Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 115: Counterattack Strategy

Having gained the acceptance of the gathered sect masters and Elders, Qinghe began constructing the strategy.

Turning to Feng Huixin, he asked, “Grandmaster, have the Sentinels discovered anything in their scouting missions so far?”

Hearing his son’s query, Feng Huixin called on Kong Min to answer, “Min-er, what have you found?”

As the head of the informatical group in the Order, Kong Min would after all be the one who knew the most about whatever information had been collected so far.

With his hip still leaning against the table and his arms crossed, Kong Min answered, “The fact that the Castle of Echoes—the place where the deity has currently set up camp—is a part of the Liuxingyu Ruins makes it problematic to scout properly. That entire place has traps upon complicated traps set out around it and many complex formations littering the entire area. It makes it difficult for the reconnaissance team to enter and gain a proper understanding of the castle’s layout. However, with the help of Master’s knowledge gleaned from when he was trapped and managed to get out from the Forest of Echoes, along with our own experience in there, we found a simple method to navigate the forest’s enchantment.”

Qinghe thoughtfully nodded. That would indeed be very helpful when they finally mounted their offensive against the deity Xie Xingye. And since he had also been worrying about how to successfully get through the Forest of Echoes, after hearing that the Sentinels had already found a way, he felt his burden lessen by a little.

But even if that particular issue was taken care of, apart from that, there were still quite a few other things he had to carefully consider.

With a small frown, Qinghe tilted his head down and carefully studied the map laid out on the table, his eyes flicking here and there, over the dense settlements, the positions of the sects, the coastline and the oceans…

Various thoughts and tactics slowly came together in his mind.

Lifting his head up again, Qinghe began, “I will now start assigning tasks, so please listen carefully. If you feel that you would be unable to accomplish the tasks allotted to you or that you might need help, please feel free to speak up. Staying silent due to pride may cause many lives from your sect to be lost if you take on more than you can chew. Give it careful thought before you agree to accept the task.”

Hearing this being said by a young disciple, many of the older cultivators felt uncomfortable, but they could also not refute the logic in Qinghe’s words, so they reluctantly nodded in acquiescence.

“Then I will now begin giving out instructions,” Qinghe declared.

“I would like the Sentinels to continue policing as usual and maintaining order while lending me a few reconnaissance teams. Four teams will pair up with disciples of the Silver Moon Sect who are especially skilled in sensing and breaking apart formations, particularly the ancient spells surrounding the Castle of Echoes. These four groups will target the castle from four different directions and break in. Their objective will be to clear away as many traps as possible while surveying the basic layout of the castle and creating a map. They must make sure to use the shadows or spells of invisibility as much as they can and avoid being detected at all costs.

“Apart from these four groups, the rest of the reconnaissance teams are to study the distributions of ghouls that are meandering over our lands aimlessly and plot their path to predict where they are heading, then block them. Try to herd them away from any human settlements and destroy as many as possible.”

With a serious expression, Kong Min nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”

Wu Xiao also gave a short nod. “I will select and send over the disciples to Sentinel Kong after this conference is over.”

Seeing that there would be no problems on their end, Qinghe moved on to dispense the next set of instructions. Turning to Zhen YiLan, Qinghe spoke, “Master, I would like our sect to send out patrol teams to tightly guard the boundaries of the towns nearest to the Forest of Echoes. If any ghouls enter their sight, they are to eliminate them immediately. We do not know how they will react when they see any mortals, but we cannot take any chances. If a mortal gets infected by demonic energy due to being bitten by a ghoul, their fate will be far worse than a cultivator’s in the same situation.”

Though his face showed a complicated expression at his Qing-er ordering him so calmly, Zhen YiLan still nodded. “It will be done.”

Qinghe sent his master a small smile of gratitude before turning to Fu Cangyun. “Sect Master Fu, may I request that the Lightning Sky Sect be responsible as field medics during the battle? It would also be better if the juniors, along with a few seniors and Elders, could stay back in case of emergencies. Please prepare the necessary amounts of pills and medicine we will need in advance to treat those infected by ghoul bites.”

Without a change in expression, Fu Cangyun simply said, “Yes.”

Turning to Lu Feiyu next, Qinghe spoke, “During the final battle, I would like the Drifting Clouds Sect to secure escape routes so that the severely wounded can be carried out for treatment and rest during the fight. I will leave the choosing of the disciples to Sect Master Lu, but please do retain a select few to aid in the main battle force itself.”

