Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 919: Kill the world (part 1)

"Go--" Li Youran and the others lost their true blood in a short moment of horror. At this time, Shen Zhuoyue screamed, and the first person to escape, she instantly activated the fairy blood medicine, "Escape "Tian Teng" communicates with the world, and the lightning drags God Lunar Moon out of the blockade of God Chuanhua and escapes from God Chuanhua.

As soon as    escapes the sky vine, the speed is so fast that people can't catch it.

With a "pop", something fell on Shen Zhuoyue's body in an instant. As soon as she escaped from Shen Zhuhua, she was wrapped in a large mass of yellow mud. Duntian Teng was suddenly trapped and couldn't take it with her. God fell to the moon to escape.

Yan Shisan had noticed this a long time ago. Among them, the most likely one to escape is Shenluoyue. She has escaped a few catastrophes by using the Escape Vine. This time, Yan Shisan is special. Pay attention, Yan Shisan smashed the muddy mud in the midst of the stone fire and lightning that activated the Tiantianvine by the falling moon.

   Mu Tianmu, Yan Shisan was auctioned off Tianjie, and was awakened by Yan Shisan with Tianshou soil. The awakened muddy mud can paste everything and stick to everything!

Although    escape Tianteng is a peerless immortal blood medicine, Shenzhuiyue is stuck in the mud of the heavens, and it is also impossible to escape.

   "It's you who are looking for your own death. Don't blame me for destroying the flowers." Yan Shisan stepped beside Shen Zhuoyue in an instant, tearing her sea of ​​blood with only one hand, pulling out the vine and seizing her precious treasure.

   "No—" Shen Zhueyue screamed, but she couldn't change this ending, and died in the hands of Yan Shisan.

"Boom——" Just when Yan Shisan pulled out the Escape Vine, Li Youran's chest burst, a peerless heart rushed out, and the heart of Dao Sovereign broke out. At this moment, it was not only ruined. Li Youran's body also ruined Li Youran's Taoism, and even his Shenyuan Mind was severely damaged.

   However, in this instant, Li Youran's severely injured Shenyuan Nian broke through the blockade of the gods and flowers with the heart of the Taoist emperor, and escaped from the sky.

   This change is so fast, it is impossible for Yan Shisan to cut off this priceless Taoist heart.

   Exploding the flesh, ruining the way, hurting the mind of the gods, between everything in one thought, between life and death, I have to say that Li Youran decisively kills and gives up everything, just to escape!

"Open--" Li Youran fled, and the **** son also roared wildly, spraying his purest true blood on the Canggu Spear. In an instant, the Canggu Spear was so bright that it turned into a supreme law. Going through the blockade, the **** child rushed out.

   Although the **** child rushed out, his loss was extremely heavy. He sprayed out his own life blood. This is an extremely life-saving method. It is not a last resort, and this technique is never used.

"Boom--" An ancient shadow emerged from the Canggu spear turned into a supreme law, as if this ancient shadow had just woken up. When the eyes of the ancient shadow were opened, the sky and the earth trembled, and ten thousand ways were small, he was the highest. The existence of everything is insignificant in his eyes.

   "Canggu King's Divine Sense——" When the shadow opened his eyes, even half of the ancestor trembled.

The **** child guarded the Canggu spear turned into a law, and roared wildly: "Little beast, enlighten, you are your doom today!" The Canggu spear pierced through the world in an instant, nine universes and ten days, under one shot, all It's not the distance, the world, the earth and the world, all return to chaos with a single shot.

   This is not a blow from the **** child, but a blow from the **** Canggu king.

   "The anger of King Canggu——" At this time, even the Daoxingqian half ancestor was limp, screaming in shock!

The desperate counterattack of the God Child of Heaven gave Huang Baoyin, Lengxuan Xianlao, and Emperor Zongtian see hope. This shot was invincible and could definitely kill Yan Shisan.

   "Let the real body of King Canggu come!" Facing the invincible blow, Yan Shisan roared wildly, with the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand, his blood soaring, the dragon tree soaring into the sky, and the mighty power raged.

"Boom——" Donghuangzhong made the most invincible blow under the "Kirin Ancient Secret". The invincible hit, the celestial scripture enveloped the entire eastern Xinjiang, and a star-like celestial scripture fell on the entire eastern Xinjiang. , In the endless celestial scriptures, a long and ancient shadow emerged, this shadow emerged, immortal forever!


   "Bang——" A blow to the white world, like the explosion of stars in Wanjiang, the entire territory of the deserted sky and even the outside of the sky were illuminated like daylight.

   Under a single blow, even the oldest half ancestor trembles. This is the strongest blow between the heavens and the earth, and the Taoist ancestor heaven is no better than this!

   "Do you want to fight Shen Dongjiang?" No matter the strongest existence in Baidai Temple or Jinna Luo Palace, their expressions changed greatly.

   After one blow, the ten thousand domains were silent. I don't know how long it took. The sky shattered, the outer space collapsed, and a terrifying black hole appeared. Under this blow, if it weren't for the endless celestial scriptures sheltering the entire eastern border, the eastern border would also be sunk, and it would come in ashes.

   The **** child is gone, and with a single blow, a figure like him is still wiped out, leaving no traces. Only the Canggu spear floated in the void, and its brilliance was dim.

   And at this time, the Divine Phoenix Rejuvenation Tree was slowly rising behind Yan Shisan, filling up the immeasurable vitality he had lost.

