Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 105: The Third Stage

The next morning, the sky was overcast with gloomy grey clouds, making the daylight seem cool and subdued. The wind stirred restlessly and the air felt crisp with a slight bite. Such weather caused an ominous weight to press down on one’s heart, rousing unease.

Despite fooling around the entire night without getting a wink of sleep, both Wei Xiang and a now sober Qinghe greeted the day with fresh faces, uncaring of the sullen weather. As cultivators, sleep was mostly unnecessary to them anyway.

After quickly getting ready, Wei Xiang set off to the Order while Qinghe joined the ranks of the disciples who would be taken to the ancient Battle Arena where the last stage of the Hundred-Year Tournament would be held.

After all the disciples’ sect tokens were verified, the transportation array that hadn’t been used for the last hundred years was finally activated, sending the entire group consisting of the sect master, Elders, and disciples to the Heavenly Peak Sect’s designated area in the Battle Arena.

The Battle Arena was a large and flat plain that was surrounded on all sides by dark, overhanging cliffs. From a distance, it looked like a circular piece of land cupped in between the sharp, curving claws of an unfathomably gigantic beast. When this scenery was held against the stark and cloudy sky above, it was enough to give one chills as they felt the immense age and history of the place soaking into their bones, eliciting both awe and dread.

Tall and wide pillars of varying heights extended from the ground of the arena, the top of each being smooth and flat, perfect to use for the battles of the third stage. The pillars themselves were white and made of a type of stone that inherently trapped all spiritual energy within its boundaries, which meant that no stray attacks would spill outside to the spectators or the other platforms.

There were no audience stands or seats available in the arena. Once the third stage began, ten battles would commence simultaneously and take place at the same time. The various Elders and disciples would first choose a particular platform’s battle to watch, then use their spiritual energy to cast spells or use any artifacts or weapons to fly up and view the match. In case of the junior disciples who were unable to do so, they would naturally be helped up by their seniors or Elders who would take this as an opportunity to impart important knowledge by explaining the concepts and techniques being applied in the battles.

Currently, the various sects had all arrived at their respective assigned areas and were waiting for the third stage to start in an orderly manner while the disciples discussed among themselves in low and excited voices. Since even just watching the matches could be beneficial in learning new things, many disciples had even stepped out of their secluded cultivation to come and observe.

Of course, this also included Chen Xiande.

“Junior Brother, are you prepared for today’s matches?” he asked concernedly from beside Qinghe.

Hearing this, Qinghe couldn’t help but think back fondly at the memory of how he and Wei Xiang had ‘prepared’ yesterday night by stabilizing his cultivation using dual cultivation numerous times and in numerous different positions.

With a smile, Qinghe put away those pleasant recollections for now and nodded towards Chen Xiande before replying, “Yes, I’ve more or less prepared for today.”

Then tilting his head, he prodded curiously, “But Senior Brother, I don’t see Sect Leader Hei with you. How is he?”

His frown immediately vanishing at the mention of his beloved, Chen Xiande spoke, “He’s been busy coordinating with the Sentinels to take care of the Black Fang bases in his territory, and there also seems to be an issue about missing bodies from graves that appear to be the result of a very powerful demonic practitioner. So I made him stay back and take care of his work properly rather than running here to watch the matches with me. After all, if I let him, he’ll use this as a chance to keep pushing away his work, so I had to put my foot down this time.”

Qinghe couldn’t help but chuckle at his senior brother’s complaining but indulgent tone. “I’m glad that you seem to be doing well with your lover, Senior Brother.”

Chen Xiande coughed lightly and nodded. “Of course. You also seem to be doing well. But where’s your Sentinel Wei?”

“He’ll be here later after finishing his work along with the Grandmaster and the rest of the Sentinels,” Qinghe answered with an obviously happy expression.

Infected by his cheer, Chen Xiande felt his own lips curving up. “I see. That’s very good then.”

Just when Qinghe was about to ask after Chen Xiande’s cultivation, the twins suddenly came running up to him. “Senior Brother, they’re asking all the chosen participants to go up to the front. The third stage is about to start!”

Qinghe extended his hands to ruffle his junior brothers’ hair. “Alright then, I’ll go over. Thank you for telling me.”

The twins beamed brightly.

Then turning to Chen Xiande, Qinghe said his farewell and strode towards the front to join the other nineteen disciples who had made it past the first two stages of the tournament.

In front of them were a row of Elders consisting of the same people who had watched over the first and second rounds, and it seemed that they would be presiding over this stage as well.

The Elder in the middle stepped forward and began reciting the rules in his clear and sonorous voice.

