Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 112: On a Midnight Visit

Feng Huixin was having a bizarre dream. He thought that this dream might just be real.

The dreamscape was nothing but flowing clouds lit by the golden glow of sunlight. He hovered among the gilded clouds amorphously. Vague shapes took form and dissolved around him, white vapor swirling endlessly in lazy curls.

A majestic voice suddenly boomed in this space.

“Deity of Judgment Feng Huixin, what is your situation and when shall you return to the heavens with your son?”

Faced with this familiar voice that he hadn’t heard since he descended, Feng Huixin gave a mental bow out of respect and replied, “Your Majesty, I have found my son, but he might not yet be willing to leave this world and his loved ones here to depart for the heavens with me. I ask for your patience.”

Feng Huixin also wanted to take this chance to report to the Heavenly Emperor that the path to Heaven seemed to be blocked from his side and relay the problem with the demonic deity… but the words refused to come out as if held back by a great force.

Recognizing this as interference from Heaven itself, Feng Huixin was forced to just sigh and give up for now.

After hearing Feng Huixin’s words, a heavy exhalation filled with unfathomable weight stirred the clouds, gently blowing them back. “Then try and make haste to return. The situation here might turn dire otherwise.”

Immediately sharpening his attention, Feng Huixin asked with alarm. “What do you mean, Your Majesty? An enemy attack? Civil unrest? Or have the Qilin finally returned?”

Another great sigh, heavier than the last, gusted over the clouds as the Heavenly Emperor explained,  “None of those, it’s your wife.”

“…” Feng Huixin felt that he should’ve expected this.

“She has been causing a ruckus at the heavenly court every day, demanding that I send her to wherever her child and husband are. She first made her men sign a petition to push forward her request, but when that failed to work, she began threatening to misuse her authority as the general of the heavenly armies to organize a revolt and take over as the new Heavenly Empress.”


If the current Heavenly Emperor did not have such a good temper, Feng Huixin knew that his wife would have been slapped with several accounts of treason by now.

In a chagrined tone, Feng Huixin spoke, “I apologize for my wife’s conduct. Your Majesty, may I ask you to please inform her that our son and I are well and that we will hopefully be able to return soon with my son’s partner, who has been as another son to me all this while.”

There was a moment of silence as the Heavenly Emperor digested this. “I will convey your words. Perhaps this will stall her for some time.”

But both of them knew that with Feng Chunyi’s temperament, it was unlikely.

This time, both Feng Huixin and the Heavenly Emperor sighed out a breath at the same time.

In a weary voice, the Heavenly Emperor finally said, “I hope that hearing mention of her future son-in-law will keep her occupied for a while. Stay well, Feng Huixin.”

With that, the Heavenly Emperor’s presence receded.

The clouds immediately lost their rosy golden tint and began turning a gloomy grey. The biting chill of cold fog pierced into Feng Huixin’s formless spirit as his surroundings started to darken.

Cold laughter and sharp words began to sound as if from a distance, the vague sounds both familiar and unwelcome. Feng Huixin recalled that these were the voices of his family who had treated him so harshly before.

The clouds flowing around him turned black and thickened into acrid smoke, the indistinct voices from before screaming shrilly as if in miserable pain. The stench of charred flesh wafted ever so slightly in the air that had begun to burn with dry heat. Sounds of people crying and screeching, along with mad, hysterical laughter and shouts of anger, floated over with the arid wind.

Memories and impressions mixed in Feng Huixin’s mind as the nightmare slowly took root in the absence of the Heavenly Emperor’s presence, sinking its claws into him as his consciousness slowly slipped deeper into sleep…

Knock, knock!

The sound of someone rapping loudly on his door dragged Feng Huixin back into wakefulness, the stuffy feeling brought to him by his nightmare slowly dissipating along with the winds that had begun to stir in the room due to his unrestful sleep.

Blinking his eyes to clear the last wisps of drowsiness, Feng Huixin sat up and called, “Enter.”

He had already determined the identities of the ones currently behind the door with his spirit sense and felt more than a little puzzled and anxious at their presence here.

