Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 940: Calculate the world (part 2)

   The opinions of the kings have reached an agreement, and after Jingye King finalized, there are no more objections.

   "The young master has been established." At the end of the meeting, Wang Wancheng said in a deep voice, "However, we must also keep an eye on it. In the future, if the young master is not suitable, we may choose to abandon it!"

   Wang Wancheng suddenly came to such a sum, and the kings couldn't help being surprised.

   "King Wancheng, you found the young master yourself. You are the one who agrees with the establishment of the young master. How come you suddenly come to such a touch." The King of Stone was unhappy and said coldly.

   Seeing King Hard Rock, King Wan Cheng dripped blood in his heart, and he had the urge to strangle him. His Dao Beginning Sword Order, this is the treasure of Dao Ancestor that he bought at a great price, but now it has been bestowed by Yan Shisan to King Stone. Why doesn't this make him feel sad?

King Wancheng converged his mind and said seriously: "Isn’t this for Dao Shi Gu Ting? It’s not a bad thing to keep an eye on it. Everyone says it’s not? Although I found the young master, I You can't just ignore the safety of Dao Shi Gu Ting in order to grab the credit, right?"

   Wang Wancheng said it was high-sounding, he just had his own ulterior motives. Yan Shisan became the young master, and his goal was achieved. However, now Yan Shisan has a tendency to detach from his grasp.

   It is precisely because of this that at the end of this meeting, he came with such a magical pen. After Yan Shisan was really not in his grasp, he broke his arm and initiated a meeting to dismantle Yan Shisan. He said this today to lay the groundwork for himself in the future.

   Yan Shisan entered the ancient court hall, and the kings also finalized the unified opinion of Yan Shisan as the young master of the ancient court.

   That night, Wan Cheng Shi Zi suddenly visited. Hearing Wan Cheng Shi Zi's sudden visit, Yan Shisan smiled, knowing that Wan Cheng Wang couldn't calm down!

   "Let him come in." Yan Shisan said to Zong Zhengyang who came to show.

   Wan Cheng Shi Zi entered the ancient palace with Zong Zhengyang, but looking at Wan Cheng Shi Zi's look is not a good mood.

   After Wan Cheng Shi Zi came in, Yan Shisan screen retreated from Zong Zhengyang, smiled, and said, "Second son, please sit down."

   Seeing Yan Shisan standing high on his seat, Wan Cheng Shizi felt anger in his heart. In his eyes, Yan Shisan was just a puppet! Now he is so high that he doesn't even look at him in this world. How can this not make Wan Cheng's heart angry.

   "Huh, do you really think you are the master of Dao Shi Gu Ting?" Wan Cheng Shi Zi said coldly: "Don't forget your identity, without our Wan Cheng line, you are nothing!"

"The elder son calms down." Yan Shisan was unmoved, smiled, and said calmly: "This is the ancient court palace. Does the elder son want me to treat you respectfully in front of them? If this is the case, others What do people think? Everyone thinks that I am just the puppet of King Wancheng, and King Wancheng wants to take the emperor and make the princes..."

"...At that time, I'm afraid that the kings don't want me to be the young master. I'm afraid this is not what Wang Wancheng wants to see. This is also contrary to Wang Wancheng's plan." Yan Shisan smiled Laughed, and said: "I now hold back from side to side, this is to show that I have absolute loyalty to King Wancheng, otherwise, I will not hold back from side to side."

   There is a eldest son of Wan Cheng, if Yan Shisan wants to kill him, there are too many methods. It's just that Yan Shisan is not in a hurry. Since Wang Wancheng is going to act, he will accompany him to act. At that time, he will let Wang Wancheng not even know how to die!

When Yan Shisan said so, Wan Cheng's son was relieved a little, and he still said coldly: "Hmph, you almost messed up the matter, if it wasn't for my grandfather to carry it for you, I'm afraid you have already been convicted. Grandpa is particularly dissatisfied with your performance, especially with regard to the sword command. He wants you to constrain a little, otherwise, be careful of your life and death dilemma!"

   "I will pay attention." Yan Shisan said calmly without getting angry.

   Yan Shisan’s attitude made Wan Cheng Shizi particularly unhappy. He wanted to teach Yan Shisan a severe meal so that he could understand who is the real master! However, thinking of Zong Zhengyang and the others guarding outside, Wan Cheng Shizi had to hold back.

"Tonight, I am here to warn you that the sacrifice tomorrow is of great importance. You are the young master, and you can already be sure. Grandpa passed the order to you, and you should sacrifice tomorrow. Don't be presumptuous! Don't make any accidents. Tomorrow When offering sacrifices, you should make sacrifices in a disciplined manner, and don't claim it without authorization!" Finally, the son of Wan Cheng coldly ordered.

   "I will remember." Yan Shisan smiled and said so, but he didn't take Wancheng King's words to his heart at all.

   "Also--" Wan Cheng Shizi stared at Yan Shisan for a long time, and said coldly: "Hand over your Xianqi Mountain!"

  Wan Cheng Shi Zi suddenly made such a request. Yan Shisan was surprised and said, "Shi Zi, this is my own thing."

