Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 907: Re-entering the Zen Holy Land (Part 1)

   "Hu Bugui, the lord of the imperial court of Thousand Tribulations -" By the time he was shot, many big figures in Eastern Xinjiang recognized his origins, and said in surprise.

"Kill--" The **** prince roared wildly, raging to the extreme, flames blazing, hand-shaking all kinds of magic, evolving thousands of seals, sealing the eternity, obliterating the universe, once the magical technique was released, the entire universe turned into a place of refining , All the creatures in it were wiped out.

There was a loud bang. Although the essential suppression of the royal family of the gods had no effect on Hu Bugui, as soon as the **** prince’s magical skills were released, Hu could not stop Hu Fugui. After all, his ways and deeds were not as good as those of the **** prince. The man was stunned, and his body was slammed with a divine armor, but under the crush of Thousand Seals, the divine armor shattered and turned into fly ash, his blood spurted wildly, and his bones were shattered a lot.

   "Do you think that both cats and dogs can show power in front of this king?" The **** prince was so angry that he lost his reason, roared, and stepped up into the air to chase down the injured Hu Bugui.

   was killed by Yan Shisan so hard to fight back, and now he is still wounded by Hu Bugui's sword. For such a genius like God Prince, this is a shame and shame!

"Get off--" Yan Shisan screamed. In terms of speed, he was faster than the **** prince, and instantly blocked his way. His iron fist was ruthless, with a thousand blows, and instantly shattered all the laws, all the avenues, and everything. Under the order of a thousand blows, everything was beaten back to the original point.

And the **** prince is indeed against the sky. Under Yan Shisan’s one thousand blows, he is still struggling to support, spreading all the roads, dissolving all the magic, and the shocking **** armor is worn on his body, but he still can’t stop Yan. The thirteen’s bombardment, ten thousand magic broken, the avenue broken, the **** armor collapsed, and Yan Shisan was smashed into blood.

   "This, isn't it possible?" There is no avenue, no law, pure iron fist, but suppressed the **** prince, this is simply incredible, so that all the big figures and half ancestors who watched the battle were lost.

   "Zheng——" When Yan Shisan crushed and suppressed the **** prince, Hu Bugui made another move with a long sword across the air, splitting the chaos, cutting the ten thousand magic, and cutting through the ages with a single knife.

   "Ah——" Under the knife, the **** prince screamed, blood spurted wildly, and his whole body was cut in half. He was overwhelmed by Yan Shisan's slaying, and at this moment, Hu Bugui killed him with a stab and slit his body on the spot.

   The **** scene shocked everyone, and all the spectators couldn't help but stay for a while. With a "bang", at the moment when the **** prince's body was cut open, a blood hole exploded in the center of his eyebrows, and a golden armored villain rushed out and fled at an unparalleled speed. Yan Shisan and the others It is too late to suppress it.

   "This blood debt will be recovered from you sooner or later!" The roar of the **** prince came from the horizon.

   At the moment of life and death, the **** prince chose to abandon his physical body, and the **** flees away. As long as Shen Yuannian is still alive, he has the opportunity to reshape his body!

   Yan Shisan did not chase the enemy, but took a long look at the horizon and said, "I'm waiting."

   For a moment, the whole world was silent, and everyone was stunned. Since the return of the ultimate four sons, they have swept all directions without fail, especially the **** prince, even geniuses like Hua Fuzi have avoided fighting.

   However, the body of the **** prince, who is known as invincible today, was split in two, his body was destroyed, and his spiritual mind was injured and fled away. This kind of thing is really shocking for everyone.

   Yan Thirteen shot, breaking the myth of the undefeated **** prince, and also breaking the myth of the essence of the repression of the **** royal family.

   "Using martial arts to enter the Tao, martial arts." At this time, half of the ancestors returned to their senses for a long time and murmured. He finally understood why the essential suppression of the royal family of God had no effect on Yan Shisan and Hu Bugui.

  The essence of the repression of the royal family of gods can suppress all laws and avenues, but it has failed to suppress martial arts.

   Hearing such words, many big figures couldn't help but gasp, and said in amazement, "How much perseverance and courage are needed to enter the Tao with martial arts."

Since the ages, many sages have tried to use martial arts to enter the Tao. However, compared with the cultivation of Taoism, this road is too hard, too far away, and the success rate is extremely low. Therefore, no matter what era, the use of martial arts to enter the Tao There are very few people, and people who can reach the realm of half ancestors, not to mention that it is a certain era, even through the ages, but also limited.

   "Finally broke through, congratulations." Seeing Hu Bugui again, Yan Shisan laughed, sincerely for Hu Bugui, Hu Bugui also gave Yan Shisan a hug.

   As early as decades ago, Hu Bugui gave up his cultivation and started from the beginning, using martial arts to enter the Tao. His hard work and his efforts finally paid off. He finally entered the realm of half ancestors on this road.

   "The **** prince is defeated, my human race is still full of hope in this life!" When the first battle ended, many of the human race sighed with relief, and they were very comforted.

   The return of the ultimate four descendants put a lot of pressure on the tribes in the deserted land, especially the ultimate four descendants swept the world, suppressing the young generation geniuses of the tribes out of breath.


