Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 100: A Private Audience

The first thing Qinghe saw after entering the room was the person seated in a throne-like chair in the middle and the red-haired young man standing beside him.

Of course, Qinghe also perceived the presence of the guards hiding in the edges of the room, but he put them aside for now and studied the two most important-looking people.

The person on the chair had a fit and muscled figure, sitting casually with one leg over the other and his chin supported on the back of a hand. His features could be considered pleasantly handsome, his expression seeming friendly yet distant. Small crow’s feet creased the corners of his eyes and a widow’s peak perched on the top of his high forehead, granting him an air of experience and maturity. And though his smile seemed charmingly devilish, his eyes gleamed with arrogance and laughter.

He wore a detailed dark green robe that looked heavy and of very good quality. But from just a light touch of his spirit sense, Qinghe could easily perceive that the man’s clothing was a very strong defensive article. Though it would not be able to bear very powerful offensives, it at least would give its wearer an edge if he were to be sneak-attacked, providing him with ample time to escape or muster a retaliation.

Another detail worth noticing was that though one of his hands hung loosely from the armrest, the fingers of the other hand remained pressed against his palm. It could be presumed that it was in that hand where the Thousand Transportations array was etched and that the positioning of his fingers over his palm was so that he would be ready to activate the array in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Even if he hadn’t seen this, Qinghe could have still deduced easily enough that this was Yuan Sheng.

His gaze moving on to the person standing beside Yuan Sheng, Qinghe noticed that he was slim and tall, with hip-length dark red hair and long-lashed eyes that were kept closed. The tips of his ears segued to feathers at the ends, the plumage colored in a bright golden orange. These feathers seemed to elongate the ears while arching upward, making them look like a smaller version of wings.

The nails of this red-haired person also bore the telltale thickness and sharpness usually seen in half-blooded beasts like the twins, so Qinghe presumed that this person was also a half-blooded beast.

However, before Qinghe could begin guessing at the identity of this red-haired person, Yuan Sheng noticed his interest and introduced, “This is my lover, Zhuo Ye. I just call him Firebird. What is your name, my beauty?”

Inwardly rolling his eyes, Qinghe demurely lowered his head and shielded the bottom half of his face with his fan again as he answered, “This one is surnamed Feng, my lord.”

Yuan Sheng leaned forward and looked at Qinghe with an intense gaze. “I’ll call you Ah-Feng, then. So, Ah-Feng, I quite like the clothes you are wearing right now.”

Qinghe made his cheeks turn pink in reaction as he lowered his face further. But despite appearing submissive, his back remained straight as if trying hard to maintain his pride in spite of his disheveled appearance. His fan was opened to cover not only the bottom half of his face, but also to shield the view of his collarbones, while his other hand held closed the front of his ripped robe. His shoulders were curved inwards as if trying to retain the robe’s edges and to stop them from slipping down further, this posture making him seem particularly vulnerable and pitiful.

With his face turned away shyly, Qinghe replied, “Pardon this one for his discomposed appearance, I hope it doesn’t offend my lord.”

Yuan Sheng chuckled happily. “No, no. As I said, I really like it,” he spoke in a deep voice, his eyes roaming all over the body of the disheveled young man standing before him.

This time, Qinghe didn’t feel as terrible as he had before while subjected to Yuan Sheng’s gaze. He calmly bore that intrusive feeling of being studied with lustful intent, safe in the knowledge that even now, Wei Xiang was watching out for him from the shadows.

“So tell me, Ah-Feng,” Yuan Sheng began even as his gaze remained fixed on that coyly hidden face. “Why did you choose to enter this competition?”

Inwardly apologizing to his lover while promising to make it up to him later, Qinghe used deliberately misleading words to hook Yuan Sheng as he replied, “I wanted to compete so that I would have the chance to serve my lord with my body.”

Having his ego stroked like this with such provocative words, Yuan Sheng couldn’t hide the pleased light shining in his eyes. He looked up at his own lover, only to see Zhuo Ye peering at this young man named Feng with a curious and impressed expression.

Sighing amusedly at his own lover’s intention of ignoring him, Yuan Sheng turned back to the young man while smiling with licentious implication and spoke, “If you want to serve me with your body that much, then why don’t you show me your skills in that area now itself?”

From beside him, Zhuo Ye muttered a disparaging “Pervert.”

