Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 126: Reunion at Last

The first thing Qinghe noticed about the heavenly realm was the air.

It was so much cleaner and purer than anything he had ever felt before, and it was also saturated with large quantities of spiritual energy. And though Qinghe couldn’t take in or circulate this energy currently, he could still sense it, and it gave him a pleasant and vaguely familiar feeling of comfort.

The place he had appeared in—along with Feng Huixin, an unconscious and sealed Xie Xingye, and the black dragon Zheng Xuan—was on top of a large transportation formation, its intricate lines inlaid with metal on a smooth platform of sand-colored stone. Its surface was covered with a smattering of creeping vines and weeds at the border, along with a few stray dried leaves.

Large, healthy, and flourishing trees towered around this huge formation, their leaves a lush and verdant green. Bird calls rang out, the tweeting and chirping ringing sweetly as the rustling of foliage sounded in accompaniment. A wide, unpaved path led from this formation and meandered towards a large house in the distance.

Feng Huixin drunk in this familiar scenery for a moment, his gaze showing nostalgia as memories filled him.

Then hearing the black dragon shifting impatiently at the side, Feng Huixin broke out of his reverie and turned to his son, “Qinghe, can you wait here for a few minutes? I need head over to the Offices of Judgment and let them take care of the deity Xie Xingye and his dragon companion for now. I’ll come back soon.”

Qinghe blinked and nodded in understanding. He already knew that the Offices of Judgment that his father just mentioned was Heaven’s equivalent of the Order of Sentinels, and as the one named the Deity of Judgment, Feng Huixin was their appointed leader.

Turning to the black dragon, Qinghe earnestly said, “Thank you for agreeing to Xiang’s proposal and giving me a chance. Since your beloved did try to kill a whole world of people, he’ll have to be processed by my father’s people first. But he won’t be wronged, and if my mother agrees, he can meet and discuss with her about her memories afterwards.”

As for the black dragon, since he was not a human deity, and despite everything, was still under the protection of the dragon court, it would take a while for his crimes to be judged and suitable punishment to be delivered due to his aiding and abetting in Xie Xingye's plot to devour an entire world. But the current regime of dragons was especially lenient towards their own, so he might not face any charges at all unless the heavenly court itself decided to get involved.

Meanwhile, Zheng Xuan looked at the sincere expression on the face of that wyvern brat's mate as he tried to reassure him, and felt both helpless and amused. Was this the person his beloved had tried to treat as his enemy all this while? He detected no animosity or hatred from him at all!

Then thinking about what this little cultivator had said just now, Zheng Xuan could only sigh.

In a way, though he did not want Xie Xingye to go through any of this, Zheng Xuan also knew that unless his beloved let himself be judged and made amends, he would not be able to move forward in this realm.

Heaven was a fair existence, and since most of the damage wrought by Xie Xingye in the lower world had been mitigated by Qinghe and the others, Xie Xingye was unlikely to receive too heavy a sentence. But if he had ended up managing to devour the lower world as he had planned to, then Xie Xingye’s punishment would have been very harsh and cruel, fitting the crime of taking so many lives. And so, Zheng Xuan was already grateful towards these people for giving his beloved another way to enter Heaven again.

At that time, since that had seemed like the only way for Xie Xingye to attain what he wanted, Zheng Xuan had also given his beloved his full support even as he had been wracking his brain to come up with a way out in case of Heaven pursuing them if they succeeded. But after hearing from his queen's son that there was another way for Xie Xingye to meet with that sister of his without having to destroy a world and attracting Heaven's full wrath, Zheng Xuan had felt relieved. And so, he was already grateful towards these people for giving his beloved another way to enter Heaven again with minimum repercussions.

Once his beloved was finished serving his sentence, he could roam out in the open without having to constantly run and hide from the law. And while Xie Xingye underwent his punishment, Zheng Xuan was determined to stay beside his beloved to support him as much as he could.