Lu Feiyu nodded thoughtfully. “Understood, I’ll see that it’s done.”

Satisfied with his response, Qinghe then turned to Liu Xue. “Sect Master Liu, along with joining the main force, can I leave the task of providing armaments, artifacts, and other necessary tools required during this battle to your sect as well?”

Liu Xue simply raised an eyebrow, a sly glint in her eyes.

Understanding, Qinghe added with a chuckle, “You will be suitably compensated, of course.”

With a grin, Liu Xue immediately nodded. “Since you’re buying in bulk, I will even give you a discount. But Xiao He, can your sect afford to pay for it all?”

At the side, Zhen YiLan also showed a worried expression. After all, the goods sold by the Golden Sun Sect were all of very high quality, which naturally meant that they were extremely expensive. And since large quantities of these expensive goods would have to be purchased all at once, it would be an understatement even if one were to say that the resultant price could bankrupt several wealthy sects under its cumulative weight.

But with a placid smile, Qinghe easily replied, “I will naturally not burden my master with these expenses. I have had many dealings with Master Kai to date and he owes me several favors. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to pay to clear a few of them.”

Many people looked at Qinghe with wide and disbelieving eyes.

Just how did this youngster get that famed merchant Master Kai to owe him so many favors?! This Feng Qinghe was truly a wily one!

Not minding their strange expressions, now that the matter of payment was settled, Qinghe continued instructing, “After these preparations are complete and everything is ready, we will march through the Forest of Echoes and reach the castle where the demonic deity Xie Xingye and his dragon have made their lair. Our main fighting force will consist of martially-inclined disciples from Heavenly Peak Sect and Golden Sun Sect, along with certain disciples from Drifting Cloud Sect who can use their ability in an offensive capacity. If any of the other sects have disciples who are willing to risk their lives in this battle or to guard mortal settlements against the wandering ghouls, then may they provide their names and the nature of their ability to their respective sect masters, who are then requested to bring this list to me so that I can factor everything in.”

Heads nodded all around the table as everyone agreed to his words. They were glad that the weaker or more meek disciples of their sects wouldn’t be forced to fight just to make up numbers. Giving the disciples the choice to voluntarily fight in the battle or take up guard duty over the townships was very fair.

Letting out a breath, Qinghe paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing, “Meanwhile, during the battle at the Castle of Echoes, I would like to ask Sect Master Wu and Brother Jing to cooperate like last time at the Battle Arena and maintain a barrier around the entire castle to make sure that neither the ghouls nor the deity and his dragon will escape, either over the land, through the skies, or into the ocean.”

Wu Xiao and Jing Shui shared a look, then turning to Qinghe, they resolutely nodded as one.

Seeing them easily agree, Qinghe felt relieved that no matter what, at least their opponents wouldn’t be able to flee this time and extend this battle.

Reassured that this would be handled, Qinghe had just opened his mouth to issue some more instructions when an Elder suddenly spoke up, “Excuse me, but what about the oceans bordering the Castle of Echoes? Since the ghouls originate from the castle, wouldn’t they also wander towards the shore, and by extension, the oceans?”

Not minding the interruption, Qinghe easily agreed with a pleasant smile, “Yes, they will. That is why, while the Sentinels handle cleaning the ghouls on land, I thought to request the Pirate Queen Hai Liang to station her vessels near the shore to make sure that none of the ghouls escape through the ocean.”

With a doubtful look, the Elder asked, “But will she agree?”

Nodding, Qinghe answered, “Yes, she also owes me many favors and would surely be delighted to get this opportunity to reduce them by a few.”


This time, even the people closest to Qinghe looked at him disbelievingly.

How could this pair of powerful husband and wife both owe this man? Just what had he done to gain so many favors out of the renowned merchant Mater Kai who could rival the Golden Sun Sect in matters of trade, and the Queen of the Seas Hai Liang who was already considered a legendary figure known and feared by all?!

However, while standing at the side, Wei Xiang simply looked on with a wry and knowing smile.

He remembered how, back when they were in the receiving room of the imperial palace of the Xing Long Empire, his little lover had fed him oranges before plotting about gaining favors from both Master Kai and Hai Liang by using their game of chasing and being chased to his advantage.

