Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 103: Caring for the Sick

In the end, due to Wei Xiang’s busy schedule, Qinghe was unable to see him until the next day.

While helping his master with cleaning up the smaller Black Fang bases scattered throughout, Wei Xiang also had to bring along a few junior officers-in-training with him to help them gain some experience. During a raid on one of the Black Fang bases, Wei Xiang ended up having to take a poisonous needle to the arm to save one of these junior officers, eventually ending up sick due to the poisoning.

Though it wasn’t anything severe, Kong Min still decided to call for Qinghe to come and care for Wei Xiang anyway. After all, Kong Min wanted to give his Little Bro plenty of opportunity to take advantage of his junior brother. When else would that brat Wei Xiang lie down obediently like this?

And so, Kong Min was now escorting a worried Qinghe down the halls of the Sentinel compound, passing through the corridors where the officers’ living quarters were situated.

After a few turns, they finally arrived at Wei Xiang’s room.

Opening the door, Kong Min quickly ushered Qinghe inside.

Wei Xiang’s room was square-shaped and not much bigger than Qinghe’s own room back at the sect. And though everything in this room was overly neat and orderly, it also managed to retain a faint hint of warmth.

On the wall adjacent to the entrance was a wide archway with its doors opened that led out to a small, enclosed backyard garden with a broad well made of white stone. However, though there was a sturdy metal bucket nearby, there was no pulley on top of the well, presumably because Wei Xiang usually used his golden strings to draw water instead.

Inside the room and opposite to the entrance was a row of mounted swords, each sheathed sword placed on a carved wooden stand that was affixed to the wall.

All the furniture in the room was carved out of rich dark brown wood, looking tasteful and refined. But from just a glance, it was clear that every piece was of very high-quality, appearing simple and solidly built with minimal decoration. There were no overt embellishments or signs of opulent luxury in the room, but it exuded a comfortable feel nevertheless.

After barely sparing the room a glance, Qinghe rushed to the bed where Wei Xiang was currently lying down with his eyes closed.

“What happened to him? Why is he unconscious? Did he get the proper medicine administered to him in time?” Qinghe questioned Kong Min frantically.

With his hands raised, Kong Min soothed, “Now, now, he’s only sleeping. Don’t get so agitated, Little Bro. It isn’t as bad as whatever you’re imagining. He might have gotten poisoned, but for a strong spiritual beast like him, it isn’t as fatal as it would have been for a human cultivator. In fact, all he has to do is rest for a few days and his body will burn it off on its own.”

Qinghe sighed in relief, but though his worry had abated, he still didn’t like seeing his Xiang like this.

“Sentinel Kong, what do you think I should do now? What can I do to help or to at least make Xiang feel more comfortable?” he asked with furrowed brows, his fingers anxiously twisting in his robes.

But just as Kong Min was about to answer, Wei Xiang slid open his eyes unexpectedly.

Catching sight of his senior brother by his bedside, he immediately snarled, “Kong Min, you bastard, if you’re here to give me more work, then you can just fuck off. Trying to take advantage of me just because you think I can’t get up to beat your ass, you’ve sure got guts!”

“…” Hearing such a vigorous outburst from someone who didn’t even seem to be able to get out of bed, Qinghe felt complicated.

Kong Min, however, only chuckled happily. “See? My cute little junior brother is still so full of energy! So, Little Bro, you really don’t have to keep worrying about this brat.”

Realizing that his little lover was also here, Wei Xiang’s expression immediately softened. Turning his head, he sent a reassuring smile at his beloved. “Qinghe, why are you here?”

Moving forward, Qinghe pressed the back of his hand against his lover’s cheek and frowned. “You seem feverish. Xiang, how do you feel? Do you need me to get something for you?”

Wei Xiang’s eyes grew warmer. “Love, I’m fine. My body just feels a little weak and heavy, it’ll pass in no time. But if my beautiful little lover wants to stay at my bedside and nurse me back to health, then I certainly have no objections.”

Kong Min rolled his eyes and muttered, “Do you have to be such a charmer even in your sickbed?”

But when Wei Xiang sent him a cutting glare in response, Kong Min decided that he’d pushed his junior brother far enough for today. “Alright, alright, no need to look at me like that. I just wanted to give my Little Bro some advice before leaving you lovebirds to cuddle alone.”

Qinghe asked curiously, “What advice?”

