Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 847: You Demon Biyi (Part 1)

   Xuanyuan Qixian's Taoist body was furious, thousands of strong trembling, half ancestors were shocked, countless monks bowed their heads and did not dare to look directly.

   Xuanyuan Qixian, Weizhen Mengxia Xianjiang for thousands of years, domineering and strong, no rival, today is angry, how terrible this is, the sky is terrible, the earth is cracked! No one can match it.

   "Brother Xingye, why bother." At this time, a half ancestor of the older generation persuaded him and said: "For a junior, is it worth meeting with Brother Xuanyuan?"

   At this time, many half-ancestors have spoken out to persuade him, saying: "Brother Xingye, hand over the junior surname Yan, and make peace with Brother Xuanyuan, this is a good time."

  Although there are some half ancestors of the same age who persuaded him, the starry night ancestor remained unmoved. He said coldly: "I, the Starry Night clan, never betrayed friends."

   Xuanyuan Qixian's eyes were like the light of the beginning, terrifying to the extreme. With his gaze alone, he could easily wipe out the Supreme ashes. At this time, he was like an invincible god. Under his anger, all the creatures were trembling.

   "I have long heard that Daoist Xingye is deeply hidden!" Xuanyuan Qixian rattled every word, and said coldly, "I would like to learn about the unparalleled methods of Daoist Xingye."

   "Xuanyuan, I'm afraid you haven't reached the level of invincibility in the world, and you haven't reached the realm of destroying whoever you want to destroy, otherwise, you can ask Dao Ancestor." At this time, a weak voice sounded.

   The purple spirit is mighty, a group of old roads come across the air, each old road is a long robe, each old road is bloody, four of them are carrying a soft sedan chair.

Seeing the four veterans, countless big people gasped, because these four veterans are the inexperienced elders of the real martial art. It is rumored that after the suppression of the avenue disappears, they will reach the realm of half ancestors. However, the four veterans in front of them are only for people. Sedan.

  In the soft bridge, there was an old Taoist priest half-lying. This old Taoist priest was extremely rare, and his Taoist robe was so old that his robe was white. It seemed that his Taoist robe had been washed millions of times.

   This old Taoist priest is so old that he seems to have to take a lot of effort to take a breath, as if he is dying, and he stretches his legs at any time and drives the crane to the west. However, when his eyes were closed, the sun and the moon came out of it. His eyes were open for the day, and the eyes were closed for the night. His eyes alone were terrifying!

   "True Three Treasures——" Looking at this old Taoist priest, finally a half ancestor who was born with a seal recognized his origin, and he couldn't help but yelled out of discoloration.

   "True Three Treasures——" Hearing this name, countless people couldn't help being shocked, and their hearts couldn't help being turbulent, and even half the ancestors couldn't suppress the horror in their hearts!

   "The greatest background of Zhenwu Taoism is finally about to be shot." Someone could not help muttering as he looked at the dying old Taoist priest.

   Some people couldn't help but feel horrified, and said: "The greatest assassin of Zhenwu Taoism is about to come out. What is going on in this era, it is worth so many half ancestors to break the seal!"

   Anyone who knows the origins of the real Sambo, seeing his true face today, can't help but feel frustrated in his heart! Even if you don't know the great figures of the Three Treasures, and see the four elders of Zhenwu Taoist who are not born for them, they are still in shock. What kind of characters are worthy of the four and a half ancestors to carry the sedan chair?

   The Three Treasures, or only the half ancestor who was sealed know his horror, hearing his name, even the half ancestors of the older generation couldn't help but feel shocked.

   The three treasures do not belong to this era or the previous era. He belongs to the era of Axe. Legend has it that in that era, countless geniuses in Tianyu competed for the ancestors. Zhenwu Tao saw an amazing talent, this genius, just like today's San lacking emperor.

   This genius is the three treasures real person, invincible Mengxia Xianjiang when he was young. According to legend, in the end he also rushed out of the blockade of Mengxia Xianjiang, entered Tianyu, and competed with the countless geniuses of Tianyu.

   However, afterwards, the real Sanbao returned sadly, and no one in Mengxia Xianjiang knew what happened to him. It was not until later that Ancestor Axe proved that there was no speculation that the three treasures might have lost to Ancestor Axe.

After    returned, the sadly three-treasure real person sealed himself up, no longer contends for the dominance of the world, sleeping in the real martial arts, and making the most powerful foundation for the real martial arts!

   In spite of this, afterwards, Ancestor Axe visited the world, and when he was in Mengxia Xianjiang, he made a special trip to visit the sleeping three treasures.

   What an honor it is to let a Dao ancestor make a special trip to visit!

   The three young masters of the world today are the epitome of the Sanbao real person's young age, and today's Xuanyuan Qixian is the epitome of the Sanbao real person's old age.

   "The Three Treasures!" Seeing the Three Treasures, Xuanyuan Qixian also narrowed his eyes and said slowly. Xuanyuan Qixian conceited that the world was invincible, but faced with the Three Treasures who were once invincible like himself, he did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

   "I'm old, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see the opening of Mengxia Xianjiang one day before I entered the soil." The real Sambo, lying in the soft sedan, said weakly.

