Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 858: Listening to Snow 1 A sea of ​​anger and blood is like a waterfall

   "Give me up, kill them!" Young Emperor Xuanyuan was unwilling, and shouted at the three friends of Meishan.

   Meishan Sanyou had no choice but to rush out from the melee and rush towards Yan Shisan.

   "Mother——" In the face of the ghost bee and the fish-eater, the four non-Masters and Ye Bi were a little overwhelmed, and now the three friends of Meishan rushed up, it was immediately difficult for the two of them to support it! This caused Sifei Master and Ye Bi to curse his mother wildly.

"Go--" At this moment, there was a clear chirping sound, a slamming, and a bang. The three fish-eaters were flew away on the spot, and the iron-bone and copper-skinned fish-eaters were also smashed to pieces. .

Zhu Tingxue approached, Yan Shisan was in trouble, she instantly jumped out of the battlefield, Zhan Ge knocked out the sacred fish-eater, and Kunyu Young Master screamed and wanted to chase him, but the three lacked the emperor but the purple energy refined six ways. , Blocked him all at once.

   "Three shortages, you will be cut today!" After suffering a loss in Zhu Tingxue's hands, the young master Kunyu furiously said.

   San lacks the emperor's freedom, and said: "I'm afraid you don't have this ability." As he said, Ziqi took a pocket, and instantly sealed the attack of Kunyu Shaozu!

   The two geniuses fought together again.

"Damn, is it easy to be a bully when you are a big businessman?" The three divine fish-eaters were taken away. Ye Biren also screamed, rushing up, and the immortal tactics suppressed it, and the passing fairy light suddenly penetrated the three. The head of the sacred fish ape.

   "Zheng——" Zhu Tingxue was domineering, and the moment he flew away and devoured the sacred fish ape, he stabbed and pierced through thousands of ways to kill the three friends of Meishan.

   "Kill—" The three friends of Meishan wanted to kill the Four Non-Masters, but when Zhu Tingxue came, their expressions changed drastically, and they screamed, abandoned Four Non-Masters, and faced Zhu Tingxue.

"Kang, bang, bang..." Zhu Tingxue is the overbearing fairy king, suppressing the fairy demon, ten swings and ten battles, and the battles fall again and again. The three friends of Meishan's treasures are broken again and again, and the three of them are the elders. The half ancestor of the generation was forced to retreat by Zhu Tingxue.

   "No—" In the end, the three friends of Meishan couldn't stop Zhu Tingxue's killing. They screamed, blood splashed in the blue sky, and the heads of the three of them were pierced by Zhu Tingxue!

   Zhu listened to the snow to hold the battle, the fairy crown and the fairy radiance, respected as the fairy king, instantly killed the three friends of Meishan, such a scene, people could not help but shudder in the eyes!

   Zhu Tingxue looked at Shaohuang Xuanyuan, his eyes were sharp, and he shot out. Shaohuang Xuanyuan's face was pale, he was about to die, and shouted: "You, do you know who my ancestor is—"

   "Puff--" However, Xuanyuan Shaohuang hadn't finished speaking yet, blood was spraying like an arrow, his eyes opened wide, and he couldn't believe it until he died.

Young Emperor Xuanyuan is rampant all over the world. His most powerful magic weapon is the sentence "Do you know who my ancestor is?" In the past, he said this sentence, even the half ancestors of the older generation gave three points of affection. , However, today's sentence failed and died tragically under Zhu Tingxue's battle.

   "Roar—" When Xuanyuan Shaohuang died, there was a loud bang of anger in the deepest part of the Golden Tianquan.

"Quick battle and quick decision--" Xingye Banzu's face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Xuanyuan Qixian is coming. Kill--" As soon as the words fell, he roared wildly, rushing towards the emperor family and their camp like a tyrannosaur. past!

   "Kill——" Zhu Tingxue's eyes burst into the brightest light instantly, the shadow of the fairy king appeared in the fairy crown, and the brilliance flickered, making Zhu Tingxue's whole person sacred, just like a generation of female fairy kings.

  In an instant, Zhu Tingxue burst into the endless fairy radiance, fighting against the sky, real dragons following, fairy phoenix flying, and one smashing the immortal, no one can stop it.

   Yi Ge pierced the eternal age, penetrated time and space, and instantly pierced Kunyu Shaozu's chest.

   Kunyu Shaozu and Sanwei Emperor were inextricably fought, both of them went crazy, and the assassin came out. Kunyu Shaozu did not take advantage of Sanwei Emperor. At this moment, Zhu Tingxue went wild, killing the strongest blow, and Young Master Kunyu didn't even have a chance to hide.

"No—" Young Master Kunyu roared wildly, but he couldn't save his decay. Zhu Tingxue's battle pierced his chest, and the three-lack emperor's Supreme Dao slammed on him. , The blood soars, the flesh is shattered, a generation of invincible genius Kunyu Shaozu smashes the corpse on the spot!

Everyone stayed for a while. This change was too fast. Everyone was not mentally prepared. Kunyu young ancestor, famous and respected in the world, was once invincible. Countless people thought that he would surely become Dao ancestor, but suddenly he died tragically. So many people stayed for a while.

   Not many people would have thought that one day when they could witness Kunyu Young Master Hengshi Tianyu with their own eyes.

   "You forced me——" Young Master Kunyu died in battle, and the young emperor of the gods was sorrowful. He roared wildly, and his negative figure stood up suddenly, and the lion was in the air.

  Today is too frustrated for the young emperor, Zhu Tingxue was forced to retreat, and then he took out all his abilities without beheading You Yao Biyi.