In the third stage, the contestants would battle using both their martial arts and spiritual energy. The use of spiritual artifacts and other sorts of weapons was permitted. However, talismans, amulets, elixirs, and other augmentation devices could not be used.

At the beginning of the stage, each contestant would choose a small jade coin from among a plate of coins arranged with their face down. Half of the coins had a small design drawn on them and the other half were left blank.

If a disciple chose one with a design, then they would occupy one of the platforms, and if they happened to select a blank one, then they would stay here on the ground. When the third stage started, the disciples on the ground will have to challenge one of the disciples on the platforms. If they lost, they had to get back down and choose another pillar to challenge, but if they won, they would assume ownership of the platform and have to defend it instead.

If a disciple left the vertical confines of the platform or was defeated more than thrice, they would be disqualified. Once there were only the ten people on the platforms left, they would be assigned to fight each other based on their scores so far, and the best three would be selected as the final champions of the Hundred-Year Tournament.

As the Elder finished reciting the rules, another Elder came over with the plate containing the jade coins, passing in front of the disciples and letting each of them choose one.

After picking a random coin, Qinghe looked down to see that one side of it was etched with an intricate vermillion design. It seemed that he would start on one of the platforms then.

Once the bell rang to signal everyone to get into their positions according to their selected coins, Qinghe quickly chose a platform and leapt up to land on it, with half of the contestants doing the same. After all ten platforms were thus occupied, the competitors on the ground chose a pillar according to the person they wanted to fight with and stood beside it. Since two people couldn’t pick the same platform, there was a bit of disturbance until all the ten people on the ground had chosen one satisfactorily.

The one who had selected Qinghe’s pillar to challenge was a young man from the Golden Sun Sect. His frame was taller and leaner than Qinghe’s, but where Qinghe’s demeanor was pleasant and warm, his future opponent’s bearing was somber and composed. His hair was sharply pulled back from his face to expose his austere features and a pair of half-lidded eyes that gave his expression an air of heaviness.

The bell rang a second time, permitting the contestants on the ground to climb up and giving an opportunity for the audience to choose which disciples to watch.

As soon as the toll of the bell sounded, the young man immediately ran up the long column and nimbly landed in front of Qinghe, his posture loose and relaxed. With keen eyes, he studied his opponent carefully even as Qinghe did the same.

The two men thus stood opposite to each other on top of the high pillar, their figures stark and small against the oppressive vastness of the overcast sky, their snowy white robes and shining black hair fluttering freely in the wind. Keeping their hands loosely by their sides and their feet placed slightly apart in readiness, the two cultivators exuded a sense of assuredness and valiance even in stillness.

Breaking the thick tension on the platform, the young man slowly bent his body in a deferential bow and spoke respectfully, “You Lixing greets Martial Brother Feng. It is my honor to be able to learn from you this time.”

With a smile, Qinghe bowed in return as he replied courteously, “Martial Brother You is being polite. It is instead my good fortune to be able to stand opposite to you in battle.”

After all, this You Lixing was not without fame himself. In a way, everyone who had made it to the third stage of the Hundred-Year Tournament were all well-known talents who were lifted up to the heavens by their sects in pride while the Elders of other sects all compared their own disciples with them, much to the disciples’ aggravation.

And so, it was no exaggeration to say that all the competitors in the third stage were the top-most powerful disciples in the current cultivational world. But their fame also meant that their opponents would already have heard of them and the extent of their power.

This You Lixing, for example, had the ability to manipulate space, which was even rarer than being able to wield the light element. Though space manipulation was notorious for being risky and difficult, You Lixing had still managed to master it to an appreciable level and had made a name for himself as a result.

As he pondered over all this, Qinghe could feel his anticipation rise at the thought of battling such an opponent. Hopefully, this You Lixing would put up a good fight.

After everyone was finally in place, the bell rang for the third time, announcing the official beginning of the third stage of the Hundred-Year Tournament.

Before the vibrations from the bell even had the chance to die down, You Lixing disappeared from place. But expecting this, Qinghe had already leapt away from his position as he flooded the platform with his spirit sense.

Using his spiritual force to solidify the air under his feet, Qinghe stood midair, his casual bearing belying his vigilance.

For a moment, nothing happened, his opponent seeming to have vanished completely.

Then You Lixing used his space manipulation to suddenly appear beside Qinghe’s feet and swept the blade of a thin sword towards his ankles.

But the moment You Lixing exited his hiding space, he had already caused the air around him to be displaced. And since Qinghe had already filled the entire space with his spirit sense, he was instantaneously alerted to his opponent’s whereabouts.

And so, rather than cutting through Qinghe’s ankles like he had expected, You Lixing’s blade instead encountered a wind barrier shielding Qinghe’s legs.

