Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 862: Wanyu Jingxian Picture (Part 2)

   "What formation is this?" Seeing such a huge formation from a distance, the far-sighted half ancestor murmured.

  Looking at such a shocking array, many big figures in the sect could not see the origin of this array, but seeing the momentum and prestige of this array, they knew it was terrifying.

"Ten Thousand Territory Shocking Immortal Picture, a peerless formation." The ancient half ancestor of the Xianguo Clan who came to watch the battle in person looked at this formation and sighed softly, saying: "The legend may be the formation left by the fairy. This The legend of the picture was brought back from the deserted land by the green lion demon god."

Looking at this formation from a distance, the ancient half ancestor of the Xianguo tribe said: "This formation does not need to be deployed. The formation is completed once the image is displayed. The formation of monks in this formation does not require training. You only need to stand in the corresponding position. , It only needs the blood of everyone to motivate this formation."

"It's so simple?" Hearing this, many people were moved. Such a big formation is too simple. Some people couldn't help but ask the ancient half-ancestor of the Xianguo clan and said: "Senior, in this case, this formation is not just what you want. Invincible."

"The world is invincible or possible, but you can do whatever you want, I'm afraid it is impossible to say." The ancient half ancestor of the Xianguo clan said: "This formation can be deployed at any time. The monks in the formation do not need any training, as long as they stand in the formation. That's it. But this formation requires the real strong to enter the formation, and it's not two or three people, it's a crowd of tens of thousands!"

"I understand." One half ancestor finally hit a Ji Ling and said in surprise: "It's no wonder Xuanyuan Qixian is anxious to invite all the schools to join their camp. It turns out that they need a large number of powerful people to control this formation. Now so. Many sects join their camp, and it is more than enough for them to deploy this camp."

   Hearing such words, some sects' expressions changed drastically. Some people couldn't help asking the ancient half-ancestor of the Xianguo clan for advice, and said, "Senior, how powerful is this formation?"

"I'm afraid of being invincible." The ancient half ancestor of the Xianguo clan looked at the formation from a distance, and said solemnly: "In this formation, the real Sanbao was also suppressed and killed!" He looked up at this point. Said: "Tomorrow morning, this array will be completed, Xuanyuan Qixian will have more than enough time."

Upon hearing this, all the sects and races who were watching were shocked, and countless people were moved by it. At this time, some of the sects’ hearts were shocked. At this time, some of the sect’s big figures turned pale, At this time they regretted it.

   "It's too late, I knew that the emperor family had brought this battle, we should join their camp." The sect of the big man could not help but his face turned pale and murmured.

At this time, there are some sects whose intestines are all regretful. Xuanyuan Qixian and the others have the "Ten Thousand Territories Shocking Immortal Picture". They are afraid that even if they have the most heaven-defying assassins, they can’t reverse the situation, Zhenwu. Taoist temples and starry night clan will die!

   "Or, there is still a chance for silk. Before the formation, the Starry Night Clan and Zhenwu Taoist Temple broke out early." Someone murmured.

   However, time passed, the night fell, and the day rose, there was still peace in the Enlightenment Platform, and neither the Zhenwu Taoist Temple nor the Starry Night Clan showed any signs of breaking out early.

   "There is still an hour, Xuanyuan Qixian and the others will be able to arrange the big formation!" Someone murmured as the big formation was about to be completed.

   At this time, there is only one corner of the entire big formation that has not been completed. Although the big formation has not yet been completed at this time, it is enough to make people fearful. The vastness within the big formation is boundless, there are real dragons and phoenixes, and the shadows of immortals are faintly visible.

   "This formation is completed, I am afraid that the world is invincible and can trap anyone!" Someone could not help muttering while watching this formation.

   Seeing that this formation is about to be completed, but the Starry Night Clan and Zhenwu Taoist Temple have not broken out early, some people can't help but mutter: "The Zhenwu Taoist Temple is about to end. From now on, I'm afraid there will be no Zhenwu Taoist Temple!"

   "The Three Treasures are after all an unparalleled figure. He agreed that he would not break the contract during the war." Some of the older generations could not help but sigh softly.

   Some people also said dissatisfiedly: "The Three Treasures are pedantic, and the catastrophe is imminent, and the door is about to be destroyed. What promises are there to talk about? It is important to kill it at this time to keep the true martial art."

   At this time, the sects who watched the battle couldn't help holding their breath, watching Xuanyuan Qixian and the others finish step by step, but there was still no movement in the Enlightenment Platform.

   At this time, some neutral sects, especially those allies who were once Zhenwu Taoist schools, even hope that Zhenwu Taoism can rush out early, so as not to be caught by Xuanyuan Qixian and the others!

   But, moment after moment passed, seeing Xuanyuan Qixian and the others' big formation was about to be completed, but the real three treasures and the others did not move at all, which disappointed the neutral sect.

   "Zhenwu Taoist view is over, the three treasures are too pedantic and harm the whole sect!" The big man of the sect couldn't help but complain, and couldn't help but complain.

   "Boom——" Just when all the martial arts watching the martial arts thought that the Zhenwu Taoist Temple was over, there was a loud noise, and the power was supreme. In the big formation, suddenly a group of divine light exploded!

   The divine light exploded suddenly, the blood rained all over the sky, and the screams of "Ah" fluctuated. Suddenly, there was a sudden change in a corner of the big array, and hundreds of strong men in this corner were instantly killed.