With a smirk, Kong Min began, “Though it might take a few days for the poison to dissipate on its own, there is a way to greatly speed up the recovery. All my darling junior brother needs to do is exercise a little and sweat it out. Increased blood circulation and production of heat due to certain forms of exertion will certainly help hasten the process.”

Wei Xiang’s eyes narrowed in understanding of what his senior brother was implying while Qinghe only tilted his head confusedly. “But isn’t Xiang’s body feeling weak right now? What type of exercises can he even do?”

Kong Min wriggled his eyebrows suggestively while saying, “The type that usually takes place at night and involves a lot of sweating and panting.”

Qinghe widened his eyes in realization as a faint blush began crawling up his neck. So he had to…do that? Well, it certainly wasn’t something he would mind.

Seeing his expression, Kong Min laughed merrily and turned around to leave. Just as he reached the door, he looked back at Qinghe and encouraged cheerfully, “Wring him out mercilessly, Little Bro! After all, it’s for his own good!”

Kong Min then left the room while still chuckling jauntily.

Qinghe stared at the closed door, then turned to look at his lover. “X-Xiang, do you…want to….…you know.”

Wei Xiang smiled. “I’m certainly strong enough to enjoy that. But what about you, love?”

After a bit of hesitation, Qinghe took a deep breath nodded decisively. “I’ll do it. I want to do it.”

“Then come here,” Wei Xiang lifted a hand and beckoned.

Now that he had decided, Qinghe quickly started undoing his clothing, shedding his belt and robes one by one as he slowly walked towards his lover. As he kept his eyes locked firmly on his beloved’s, Qinghe felt anticipation fluttering in his belly. By the time he reached the bedside, he was completely bare, his face starting to flush with anticipation and his member beginning to rise due to the first stirrings of arousal.

His own eyes growing darker with lust, Wei Xiang made to get up, but Qinghe bent and pushed down on Wei Xiang’s shoulders.

With a mischievous smile, Qinghe spoke, “No. I’ll do everything this time. Xiang, you should only lie down like a good patient and let your lover take care of you.”

And so, Wei Xiang played along and laid himself back down on the bed. “What about my clothes then?”

“I’ll remove them,” Qinghe replied, then began to do just that.

Wei Xiang was wearing only a single robe, not having had the strength to put on any more layers that morning. So completely unclothing him was a particularly quick affair.

Once his lover was naked, Qinghe happily climbed on top with his knees on either side. Framing his beloved’s face with his hands, Qinghe bent down and pressed their foreheads together, his eyes closed and brows scrunched in concentration.

“Your fever seems to have increased,” Qinghe observed worriedly.

Chuffing lightly in laughter, Wei Xiang lifted his hands and smoothed them down over his little lover’s sides. “Increased temperature isn’t bad for me, love. Though high temperatures like this can kill a human, for a wyvern, this is only a comfortable heat. My body is simply trying to burn out the poison, it’s nothing to worry about. So don’t hold back, alright?”

Qinghe leaned back and blinked. “Are you sure?”

Wei Xiang’s lips pulled up in a smile as his eyes shone warmly. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Hearing his beloved’s firm assurance, Qinghe smiled back at Wei Xiang with a hint of slyness that almost made it look like a smirk. Bending down, Qinghe pressed their bodies together, reveling in the increased heat of his lover’s skin burning into his own.

Brushing his lips and teeth against Wei Xiang’s ear, Qinghe whispered huskily, “Then I’ll take the lead today, you can just lie back and enjoy.”

Wei Xiang’s eyebrows rose in mild surprise, but before he could open his mouth and say something, Qinghe’s lips had already slid over his cheek and pressed over his mouth. However, before Wei Xiang could capture his tongue, Qinghe moved his lips downward again, tracing the firm line of his beloved’s jaw while lightly sucking and trailing little kisses along the way.

Letting out a breath, Wei Xiang closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of his desire being fanned higher by his little lover’s familiar touch.

Qinghe’s lips slipped further down, his tongue flicking out to trace over the column of his beloved’s throat, his lips pressing into the warm skin with the light nip of his teeth accompanying it. Then seeing that defined Adam’s apple rolling up and down as Wei Xiang swallowed, Qinghe couldn’t help but open his mouth to capture that little bulge between his lips, lightly biting, then sucking strongly to let a red mark blossom on the smooth skin of his lover’s throat.