Knowing that his location had been found, You Lixing immediately escaped back into hiding within the folds of space using his ability even as Qinghe tried to restrain him by hardening the wind around his opponent. But though the wind clung to him stubbornly, You Lixing still used his ability and managed to disappear while taking the clinging wind along with him. Immediately, Qinghe felt his control over the wind he’d sent to surround his opponent disappear as well.

However, despite this, Qinghe remained calm and continued to wait for the next chance.

This time, You Lixing appeared from above, his blade slicing down towards Qinghe’s shoulder.

But unexpectedly, Qinghe simply looked up at him and smiled.

The instant You Lixing had materialized above him, Qinghe had detected it and immediately compressed the air into spikes at a distance that was even higher than his opponent, making them fall silently so that they wouldn’t be noticed.

And so, the audience saw the breathtaking sight of a shower of silvery spikes descending like rain, falling faster than the plunge of that slender sword.

Before his blade could get anywhere near Qinghe, You Lixing’s body had already been struck by several of those wind spikes. And once they entered his body, the spikes did not proceed to go through, but rather dissolved into strings and wrapped around his innards, keeping him in place.

If You Lixing tried to move or use his ability in this state, he would only cause damage to himself. If he disappeared into the folds of space, he would take along this compressed wind with him, pulling it forcibly out of Qinghe’s control. But once the wind was out of Qinghe’s control, it would lose its compression, inevitably making it explode outward and causing considerable damage inside him.

Realizing this, You Lixing was frozen in place, afraid to even breathe, tremble, or wince at the pain of his body having been pierced.

In this position, he couldn’t use his ability to make Qinghe disappear either, since it would still cut his control over the wind and make it decompress explosively.

Forcibly pushing down his unwillingness and helplessness, You Lixing did the only thing he could do.

“I admit defeat!” he cried out, trying to keep his voice even and calm.

Hearing this, the supervising Elder immediately announced, “Result for Pillar Four, Feng Qinghe versus You Lixing, Feng Qinghe wins!”

Not having been able to see exactly what had happened, many of the viewers were still shocked. It had barely even been a couple of minutes, and yet Feng Qinghe had won so quickly. And without even using his spiritual artifact at that! Was the discrepancy between these two disciples’ strengths really so large?

Now that the battle was over, Qinghe commanded his wind to carefully put You Lixing down and made it withdraw from his body.

Sighing in relief at finally getting out of such a nerve-wracking situation, You Lixing regained his composure once again. Though he had lost now, he was confident that he could win against most of the others and regain his standing.

After quickly taking several healing and blood replenishing pills, he bowed towards Qinghe and spoke in a subdued tone, “As expected, Martial Brother Feng is truly indomitable. I should have known that I had no chance of beating you.”

With a light jump from where he had been standing midair, Qinghe also got down back on the platform and quickly bowed in return, “No, it was Martial Brother You who graciously let me win this time. I sincerely look forward to our next match.”

Straightening, You Lixing shot Qinghe a wry smile. “Very well, then I shall train hard to not disappoint you next time.”

With that, he jumped down the pillar to look for his next opponent.

Left alone on the platform, Qinghe tucked his hands into his sleeves and smiled his usual pleasant smile, serenely waiting for the next challenger to come and entertain him.

In this way, the third stage smoothly proceeded.

As Qinghe took part in more and more matches, winning them all in unexpected and spectacular ways, the audience hanging around his platform also thickened, unblinkingly staring at his every move while he fought so that they wouldn’t miss a detail.

And of course, there were a few familiar faces among the audience as well.

The twins were watching Qinghe while hovering in the air using their crackling blue wings, Fei Jin’s made of lightning sparks and Fei Yin’s formed of crystalline ice. Floating beside them and seated on a giant paper lotus were Liu Xue, Wu Xiao, Jing Shui, Chen Xiande, and a few junior disciples from a mix of several sects.

“He certainly looks like he’s enjoying himself,” Wu Xiao commented dryly as he saw the hidden glee on Qinghe’s face while he cleverly manipulated his current opponent into a corner. “It seems that Xiao Feng really is a battle maniac, although a somewhat subdued one.”

With a frown, Chen Xiande couldn’t help but add, “I’d hardly say he’s subdued about it. He just restrains himself too much.”

Letting out a carefree laugh, Liu Xue remarked, “If he has violent tendencies like that, then isn’t it better if he kept them restrained? Just imagine how chaotic it would be if someone as cunning as Xiao He went around butchering everyone just for fun. I reckon even the Sentinels would have their hands full with catching this sneaky fellow if he ever ended up breaking the law.”

“Master, Feng Qinghe is too much of a good person to do that!” Jing Shui burst out in his friend’s fervent defense.

A host of sympathetic gazes landed on Jing Shui.