Hearing Feng Huixin’s permission to enter, Qinghe brusquely pushed open the door and unsteadily walked in, his hand tightly clutching Wei Xiang’s as he pulled his lover along.

In a dignified voice, Qinghe loudly proclaimed, “Grandmaster, I’m here to cuddle in your bed!”



Meeting his master’s utterly baffled gaze, Wei Xiang could only shrug and say, “He’s drunk.”

Showing an expression of understanding, Feng Huixin solemnly nodded. “Very well then, I’ll give my room to you both tonight.”

But as he made to get up, Qinghe huffed dissatisfiedly and refused with vehemence, “No! Then it won’t be your bed anymore!”

Feng Huixin could only look helplessly at his third disciple once again, hoping he could translate his son’s words for him.

With his eyes shining with laughter, Wei Xiang explained, “He wants us to lie down together, isn’t that right, love?”

Qinghe nodded emphatically, his cheeks pink with inebriation and puffed up cutely. “Yes, together!”

Feng Huixin felt his heart clench tightly. He very badly wanted to squeeze his adorable little son’s cheeks, but curled his itchy fingers into fists instead as he coughed lightly. “Very well, then you may get on the bed.”

Qinghe nodded happily and dragged Wei Xiang to the bed. But as he made to climb up, Wei Xiang stopped him and reminded, “Qinghe, you’re not wearing shoes. Your feet must have gotten dusty while you wandered outside, remember? You can’t get on the bed like this.”

As for the dusty footprints already decorating the room’s otherwise immaculate floor, Wei Xiang was helpless to do anything about them now.

Halting at hearing his lover’s reminder, Qinghe looked up at Wei Xiang with watery eyes. “Then…we can’t cuddle together?”

Both Wei Xiang and Feng Huixin felt as if their hearts had been struck.

“Of course we can, love. Just sit on the bed and keep your feet down. I’ll help you clean them up,” Wei Xiang hurriedly offered. If those clear tears brimming in his little lover’s eyes actually fell, then the damage to his heart would be devastating!

His mood immediately brightening, Qinghe smiled cheerfully and plopped his butt onto the edge of the bed, dangling his feet down as he waved them in the air.

Crouching down in front of his expectant lover, Wei Xiang retrieved a cloth and a basin of warm water from his storage space. Then wetting the cloth, he carefully wiped away the thin layer of dust covering the bottom of his beloved’s feet.

Once Wei Xiang was done, Qinghe quickly climbed up the rest of the way and laid down in the middle of the bed, clearly staking his claim on that particular spot with a smug expression.

Both Wei Xiang and Feng Huixin could only look on affectionately at his face that shone with unhidden, childish glee.

Cleaning up his own feet in a similar way, Wei Xiang put away the cloth and the basin of water, then joined Qinghe on the bed, lying down sideways due to the lack of space.

Qinghe then looked up at Feng Huixin. Now that even his Xiang had joined him, shouldn’t his father do the same?

And so, raising a hand and strongly tugging at Feng Huixin’s robe, Qinghe ordered, “Grandmaster, you also lie down!”

Feng Huixin felt wry at how his son still didn’t call him father despite his drunkenness. But the very fact that he was here asking to spend time together meant that he had at least lowered his defenses against him.

As Qinghe kept tugging at his sleeve, Feng Huixin felt that his robe would either tear or slide off of him at this rate. So placating his son with a soft “Yes, yes, I’m coming,” Feng Huixin finally saved his poor robe from his son’s clutches and lied down on Qinghe’s other side.

But three fully-grown people squished in a single, medium-sized bed was bound to be uncomfortable.

Sensing this, Qinghe turned his body to the side with his back facing Wei Xiang, allowing for a little more room.

Then frowning, Qinghe demanded, “Xiang, your hands.”

With an indulgent smile, Wei Xiang looped his arms over and under Qinghe, enveloping him from behind as he usually did when they slept in this position.

Qinghe’s frown eased at this familiar and comforting sensation. With a sigh of contentment, he leaned his body back into Wei Xiang’s even as he pressed his cheek into his father’s bosom that was right in front of him.