And as for the case of Xie Xingye being unhappy with the decisions Zheng Xuan was making for him… Zheng Xuan could only resolve himself to explain his reasoning later and hope his beloved would understand. And from what he knew, as long as Xie Xingye got to meet with his sister at the end, he wouldn’t be too angry about the rest.

After staying silent for a long while as he pondered over all this, Zheng Xuan let out a weary sigh.

Then looking at the little cultivator still peering up at him with a serious expression, he softened his expression and forced out a few words, "Thank you…for thinking about him."

Qinghe’s eyes widened, then he beamed happily. “Well, he is as good as an uncle to me, isn’t he?”

The black dragon Zheng Xuan, who had once hated this person called Feng Qinghe for getting in his beloved’s way, despising him enough to try and kill him with his flames numerous times, now felt his hard heart warming towards him. This child…was actually a bit adorable.

“If you are ready, then shall we depart?” Feng Huixin asked the dragon.

Zheng Xuan nodded in agreement.

And so, carrying Xie Xingye over one shoulder, Feng Huixin quickly used the shadows and transported them all to the main building of the Offices of Judgment, shocking the working officers there with his abrupt return after three decades.

Meanwhile, Qinghe simply sighed and walked to the edge of the platform, finding a good sized boulder to perch upon while waiting for his father's return.

Looking in the direction of the house in the distance that was sitting at the end of the path connecting it to the formation platform, Qinghe guessed it to be the Feng residence. But though he could simply stride into it and relax more comfortably, he didn’t want to meet his mother for what seemed like the first time on his own without his father by his side.

Sighing once again, Qinghe crossed his legs atop the boulder and began to meditate, trying to clear his mind and ignoring the jagged pain in his stomach.

Less than an hour later, Feng Huixin quickly returned, worried about leaving his son alone.

Perceiving his father’s arrival, Qinghe opened his eyes again and stood up. “Father, are we going to the Feng residence to meet my mother now?”

Detecting the slight nervousness in his son’s voice, Feng Huixin patted Qinghe’s shoulder comfortingly. “Yes, we are. I’m sure that your mother missed you a lot, so don’t be surprised if she hugs you the second you come into her line of sight.”

Qinghe nodded, preparing himself mentally to accept his mother’s touches.

The two people then set out on the pathway stretching from the sand-colored platform, walking steadily towards the Feng household.

Reaching it a few minutes later, they had just entered the large iron gates when the door to the house suddenly opened, followed by a woman hurrying out.

“Ah-Xin? Is that you?”

The woman’s voice as she spoke was pleasant and clear, carrying through crisply.

Her face was oval with a daintily pointed chin, her features delicate yet expressive as they showed her open disbelief and hope upon sensing her husband after such a long time. Though her stature seemed somewhat small, she nevertheless moved energetically and with an ease and lightness to her step that suggested her expertise in martial arts.

The second she saw her husband, the uncertainty in Feng Chunyi’s face disappeared as she rushed forward to jump into Feng Huixin’s embrace, her arms clamping tightly around his waist.

“Ah-Xin! You’re finally back! I missed you so much!” she exclaimed, her emotions of happiness and relief gushing out unhidden, the very picture of a loving wife who’d been yearning to see her husband desperately.

Feng Huixin’s expression softened in the face of his wife’s obvious eagerness and affection. But just when he was about to open his mouth to reply, his body suddenly went stiff with surprise.

Her hands having crept down, Feng Chunyi squeezed her husband’s backside as she observed perceptively, “Ah-Xin, why does your ass feel like it lost some meat?”

The innocent Qinghe who was forced to witness his mother’s shamelessness: “…”

Coughing to alleviate his embarrassment, Feng Huixin quickly redirected his wife’s attention, “Chunyi, I brought back our son.”

Feng Chunyi froze, a hint of fear flashing in her eyes.

She knew that by now her little Qinghe would have already grown up into a man, looking at things more clearly than when he was a child. And now that her son had matured, how would he look at her? Would his affection and respect for his mother already have turned to disgust after he understood what type of a person she was?

Just then, thinking to prepare his wife in advance, Feng Huixin bent down to whisper to her, “And Chunyi, our son also seems to have lost his memories of the time before his fall, so please keep that in mind.”