"Kill—" Suddenly three shadows jumped up and culled to the other corner of the big array at an unparalleled speed. The three people entered the flock like a tiger. Once they were killed, no one could stop the domineering one. One was the avenue and the other. Exhibition, sweeping one side, one is the Godsuo, breaking off the eight wilderness, the other is the battle, blood flowed into rivers.

"This, this, this is the killer of the Dark Night Imperial Court, why did you suddenly turn back?" When they saw the clothes of these three people, not only the various clans and races in the big formation were confused, even the other sects who watched the battle in the distance were confused. .

   Dark Night Imperial Court and Kunyu God Court are hard-core allies. Night Killer King also worships brothers with Kunyu Young Master. Now Dark Night Imperial Court's killer suddenly attacked other people in the camp, which is simply incredible.


"No, that's not the killer of the Dark Night Imperial Court, that's Yan Shisan and their masters and apprentices!" Although the three suddenly violent were still wearing black clothes and covering their faces, half of the ancestor saw through them all at once. To understand their origins.

"It's Yan Shisan and the others, blocking them--" At this time, there was a chaos in the big formation, and many big people roared wildly. All of a sudden, the rabbits rose and the eagle fell, and several half ancestors charged up, trying to block Yan Shisan and them. Master and apprentice!

   However, at this time, the three masters and apprentices of Yan Shisan were like tigers entering the flock, invincible and invincible, even if a few half-ancestors rushed out, they could not stop their master!

   Within the big formation, there was a sudden chaos, which made many sects watching from a distance look at each other.

   "Not only did Yan Shisan succeed in the return of Wanyuan, but they did not escape at all. They were hiding among the killers of the Dark Night Imperial Court!" Someone took a breath of air and murmured.

   There was also a half ancestor who sighed softly and said: "This is not only the boldness of Yan Shisan and the others, but also the negligence of the noble family. Suddenly so many sects join in, it is impossible to defend against Yan Shisan and the others!"

  In the blink of an eye, Yan Shisan and their masters and disciples killed all of them, killing thousands of strong men in one breath. The trio of masters and disciples were invincible and could not stop them.

   "Little beast——" With a wild roar, within the shortest time, Xuanyuan Qixian stepped on the other side thousands of miles away. At this time, Xuanyuan Qixian danced wildly, his eyes bursting with fire.

   Yan Thirteen and their masters and apprentices not only killed his personal grandson, but they also destroyed their real killer "Wonderful Immortal Figure" in one go!

   For Xuanyuan Qixian, this is simply a shame. Xuanyuan Qixian roared wildly, and his shot was a lore, crushing millions of planets with one blow, and piercing time and space. This blow was invincible.

   With a loud noise of "Boom——", the three masters and apprentices of Yan Shisan teamed up the strongest blow, and they still couldn't stop Xuanyuan Qixian's invincible blow. The three of them were smashed for thousands of miles, and blood spurted wildly.

   Seeing this scene, everyone was moved. They are indeed the first person in Mengxia Xianjiang, and they are invincible, defeating three people in one move. In the eyes of everyone, the three masters and apprentices of Yan Shisan were enough against the sky, but they couldn't stop Xuanyuan Qixian's move.

   "Little beasts, today I will smash your bones and ashes--" Xuanyuan Qixian roared wildly, and once again shot, Xuanyuan Qixian wanted to destroy the three masters and apprentices within two moves.

   "Go--" However, Yan Shisan had been prepared long ago, and suddenly sacrificed something. The roar of the dragon sounded, and Jiulong jumped into the sky~www.readwn.com~ suddenly involved Master Yan Shisan and jumped into the air.

   The Nine Dragon God's Vehicle, a Taoist-level escape treasure, is driven by the blood of the Taoist ancestor, and it is invincible.

"Boom—" Xuanyuan Qixian smashed the Nine Dragons Sacred Vehicle with one blow, and the entire Xuanwu Platform shook for it. He was invincible with one blow. Cracks appeared on the defensive layer. However, the nine-layer defense of the Nine Dragons Sacred Vehicle was It was at the level of Dao Ancestor, and with the blood of Dao Ancestor, even if Xuanyuan Qixian went against the sky, it would not be possible to instantly penetrate the nine layers of defense!

   "Where to escape——" The speed of the Jiulong Divine Chariot could not be caught up even by the half ancestor. Seeing that the three masters and disciples of Yan Shisan fled, Xuanyuan Qixian reconciled, roared wildly, chased them down, and both sides disappeared instantly.

   Xuanyuan Qixian vowed to kill the three masters and apprentices of Yan Shisan, otherwise, it would be difficult to establish his majesty!

   "Invincible——" Seeing only two hurried moves, he killed Yan Shisan's master and apprentice and fled in embarrassment, which made all the sects who watched the game sigh with emotion.

Half of the ancestor reluctantly said: "This is the gap. Even if the three masters and apprentices of Yan Shisan can run rampant among the younger generation, they are far from being able to compete with Xuanyuan Qixian. If they didn't escape fast, they would only be within two moves. , Sure to die!"

   "Quickly deploy the formation, strengthen defense!" The big formation was extinguished, which made the emperor family and the others shocked and angry. Kunyu Banxian roared, and then the stronger one filled the vacancy.

   At the same time, they issued orders at the fastest speed, asking each sect to be the disciple of the inner core of the sect in the shortest time.

   At this time, the strong in the big formation are tens of thousands. It is impossible to realize the identity of all the strong in one or two moments.

  . m.

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