Feng Huixin froze, just now remembering his son’s aversion to touch. But seeing how Qinghe hadn’t seemed to mind how he had to squeeze together with him when Feng Huixin had first lied down, added with how easily his son was touching him now… could it be that he actually didn’t mind his touch due to him being his father?

Though it felt too good to be true, Feng Huixin still reached his hand up and patted his son’s round head experimentally and with caution, hoping that he would accept his touch. Feeling a warm palm carefully rubbing his head, Qinghe only made a hum of pleasure rather than flinching back or pushing him away as he’d expected.

And so, with more confidence, Feng Huixin pressed closer to his son, stroking Qinghe’s hair rhythmically with gentle motions.

Qinghe melted into the bed comfortably, an expression of bliss on his face.

He basked in his beloved’s familiar and loving presence shrouding him from the back while his father’s steady and soothing existence lulled him into relaxing further from the front. Feeling the secure warmth of his lover’s arms around him and his father’s hand affectionately patting his head, Qinghe drowsily thought that this was what heaven should feel like.

If he were a cat, he’d surely be purring to show his satisfaction by now.

Pushing up his eyelids that had already gone too heavy, Qinghe mumbled in an aggrieved tone, “Why am I not a cat?”

Then not waiting for an answer, he drifted off to sleep, his expression relaxing into one of tranquility.

Feng Huixin’s hand paused on his son’s head as he and Wei Xiang exchanged an amused look over the sleeping Qinghe.

The sound of his even and quiet breaths sounded softly in the room as a peaceful hush descended inside, filling the dark space with a sense of gentle calm.

Feng Huixin raised an arm and placed it over and around both Qinghe and Wei Xiang as much as he could reach. This sense of contentment was not something he had ever thought he could feel outside of the home he’d made with his wife, and then, later with his son. But these two boys filled his heart so much and helped him tide over these years without his Chunyi. Thoughts of finding Qinghe and spending time raising Wei Xiang were what had kept him going all this time along with his sense of responsibility towards the Sentinels.

And so, sunken in quiet comfort while poignant and warm thoughts filled his mind, Feng Huixin spent the night in the company of his dear sons.

A few peaceful hours later, dawn broke over the horizon.

Birds chirped their simple melodies to herald the arrival of a new day. The sky stretched smooth and bright with only a few puffs of clouds drifting lazily.

When Qinghe finally woke, the first thing he saw was a close view of his father’s profile. His cheek seemed to be resting just under Feng Huixin’s chin, the front of his body lying along his father’s as his back was pressed tightly against his lover’s.

For a moment, Qinghe’s mind felt blank. And then the memories of last night slowly start filtering in, the cozy scenes misted over by the merry haze of drunkenness.

Truthfully, Qinghe was not all that surprised that he had sought out his father like this to fulfill his drunken self’s strange idea of a bonding session. After all, though he had grown fond of his father after their few interactions together, he still didn’t quite know how to show or express it outright. He still felt too strange at the thought of calling him aloud as ‘Father’, but in his heart, Feng Huixin was already beginning to be accepted as family.

And so, after getting inebriated, his drunken self’s solution must have been to share a family bonding session using one of his favorite things―cuddling.

Qinghe didn’t know whether to laugh or sigh as he realized all this, but decided to put these thoughts aside for now.

Slowly sorting out his recollections, Qinghe blinked and lifted his head. He narrowed his eyes in a squint as his skull ached from within in a slow and heavy throb.

Now that his cultivation was unavailable to heal the aftereffects of drinking, Qinghe was finally getting a taste of the consequences of indulging in too much wine. And though it wasn’t as bad as a full-out hangover, it was still very uncomfortable.

Letting out a weary sigh, Qinghe dropped his head back onto his father’s chest and shut his eyes.

Above him, the corners of Feng Huixin’s mouth softened as if about to smile. He ran his palm over his son’s back gently in soothing comfort.

As Qinghe luxuriated in this feeling of parental affection while struggling to ignore his pounding temples, a deep and mellow chuckle sounded from behind him as Wei Xiang offered, “Shall I give you some medicine to treat your headache?”