Her apprehension forgotten, Feng Chunyi showed a shocked expression as she excitedly whispered back to her husband, “That brat! He’s just like me!”

Hearing this, Feng Huixin’s brows twitched. While it was true that his wife had also lost her memories due to a fall, albeit from a cliff, but was this still the attitude a person would have at being told that their child lost all memories relating to them?!

But then again, Feng Huixin felt that he should’ve long since gotten used to his wife’s strangeness by now.

Meanwhile, Feng Chunyi carefully tilted her head to the side and peeked out from behind Feng Huixin's shoulder to take a look at her grown up son…

…and suddenly, her eyes brightened, all her reservations vanishing.

Letting go of her husband, Feng Chunyi zoomed towards her startled son and began circling him, her fingers holding her chin in contemplation.

Her little Qinghe had grown up to be such a fine young man, his disposition particularly steady and calm. That expressionless face was especially like her husband, but his little movements and the way he carried himself definitely reminded her of herself. And from what she could see of the distribution of his muscles, he also seemed to favor agility type martial arts just like her.

Feng Chunyi also recognized the robes her son was wearing as belonging to her husband. These robes had good defensive capability and had been a gift from some high-ranking person. But looking at its faded appearance now and the tear on the back, it was clear that whatever danger her son had faced had been beyond these robes’ ability to handle. And yet, despite this and all the injuries she sensed that her son had sustained, he didn’t show the slightest hint of weakness or uncertainty, his posture remaining ready for battle without making his guardedness too obvious.

And rather than feeling wronged that her son was instinctively guarding against her, Feng Chunyi only felt pleased. Since her Qinghe didn’t remember her, there’d be something wrong with his head if he didn’t keep at least a bit of his defenses up against someone he was currently unfamiliar with. After all, that was how she’d taught him to be! And seeing him subconsciously following her teachings while also politely standing in place to let her scrutinize him, Feng Chunyi could only applaud her son’s attitude.

Though she didn’t know what all had gone into shaping her little Qinghe into the person he was now, Feng Chunyi still couldn’t help but feel that every part of him was absolutely flawless.

Finally stopping in front of Qinghe with her hands on her waist and her chest puffed out proudly, Feng Chunyi declared, “As expected of me! Look how perfect our son turned out!”


Feng Huixin looked at his wife with grievance as she claimed all the credit for their son. After all, he had been involved in making him too!

Seeing all this play out, Qinghe really didn’t know how to react.

In the end, he chose to simply smile and say, “Hello, Mother. I have returned. I apologize for the worry I must have caused you.”

As she saw her son’s cold face melt into a small smile that was directed at her, Feng Chunyi felt like her heart would explode.

Lunging onto Qinghe, Feng Chunyi squeezed him in a tight hug. “Ah, so well-mannered and still so cute! It seems you really take after me!”

Hearing this, Feng Huixin was rendered speechless.

Who are you saying is well-mannered, my dearest wife? You, with titles like the Chaos-Bringing God, the Omen of Destruction, the Deity of War, and one of the most unreasonable deities known to ever inhabit the heavenly realm? Can you really claim to be well-mannered when people call you with all those names?!

While Feng Huixin was filled with even more grievances, Qinghe was simply luxuriating in the warmth of his mother’s embrace. The scent of dew-dampened mint that she exuded stirred his memory with its familiarity. Towards this person, Qinghe felt a remembered sense of deep-seated respect and worship. It seemed that his childhood self had greatly looked up to his mother.

Lifting a hand, Feng Chunyi pulled her son’s head down by the nape of his neck and planted two affectionate little kisses on his cheeks. But rather than letting go once she was done, her hand on her son’s nape only tightened.

Straightening again, Qinghe looked at her with confusion. “Mother?”

Feng Chunyi’s brows suddenly furrowed as she finally let go. “Qinghe, your nape is tense. Are you in pain?”

