Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 849: Fairy King 9 Trees (Part 1)

  The world has changed, the tsunami is raging, and it is frightening, such a mutation, even half of the ancestors can't help but feel shocked, no one knows what happened.

   Finally, after not knowing how long, the shaking of the sky finally calmed down. When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they heard a buzzing sound.

   A heavenly road emerged from the Golden Sea, and the first-level steps went straight into the sky and sank into the deepest part of the sky.

   A sky road suddenly appeared, and everyone couldn't help looking at each other. Looking at the sky road that suddenly appeared, many people were in a daze.

  The sky is made up of a step-by-step structure, straight into the deepest part of the sky, just like stepping out of this world. The steps of the heavenly road are not stone or gold, but are built of avenues, with the pattern of the roads flowing, and the rules are unpredictable.

   "Is this a fairy road?" Looking at the sky road that suddenly appeared, someone couldn't help but wonder, and couldn't help but say.

   "It's not like a fairy road." There are also older people who looked at the sky road in front of them, and said speculatively.

   However, no one has ever seen Xianlu, and no one knows what Xianlu is like. At this time, everyone can only guess, and guess what is the use of this heavenly road in front of them.

   In the end, half of the ancestors could not help but set foot on this heavenly road. When a person steps on this heavenly road, the Dao patterns on each step of the steps are lit up, making the person who stepped onto the heavenly road feel briskly, as if they are paralyzed, and move faster along the road. Tianlu stepped into the deeper part of the sky.

   The first person set foot on the road to heaven, and many big figures followed suit one after another. They all set foot on the road to heaven one after another. If you want to see what happens, you want to see where this road to heaven leads to.

   The road to heaven is extremely long, and in the blink of an eye, all the people who set foot on the road into the sky entered the sky. Among the big people who set foot on the road to heaven are half of their ancestors. Their speed is astonishing. After they set foot on the road to heaven, they seem to be assisted by the gods. They are faster, but they have not reached the road at such a fast speed. The end.

When reaching a certain height, some people want to try what is special about this sky road. After trying, some people find that if you step out of the sky, want to fly up, and fly out of the sky, you will be under great pressure. , It seems that there is a powerful suppression on the sky or the deepest part of the sky.

  The higher the flight, the greater the force of this suppression. When it comes to the back, even the Supreme can't bear such suppression. And only within Tianlu is there no such mysterious suppression!

In the end, the people who stepped into the sky finally stepped out of the sky. At this time, everyone realized that there was a sky gate in front of it. The sky gate is very ancient, and the purple gas is lingering. The ancient sky gate is inscribed with ancient characters and many half ancestors. Can't recognize this ancient text.

When stepping into this heavenly gate, everyone discovered that behind the heavenly gate is a huge palace. No one has seen such a huge palace. The palace in front of you is probably tens of millions of miles wide. It's a pity. At this time, the palace was completely shattered, leaving only the broken walls. I don’t know what kind of gods this palace was built with. No one can see it, but at this time all these gods are lost. Divinity.

   Along the heavenly road and across the palace, everyone discovered that they had entered a void. At the same time, some people discovered that after passing the Tianmen, the pressure in the depths of Tianyu is even stronger. If you don’t walk on the road to the sky and want to fly into the sky, even half of the ancestors will be struggling. The suppression in the depths of Tianyu is too strong. Half an ancestor is not easy to breathe.

"This, this, this is a bit like ourselves, this, this seems to be our blood reservoir foundation." After an ancient half ancestor stepped into the sky, he murmured: "We have a blood reservoir and a spiritual pool. , There is a heavenly road, there is a soul house... this, this, this is too similar."

   In this case, the half-ancestors of the older generation are shocked. If the Golden Sea is a sea of ​​blood, then the broken sky where the Golden Heaven Spring is located is the spiritual pond, but this pond has completely collapsed. If the Heavenly Road in front of you is the Heavenly Road on the Sea of ​​Blood, then the collapsed palace they crossed just now is likely to be the Soul Mansion...

   Thinking of such a coincidence, even half the ancestor can't imagine it, if it is true, what kind of person's Daoji blood pool is this! I'm afraid that the Daoji blood pool of the Heavenly King Dao Ancestor couldn't be so huge.

   "Have we left Mengxia Xianjiang?" Someone asked in a low voice as they stepped into the sky along the sky road.

   Since the ages, few people have left Mengxia Xianjiang, so at this time some people could not help but whisper and step into the sky. Some people have the illusion that they have left Mengxia Xianjiang.

   The half-ancestors of the older generation are very knowledgeable, shook their heads lightly, and said, "I'm afraid not, they should still be in the Jade Emperor Terrace!"

  The road to heaven is extremely long, straight into the sky, straight into the void, everyone didn't know how long they walked, and finally stepped into a starry sky.