Although Biyi Yu Yao was bloodstained at this time, she was still violent, fierce and fierce, and although the Goddess Young Sovereign was stronger than her, Biyi Yu was furious, with the body of the demon and god, and Negative image shelter, the goddess Young Emperor failed to kill the demon Yu Biyi in several strong attacks, and his strongest attack was blocked by the demon You Biyi's Negative God.

   The showdown between the two great demon gods and descendants, although Yu Yao Biyi is not as good as the God defeating the young emperor, but facing the strong offensive of the God defeating the young emperor, Yu Yao Biyi still supported it and did not fall.

"Roar—" The green lion roared, ten thousand ways collapsed, the gods were destroyed, and the sound wave rushed out. In an instant, everything returned to the original, within a hundred thousand miles, everything returned to zero, and many strong people in the two camps in the melee They were all within this range. Under this roar, they were all wiped out, there was no blood rain, no corpses, and everything was annihilated in an instant.

   "Puff——" You Yaobi was easily shaken away for thousands of miles, and blood spurted wildly. Her demon god's lock armor and negative image of the demon **** were much dim all of a sudden.


   "Negative image and real roar——" A roar shocked the sky, everyone was shocked, this lethality was too great.

   This is also the strongest assassin of the Goddess Young Sovereign. Of course, once this assassin comes out, the price is not small.

"Evacuate, evacuate from the battlefield--" At this time, Xingye Banzu's complexion changed drastically, with the remnants of the Xingye Clan retreating quickly, and all the people of Zhenwu Taoist Temple also immediately evacuated. In fact, at this time, even the emperor family, Kunyu Shenting, and Xuanyuan The remnants of the aristocratic family, ancient Tang sacred land... and so on, all hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield. The method of the **** negative young emperor has spread too far, his negative **** and true roar, regardless of enemy and friend, once involved, they will die on the spot!

   "Success to death -" Today, the young emperor of the gods is too suffocated. He roars and kills You Yao Biyi. He vowed to kill You Yao Biyi himself, so that he can restore his majesty.

"Roar—" The green lion came out, the real roar sounded, the world was invincible, the negative image and the real roar came out, instantly leveled one hundred thousand miles, under a roar, everything was wiped out, including the avenues and time and space within this range .

   "Call the ancestors——" In the face of such a terrifying killing, Yu Yaobi was stubborn and furious. The real blood soared into the sky like a huge wave, drenching the negative image behind her.

"Moo--" The mantra sounded, and the negative **** of You Yao Biyi stood up. It was stained red with real blood, and it was instantly clear. A stalwart and peerless man appeared in front of everyone. The man stepped out and the gods fell. worship.

   "Tianyin Demon God——" Finally, an ancient half ancestor recognized the negative **** of You Yao Biyi! The image of a generation of demons!

   "Boom——" The negative duel of the two monsters and gods turned this world into the beginning, such a terrifying sight, people dare not approach this battlefield.

   "Kill—" The **** negative young emperor was mad. He relied on his own negative image and real roar, and the world was invincible. He didn't expect that the negative image of You Yao Biyi was equal to his negative image. The two demon gods are indistinguishable from Xuanzhen!

   "I'm afraid you won't make it!" You Yaobi Yi hemoptysis, she is not as good as the goddess, but she is still stained with blood, and the statue of the demon **** stepped out to face the lion!

   "Boom-boom-boom -" In an instant, the two demon descendants urged their negative images, and once again fought together, their battlefield collapsed completely, making people afraid to approach.

   However, Yu Yao Biyi still suffers, which makes Zhu Tingxue look sharp, stepping forward, trying to help Yu Yao Biyi kill the gods and the emperor.

   "Who killed my grandson?" A loud roar and one stepping on made the legs of many half-ancestors weak.

   "Xuanyuan Qixian's Taoist body--" Seeing this figure stepping out of the Golden Heaven Spring, countless people were shocked.

   "Junior, die--" Xuanyuan Qixian locked Zhu Tingxue's gaze. He was furious and the gods were terrified. He shot everything instantly, crushing everything with one palm.

   Zhu Tingxue coldly hummed ~www.readwn.com~ and sacrificed something with real blood sprayed on it. With a "boom", this thing shattered and one person stepped out.

   "Get out--" This person stepped out, crushed the frontiers with one punch, and blasted out with one punch, turning everything into chaos.

   With a loud noise of "Boom——", Xuanyuan Qixian's Taoist body was still blasted back several steps with the punch, and cracks appeared in his palm.

   It was an old man, a sick old man, who stepped out, but at this time, the old man was powerful and invincible.

   "My God--" Seeing this old man, Ye Bi's expression changed drastically, and he murmured, "This, this is Sun Wudi's intent to fight, invincible's intent to fight!"

   "It is worthy of being the invincible person who stepped back on the heavens back then, standing proudly in front of Luo Daozu." The Master Sifei couldn't help but mutter when he saw the old man.

   The old man stepped out and punched Xuanyuan Qixian's Taoist body with a punch. This made everyone's expressions changed. There are still people in the world who can compete with Xuanyuan Qixian!

"This fighting intent is invincible, and I am invincible!" When an old half-ancestor saw the old man, his expression changed drastically. He could see that the old man was not a real body, just a fighting intent. However, this fighting intent made the ancient half-ancestor not help but horror. This is the strongest fighting spirit, invincible fighting spirit!

   "It's you--" Xuanyuan Qixian's face changed a lot when he saw the invincible fighting spirit.

   "The guts, get out!" The fighting intent was invincible, and he punched the sky.

   "When you come in real body, I may still avoid three points, fighting will be my own, what is the way!" Xuanyuan Qixian was furious, when he was looked at by people so badly, he roared and killed him.

  . m.

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