His head popping up while his eyes remained bleary, Qinghe nodded eagerly, then winced as the motion deepened the pain in his head.

A few moments later, a hand extended from behind him, pressing a smooth round pill to his lips. Qinghe unceremoniously opened his mouth to gulp it down.

“Is it very painful?” Feng Huixin asked worriedly from in front of him, his hands rising up to begin gently massaging his son’s forehead.

Due to a mixture of his father’s ministrations and the pill his lover gave him, Qinghe felt his headache quickly receding. His brows relaxed in comfort as he sighed happily, his head snuggling under his father’s chin again.

It was truly very nice to wake up with this pair of helpful Sentinels who also happened to be family. And how many people could actually claim to have woken up while sandwiched between the two most powerful Sentinels in the Order?

As he fuzzily pondered like this, Qinghe’s mind slowly began misting over with sleep once more. Since he was not in his sect in any case, Qinghe blurrily rationalized that no one would be expecting him to rise early and do stuff anyway…

“Qinghe, love, did you forget that we have to attend that discussion you asked Master to plan?”

With a protesting groan, Qinghe tried to bury his face deeper into the crook of his father’s neck, firmly ignoring the voice of reason that was his lover.

“Now, now, love. Don’t be lazy. Get up and get ready,” Wei Xiang cheerfully began chattering, his hand reaching down and tickling Qinghe’s sides mercilessly.

Feng Huixin felt his son’s body beginning to shudder and squirm as he tried to suppress his laughter. As if not wanting to let go of the sweet promise of sleep, Qinghe still clutched tightly onto Feng Huixin’s robes.

But under the unyielding offensive of his beloved’s fingers, Qinghe didn’t manage to hold out very long.

“Alright, alright, stop! I’m getting up, I promise!” Qinghe finally squeezed out as he desperately tried to not squeal undignifiedly with laughter.

With a jovial expression, Wei Xiang finally let go.

Leaning back from his father and unsteadily sitting up after regaining his composure, Qinghe playfully complained, “Grandmaster, your disciple is such a bully!”

With warmth filling his eyes, Feng Huixin spoke, “Is he now? What do you think we should do about it?”

Qinghe’s eyes brightened with a sly light, “Maybe we can―”

Wei Xiang immediately pressed his palm over his mischievous little lover’s lips. “Tattling now, are we? I think some punishment is in order.”

His eyes widening as he realized what his beloved meant, Qinghe immediately began pleading for leniency as soon as the hand covering his mouth was lowered. “Xiang, I wasn’t―!”

But Wei Xiang’s fingers descended on his sides again, unrelenting in their attack.

Qinghe unrestrainedly laughed, his body wriggling around on the bed and messing up the sheets.

Getting up from the bed to begin readying himself, Feng Huixin watched the scene with joy overflowing in his heart. Seeing his sons playing with each other so harmoniously with such large smiles on their faces and happiness in their eyes, how could he not feel elated?

After fooling around like this for a while, Qinghe and Wei Xiang finally began to bid their farewell, not willing to impose on Feng Huixin any longer.

With an earnest expression, Qinghe apologized, “I’m sorry for disturbing you during the night, Grandmaster.”

Feng Huixin’s gaze softened as he carefully pulled Qinghe’s head down and kissed his forehead, his actions now barely holding any hesitation. “You are my sons. You are welcome to come over at any time.”

Qinghe beamed brightly and nodded.

After that, Wei Xiang used the shadows to transport them into Qinghe’s room, where they rushed to bathe and get ready to attend the conference held with the highest powers of the cultivation world.

Since the disciples at the Battle Arena had already seen him without his appearance changing talisman, Qinghe decided to forgo it from now on.

Soon, he and Wei Xiang stepped out of the room fresh and ready.

The couple walked through the corridors of Heavenly Peak sect, heading to meet up with Zhen YiLan and Chen Xiande so that they could go to the conference together.

Wei Xiang’s expression was uncaring and sharply sardonic as usual while Qinghe's ethereally beautiful face was frozen and expressionless, without the usual mask of amiability present. But in stark disparity of their aloofness, the couple’s interlaced fingers lightly swung between them in a simple gesture conveying warm affection and solidarity.