Qinghe widened his eyes in surprise at her astuteness. He honestly replied, “Yes. Due to certain circumstances, I had to shatter my core. It hurts a bit because of that, but that’s all.”

Hearing this, Feng Huixin immediately suggested, “Then we better not wait and get it fixed soon. I’ll ask the Heavenly Emperor’s permission to reserve the healing pool for your use.”

But Qinghe wearily shook his head. “If it’s possible, I would like to get some rest before that so that whatever healing procedure I’ll have to undergo won’t put too much strain on my body.”

Feng Huixin’s worry only increased as he reassured, “Using the healing pool will be completely painless and not be strenuous at all. Are you sure you want to wait till later?”

Qinghe nodded.

Seeing her son’s slightly wan face, Feng Chunyi asked seriously, “Qinghe, are you able to bear the pain till tomorrow?”

Though the question surprised him, Qinghe still answered, “Yes, that’s not a problem.”

Letting out a breath, Feng Chunyi nodded and instructed, “Then change your clothes and sleep in your room till tomorrow morning. You can heal your core after that.”

Qinghe smiled at her with gratitude. “Yes, thank you, Mother.”

He was afraid that his mother would be unlike his father as she seemed to be in many other ways and that she would stubbornly push him to get his core immediately healed. But thankfully, she seemed to understand that he was already beyond exhausted by now.

And so, after swallowing a few dozens of healing pills given to him by his concerned parents, Qinghe followed them into the Feng residence, his eyes already growing heavy due to tiredness.

What he was able to make out of the house through the haze of sleepiness seemed warm and vaguely familiar just like everything else he’d seen after coming here. And as he walked through the hallways of the house, his vigilance instinctually lowered in this place as if knowing without a doubt that he would be safe here.

The family of three finally stopped in front of a door with an elaborate silver tiger inlaid into the wood. Rather than looking fearsome, the beast looked wise and majestic as its eyes seemed to stare at them with an incisive gaze.

“Qinghe, this used to be your room before. It’s big enough that you should be able to stay here even now,” Feng Chunyi spoke.

Nodding, Qinghe pushed open the door and stepped inside, followed by his parents.

Entering the room, Feng Huixin suddenly paused in his steps. “T-That… Chunyi, did you…replace the bed?”

Qinghe was also curiously studying the strange bed.

It was large and seemed to be very solid and sturdy. Extending from its four corners were four carved posters, supporting a wooden frame above that was fitted with hooks. As if to demonstrate its purpose, chains with shackles at the end dangled from these hooks.

Huffing proudly, Feng Chunyi explained, “Since the Heavenly Emperor already told me that our son has a lover he might bring with him, I naturally prepared an appropriate bed for them! Well, whenever Qinghe’s lover ascends, I’m sure they’ll both love to use it.”


Feng Huixin could only sigh and massage his temple.

However, Qinghe just tilted his head and asked, “Why does this bed look so strange? It seems just like the one that Black Fang’s leader Yuan Sheng had. And why are there chains hanging from those hooks? Is this some sort of an interrogation device?”

Facing her clueless son, Feng Chunyi just gaped. How come her son was still so innocent?!

Coughing lightly, Feng Huixin spoke, “Qinghe, ask Xiang-er about this later, he will explain.”

Qinghe still looked puzzled, but seriously nodded. “Okay, I’ll ask him then. Father, can I have some of your spare clothes? I’d like to change into something more comfortable and sleep.”

Nodding, Feng Huixin quickly rummaged in his storage space. Finding a loose robe, he gave it to Qinghe, knowing that it was the type in which his son usually preferred to sleep in. Then he took out another set of clothes so that Qinghe could wear them tomorrow after he woke up.

Not minding his parents’ presence, Qinghe quickly changed into the much more comfortable robe that his father just gave him, then headed straight towards the bed.

But realizing that his parents were also following behind him for some reason, Qinghe turned back to look at them with evident confusion. “…Mother? Father? Are you also…getting on the bed with me?”

Feng Chunyi firmly nodded. “Yes, we’re going to lie down with you. Who knows whether our little Qinghe will run off to be mischievous again and get kidnapped? We can’t have that now, can we?”

