Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 930: Heaven and Earth Change (Part 2)

"Stay steady for Lao Tzu!" Yan Shisan's Shenyuan Nian shouted wildly in the **** sea: "Listen to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is the master, broken stick, dead tree, otherwise Lao Tzu will throw you out and uproot you. Get up!"

In the thirteen roar of    Yan, he desperately urged his origin, his life and soul went wild, and the clam wanted to calm these two things. Please remember the URL of this site:. At the same time, Shen Yuan Nian locked the fairy king tree and the fighting fairy stick.

   Under the influence of Yan Shisan, Douzhan Fairy Cudgel is obviously hesitant, neither is it to help, nor is it to help, but the fairy king tree is controlled by the heart, and his expression has become more restrained.

"Qiang——" At this moment, the immortal cauldron that had been hidden in the sea of ​​blood of Yan Thirteen sounded, and the immortal fire poured down, as if turning into immortals, turning the tide, and the Eastern Emperor Bell also rang at this time. In the endless fairy scriptures, it seemed that an immortal king came out.

   At this moment, both the Immortal Ding and the East Emperor Bell are going crazy, the immortal is trying to turn the tide and the East Emperor Bell is guarding!

   "Boom——" When it became a shocking battlefield in Yan Shisan's body, in the end, the two fairy lights finally crossed the time and penetrated a black hole that could see through the world.


   When the black hole disappeared, Yan Shisan was swallowed into it, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

   After a long time, the shocking Xianwei disappeared, and everyone could stand up. At this time, everyone was in cold sweat, including characters like Lie Tianqing.

   "Big Brother Yan——" Lan Yuyan and Zhi Miao changed color and rushed to the Yutai, but there was nothing left.

Lie Tianqing sighed softly, and said: "I'm afraid he is no longer here, or if he is sent out here, he may be sent to any side of Tianyu, even the deepest part of Tianyu, and it has been difficult for ever. Someone stepped in."

   "What should I do?" Lan Swift and Zhi Miao were surprised and anxious.

   The older generation and half-ancestor like Lie Tianqing also smiled bitterly, and said: "I don't know, this is beyond the realm we can understand."

  Suddenly such a thing happened, everyone was stunned, everyone present couldn't help but look at each other, no one understood what happened!

   In the end, everyone did not find Yan Shisan. The starry sky was about to close. Blue Swift and the others had to withdraw from this sky. At this time, Blue Swift and the others could only secretly pray that Yan Shisan was safe.

   After the news that everyone returned home with treasures came out, what happened to Yan Shisan also spread. When all the factions and tribes in the world envied everyone to win the treasure, they couldn't help talking about Yan Shisan.

   "The surname Yan is too enchanting, God cannot accept him, God accepts him." Hearing this happened to Yan Shisan, some people secretly gloated.

   Some people sneered and said in a gloomy voice: "Hey, there are too many murders with the surname Yan, this is retribution!"

What happened to Yan Shisan made many people secretly relieved. The Yan Shisan is too strong now, and it makes any martial arts feel strong pressure, and it is difficult to take a breath. Now Yan Shisan is happening. Such things can not help but make them secretly happy.

   "The best Yan Shisan will be wiped out from now on." Someone cursed secretly.

   There are also many people who have heard the news and regretted it, especially the Dongjiang human race. An ancestor sighed softly and said: "If something happens to Yan Shisan, this world human race will suffer the most."

   "I thought that Yan Shisan could ascend to Dao Ancestor. Now that something like this happens, it will be suspended." The great figure of the Holy Land said with emotion.

   "Everything hasn't been done in the world, it's hard to tell who has the last laugh." The ancient half-ancestor looked at the sky and the stars, and wanted to calculate the general situation in the future.

   When the news of Yan Shisan was brought back to Wan Yunzong, everyone in Lu Wuweng was silent for a long time.

   "Look, no matter what, find it for me, even if it's walking around every corner of Tianyu! At any cost." In the end, the suzerain Lu Wuweng gave such an order!

The sky is vast and vast. Unless it is Taoist ancestor, it is impossible for other people to walk around every corner of Tianyu in a lifetime. However, to Wanyunzong, Yan Shisan is more important than anything, no matter how it is used. For the price, Wan Yunzong must find Yan Shisan.

Overnight, Wan Yunzong, Tide Holy Land, Qiaoshan Ancient Sect, Weihe Ancient House... and so on secretly sent the most reliable and powerful disciples to other places in Tianyu. They shouldered the mission of searching for Yan Shisan, although Tianyu is extremely wide, and it is extremely difficult to cross Tianyu. It takes a long time and is very costly. However, they still do nothing at all to find Yan Shisan!

   Time flies, more than ten years in a hurry, the world's talents are stubborn, and a younger generation of geniuses emerge in the sky, the starry sky is extremely bright, under this golden world, tigers leap and dragons, outstanding talents and talents compete for the top.