Qinghe, on the other hand, only looked confused as he asked, “Show you my skills? Do you mean…in fighting?”

Yuan Sheng gave out a small laugh as he prodded, “Did you forget about what is going to happen afterwards if you win?”

He felt that everyone must know by now that he’d take the winner to his bed after the competition. Surely this enchanting little beauty was aware of that as well?

But Qinghe just shook his head with puzzlement as he said, “My uncle only told me that I would be able to serve as your bodyguard after winning.”

Raising his eyebrows with interest glittering in his eyes, Yuan Sheng urged, “And? What else did he tell you?”

With increased confusion, Qinghe tilted his head and spoke with an uncertain tone, “He told me nothing else. …Was there supposed to be more?”

Hearing this, Yuan Sheng could barely hide his excitement as he reassured in a kind voice, “No, of course not. I will wait for you to win and come serve me later.”

However, various obscene scenarios immediately began playing in his mind at Qinghe’s supposed ignorance.

Yuan Sheng couldn’t wait to see how this prideful beauty’s face would turn white with shock later on when he learned of how he would have to accompany his leader to bed. He felt his anticipation rising at the thought of his future lover’s pleading and pained look when he was pushed down and forcibly entered, his features later twisted with shame and humiliation after being thoroughly used in such a way, and the horror claiming his face when he finally realized that he would now have to submit himself like this to his leader on a regular basis. What other expressions would he show? Yuan Sheng couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Seeing the lust in the other man’s gaze intensifying to a terrible degree, Qinghe had to struggle to maintain his arrogant yet bashful façade without twisting his face in a disgusted sneer.

Just in case any of his true emotions leaked out, Qinghe lifted his fan to hide more of his face, passing it off as increased shyness. But the motion made him unconsciously slacken his hold on the collar of his robes, causing a very thin line of his skin to become visible along the cut on his clothes.

Yuan Sheng’s gaze immediately focused on that little glimpse of bared skin, his hand unconsciously rising up to touch that temptingly smooth and soft-looking body.

Qinghe stilled, pushing down all the disgust and revulsion he felt as he kept up his act perfectly. According to the personality he was portraying right now, he would definitely not flinch away from Yuan Sheng’s hands.

Meanwhile, even though his eyes were closed, Zhuo Ye still turned his head in Qinghe’s direction, a dark red eyebrow rising up as if he noticed something. Extending a hand, he slapped down Yuan Sheng’s eager fingers with a huff.

“Are you planning on molesting other people right in front of me now?” Zhuo Ye snapped with irritation.

Yuan Sheng’s eyes narrowed even as his smile stayed in place. “My pretty Firebird, what is the meaning of this? I know for certain that you are not jealous that I’m touching someone else, so why are you getting in the way?”

Zhuo Ye remained unconcerned as he declared, “Hmph, how can I let you touch such a pure person with your grubby hands and risk staining him with your filth?”

Hiding his relief, Qinghe made his expression look complicated, as if not knowing whether to preen at the compliment or get furious that the person he so openly admired was getting insulted.

However, Yuan Sheng only laughed. Clicking his tongue good-humoredly, he commented, “Such hostility you have towards me.”

“Enough of you playing around. How much more will you make this poor young man stay here just so you can smear him with your disgusting gaze?” Zhuo Ye admonished.

Sighing, Yuan Sheng admitted to himself it really would be better to send this beauty away for now, or else who knew what all he might be tempted into doing. And if he acted preemptively, wouldn’t that just ruin the fun?

“It seems that my lover demands my attention. You can go for now, Ah-Feng. The next time we meet, it should be when you are declared as the winner,” Yuan Sheng tucked away his lust and spoke encouragingly.

Qinghe nodded once, firm determination and anticipation in his eyes as he looked into Yuan Sheng’s deep gaze as if bewitched against his will. Then turning his reddened face away, he quickly left the room and exited the tower.

After walking for a while and finally finding a place where he was sure no one else could watch him, Qinghe let out a breath in relief and called out, “Xiang, can you come out for a moment?”

Wei Xiang felt surprised, but after meticulously hiding all traces of his presence, he emerged from the shadows. “Love, what’s wrong?”

Looking up at his beloved through his lashes, Qinghe complained, “Having to act like that in front of that person left a bad taste in my mouth. Xiang, won’t you fix it for me?”