Qinghe’s mouth twitched. Why did it feel like his mother would never let him live that down? Though sneaking away and getting kidnapped that time had indeed resulted in his falling, he had only been a child back then! Surely his mother didn’t think that he’d repeat the same thing when he was already this old?!

Not seeing his son's aggrieved expression, Feng Huixin earnestly added, “Qinghe, just let us lie down with you for today. It’s been such a long time since we’ve stayed together like this as a family.”

Hearing this, Qinghe finally nodded and acquiesced.

He’d thought that since his mother and father had seen each other after so long, they would be very eager to spend time alone together. But for them to forego that and choose to stay with him instead showed how much they feared somehow losing him once again.

Understanding that, how could he refuse them?

And so, the family of three lied down together with Qinghe snuggled in the middle, his parents’ arms draped over him from either side. Feeling their care and protectiveness, along with their affection and love towards him, Qinghe felt as if he was drowning in a sweet and light warmth that was glowing softly from within him.

As his mother’s and father’s comforting and reassuring presence soothed his mind into peaceful sleep, Qinghe’s only regret was that he couldn’t share this warmth with his beloved Xiang…

The next day, Feng Huixin got permission from the Heavenly Emperor for Qinghe to use the Lotus Nectar Pond, also called the healing pool, which could heal anything except death.

And so, Qinghe entered the healing pool and slept to fix his broken core.

But much to everyone’s worry, though all the damage to his body—both physical and spiritual—had completely healed, Qinghe still didn’t awaken from his peaceful slumber.

In this way, years passed.


In the mortal realm, Wei Xiang looked up at the bright afternoon sky stretching above him expressionlessly, feeling nothing stirring inside him despite the cheerful blue reflected in his eyes.

As his gaze remained fixed upward, Wei Xiang habitually raised his right hand to trace the line of the armband on his upper left arm, feeling its shape and smoothness through the cloth.

It had already been three years since he and Qinghe had parted.

During this time, Wei Xiang had worked hard with his cultivation and had steadily risen up to the peak of demigod level. He’d taken charge of the Order of Sentinels and upheld the law in his master’s stead.

After requesting the Heavenly Emperor to permanently connect the heavenly realm to this world through the Feng residence’s transportation array, Feng Huixin had also visited Wei Xiang and the Order several times till now, making the transition of power smoother.

And every time, he had the same news for his third disciple―

Qinghe hadn’t woken up.

Wei Xiang felt endlessly worried and wished more than anything to go to his lover and hold him again, to somehow wake him up and see him smile, to spend their time together while filling their days with joy and nights with passion…

But for now, Wei Xiang was unable to do any of that, and it weighed on him until the entire inside of chest felt as if it were being crushed.

Thinking of his Qinghe lying in that pool unmoving, just like he had been that day after the battle at the Castle of Echoes, still and lifeless, his body feeling light and empty, made feelings of panic thrum wildly inside him.

And yet, as he was now, he could do nothing about it.

Though this thought made him feel like his insides were being wrenched with raw agony, Wei Xiang’s face still remained impassive. After all, he had long since grown used to this pain.

Meanwhile, at the side, Kong Min watched his junior brother gaze at the boundless blue sky not as if it was a sign of freedom, but rather as if it were the roof of his cage. And trapped as he was in this world until he could ascend, maybe that was indeed the case for Wei Xiang.

These past few years, Kong Min had watched his previously sardonic yet lively junior brother turn grim and austere, worrying every one of his fellow officers due to this sudden change.

It was especially apparent since after getting together with his little lover, Wei Xiang had seemed to be having a lot more fun each day, his smiles less cutting and more happy. And now, while separated from his Qinghe, the stark difference in Wei Xiang’s attitude showed just how deeply his lover’s extended absence was hitting him.

Wei Xiang no longer smiled, and even if he did, it was grim and without humor. And unlike before, he had even stopped beating up the other officers in the guise of training as he used to do whenever he was in a bad mood. Instead, he just sat and worked at his desk or patrolled random faraway towns.