From under him, Qinghe could feel Wei Xiang’s chest rumble lightly with a groan as he shifted restlessly, but Qinghe used his body to unrelentingly pin his beloved in place as his lips continued their journey downward.

As his tongue explored the hollow of his lover’s throat, Qinghe let his fingertips trail over Wei Xiang’s defined collarbones and shoulders, tracing their lines worshipfully in either direction before his palms slid down to brush over a firm chest.

Leaning back, Qinghe looked at the little brown points standing up on his beloved’s chest thoughtfully. Before, whenever he had been able to retain enough senses while in the haze of passion to run his hands over his lover and touch him in return, Qinghe had noticed that when his fingers brushed over those little points, Wei Xiang seemed to get especially stimulated. And so, realizing his beloved’s increased sensitivity there, Qinghe gleefully decided to get to work.

Just then, Wei Xiang opened his eyes only to see his lover’s smile widening as if in some evil scheme, and then he grew captivated by the sight of Qinghe lightly licking his own thumb and forefinger, then reaching over to pinch an erect little nub.

Wei Xiang hissed at the sensation while Qinghe bent his head down again and began playing with the other point using his teeth and tongue even as his hand pressed and rolled the first bud.

Closing his eyes once more, Wei Xiang lifted a hand and cupped the back of his lover’s head, unconsciously pressing down as if to urge him. Qinghe obediently opened his lips and sucked in the delicate nub before teasing it with his tongue.

After thoroughly playing with the two little points to his heart’s content, Qinghe continued moving down, over Wei Xiang’s diaphragm and further below, using his mouth to relearn the shape and feel of his lover’s well-defined abdominal muscles that clenched and rolled tightly under him as he passed them by. Then lightly dipping his tongue into Wei Xiang’s bellybutton on the way, Qinghe dragged his lips even further downward.

But just as Qinghe reached the root of Wei Xiang’s member, he stopped.

Sitting up again, he curiously studied his lover’s hard length. Extending a hand, Qinghe wonderingly ran his fingers over Wei Xiang’s erect and dripping shaft, his touch light and gentle.

The straining organ was a darker shade of honey, unlike the rest of Wei Xiang’s skin, and was even tinted with a hint of purplish red. The thick and powerful shaft was corded with bluish green ropes of blood vessels, and as he traced them with his fingertips, Qinghe could feel their strong throbbing under his touch. But despite its raw and violent appearance, this member had only ever been gentle as it had given him untold pleasure, and so, Qinghe was determined to be gentle with it in turn.

But before that…

Getting up, Qinghe turned to place his knees on either side of Wei Xiang’s chest while he bent over his lover’s shaft, his hand wrapping around that huge organ and holding it as he brought his mouth towards the swollen head.

Lightly kissing the blunt tip, Qinghe spoke in a low voice, “Xiang, I want you to start preparing me now.”

Meanwhile, Wei Xiang was feeling even more unbearably aroused due to Qinghe’s heated touches along with his little lover’s entrance and member hovering so close to his face. So hearing Qinghe’s request, Wei Xiang wasted no time in retrieving a bottle of oil and immediately started to prepare his beloved’s opening. He intently watched as his own fingers breached that dusky pucker, then slid in and out in smooth and steady motions.

After taking some time to adjust to the vivid sensations sparked by his beloved’s intimate touch, Qinghe lowered his head and began working on Wei Xiang’s member. He trailed his tongue over the sides, then kneaded the firm balls underneath with careful hands. And while he massaged the base of Wei Xiang’s shaft with his slender fingers, his lips skimmed over the bulging veins teasingly.

Panting and gritting his teeth, Wei Xiang strived to retain his senses despite the stimulation and continued preparing his beloved’s entrance until he could fit three of his fingers inside. Unclenching his jaw, Wei Xiang then ordered, “Qinghe…that’s enough for now.”

With a smile, Qinghe ran his tongue one last time over the little slit at the head, gathering the beaded droplets of white liquid into his mouth, then let go regretfully.

Standing up on the bed and turning to face Wei Xiang again, Qinghe knelt down and began lowering himself onto his lover’s member while holding the hard length steady with a hand.

“Take it slow, no need to hurry,” Wei Xiang said worriedly even as he had to force down his own insistent need while keeping his hips from arching up on their own.

Qinghe couldn’t help but smile warmly at his beloved’s self-control. “I’m fine. You’re the one who is sick and needs to take it slow.”

