing invincible divine armor, lie down here, crush everything!" Yan Shisan also saw the clue, said.

   "Spirit Emperor Sky Armor!" Lie Jiaoyang sighed softly.

   Liemu everyone couldn't help but lose their color, the chief elder lost his voice: "The Emperor has been here?" Liemu also said just now that the Taoist ancestor of the human race has come, and he has not seen the shadow of the king, but when I see it now, it is not the same thing.

   "It seems that the heavenly king has also been here." Everyone in Liemu couldn't help but look at each other. Dao ancestors have come, and heavenly kings have come!

   Climb the eighth giant mountain, the entire giant mountain is like a sparsely cast, crystal clear, there is a high platform inside the huge mountain, and everyone can see this high platform through the crystal clear mountain.

  The high platform is crisscrossed with invincible Dao patterns. This is an invincible Dao platform. Only Dao Ancestors and Heavenly Kings are qualified to sit on this high platform near Dao!

   Above the high platform, there is a chaos, the chaos is like an egg, slowly creeping, as if there is life in it! It seems that this egg-like chaos breeds a life.

   "Chaos cultivating body!" Seeing this situation, everyone lost their color, and Sheng Fengzu Wang murmured: "Chaos cultivating body, born at the time of Meng Hong, what kind of invincible physique is to be cultivated!"

   Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but lose their color~www.readwn.com~ Every giant mountain is buried with terrible things, and this will attract Dao Ancestors and Heavenly Kings to take action.

   "There are words here!" Grimace said to everyone.

   Everyone rushed over to take a look, only to see a line engraved on the mountain: Dare to be born, I will kill you! This line of words is delicate and beautiful, but the way is natural, with invincible power, the invincible stroke of each word is directly in the chaotic egg in the mountain! It is as if a creature in the chaos like an egg dares to be born, every word can kill it once!

The line of    has no name, only a shadow, a hazy shadow, can't see the appearance of this shadow, can't see the figure of the shadow, can only barely distinguish it, this is the shadow of a woman.

"Boom----" In an instant, the invincible Zuwei mighty, raging across the world, and the gods tremble at it. Liemu everyone shuddered, and countless people couldn't stand, but sat on the ground, and was suppressed all of a sudden. .

At this time, the Qishan necklace on Yan Shisan’s neck spewed out endless fairy flowers, and an invincible shadow emerged. When the shadow emerged, the majesty of the invincible half ancestor was endless, which was infinitely close to the power of the Tao ancestor. The power of the ancestors, terrifying and invincible!

   Master Qishan, the master Qishan who has been silent for a long time appeared again.

"Tao ancestor--" Looking at this line of words on the mountain, the master of Qishan sighed softly and murmured: "Suzhen's line also left traces here!" As soon as the words fell, his finger pointed directly at the mountain. Chaos Egg!

   "Bang——" The Chaos Egg was hit, and the whole mountain was shaken. Bloodshots were seen in the chaos. There is no doubt that the life in the Chaos Egg was injured!

  . m.

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