   Xuanyuan Qi Xian snorted softly, and his blood was so strong that he was extremely vigorous! The whole golden sea is turbulent!

   "Your Zhenwu Taoist Temple actually used the greatest heritage for a junior!" Even Xuanyuan Qixian couldn't believe it, looking at the Three Treasures real person slowly.

   The real Three Treasures suddenly appeared here, really strong enough to support Xingye Banzu, Yan Shisan and the others, such a thing even everyone does not believe it, after all, this is ridiculous!

   "My old bones didn't come for young people." The three treasures said slowly: "I just heard that you have been aggressive in recent years, and the limelight is too high. My old skull must come out to suppress it."

   If someone else said something like this, everyone would definitely think he was crazy and suppress Xuanyuan Qixian. This is the first person in Mengxia Xianjiang! However, this word came out of the mouth of the real Sambo, and no one dared to doubt it.

"You are really old!" Even in the face of such an ancient existence as the Three Treasures, Xuanyuan Qixian was still swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, watching Tianyu, and said: "If you are a thousand years younger, or you can suppress me, but you Now the blood energy is weakened, the lifespan is dry, and my feet are in the soil, I'm afraid you can't suppress me!"

   Nowadays Mengxia Xianjiang, I am afraid that only Xuanyuan Qixian dares to say such domineering words to the three treasures.

"Indeed, I'm getting old." The three treasures did not deny Xuanyuan Qixian's words, and said weakly: "However, it is still easy to suppress your Dao body. You can go down to earth, but for the time being, your true body is only afraid to be Can't return from the sky."

   "Huh—" Xuanyuan Qixian snorted coldly. His cold hum can blow up the planet. At this time, he didn't speak and looked at the three treasures indifferently.


   Xuanyuan Qixian is indeed unparalleled, but after all, the Dao body is the Dao body and cannot be compared with the real body. It is indeed difficult for his Dao body to compete with an ancient existence like the Three Treasures!

   "Zhenwu Taoist Temple has also brought out the old antique to crush people." At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

   At this time, the sky opened, and a piece of sky was pressed. Under this piece of sky, it seemed that the entire Mengxia Xianjiang became small!

   In the sky, a person stepped out, and the **** Kunyu was accompanied by him. The one that emerged from the sky was silver-haired and white-bearded, with a panlong crown on his head, just like an ancient god!

   "Kunyu Banxian——" When he saw the old man, someone trembled and lost his voice.

   "Kunyu Half Immortal——" As soon as they heard the name, everyone gasped, and someone murmured, "The strongest foundation of Kunyu God's Court has also been born."

   At this time, everyone trembled in their hearts. At this time, the atmosphere became extremely depressing. At this moment, even if it is an ordinary half-ancestor, it is like an ant, and the three half-ancestral giants make Mengxia Xianjiang tremble!

   Kunyu half immortal, dare to call it half immortal, how terrible it is! According to legend, Kunyu Banxian was a genius disciple who was only inferior to their ancestors in the history of Kunyu God's Court. Sleeping but not waking up, willing to become the most powerful foundation of Kunyu Shenting!

   There are many sayings about Kunyu Banxian. In Mengxia Xianjiang, it is said that the real master of Kunyu Shaozu is Kunyu Banxian~www.readwn.com~ rather than Kunyu God.

   "Kunyu is yours alone, you are still one-liner." Even if Kunyu half-immortal arrived, the three treasures only looked at him weakly, and said with a dying breath.

   looked at Kunyu half ancestors so much, I am afraid that only an ancient existence like the Sanbao real person can do it, even if it is Xuanyuan Qixian, I am afraid it is a three-pointer.

   "What's going on in this life." Even the half ancestor of the older generation couldn't help but said: "Kunyu half immortal and Sanbao real person are born. Is this life really that special?"

"Or it's because there are such unworldly geniuses as the Three Young Masters in this life." There was also a half ancestor who sighed softly and said: "The Three Treasures were born, I am afraid that the three are lacking the emperor's guardian, and Kunyu Banxian was born. , It is also possible to defend the way for Kunyu Young Ancestor."

The young emperor of the gods is supported by Xuanyuan Qixian. Whether it is the young ancestor of Kunyu or the emperor of the three lacks, there seems to be something missing. The three stunning eternal geniuses standing shoulder to shoulder, compared with the young emperor of the gods, Kun Yu Shaozu and Sanqi Emperor lack a powerful and invincible protector.

   Today, Xuanyuan Qixian came out of the mountain to support the young emperor, and it is not surprising that the three treasures and the Kunyu half immortal were born to defend the way for their juniors.

  Whether it is the young emperor of the gods, the young emperor of Kunyu, or the emperor of the three lacks, the three of them bear the high hopes of the school and the elders, and they all believe that they are the most likely disciples in this life to prove the Dao.

   "Although you are old for a long time, you are indeed old." Kunyu Banxian said coldly: "If I join forces with Xuanyuan, you will be destroyed! If the true martial art is strong, I am afraid that it will never recover!"

  . m.

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