Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 922: 1 conspiracy (below)

  The iron cavalry behind this person is like a sea of ​​light, they are like holy horses from the sacred kingdom, and each of them is like a holy army who has a sacred mission and once blessed by the light!

   "The current king of the gods!" Someone yelled when they saw this person.

  The land of the gods, once had too much contact with the land of the gods, they were separated from the land of the gods. The land of the gods was once called the land of the gods and the land of the gods, and the land of the gods, it was once a line of the land of the gods, and later a wise old **** king separated from the land of the gods , Self-reliance.

The **** king of the land of the gods was once aloof. Legend has it that there was a **** king who could talk to the gods of the ancient times. Therefore, the current **** king of the gods is not as good as the peerless **** king of the ancient times, and it is also extremely amazing.

   God King is aloft, the lord of the gods, he looked down at Yan Shisan, and said coldly: "Junior, there is me waiting, Hugh is crazy, if you dare to break here, this seat will take you down!"

   "I was frightened." Yan Shisan smiled softly and said, "But, I want to go, who can stop me in the world?" As soon as the words fell, he rushed into the frontier at such a fast speed that even time stopped.

"Xiu Kuang——" The deputy commander of the army and the king of gods are here, but Yan Shisan is forced to break through, which makes their faces dull. This is not only to not put them in the eyes, or even to the nineteenth. The Legion and the Land of the Gods are in sight!

The deputy commander of the army and the **** king shot instantly, the deputy commander of the army shot the soul of all souls, captured the heart of all things, the **** king shot, sealed the domain, and broke the time, they shot at the fastest speed, just to stay Yan thirteen.

   As for the other soldiers and soldiers present, even at the supreme level, they couldn't react. Their speed couldn't keep up with Yan Shisan at all.

"Om——" When the deputy army commander and the **** king sealed time and space, Yan Shisan suddenly displayed the ancient secrets of Linghe, and his speed rose to the limit. The world turned back in time, making Yan Shisan jump out of time and surpass everything. category!

  The ancient secret of Linghe, the speed is unparalleled, and the secret is unpredictable. Yan Shisan has cultivated it to the limit, even breaking through sublimation. Therefore, when the ancient secrets of Yan Shisan Linghe were displayed, he disappeared in an instant. Even the deputy commander of the army and the **** king himself did not leave Yan Shisan behind! In this shortest period of time, Yan Shisan escaped the blockade of the deputy army commander and the **** king, and instantly rushed into the frontier.

When Yan Shisan appeared in the next moment, he had already stepped into the core area of ​​the Nineteenth Legion, Land of the Gods and their camp. As for the strong soldiers of the two camps, they had not yet reacted. Crossed over the head.

   The faces of the deputy commander and the **** king were extremely difficult. The two of them stood high and looked down upon the sky. However, today even a junior did not stop them. How could this make their faces? They snorted coldly, stepping across the world, trying to catch up to stop Yan Shisan.

"This is a real entry and exit like no man's land, in the two camps of the Nineteenth Legion and the Land of the Gods, you can come and go freely. Looking at the sky, I am afraid that few people can do it!" In this scene, half of the ancestor murmured.

"Junior, don’t be crazy--" In the Nineteenth Legion and the Land of the Gods, there are amazing powerhouses. The five battalion commanders and six gods rose to the sky at the same time, but they were still a step late. When they shot, Yan Shi Three has crossed the sky and the earth, and rushed to the very edge of the gods' forbidden land instantly! Only a few steps away from the forbidden area of ​​the gods.

Just when Yan Shisan was close to the forbidden area of ​​the gods, the giant pillars standing on the border of the forbidden area of ​​the gods showed a stalwart shadow. Each shadow swallowed endless black light and intertwined into a single figure. This figure appeared. , Overlooking Liudao, the Supreme Avenue wailed at his feet!

   "The hand of the ancient gods!" Seeing this shadow suppressed, Yan Shisan gave a long roar, the avenue unfolded, ten thousand warriors battled, the real dragon guarded, and the dragon king listened to the scriptures!

   With a loud "bang", the sky was shattered. Yan Shisan was holding his avenue, and the whole person was shaken out, and the whole person was shocked to the sky.

   "How about the primeval **** of the ancient gods——" After being shaken into the sky, Yan Shisan jumped to the highest point instantly without any damage, avoiding the sharp front of the giant pillar's mighty power.

   Such a scene made people gasp. The huge pillars that blocked the border were from the hands of the Primordial Gods, but such a blow did not hurt Yan thirteen points. This is too bad.

   "Yan Shisan, Xiu Kuang!" Yan Shisan had just avoided the sharp front, and there was a loud noise above the sky, a giant hand crushed it down, and the shot was a strong and powerful Gao Pitian!

"Neither can you—" Faced with Gao Pitian's overbearing crush, Yan Shisan gave a long laugh, his body was endless, stepped out of the shadow of Yan Shisan in the law, and an invincible will blasted and killed him. After coming out, this shadow struck out a blow that destroyed Wandao with its invincible will.

Immortal Soul Martial God, this shadow is not Yan Shisan’s Dao body, but a technique created by Yan Shisan. This method is a perfect combination of Dao and Martial Dao, with invincible will as the root and Martial God as the body. Can fight the world!