Reading the implied meaning in those words, Wei Xiang couldn’t help but smile as he bent down, pressing his lips against his little lover’s soft ones that opened up in invitation.

Truthfully, he had been gnashing his teeth the whole time he had to see Qinghe pretending to unintentionally seduce Yuan Sheng. But Wei Xiang wasn’t unreasonable enough to ruin everything just because of his own jealousy, and so he had persevered.

He silently watched his lover from the shadows with sharp eyes so that he would be able to catch even the tiniest hints of distress in his beloved’s face. Wei Xiang wanted to take his Qinghe away from the presence of that dangerous person to protect him, but also so that he could have his lover to himself. He wanted to hold Qinghe close and show him how cherished and loved he was so that he could forget the unpleasantness of Yuan Sheng’s gaze and only remember the heat of Wei Xiang’s touch.

So now that his beloved was asking him for a kiss, how could he hesitate?

Sliding his tongue through his lover’s parted lips, Wei Xiang thoroughly licked the inside of Qinghe’s mouth. With a palm cupping the back of his beloved’s head and the other hand resting on the small of his waist, Wei Xiang pressed his little lover into his body so that not even a thin piece of paper could fit between them.

Qinghe raised his hands and held on to Wei Xiang’s shoulders to steady himself as his beloved’s hot tongue swept through every corner of his mouth, the scent of his lover filling his lungs and making him dizzy with the sudden rush of desire.

The feel of his Xiang’s firm body in his arms, his beloved’s flexible tongue ruthlessly exploring his mouth, his lover’s fingers beginning to steadily stroke his waist, the bond between their souls thrumming with passionate vigor, these sensations were all-pervading as they completely invaded his consciousness, leaving no gap and permitting no reprieve.

When Wei Xiang finally stopped his sensual assault, Qinghe felt overwhelmed and week-kneed, lying limply in his lover’s arms as he tried to regain his bearings. He hadn’t thought that his lover’s reaction towards today would be so…intense. It was unexpected, leaving him off-balance and breathless.

Leaning back from his beloved’s warm embrace, Qinghe stood on his own, albeit a bit unsteadily. Keeping hold of his little lover’s arms to stabilize him, Wei Xiang teased in a low voice, “Has the bad taste disappeared now, my love?”

Qinghe blinked his dewy eyes and nodded once. His entire face was burning a bright pink, his expression looked adorably dazed as his chest heaved in short pants.

Unable to help himself, Wei Xiang leaned down to press an affectionate kiss to his beloved’s forehead before disappearing back into the shadows. He was afraid that if he stayed any longer, he would be tempted to find a secluded place to enjoy his little lover more thoroughly.

After shaking off the pleasant haze brought on by Wei Xiang’s kiss, Qinghe spent some time to center himself again before going to join the other contestants once more. After all, the competition was hardly over yet.

Meanwhile in the tower room, Yuan Sheng pulled his lover close and asked, “So, Firebird, how would you feel if that feisty yet obedient, prideful yet innocent young man took your place?”

His closed eyelids twitching, Zhuo Ye pushed away Yuan Sheng’s obnoxious face with an expression of distaste as he replied honestly, “I’d think it was good riddance to you.”

Already used to these kinds of words, Yuan Sheng merely grinned. Neither he nor his lover held the slightest bit of warmth or affection for each other, and they both knew it. All they were doing now was playing around aimlessly with each other to pass the time and remain entertained.

Sighing inwardly, Yuan Sheng thought how nice it would be if that beauty just now called Feng could really win this competition. It would be a nice change of pace if he could have an adorable little beauty for a change instead of this sour one.

On the other hand, Zhuo Ye was inwardly scoffing at how Yuan Sheng had been pulled under what he saw with his eyes.

Innocent? Obedient? The person who was just here was certainly none of those. But that young man had obviously grasped Yuan Sheng’s weak points perfectly if he could deceive even the usually discerning leader of Black Fang to such a degree. This talent in acting deserved some praise.

Considering this, Zhuo Ye couldn’t help but feel impressed with that young man. He was even beginning to think about helping him with whatever scheme he was planning against this bastard lover of his…

Not knowing Zhuo Ye’s thoughts, Yuan Sheng took the chance of his lover being distracted to suddenly push him down on the floor. Feeling a pair of hands brusquely removing his clothing, Zhuo Ye only shot an exasperated expression in Yuan Sheng’s direction.