   Today, Yan Shisan defeated the **** prince, bringing hope to many people, and the undefeated myth of the ultimate four sons was broken! This means that the ultimate four are not invincible.

  The end of the first battle was shocking, and even Xiu Baihui couldn't help but sigh, and said: "Brother Yan is so strong, Xiu is ashamed of himself."

   "I am worse than the miracle of Taoist friend. It has been the only one and only one and a half years since the beginning of time." Yan Shisan shook his head and said with a smile.

The achievement of washing white and ash is indeed shocking. Although it is late to ask the question, the progress in the early stage of the Taoism is extremely slow, but the speed of the subsequent Taoism is too scary, even for the eternal kings and Taoist ancestors, no one has gone from Tianzun to half-ancestor. It takes a year!

   For Yan Shisan’s compliment, Xibaihui smiled.

   The Hei Gulong who had just sent Baixi to Yan Shisan, just nodded coldly, his attitude was neither friendly nor hostile. He maintained a seven-point indifference, and then turned and left.

"The origin of this black ancient dragon is extremely mysterious. It can be said that he popped up overnight in the night of the night, and even few people in the night of the night know his origin." After seeing the black ancient dragon left, Lan Swift said involuntarily. .

   Lan Swift is in charge of the news of the secret realm, and is very concerned about the emerging young geniuses.

   "The black dragon that guards the imperial court in the night becomes enlightened." Yan Shisanxiu has the ancient mystery of eagle eyes, he said with a smile after seeing the origin of the black dragon.

"Brother Yan is right." Xi Baihui nodded and said, "Gulong Daoist is indeed the guardian of the night-saw imperial court. He was seriously injured in the forbidden land of the gods. He was dying and almost died, but he was a blessing in disguise. In order to survive, he chopped off his Dao and deeds, and even lived a whole new life. He was reborn as a cultivator and eventually broke his shackles back then and ascended to the half ancestor."

   The friendship between the Ye Liao Huang Court and Bai Bai An is not bad, and it is not surprising that I know this inside story.

  Washing the white and ash surprised Yan Shisan. He saw the origin of Hei Gulong, but he didn't expect such a bizarre experience in it.

   After the war ended, the Baixi faction was grateful. If it weren't for Yan Shisan and the others, the Baixi faction would have been wiped out today.

"I, the Baixi faction, as a large human faction, will never surrender to the celestial officials." The head of the Baixi faction took out the ancient monument they had and said: "I have limited strength and cannot save this ancient monument. Present to Master Yan today, hoping that Master Yan will fight for the hegemony of the ancestors in the future and fight for the human race."

   "As long as I trade with the gods in the forbidden land, you will get a copy of the treasure from Baixi." Yan Shisan did not refuse, and accepted the ancient monument in public. If this ancient stele remains in the hands of the Baixi faction, it will surely invite the disaster of destruction.

   After the end of the First World War, everyone left one after another. Yan Shisan and his party also left. After they left, Lan Yuyan asked, "How many ancient monuments are there in our hands?"

   "Including the Qiaoshan Ancient Sect and the others, now we have a total of 24 yuan." Yan Shisan said.

The ancient stele of Qiaoshan Ancient Sect has been handed over to Yan Shisan. Ye Mengqiu wanted to protect Kunpeng and couldn’t walk away for a while. Therefore, let Yan Shisan deal with the ancient stele and Qiaoshan Guzong assisted Yan Shi. three.

   "There are still twelve pieces that fell into the hands of others." Lan Yuyan said.

Yan Shisan shook his head and said, "It is impossible for us to swallow thirty-six ancient monuments. Now if the martial sacred place that holds ancient monuments is not strong enough, www.readwn.com~ will sell it. ."

   The current situation is different from that of the past. In those days, he asked Qianbao Pavilion to collect ancient monuments in a low-key manner. The progress was extremely slow, and some schools were unwilling to sell the ancient monuments in their hands.

   However, the current situation is fierce. If the sect holy land holding the ancient monument does not have enough strength and does not let go of the ancient monument, it will surely bring disaster to the top.

   Therefore, in just a few days, most of the ancient monuments left out were shot.


   The battle of the Baixi faction shocked the entire territories. Yan Shisan defeated the **** prince and shocked the tens of thousands of people. In the current world, even the Celestial royal family are three-point jealous of the **** royal family. It is not unreasonable that the **** prince is rampant in the world.

   But today, Yan Shisan split the God Prince in half, forcing him to escape with the wounded Spiritual Mind. Such a record is really shocking.

"Who said that my human race is weak?" Hearing this news, the human race was excited. Whether it was the human race in the deserted land or the human race from all directions, they couldn't help but be excited. Yan Shisan defeated the **** prince and finally made the human race Excited, the depression that had been suppressed for decades was swept away.

   The older generation of great figures from the royal family of heavenly descendants couldn’t help but feel refreshed when they heard the news. They looked out into the sky and murmured: “There are checks and balances, this is not a bad thing.”

Nowadays, the ultimate four generations have joined forces, and they are the number one in the world. Not to mention other races, even the celestial races are overwhelmed. Some celestial royal races are eager for someone to break this situation. This is for them. The development of the family is favorable.

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