With a sigh, Wu Xiao spoke, “My Ah-Shui is still so pure even after all the impure things I do to him every night.”

Hearing this, Jing Shui’s face turned red as he began stuttering incoherently.

Shaking her head, Liu Xue also said, “My dear innocent disciple, when will you see your friend’s true colors? This is all my junior brother’s fault for raising you up to be such a naïve young man. Tsk, tsk.”

“So you’re throwing all the blame on me now? Elder Sister, are you saying you did not contribute to raising Ah-Shui at all?!” Wu Xiao shot back.

“Of course I didn’t! He always kept running back to your sect the second he completed whatever tasks I gave him. So where would I have the time to get to raise him?!”

“Elder Sister, you’re so shameless! You’re actually admitting that you couldn’t even manage to raise your own head disciple!”

“Xiao Xiao, you impudent brat! Isn’t it your fault for bewitching my darling little disciple from the start?! How dare you blame me!”

“And did you forget just who it was who requested me to take care of him in the first place?”

“I only did that out of care and concern for my beloved disciple and not out of laziness like you seem to be implyi―”

“Shh!” the twins angrily shushed the pair of bickering martial siblings and admonished, “You’ll end up distracting Senior Brother at this rate!”

And so, under the youngsters’ twin glares full of reproach, the pair of well-known sect masters of two of the most prominent sects obediently shut up.

Seeing this, Chen Xiande and a still flushed Jing Shui exchanged glances, looking at the identical expression of suppressed mirth on each other’s faces, then wordlessly turned away to observe Qinghe’s match to avoid the urge to burst out laughing at all the ridiculousness.

Recognizing the look on his beloved’s face, Wu Xiao narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to say something, but then his irises suddenly flashed an eerie silver as he snapped his head up towards the sky as if sensing something.

Without wasting a second, Wu Xiao stood up to his full height as numerous silvery threads shot out of him in all directions. The tendrils of spiritual power sped towards the edges of the Battle Arena and curled to form complex sigils and characters that aimed to reinforce the arena’s barrier.

Noticing Wu Xiao’s sudden actions, most of the audience, the invigilating Elders, and even the disciples in the midst of battle turned to look at him with confused or blank expressions.

But as if realizing something, his fellow sect masters all immediately stood up with grave expressions, following Wu Xiao’s gaze and looking at the sky with caution.

After all, they knew the nature of Wu Xiao’s ability well.

Though he was unable to see into the different times and spaces that often, unlike the vague visions of the other seers of Silver Mist, Wu Xiao’s precognition was able to give him accurate details about things that would happen in the very near future. It might happen a few seconds or a few minutes later, but it definitely would happen soon.

And Wu Xiao’s abrupt action of reinforcing the Battle Arena’s barrier right now clearly indicated that danger was fast approaching, and so the sect masters increased their vigilance, waiting for whatever was about to happen.

They didn’t have to wait long.

A loud bang resounded as a massive force of raw spiritual might struck at the Battle Arena. Shockwaves vibrated the air as the loud sound blasted through the entire area, disrupting space itself.

The ancient arena’s defensive barrier flared to life and obstructed the offensive power, flashing brightly as if in indignant rage, but the attacking energy only pressed harder, its resources seemingly unending and inexhaustible.

The barrier strained and pressed on, but eventually started flickering under the continuing assault. Then unable to keep on bearing the incredible pressure, bright cracks began to form on its surface.

This was when the silver sigils at the base of the barrier that Wu Xiao had just created activated with a flash, finally having gathered enough energy. Intricate symbols climbed up the sides of the failing barrier like curling vines and reinforced the cracking walls, revitalizing it in the nick of time.

But surprisingly, as if sensing this, the attacking force only grew in power, pressing down with an even more intense weight, its momentum increasing several-fold.

The newly reinforced barrier once again began to fracture, then shattered with a resounding snap. The shards of the broken barrier exploded outwards, making some of the younger disciples scream while clutching their heads as their ears bled.

Due to the rebound of his spell being broken, Wu Xiao coughed out a mouthful of blood and swayed unsteadily, his face holding an expression of disbelief.

“Xiao Xiao, are you alright?!” Liu Xue asked anxiously as she supported her junior brother, but received no response.

“Wu Xiao! What’s wrong? How much damage did the rebound cause you?” Jing Shui shouted, his face creased with worry.

But shaking his head as if to clear it, Wu Xiao frowned up at the sky with a scowl. “A deity?”

Even though his voice wasn’t loud, all the sect masters, along with several of the Elders and senior disciples, heard his incredulous utterance. Icy chills crawled up their spines as the meaning behind his words sunk in―

They were currently being attacked by a deity.


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