The silent guards standing inconspicuously at the edges of the room turned away their faces impassively at this familiar scene.

Finished with undressing his lover and quickly undoing his own robes, Yuan Sheng took ahold of Zhuo Ye’s delicate wrists and roughly pressed them into the hard floor.

“Firebird, you should be a good lover and satisfy all my needs before you leave your position, hmm?” he murmured by Zhuo Ye’s feathered ear.

Rolling his eyes under his closed eyelids, Zhuo Ye directed an unimpressed expression at this annoying brat.

Seeing this, Yuan Sheng chuckled and cajoled, “Now, now, don’t give me that look. Do you remember how I rescued you from being torn apart and sold in parts in the black market? I even gave you an opportunity to fight for my favor in the previous competition and made you my lover when you won. For helping you so magnanimously, you owe me your life, so shouldn’t you faithfully thank your benefactor with your body?”

Zhuo Ye wanted to laugh. Saved him from a black market organization? Just who was this man kidding? It was Yuan Sheng’s own Black Fang that had captured him and his siblings in the first place. As for letting him participate in that stupid competition and making him his lover, wasn’t that just because this irritating bastard wanted to see his humiliated and undignified expression? It was too bad that Zhuo Ye was incapable of feeling either of those things. And what did he mean by his magnanimousness? All Yuan Sheng had cared about was entertaining himself!

But in a way, it was the same for Zhuo Ye as well. He was hardly here because of his tender feelings or some other such bullshit. All he had wanted to do was play a little with this petulant brat, but he was already starting to get bored. In a way, it would be nice if that interesting young man from just now could take his place…

Putting away all these thoughts, Zhuo Ye opened his legs of his own accord and cradled the familiar body of the man on top of him.

However, his expression showed only boredom and disinterest at this situation. “Why are you blabbering so much today? Just put your damn thing in already and quickly be done with it.”

Hearing this, Yuan Sheng’s lips twitched, his hold on Zhuo Ye’s wrists tightening to the point where the skin around his grip started turning white from the lack of blood circulation.

In a wronged tone, Yuan Sheng complained, “My dear Firebird, could you at least pretend that you’re being taken by force? Can’t you resist or scream obscenities at me?”

Yuan Sheng couldn’t understand just what had made him choose this person of all people as his lover. Other than that body, Zhuo Ye had absolutely none of the traits that he wanted!

Zhuo Ye sighed. Since he had been woken up in the middle of his nap to meet that young man, he was still very sleepy. But Zhuo Ye also knew that if he didn’t indulge this brat every now and then, he’d throw a tantrum that would end up being even more troublesome to deal with than a lack of sleep.

And so, Zhuo Ye obliged unenthusiastically and began in a monotone, “Ah. Stop. Don’t touch me. You can’t do this. You bastard. You beast. You absolutely vile, ugly, wretched creature that crawled out of a stinking pit of―” A yawn suddenly interrupted Zhuo Ye’s supremely bored-sounding voice.

Unable to bear this lackadaisical effort anymore, Yuan Sheng spoke out, “Okay, stop. You’ll make me cry at this rate, my Firebird.”

If Zhuo Ye had his eyes open, they would be drooping by now while weighed down with drowsiness. “You disturbed my sleep to call me out here, so what else did you expect?”

Yuan Sheng’s lips twitched again. Indeed, what else had he expected from his lover?

But not wanting to let it go just like that, Yuan Sheng suddenly stood up while carrying Zhuo Ye in his arms, the both of them without a stitch of clothing on. A guard hurried to close the curtains on the large opening in the wall through which Yuan Sheng usually surveyed the competition grounds.

Reaching the throne-like chair where he usually sat, Yuan Sheng placed Zhuo Ye on the seat with his knees resting apart and his front pressed into the chair’s backrest. Pulling back his lover’s hips, Yuan Sheng parted Zhuo Ye’s buttocks and quickly thrust inside without ceremony.

However, Zhuo Ye only sighed and settled himself more comfortably on the seat, his arms folded on the top of the chair’s backrest and his cheek nestled on them. In this position, he could easily drift off to sleep and his bratty lover would never know until the end.

His actions following his thoughts, Zhuo Ye thus decisively ignored the passionately working man who was currently taking pleasure from his body and peacefully fell asleep.

After all, he would need to be fresh and ready to fight in the final round of the competition soon.


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