Wei Xiang could only let out a strained chuckle in reply. As he felt his little lover’s entrance swallowing him in oh-so-slowly while squeezing his shaft in between those tight and hot walls, the last thing Wei Xiang felt capable of was taking it slow.

And yet, his hands remained tender as they lightly clasped each of Qinghe’s knees settled on either side of him. Wei Xiang curled his fingers behind his beloved’s legs while his thumbs traced small circles on his little lover’s knees as if in comfort and encouragement.

Soon, Qinghe managed to take in the entirely of Wei Xiang’s length, but when he put his weight on his bottom at the end, he couldn’t help but let out a slight gasp.

“Love, are you alright?” Wei Xiang asked softly with concern.

While panting with flushed cheeks and dewy eyes, Qinghe nodded unsteadily. “Mn… It just…feels a bit…too deep.”

Sighing in relief, Wei Xiang let his fingers lightly trail up along the back of Qinghe’s taut thighs, his hands finally landing on his beloved’s hips. Massaging steadily with firm fingers, Wei Xiang looked down at the place where they were joined, his eyes growing darker with unhidden need.

In a deep voice, he remarked playfully, “I’m liking this view.”

Realizing what his beloved meant, Qinghe blushed and felt the sudden urge to cover up the aforementioned ‘view’, which was utterly ridiculous considering how he had Wei Xiang’s member snugly sheathed inside him right now. Since they were already doing such things, why should he get so flustered just because his lover was looking at his private parts with this kind of heated and intimate look?

But no amount of rationalizing lessened Qinghe’s embarrassment.

As if not realizing his beloved’s emotions, Wei Xiang reached down and traced the place where they were joined with a light touch, his fingertip careful yet thorough in its exploration.

Qinghe lightly shuddered, then pulled away his lover’s teasing finger and pressed it into the bed. “Xiang, didn’t I tell you? Just stay still and let me do it this time.”

Wei Xiang let out a light laugh of satisfaction and obediently placed his hands by his sides.

Resting his palms over his beloved’s chest, Qinghe slowly began moving up and down. His breathing grew deeper and his eyes turned glazed as he raised and lowered his hips.

Meanwhile, Qinghe’s hands began to wander on their own, brushing over the stiff points on Wei Xiang’s chest and caressing his lover’s stomach, shoulders, biceps, collarbones…

Unable to remain still, Wei Xiang extended his hands and began stroking Qinghe’s shaft while his hips thrust up involuntarily in rhythmic jerks. This only seemed to fuel Qinghe’s ardor as his hands roamed over his beloved’s skin even more fervently.

A strained expression claimed Wei Xiang’s face as his little lover continued to tease him unrelentingly with his fingertips, trailing fire as those slender fingers mapped across his smooth skin. The muscles in Wei Xiang’s arms and back stretched taut as he resisted the urge to grab and push Qinghe down, to part open his buttocks and thrust inside again, pounding until they were both drenched in the deluge of mindless pleasure.

But all these thoughts immediately came to a screeching halt when he looked up to see the awe-inspiring image of his little lover on top of him.

Qinghe rode astride Wei Xiang with his back straight, his movements decisive and smooth as he frowned lightly in concentration. He moved his body up and down purely by the strength of his legs, the muscles flexing with every movement as his unbound hair gracefully rose and fell as if it were weightless. Looking at this dignified picture, it seemed as if Qinghe was riding his prized warhorse to battle rather than having sex.

Wei Xiang had never seen anything more arousing or alluring.

Suddenly feeling the palm sliding over his member halting abruptly, Qinghe looked down, only to meet Wei Xiang’s appreciative gaze that seemed to burn with intense passion and reverence.

Feeling overwhelmed at being looked like that, Qinghe parted his lips and took in a shuddering breath, then unable to bear it, he bent down to join his lips with Wei Xiang’s.

As if a spark had been lit, the couple’s motions grew frantic as their hands and lips pressed against each other more zealously. Their breaths and sweat mingled as sensual sounds expressing unbearable pleasure kept ringing out loudly and passionately.

Qinghe clenched his teeth and forced himself to hold back his own orgasm, waiting for his lover to release first. And as if hearing his beloved’s thoughts, Wei Xiang suddenly let out a hoarse shout and climaxed, shooting thick and hot liquid into his lover’s tight passage. As soon as he felt Wei Xiang’s release spilling into him, Qinghe groaned as he bent over and erupted as well, the slippery fluid spurting out of his shaft and staining both of their bellies.