Qinghe would agree to provide Master Kai a place to hide in for at least a month before giving up his location to Hai Liang exactly after that month was over. Neither of the sides knew of their spouse’s arrangement with Qinghe and both kept owing him favors every month in this way.

Thinking back to his beloved’s cunning, Wei Xiang felt both impressed and helpless.

Just then, a sect master spoke up with a question, “What I do not understand is, why must we guard against the ghouls going into the oceans in the first place? Rather than stopping them, we should actually just herd all the ghouls and push them into the waters. Just let them all drown together, I say!”

A host of disparaging glares landed on this sect master, immediately shutting him up.

Coughing lightly to disperse the terse atmosphere, Qinghe explained patiently, “Since ghouls are essentially made from dead bodies, they will float in water like most corpses would. And since ghouls wouldn’t need to breathe, even if they were to be submerged in water, it would pose no hindrance to them.”

The sect master reddened in embarrassment after hearing this, but still continued to insist, “Even if it were so, where the ghouls float away to after leaving our lands is not our concern. I still stand by my suggestion to push them all into the ocean and let them drift away from our shores on their own.”

Some looked at this sect master with a hint of dissatisfaction while a few looked like they were considering this option.

At the side, Wu Xiao snorted disdainfully. “Oh? And what about the fishing boats they might encounter along the way? What if they float back around to another shore on our continent and start attacking innocents? Or are you saying that you can protect each and every single shore on these lands? Not to mention the catastrophe we would be to blame for if the ghouls floated to and began infesting any of the islands surrounding our continent. Eradicating them completely would be near to impossible then.”

The sect master finally shut up, unable to say anything in return.

Qinghe let out a sigh silently that this issue finally seemed to be resolved.

Then turning to Hei NingYu, he began, “Sect Leader Hei, about the dark arts faction―”

Hei NingYu interjected, “I will be the only one taking part in the representation of the entire dark arts faction.”

Qinghe paused, then nodded in understanding.

After all, Hei NingYu’s sole objective in becoming the demonic faction’s sect leader was to suppress them and prevent them from wantonly wreaking havoc. He naturally would not want to bring them along when dealing with something as crucial as this discussion or the battle with the demonic deity later.

Also, the demonic faction was not a loyal lot. They might as well just take this opportunity to kill off their sect leader and earn his position or try to stealthily harvest the souls of the other cultivators while they were busy battling. And when compared to the righteous cultivators towards whom they held a bit of dissatisfaction, they would naturally feel more favorably towards a deity who followed the demonic path like them, so it would be difficult to be certain that they wouldn’t just switch sides halfway through.

And so, it would definitely be better to keep the demonic cultivators off the battlefield this time.

With a considering look, Qinghe finally spoke, “Then Sect Leader Hei, may I ask you to use your ability and wrench away control of a portion of the ghouls from the demonic deity?”

Standing behind Zhen YiLan, Chen Xiande’s eyes widened. How did his junior brother know about his beloved’s ability?

But Hei NingYu looked unsurprised. He had long since figured out that with his talent to ferret out secrets, Qinghe would’ve long since found out about his Enchantment.

In a carefree voice, Hei NingYu easily agreed, “Yes, I can take control of a few thousand ghouls at least.”

Qinghe nodded in satisfaction. But before he could proceed to say something else, Chen Xiande suddenly spoke out, “Junior Brother, while NingYu is using his ability, I would like to stay with him.”

Qinghe paused. Then with a quiet gaze, he looked at his senior brother. “Do you feel that it is necessary?”

Chen Xiande met his gaze with firm eyes and nodded. “Yes.”

In the beginning, the biggest reason he had rushed to cultivate and strengthen his ability was so that he could protect this junior brother of his who seemed to not know how to take care of himself, treating his own wellbeing without seriousness. And then, Chen Xiande had begun to train harder so that he could also protect Hei NingYu whenever he became vulnerable while using his ability.

But now that his junior brother had both his Sentinel Wei and the Grandmaster to take care of him, Chen Xiande could rest assured and pour the entire focus of his protection into keeping his lover safe.

Even now, Chen Xiande still couldn’t forget the sight of what he saw that time, when he dreamt of his beloved’s memories.

He remembered the sight of Hei NingYu chained and weak, he remembered the sight of him being ripped apart by beasts, he remembered the emptiness in his eyes when he killed his own master…

No, Chen Xiande didn’t want his beloved to be alone anymore, especially when he would be so vulnerable while using his Enchantment. Hei NingYu might be powerful enough right now to not need his protection, but Chen Xiande was determined to stay by his side anyway.