And now, as he was standing near the edge of the pavilion that overlooked clear waters, Wei Xiang’s back looked especially lonely and despondent, an air of melancholy stamped onto this image.

Seeing this, Kong Min felt his own heart ache, but unless there was some way for him to bring his junior brother’s little lover back to him, he knew that there was nothing he could do.

Just as Kong Min wracked his brain to find some way to cheer up his junior brother, a loud boom of thunder echoed from overhead, making even the earth tremor with its power.

Kong Min looked up at the sky with surprise and saw thick, dark clouds congealing in the middle of the otherwise bright blue sky.

What was happening?

On the other hand, as Wei Xiang felt a heavy pressure being directed towards him from those clouds, his eyes immediately shone brightly. It was finally here!

Looking back at his senior brother, Wei Xiang quickly spoke, “I’ll have to go someplace else to avoid the headquarters getting damaged. Kong Min, take care of my work for me.”

Kong Min looked at him blankly, then back up at the thick layer of clouds that were slowly covering the sky like black ink dissolving into clear water. Thick flashes of pure white lightning arced between the clouds, followed by the roar and clap of thunder.

It couldn’t be…

Seeing his senior brother’s astonished expression, Wei Xiang smiled happily and nodded, “Yes, that’s the lightning tribulation heralding my ascension.”

And then, as the crash of thunder grew louder and louder while the clouds grew thick enough to turn the world darker, Wei Xiang transformed into a golden wyvern and flew away, pulling the tribulation clouds and lightning along with him to a deserted and uninhabited place to undergo his tribulation without fear of damaging any human settlements.

Left behind, Kong Min looked at the departing figure of his junior brother with a relieved smile, his mind replaying Wei Xiang’s joyful expression.

It seemed that his junior brother would finally be able to break out of his cage now.


An endless ocean of soft blue stretched above the heavenly realm, pure and clear.

Below, there was a large, square pool constructed entirely with white marble, wide and shallow stairs leading into it from all four sides.

This pool was filled with a light bluish green liquid, its surface covered with a smattering of placidly floating white lotuses and their round leaves. Thick green stalks thrust out of the waters here and there, supporting more leaves, lotus buds, and seedpods.

As the gentle breeze blew over the cool water while lightly rippling the dense liquid, the lotus stalks waved and bobbed gracefully as if in polite greeting. And as the wind also stirred the plump lotuses, the elegant blooms lightly rotated in the water and swayed mesmerizingly.

Cupped within the pearly white petals of these fully bloomed lotuses was a bright golden light. This soft, warm light slowly welled within the blooms and spilled out in the form of sparkling grains of golden luminescence, floating down onto the water and gently dissolving into the bluish green liquid. These golden specks of light were the grains formed out of the heavenly pearl lotuses’ nectar, condensed into potent granules that spilled into and infused the water in the pool with the extremely strong ability to heal.

Lying in the middle of this pool of lotuses was a young man, sleeping while submerged in the peaceful depths of these bluish green waters.

His hands were resting on his belly, his eyes closed and eyebrows relaxed. His pale skin and lightly shifting robes seemed to be of the same hue as the marble floor of the pool while seen through the layer of light colored liquid. The black strands of his hair floated around him, like streaks of silken black spreading outward. An air of calm serenity and tranquility was draped over him, as if he were an existence removed from time itself.

Suddenly, the young man’s eyelashes trembled, then lifted up to reveal a pair of dazed eyes.

As he recalled his memories, the befuddlement in those eyes cleared. The young man then slowly rose up to stand in the knee-high pool. The thick bluish green waters cascaded down from his body as he stood upright, the liquid clinging onto him as if loathe to part.

Raising a hand, the young man slowly placed it on his diaphragm as a smile bent his lips.

Qinghe could very clearly feel his soul bond singing.

His Xiang was finally here!

Just now, sensing his lover’s proximity was what had spurred the sleeping Qinghe to waken in the first place. And not willing to dally for too long, Qinghe began wading through the pool to get to the edge, then slowly climbed the steps.