   "Hmph--" Far in the northern sky, in the ancient city of Cang, there was a cold snort, a "hum" sound, Canggu spear was called away, and Yan Shisan had no time to stop.

   "This, this, is this a blow from an immortal?" The ancient half-ancestor of a royal family with a celestial descendant could not help but tremble! This blow, if the Dao Ancestor Heavenly King himself handed it out, would definitely have such power, but it was Yan Shisan’s hand. Unless Yan Shisan summoned an immortal blow, it would have such power and destroy the Canggu King. Sense of God!

"Om——" At this moment, the living old man Lengxuan, Emperor Zongtian, and Huang Baoyin were shocked. Huang Baoyin soaked the Spirit Emperor Heaven Armor with his own blood, trying to awaken the heavenly king of his ancestors. The natal treasure soldier.

   However, Yan Shisan, who had already enriched his blood, didn't give him a chance at all. With a "slap", the muddy mud instantly smeared the entire emperor's hug, making him lose the opportunity to awaken the spiritual emperor's sky armor.

   "Last time, you depended on the Spirit Emperor Tianjia to survive, but unfortunately, this time you have no chance." Yan Shisan said calmly.

   "You--" Huang Baoyin's face was pale, but he had nothing to do. Under the package of muddy mud, he completely isolated his feelings from the Spirit Emperor Tianjia.

"Zheng——Zheng——Zheng——" At this time, Yan Shisan’s Luobao money tree and heaven and earth poles appeared magnetically, controlling the Linghuang Tianjia, and the Linghuang Tianjia was peeled off one by one, and finally, under the sound of golden bells, this piece The defensive armor was worn on Yan Shisan's body.

   Huang Baoyin's face was pale, and his whole body was limp. He was like a discouraged ball, and he seemed to have no strength to move.

"I have a good impression of your ancestor, Emperor Tianwang." Yan Shisan looked at Huang Baoyin, and said lightly: "For your sake, I can give you two choices. One, I can let you go. , But, I will destroy your foundation; two, I can let you die with dignity, let you judge yourself. Which one do you choose?"

"Lost the soldiers of the heavenly kings, I am a sinner in the family!" Huang Baoyin paled, with a sorrowful smile, and said: "The king and the loser, the ancestors are fighting for the roost, it is so cruel!" , He shattered himself and turned into a blood mist!

   "Open—" At this moment, Immortal Leng Xuan and Emperor Zongtian roared wildly, spewing out all their true blood and losing their lifespan! Want to rush out of the gods.

   The **** son of heaven and Huang Baoyin died, leaving them completely desperate. It was their last chance to give up everything.

"It's a pity, it's late." Yan Shisan said calmly, and the East Emperor Bell slammed out with a "bang", smashing Xianlao Leng Xuan and Emperor Zongtian to pieces, gathering the gods and flowers, and drawing the blood and blood of the gangsters. Divinity!

   "Ah----" The screams of Immortal Leng Xuan and Emperor Zongtian resounded through the world, making people horrified, and they couldn't help but shudder.

"Compared with Li Youran, you are still far behind. Your distance lies not in the way, but in a determination. Li Youran is far better at grasping opportunities than you, and far better at making choices than you!" Yan Shi Three put away the god-biting flower, the wind was light and the clouds were light.

At this moment, there was silence outside Broken Cloud Mountain. Everyone watched this scene blankly. Yan Shisan was overwhelmed. Not only did he rescue the grimace, he also pitted away the ancient stele in the hands of Emperor Zongtian, and even returned it. Massacre the Emperor Zongtian and his group clean.

Yan Shisan's eyes are like torches, sweeping everyone outside Duanyun Mountain, with a calm voice, but it spreads millions of miles away, and said lightly: "Whoever wants to hit my stone-printed ancient stele, I am always welcome~www.mtlnovel. com~ But, don’t blame me for being cruel, next time someone hits on my stone-printed ancient stele, I will slaughter his entire clan!"

   At this time, there was no voice, Immortal Leng Xuan, God Child, Li Youran...Which one is not a man of the wind? However, their battle was annihilated!

"Since it's rare for everyone to get together, I'll take a message from everyone. I now have stone mills, 36 stone seals, and 25 ancient monuments in my hand. I am qualified to cooperate with the gods on a one-to-one basis. Now, for individuals or sects holding ancient monuments, I welcome you to cooperate with me. Cooperating with me is equivalent to cooperating with the gods..."

"...Of course, if you don’t worry about me, the gods forbidden land and the zen sacred land are willing to guarantee. This time the opening of the treasures of the beasts and monsters will be presided over by me, Yan Shisan. You can not sell my account, but I don’t care. In the future, if the ancient stele in your hands becomes a waste stone, you do not ask me to buy it. As for me who has thoughts about the stone seal and ancient stele in my hand, I am also welcome!"

   Yan Shisan's remark made everyone present clearly hear it, and this remark made the big clans who hold the ancient monuments could not help but look at each other. Now Yan Shisan holds thirty-six stone seals, twenty-five ancient steles and stone mills, and he has mastered the initiative of the entire treasure.

   If you don’t cooperate with Yan Shisan in this juncture, unless you can win the stone-printed ancient stele in Yan Shisan’s hands, but the gods and the others are a lesson! Those who have such thoughts must think twice!

   In silence, Yan Shisan left slowly, without the slightest intention of hiding his whereabouts, and he was not afraid of being followed and killed by others! This kind of momentum makes people afraid to act rashly.

  . m.

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