   Although Yan Shisan did not continue to walk in the martial arts, but he rubbed the martial arts into his own supreme path.

   "Boom——" The sky collapsed with one blow, dripping with blood! Gaopi's heavenly power is infinite, and his body is extremely against the sky. He can tear the dragon with his bare hands, but he still can't withstand the blow of the Yan Shisan Immortal Soul Martial God. With one blow, his giant hand is broken and blood is sprayed!

   "Junior——" In the midst of the fire and lightning, the **** king and the deputy army commander have even caught up with Po Qianjun. It can be concluded that the Po Qian army is only slightly inferior to the deputy army commander and the **** king.

   The deputy commander of the army and the king of the gods chased them in an instant, and the two of them shot again. This time, they opened their own supreme road, closed the sky, and wanted to keep Yan Shisan.

   "I want to go, you can't stay!" Yan Shisan laughed a long, "buzz", and disappeared instantly. When his shadow appeared again, he had already rushed out of the sky and rushed into the sky.

   "Yan Shisan, don't run away if you have the courage!" Gao Pitian roared and rushed out of the sky. Po Qianjun gave a cold snort, and his body shook, and he followed him.

  The deputy commander of the army and the king of gods were extremely difficult, and they did not pursue it anymore! In their hands, Yan Shisan came and went freely. Not only was their face lost, but the majesty of the 19th Legion and the Land of Gods was also challenged!

   "This is too bad, the land of the gods, among the nineteenth legion, is free to come and go, no one can stay!" At this scene, someone murmured.

   There was also a half-ancestor who followed with a flash, followed Po Qianjun, Gao Pitian and the others, they wanted to know who will win the chase.

   Yan Shisan rushed out of the domain, and did not display the ancient secrets of Linghe, but took off in the air, while Gao Pitian and Po Qianjun were chasing Yan Shisan tightly.

I have to admit that Gao Pitian and Po Qianjun are really good. Although their speed is not as good as Xie Wuzi, they still haven't chased Yan Shisan. Their speed is still amazing, far beyond the same level. Half ancestor!

   "Yan Shisan, have the ability to stay and fight with us!" Po Qianjun, who was chasing Yan Shisan, screamed.

   At this time, the three of them fled and chased and entered an ancient battlefield outside the sky. This place was a mess, shattered, and here was the battlefield of half the ancestors.

   As soon as he stepped into the ancient battlefield, Yan Shisan stopped abruptly, stopped, quietly chasing Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian.

   After Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian caught up, they immediately blocked Yan Shisan one after another, and the two of them opened their own supreme avenue in an instant, sweeping Tianyu with anger.

   "Who was the one who fought?" Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian instantly launched their own supreme avenue, which shocked many big figures outside the sky, and immediately someone half came to watch the battle.

The half ancestor who followed Gao Pitian and Po Qianjun blocked Yan Shisan one after another, and launched their own supreme desire to fight Yan Shisan. Half of the ancestor could not help but say: "Gao Pitian Can Yupoqianjun win Yan Shisan?"

Before that, there were definitely many people who believed that Gao Pitian and Po Qianjun could kill Yan Shisan. However, it was not long ago that Yan Shisan slaughtered the emperor’s seal, the Emperor Zongtian, and the emperor of God, and they shocked the world, so now everyone I think Yan Shisan is only better than Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian.

   Yan Shisan still calmly spread out the Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian on the Supreme Avenue, and said, "Are you really my opponent?"

"Yan Shisan~www.readwn.com~Although you are very strong, you are too mad, do you really think you are invincible?" Po Qianjun was extremely powerful, and a warhammer appeared above his head. As soon as it came out, an invincible figure appeared, fighting spirit over the sky! This is a soldier of the heavenly king, and Po Qianjun instantly awakened the soldier of the heavenly king!

   At the same time, Gao Pitian put a mask on his face and a pair of gloves on his hands. The face has eight sides, and on each side a heaven emerges, and the gloves are woven by the laws of the heavenly kings, sprinkling endless fairy radiance.

These are two soldiers of the heavenly kings. Between the stone fire and electric light, Gao Pitian awakens the two soldiers of the heavenly kings. Eight invincible existences appeared in the eight regions of the mask, and the gloves charged up with endless fairy flames. Among them are the fairy phoenix and the nine deer!

   "The Hammer of the God of War-the Immortal Hand of All Souls-the Face of the Eight Realms -" When the three soldiers of the heavenly kings arrived, the half ancestor who watched the battle cried out.

  The Hammer of the God of War, this is the soldier of the Heavenly King of the Wanzhang Clan, the Immortal Hand of the All Souls is the soldier of the Heavenly King of the Tianshou Clan, and the God Face of the Eight Realms is the soldier of the Heavenly King of the God Face Clan.

   However, this time these three soldiers of the Heavenly King were borrowed by Po Qianjun and Gao Pitian!

   "However, Poqianjun and Gao Pitian can awaken the soldiers of the king in an instant." When the three soldiers of the king were awakened in an instant, half of the ancestor murmured.

  The half ancestor of the Celestial Race said: "They have been preparing for this battle for a long time, and they will be awakened by them in an instant after the three soldiers of the Heavenly King have been fed the real blood of the Heavenly King."


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