"You are just a descendant of my Wancheng line, and your things are mine!" Wancheng Shizi said coldly: "You do your own thing and give the sword order to King Stone, grandpa is furious, if you don't Hand over Xianqi Mountain, I'm afraid you don't want to have a good life!"

   "Does this mean Wang Wancheng?" Yan Shisan looked at Wancheng Shizi and said.

   Wancheng Shizi said coldly: "It doesn't matter who this means. Now you hand over Xianqi Mountain, and if you perform well in the future, you will definitely return Xianqi Mountain! Do you understand?"

Hearing the words of Wancheng Shizi, Yan Shisan couldn't help but smile, without hesitation, took out Tianshou Mountain, which is the Xianqi Mountain, and handed it to Wancheng Shizi, and said calmly: "Since Wancheng wants it, then pay Keep it for King Wancheng."

Yan Shisan handed over Xianqi Mountain so happily, so Wan Cheng’s son was not surprised. He heard his grandfather talk about the importance of Xianqi Mountain, and he couldn’t help but be moved by it. He wanted to threaten Yan Shisan and put the immortal Qi Shan used it to study one or two, but he didn't expect that Yan Shisan would give him Xianqi Mountain without hesitation.

Yan Shisan was so happy, which made Wan Cheng's son feel at ease, thinking that Yan Shisan was still terrified by their grandchildren, so he put away Xianqi Mountain contentedly, and coldly threw a sentence to Yan Shisan. Said: "Very well, continue to do this in the future!" After finishing speaking, he left proudly.


   Watching Wancheng Shizi leave, Yan Shisan smiled softly and murmured: "It seems that someone will be out of luck tomorrow."

   Offering sacrifices to Dao Shi, and at the same time Fu Yan Thirteen is the Young Master. This is an extremely grand ceremony, and it is also a major event for Dao Shi Ancient Court.

   Therefore, in addition to the eight great kings of the ancient court and important figures, important figures from all tribes and factions under the ancient court attended this sacrifice.

   Yan Thirteen once again ascended the throne, with the Eight Great Kings in the list, important figures from the Taoist Ancient Court, and representatives of various factions and races under the seat.

Yan Shisan had just ascended the throne, and the kings had not mentioned the sacrificial offerings. However, Yan Shisan glanced away and said in a cold voice: "The ancient garden of Taoism is an eternal inheritance, but I, as an ancient court, 'S young master is ashamed today!"

   In front of so many people, Yan Shisan suddenly said such words, and the Eight Great Kings and everyone present were shocked.

   "I don't know why the Young Master said this?" Jing Ye Wang groaned and said.

Yan Shisan looked around the people and said coldly: "The Taoist ancient garden, as a heritage of eternity, stands proudly in the deserted land, as one of the four great beings recognized by the fairyland, the disciples under the door should be upright and upright! However, in the evening, Dao Shi Gu Ting’s disciple did something disdainful, committing the crime, and holding the master!"

"The meaning of the young master—" Today was originally a sacrifice, Yan Shisan suddenly said something like this, which disrupted the plan of the Eight Great Kings. Hearing Yan Shisan's words like this, Wang Wancheng was taken aback. I feel bad!

   "King Wancheng, you are the eight kings of the ancient court, but you teach Sun Wufang, what should you do!" Yan Shisan shouted at King Wancheng at this time.

   Wancheng King, a high position, can be described as the first of the eight kings. In Wang Wancheng’s eyes, Yan Shisan was only his puppet. However, today Yan Shisan suddenly scolded himself in front of everyone, wanting to cure himself of his sins. This made Wancheng Wang so angry. Smoke, trembling all over. He has been king for so long ~www.readwn.com~Who dares to speak to him like this? Who dares to punish him?

Wang Wancheng was so angry that he was so angry that he was so angry that he was so angry that he was a generation of kings after all, and he calmed down and said in a deep voice, "The old man doesn't know what the young master means? The age is young, or where he is impulsive, he is offended. Young master, but, it is not necessary to cure the sins of aging!"

"Offend?" Yan Shisan looked at King Wancheng and said slowly: "Your grandson seized my Xianqi Mountain last night. Is your grandson on the throne of the young master?"

   "It's impossible—" Yan Shisan suddenly put out such words, and Wang Wancheng suddenly turned pale and said: "This is absolutely impossible, Young Master has misunderstood!"

Although Yan Shisan jumped out of his script yesterday, quite out of his grasp of the trend, but in Wang Wancheng's view, Yan Shisan could not turn his face with him so quickly. For the time being, Yan Shisan did not have that strength either. Turn face with him. In his opinion, Yan Shisan is a smart man, it is impossible to do such stupid things.

   However, in just one day, Yan Shisan turned his face against him. This was completely out of King Wancheng's expectation. King Wancheng was caught off guard by Yan Shisan!

   "Impossible?" Yan Shisan said coldly: "This is not impossible, but a fact! Your grandson threatened this seat and forcibly snatched Xianqi Mountain from me. This is an ironclad fact!"

   Facing Yan Shisan's sudden aggressiveness, King Wancheng, who hadn't prepared anything, couldn't stand it. This incident came too suddenly and there was no sign of it. Moreover, he never thought that Yan Shisan would turn his face with him so quickly! This is completely beyond his grasp!

  . m.

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