As they passed through the crowds of disciples hurrying about, a host of widened eyes and flushed cheeks greeted them on their way. Yet not a single disciple approached the couple, somehow feeling that their once familiar senior brother had now become a distant existence they shouldn’t dare try to touch carelessly.

Just then, hurried footsteps sounded as a junior ran up to Qinghe, and not minding his cold appearance, the junior bowed deeply. “Senior Brother Feng, I’m glad you are well. Thank you so much for helping me before!”

Qinghe blinked and shifted his gaze to the disciple’s shoulder, realizing that this was the same junior with the mist element who he’d helped with his cultivation before, and whose arm he’d had to cut off when it became infected by a ghoul in the Battle Arena.

The disciple’s arm stump was now enveloped in a loose sack made of breathable cloth that would allow proper ventilation to his wound while keeping out dust and dirt. The sack was cinched just above his shoulder, clearly showing the outline of his regenerating arm. Within the week, his arm would be as good as new again.

Feeling relieved that everything was going alright with the disciple, Qinghe spoke, “Alright, raise your head. I only helped you as a senior should. There is no need to thank me like this.”

The junior disciple straightened up and looked at Qinghe with a worshipful expression, his cheeks blushing cutely as his wide and clear eyes slid to the side as if unable to meet Qinghe’s gaze.

“It is because of Senior Brother Feng’s timely intervention and decision to remove my infected arm that I was able to live at all. If I do not thank you now, I will forever feel regretful!”

Hearing his exaggerated tone, Qinghe couldn’t help but show a soft smile.

Seeing this, all the watching disciples were immediately stunned witless, unable to do anything but stare enraptured.

Unlike the bright smile Qinghe had usually worn before, what he showed now was merely a slight curve of his lips. But this small smile, combined with the warmth in his eyes, was like the morning light filtering through a layer of lacy frost, setting it aglow with a soft gold radiance.

It was breathtaking.

Seeing how the mouth of the young disciple in front of them was gaping open, Wei Xiang chuckled and pulled Qinghe with him to continue walking along the corridor while teasing, “Look at you, seducing your juniors right in front of me. How will you take responsibility if they all end up falling in love with you?”

Qinghe laughed cheerfully, causing many a passing disciple to either run into a wall, a pillar, or stumble over nothing but air.

With a teasing smile of his own, Qinghe replied in a playfully arrogant voice, “Well, who can blame them for their good taste? After all, as someone who you think is worthy to stand by your side, I must naturally be a very good catch.”

Wei Xiang’s eyes softened. “Oh? Then why don’t you come here and let me evaluate how much of a good catch you are?”

After being pulled close to a familiar body, Qinghe felt his beloved’s obnoxious fingers taking liberties with his waist, caressing and squeezing in broad daylight.

“X-Xiang…” Qinghe protested half-heartedly, his gaze already growing heated.

Pulling his little lover closer, Wei Xiang leaned down brushed his lips against Qinghe’s flushing cheek. “Hmm, what is it, love?”

But Qinghe’s own arms had begun to wrap around his beloved’s body, his palms exploring that firm back through the layers of clothes.

Forgetting what they were talking about, the pair of lovers pressed their bodies closer together even as they kept walking, their hands moving over each other’s clothes with even more passion, the distance between their parted lips slowly lessening until they could taste one another’s breaths…

“Are you two done traumatizing the juniors yet? If so, then maybe we can get moving soon.”

Qinghe’s head jerked up at the interruption, suddenly realizing that while walking and flirting intimately, they’d somehow already reached the place where his senior brother and master were waiting.

Stepping away from his beloved’s tempting clutches with a blush, Qinghe nodded. “Yes, yes, we should get going.”

Wei Xiang’s burning gaze was still fixed on his little lover, his arm winding around a slender waist to pull his beloved close enough to plant a small peck on his forehead. Then letting go, he also nodded in readiness.

And thus, the group of four used a transportation array to travel to the site of the conference.

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