Feeling the weight of his soaked clothes and the ticklishness of his dripping hair plastered to his face, Qinghe paused for a moment and summoned the wind.

Now that his core had completely healed, the wind effortlessly answered his call and whirled around him, drying his clothes and hair completely within seconds.

Qinghe gave out a light shiver at the resultant feeling of coldness, but curiously enough, he felt that the golden band around his ankle was comfortingly warm.

Dispersing the wind, Qinghe stretched his body and marveled at how light it felt now. His spiritual circulation also seemed much smoother, the action of calling wind much easier. He supposed that this newfound efficiency was a result of his divinity settling in, along with the complete healing of all his previous wounds and the layers of sequelae he’d built up over the years. This healing pool was truly very useful.

Adjusting his disheveled appearance to something more proper, Qinghe continued his way forward with steady steps.

Following the pull of his soul bond, Qinghe exited the cleared surroundings of the healing pool and entered the bustling part of the city, ignoring everything around him as he continued to walk further to the city’s edge.

Leaping up, he perched stably on the border wall and looked down.

Below and at a distance from the city’s walls, a low and giant platform was situated, surrounded by a crowd of curious deities.

Twelve pillars circled the edge of this platform, each with a magnificent statue of a legendary beast perched atop it. Standing at the center of the platform was a tall, arched doorway. But rather than a door, what stretched within its confines was a strange prismatic surface that reflected light in various hues, shifting and blending together endlessly.

And standing in front of this strange archway was Wei Xiang.

Feng Huixin and Feng Chunyi stood beside him in welcome, with Feng Huixin worriedly asking about his health after his tribulation while Feng Chunyi assessed her son-in-law with inquisitive eyes that soon turned approving.

But Wei Xiang’s expression remained steady despite his recent ascension and meeting his strange mother-in-law for the first time. Neither apprehension nor joyful pride was visible on his expression, earning him the respect of the watching deities.

Such a person with a calm and stable deportment despite finally having ascended was truly worthy of being the Deity of Judgment’s disciple!

Meanwhile, Wei Xiang battled his soul-deep weariness, consoling himself with the thought of being able to see his little lover soon, even if he would still be sleeping in that healing pool.

But even though he hadn’t yet gone to see his beloved, Wei Xiang marveled at how, just by entering the heavenly realm, it already felt as if his Qinghe was nearby, just outside this crowd of deities, watching him with those clear eyes as he prepared to call out to him at any moment―


Wei Xiang blinked. But before he could figure out whether that shout was real or was just a result of his own wishful imagination, a heavy body crashed into him, clamping its arms around him tightly.

Wei Xiang’s eyes widened in shock as he froze.

He could distinctly feel warm breath fanning over his ear and sense the vibrations of steady heartbeats against his chest. He could hear the rush of blood through veins and smell the familiar scent of mint from the person hugging him.

This…was this really Qinghe?

Leaning back, Qinghe looked up at his Xiang’s befuddled expression and chuckled. In a playful tone, he teased, “Xiang, you’re already here! Did you miss me so much that you ascended so soon?”

Seeing the familiar smile on that beautiful face along with that mischievous twinkle in those liquid eyes, Wei Xiang finally believed that his little lover had indeed woken up and had really come to find him.

In a slightly thick voice, Wei Xiang chided, “Qinghe, you imp. Do you realize that it’s already been three years since you left me?”

Qinghe’s eyes widened. Three years?! But it only felt like he’d entered the healing pool a few hours ago!

Wei Xiang pulled his beloved close again and whispered, “But now that you’re awake and I’m here, it’s okay. Everything’s finally okay now.”

Hearing this, Qinghe felt his expression softening. For his Xiang to sound so distraught, he must have missed him very much all this time.

But they were together now, they’d unerringly found their way to each other again. And this time, they’d hold on to their beloved tightly and never let go.

As this thought filled his mind, Qinghe lifted his head at the same time Wei Xiang bent his, their lips meeting in the middle and clamping over one another.

And so, they finally found their home.


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