   However, in a night of more than ten years, suddenly, the starry sky suddenly became extremely bright, and amidst the vast sky, the ancient platforms lit up.

   Overnight, a star path across Tianyu connects the sky and the sky. Overnight, countless roads and platforms are opened, and across the ancient times, all parties in the sky become unblocked overnight.

   "The sky and the land open -" The first news is still the land and land, the closed sky and land are opened again, and this time, it can reach all sides of the sky and land.

   "A heaven and land appeared in the North Star——" News also spread in the Green Field Star Territory, and here, a heaven and land appeared.

   "There is also a heaven and land in the land of all the Buddhas——" There was also news from the land of the thousands of Buddhas on the other side of Tianyu.

   One news came out, and sky and land appeared one after another.


When the news passed one by one, everyone in Tianyu was confused. Whether it was the current half ancestor or the ancient half ancestor who was sealed for several eras, they were all confused for a while, because they never had such a thing. met.

   "Isn't there only one piece of land and sky?" even half of the ancestor asked in a daze.

   "What the **** is going on? What happened?" Suddenly, the big figures of Tianyu were anxious, and no one knew whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

   For a long time, many people think that there is only one piece of land and land, but today it seems that this is not the case.

"Crossing the Heaven and Immortal Way——" When the news came out, even the existence of the ultimate four descendants could not help but be shocked by the news. There was an invincible existence in the ultimate ancestral hall muttered: "Tianyu finally got through, Tianyu Unblocked, the flourishing age is coming!"

   "An old age has passed, and a brand new age will be ushered in." In the deepest part of the endless sea, the deepest existence murmured, "Will you get out of the fairy king?"

  In the deepest part of the Great Avenue Tanggu, an extremely ancient creature whispered coldly, saying: "Hey, hey, everything has been broken back then, there is no fairy!"

In the forbidden area of ​​the gods, the demon lord looked up at Tianyu, went straight to Jiuyou, sighed softly, muttered to himself, and said: "Eternal longevity, it's finally going to pass, and it's finally liberated. Is it punishment or sin? Fairy or sin? , God, it's all a group of sinners!"

   The nickname in the restricted area of ​​life is whispering, no one outside can hear it, and no one knows the inside story.

   When the big figures from all sides of the universe were surprised by the mutation, on this night, the territorial barren sky suddenly spewed out the endless power of the avenue, and overnight, the territorial barren sky seemed to have an ancient existence awakening and resurrecting.

   In the night, the sound of the great road suddenly rang loudly, resounding through the nine heavens and ten earth. Everyone felt the change, as if everyone was bathed in this magical feeling.

   Just when everyone was in a daze, suddenly, the eight life restricted areas changed.

   "Boom-boom-boom -" The eight life restricted areas in the deserted sky were instantly flooded by the invincible avenue. Countless people saw a spectacle that would never be seen forever, and the invincible laws as large as galaxies rose to the sky.

   At this moment, countless people feel that there are a pair of sleeping eyes open in the forbidden zone of life.

   Overnight, a wave of Taoist might soared into the sky, as if one after another heavenly king and Taoist ancestor descended in the restricted area of ​​life.

"Ha, ha, ha, finally liberated, although the world is big, nothing can lock this seat!" Amidst the ruins of the mirage, an ancient domineering voice sounded, under this voice, all the creatures in the mirage They all bow to the ground ~www.readwn.com~ can't bear this invincible power.

"This life, finally let me wait, Lord God, you have no chance to witness this life. In this life, I should wait for the lord of the universe!" In the ancient city of Cang, a sleeping ancient king woke up, and his voice spread all over the north. Heaven, countless creatures are trembling.

   On the top of the fairy hut, another existence that no one can imagine also awakened. He looked down on the heaven and the earth, his mighty voice was let down, and he said: "The winner and the loser, in this life, see who has the last laugh!"

   In the deepest part of Huangquan, a soft sigh sounded: "Finally, we have ushered in a new era and an era of disaster."


   Overnight, the eight life forbidden areas all awakened from the incomparable ancient existence, and all the creatures in the deserted land of the entire territory were trembling, even the ancient half ancestors, their faces changed drastically.

   Even the invincible existence of the Hundred Loss Saint Ancestor couldn't help but watch the world at night, and muttered: "This life is destined to wash the sky with blood. Whoever controls the ups and downs, I am afraid that no one will say!"

   Just when all the creatures in the territories were shocked by the news of the existence of the restricted area of ​​life awakening, it didn't take long for another shocking news to come out.

"Dadao Tanggu, wide open the fairy gate, recruit immortals, any race, any sect in the world, as long as talented people can worship under the fairy gate." The first news came from Dadao Tanggu, shocking the world. The news broke, and there was an uproar.

   "The ancient city of Cang reopened, recruiting Tianyu immortal seedlings as disciples, and worshipping into the ancient city of Cang, you will surely become immortals!" Then, the gates of the ancient city of Cang reopened, and news came out that immortals were recruited.

  . m.

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