Guessing his little sheep’s thoughts, Hei NingYu’s expression softened with affection and warmth.

At the head of the table, Qinghe studied Chen Xiande’s steady expression, then spoke with a small smile, “Since Senior Brother deems it necessary, you may do so. Assist Sect Leader Hei well then.”

In the presence of so many people, both Chen Xiande and Qinghe had taken care not to reveal Hei NingYu’s weakness, just tacitly understanding the situation between themselves.

Seeing that his junior brother agreed while also not giving away the side-effects of Hei NingYu’s ability before everyone, Chen Xiande sent Qinghe a nod filled with gratitude.

Now that that was decided, Qinghe figured that it was finally time to explain the main core of his plan.

Turning to the room at large, Qinghe began, “Since we have addressed almost everything that needs to be addressed, we will now move on to discussing the plan to let the Grandmaster seal the demonic deity Xie Xingye and suppress his black dragon companion.”

Many people showed startled expressions. He meant to only seal and not kill the demonic deity?

“Why would you let him live?” asked an Elder. “He is someone who is legitimately trying to devour an entire world. What right does he have to live?!”

Qinghe faced him with a composed expression, his eyes holding a calm weight that someone of his age should not have had. “We are cultivators who follow the righteous path, while he is a deity who ascended using the demonic path. Our morals are obviously meant to be stronger than his. Just because he wants to kill us all does not mean that we have to reciprocate that much brutality. Blood must never be shed thoughtlessly. After all, each life is so precious and maintained with so much hard work, ending it carelessly is a sin.”

While the other cultivators nodded thoughtfully at these deep and meaningful words, Feng Huixin’s eyes remained fixed on Qinghe, his heart feeling stunned.

His son…so he still remembered what he had taught him so long ago?

Qinghe didn’t notice his father’s strangeness and simply continued from where he’d left off earlier, “The plan is nothing complicated, but it will require some preparation from our part, especially from Sect Master Wu.”

Wu Xiao looked at Qinghe curiously. “What is it that you need?”

“I need you to draw up a formation with certain specifications. I even have a diagram plan for it,” Qinghe explained. Then turning to Wei Xiang, he asked, “Xiang, give me that scroll with the brown and blue cover.”

Wei Xiang cocked an eyebrow, “I have at least four such ones that you gave me for safekeeping just this week.”

The scroll-hoarding Qinghe scrunched his brows, then brightened. “It’s the one whose pattern I said looked like round little fishes.”

With an expression of understanding, Wei Xiang wordlessly retrieved a scroll from his spatial storage and placed it into his little lover’s extended palm.

Relegated to the sidelines, the others could only wordlessly watch them both act like a married couple without comment.

After giving it a cursory glance to see that it was indeed what he had meant, Qinghe threw the scroll towards Wu Xiao with a twitch of his wrist.

Wu Xiao lifted a hand to catch it, and after removing its cloth cover, quickly opened the scroll to read through its contents.

As he read on, his brows drew together more and more.

“Xiao Feng, something like this… I’m afraid that it will require a staggering amount of power.”

Qinghe remained unperturbed as he asked evenly, “Yes, I’m aware. But is it possible?”

Wu Xiao rolled the scroll back up and carefully drew the cloth cover over it again. Then looking up, he nodded once. “Yes, it’s definitely possible, though I am in disbelief that something like this even exists. Where did you find it?”

Waving his hand dismissively, Qinghe merely said, “I traded for it with certain people who did not know its value. Let’s not speak about that.”

And so, Wu Xiao prudently decided to leave it be. He did not want to know what all shady dealings this sneaky Xiao Feng had gotten up to behind everyone's backs to get his hands on this scroll.

“But what is in that scroll?” Jing Shui suddenly questioned, unable to restrain his curiosity anymore.

Wu Xiao only shook his head wryly in response while Qinghe smiled and answered, “Inside the scroll is the explanation on how to construct a formation that can trap and completely incapacitate the spiritual powers of everyone within its confines, no matter their realm of power. Its spiritual nullification is absolute and not even talismans or artifacts will work inside its boundaries.”

Surprised gazes were immediately directed towards the scroll lying inconspicuously on the table in front of Wu Xiao.

If it contained details on how to build a formation that could trap even a deity like that, then it must at least be of heavenly grade!

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