Once the pair of lovers finished, they felt their strengths leaving their limbs and could only lie limply on the bed, their chests heaving and eyes closed.

“Xiang…how are you?” Qinghe finally asked in a croak.

After all, his beloved was sick right now. No matter what Kong Min had said, this much strenuous activity could not have been good for Wei Xiang’s health.

“I can hear my bones creak when I try to move,” Wei Xiang answered with equal parts misery and amusement. “But it seems like that useless senior brother of mine really came up with a creative reason this time for making us get together like this.”

“Eh?!” Qinghe exclaimed, his head popping up as he asked with evident surprise, “Then having sex won’t really make you get better?”

Chuffing out a strained chuckle, Wei Xiang replied, “Love, when has there ever been such a convenient and enjoyable cure to being poisoned?”

With a dejected expression, Qinghe wrinkled his nose and agreed, “You’re right. Medicine is always bitter and tastes very bad! It’s definitely not possible for it to be this fun.”

Wei Xiang laughed with open affection on his face, his eyes sparkling with mirth. His little lover was really too cute. Although his senior brother had tried to deceive them into spending time together like this, Wei Xiang couldn’t help but feel a bit grateful that he got to have his beloved by his side at this time.

However, little did the couple know that Kong Min had, in truth, not been lying at all, and that because of his advice and urging, Wei Xiang’s sickness would in fact make a swift and complete recovery within the day.

But this was something they would only discover later.

After a while more of resting, Qinghe slowly sat up. Thankfully, sore muscles were something his cultivation could heal in a matter of minutes.

So dragging himself out of bed, Qinghe went to the well in the enclosed backyard garden and filled the bucket with some water by using his wind before returning to the bedside. Then retrieving a soft cloth from his storage space, he carefully began wiping down his sweaty lover while Wei Xiang obediently let himself be pampered like this for once. After that was done, Qinghe changed the sheets with Wei Xiang’s cooperation, dressed him in a fresh robe, then tucked his sick lover under the quilt.

Standing back up with a sigh, Qinghe next took out a bathtub from his spatial storage and filled it once again by using the wind to draw water from the well.

He had cleaned up everything relating to the aftermath of their lovemaking except himself. And since Wei Xiang was currently bedridden, he couldn’t exactly help him with it this time.

So, after heating up the water using a talisman, Qinghe got into the tub to wash and clean his passage.

But just before he began, Qinghe sensed a burning gaze settling on him and turned his head back, only to see Wei Xiang looking at him with intent expectation as if waiting for him to put on an erotic show.

His eyes glinting with humor, Qinghe spoke in a teasing tone, “You should look away.”

Wei Xiang simply raised a brow. “Why? I’ve already seen everything there is to see, so what need is there for you to be shy now?”

Tilting his chin up arrogantly, Qinghe declared in reply, “I’m just afraid that the sight of me attending to myself will turn out to be too tempting for you. In your condition, you can hardly afford to have a repeat performance.”

Though Qinghe had only said it jokingly, Wei Xiang still nodded his head seriously as he admitted, “Yes, that is true. You really are too tempting.”

Qinghe then watched with amusement as Wei Xiang determinedly turned his head away as if to avoid being charmed by his lover’s wiles.

Shaking his head with a small smile, Qinghe then turned back and began cleaning himself up. Then getting out of the tub and putting it away again, he wiped himself dry and dressed himself in a loose robe.

Wanting to check if there was any progress with his beloved’s sickness, Qinghe walked to the bedside, then halted and looked down with a raised eyebrow. With his hands on his hips, he helplessly asked, “Now, how did this happen?”

Wei Xiang unabashedly looked down at his erection tenting the sheets over his lower half and shrugged nonchalantly. “Though I didn’t look, I couldn’t help hearing you while you were in the tub, and I do have something called imagination to fill in the blanks, so this result was inevitable.”

Qinghe laughed and shook his head. Then bending down, he drew aside the quilt covering his lover before quickly undoing and pushing open Wei Xiang’s robe.

In an enticing voice, Qinghe said, “I guess there’s no helping it then, so let me take care of it for you again.”

Holding the once again stiffened member in one hand, Qinghe pushed down on Wei Xiang’s shoulder with the other while bending to let their lips meet once again.

And so, with so much of the ‘cure’ being administered to the patient by his caring lover, it was hardly a surprise that Wei Xiang’s symptoms quickly receded within a few hours.

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