   The starry sky is vast, with huge planets moving in it. Numerous huge orbs form a vast and dangerous zone. A hanging galaxy surrounds the starry sky like a silver belt!

   The sight in front of you is extremely spectacular, even if half of the ancestors are shocked, looking at the starry sky in front of them, countless people can't help but sigh its magnificence and beauty!

After entering this starry sky, half of the ancestors discovered that if they step out of the sky, even if they are in the realm of the half ancestors, they can no longer withstand the amount of pressure from the deepest part. Once something goes wrong, the force of suppression can Banzu crushed into meat sauce!

   Everyone walked along the sky road into the deepest part of the starry sky. Finally, the sky road came to an end. In a void, the sky road stopped abruptly here.

   However, in the vast void ahead, there is a huge and unparalleled planet moving in it!

   An extremely beautiful planet, an extremely shocking world appeared in front of everyone. This planet is gushing one after another with fairy flames. The fairy flames are hundreds of millions of miles long, bright and beautiful, and touching.

   The spouting fairy flames sometimes turn into real dragons, sometimes into immortal phoenixes, and sometimes into infinite laws of immortality... The scene in front of you, I am afraid that everyone has never seen it in their lifetime.

   The stars are dazzling, this huge and unparalleled planet is extremely beautiful, colorful, swaying and moving!

   "What's that—" Finally, a half-ancestor who had been sealed for several times used the means of reaching the sky, opening his sky eyes, and wanting to go to all directions.

Finally, this half ancestor saw that there were nine giant trees on this extremely beautiful planet. The nine giant trees were so big that they were scary. I am afraid that many people have never seen such a tall giant tree in their lives. Trees can shade a party of heaven and earth.

   Nine giant trees, of which eight are born in all directions of the planet, and the last giant tree is in the center.

   Nine giant trees, eight of which are born in all directions have their own shapes, some are like a fairy phoenix, some are like a real dragon, and some are like a white tiger...

   There are eight giant trees born in all directions, some of them are like Langya jade, some of them are like gods of gold, and some of them are like carved from ancient rocks...

Moreover, under the eight giant trees, under some giant trees are the shadows of the immortal soldiers, under some giant trees are the shadows of the immortal source, and under some giant trees are the immortal chapters... …

And the giant tree in the center is far more peculiar than the other eight. The giant tree in the center is not only larger than the other eight, but also has the appearance of a king. Its shape is a collection of the other eight giant trees. , And then derive its own form, so it has nine forms.

   This giant tree produces both Langya jade, immortal gold and ancient rocks...

Under this giant tree, it is neither the shadow of the fairy soldier nor the trace of the fairy, nor the fairy source... Under this giant tree, there is a high platform, and above the high platform, there seems to be a throne, but I don’t know why , The throne under the giant tree disappeared, or was cut off...

   At this time, several ancient half-ancestors all saw through the fairy flames and saw the nine giant trees on the planet.

   "Well, what kind of tree is that." Looking at these nine giant trees, half of the ancestors didn't recognize them, muttered. As for those who are not good enough, they can only learn about the situation from their elders.

"No, no, impossible, this world, there can be no such thing in the world, impossible." Inside the fairy tree of the Xianguo tribe, the ancient half ancestor who sat cross-legged saw these nine giant trees and couldn't help but faded and muttered. To say.

"Ancestor, what kind of tree is this?" A younger generation couldn't help asking ~www.readwn.com~ The ancient half-ancestor of the Xianguo tribe was so excited that he couldn't return to God for a long time. In the end, he muttered in frustration: "The fairy king tree! According to the world, the undead tree is the first, but no one knows it. Above the undead tree, there is the fairy king tree. This should not appear in the world, it cannot appear, it should be a thing in the fairy world!"

   Hearing the words of the ancestors, the senior officials of the Xianguo tribe were shocked, because they knew that the ancestor tree in their clan, that is, the fairy tree of their Xianguo tribe, came from the fairy world. Some senior officials of the Xianguo tribe know some legends about their ancestor tree. It is said that their ancestor tree of the Xianguo tribe was born from the branches of a fairy tree.

   No one knows whether this legend is true or false, but the Xianguo tribe believes that they have the bloodline of the fairy world!

   Hearing the words of the ancient half ancestor of the Xianguo clan, the half ancestor present couldn't help but be shocked. Even the half ancestor who had been sealed for several times could not help but change his face!

"The fairy king tree, this, this is just a legend. No one has ever seen the undead tree. But, the fairy king tree, no one has ever seen it. Could it be that there really are immortals in the world?" Lost, murmured.

   "Ancestor, is this the nine fairy king trees?" A child of the Xianguo clan asked the ancient half-ancestor.

The ancient half-ancestor finally recovered from the lack of consciousness, shook his head lightly, and said: "No, the only tree in the middle is the fairy king tree. The giant tree born in all directions is called the fairy tree. Eight immortals wait for a king! There is only one immortal king tree with eight immortal trees."


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