Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 2: A Behemoth Approaches

A shrill voice cut through the warm atmosphere in the clearing. “Why are you all buddy-buddy now? We wouldn’t have had to go through all this if Senior Martial Brother Feng hadn’t dallied so much.”

He didn’t blame Jing Shui though since it was common knowledge that someone who wielded the water element couldn’t use it unless they were standing close to a water source, and the nearby waterfall was clearly not within range.

Hearing the unpleasant sounding voice, everyone looked at the person who had ruined the atmosphere with varying expressions, most of them unfriendly.

Jing Shui also looked over at the junior, displeased. This disciple was from the same sect as Jing Shui, the Golden Sun Sect. Him speaking rudely like that would reflect badly on their sect.

Even though Qinghe’s mind worked in strange ways and he freely manipulated everyone with his acting, Jing Shui had come to believe that he wasn’t a bad person.

Earlier, Qinghe had finally shown him a glimpse of his true nature without attempting to hide it. Didn’t it mean that he trusted in him now? It was far better than seeing that same bland smile on his face.

Jing Shui admonished, “Junior Martial Brother Wen, what is the meaning of you saying that? Do you think Brother Feng is here as your servant? Should he follow you around every waking moment making sure you aren’t the slightest bit discontent? Stop blaming him for your mistakes. Even though he generously gave you a chance to fix your blunder by getting out of the dangerous situation without help, you still failed his expectations. When things turned sour, he even stepped in selflessly to help you out. And this is how you thank him? By asking why he wasn’t there sooner?”

Everyone gaped at Jing Shui in disbelief, even Qinghe. During this past month that they had spent together in this hidden realm, they had clearly seen him openly disdaining Feng Qinghe. From where did this fervent defense on Qinghe’s behalf come from?

Qinghe was the most surprised of them all. After all, he had openly shown his devious and manipulative side to Jing Shui to test him. But he hadn’t expected such a result so quickly.

Also, what this Junior Brother Wen said was not false—Qinghe really had dragged out the rescue. But Jing Shui had expertly turned it around into him giving the culprits a chance. Not only did he justify his actions, he also reinforced Qinghe’s good reputation.

Why was he going so far?

Qinghe didn’t know that in Jing Shui’s eyes, the second he showed a measure of trust, he had already become a friend. Qinghe’s strange personality aside, he had never let even a scratch befall their junior martial brothers and sisters. There was no reason to not trust him.

Seeing Jing Shui’s thoughts reflected in his gaze, Qinghe finally understood.

It seemed that he had inadvertently gained a friend.

Well, he supposed he could only accept it. As for Jing Shui’s secret identity… Since he had decided to accept his friendship, he would have to deal with that sooner or later.

Sighing at that thought, Qinghe turned to the Junior Brother Wen who started all this. Junior Brother Wen was looking down with tearful eyes, distressed that his idol had scolded him so harshly in front of everyone. Noticing his gaze, the junior brother looked up at Qinghe and glared fiercely as if to say that it was all his fault.

Despite knowing that he would be hated for it, Qinghe still wanted to comfort this junior brother. He was about to do just that when he felt the earth trembling slightly. He paused, trying to find the cause.

At first, no one noticed. But as the shaking increased in intensity, everyone realized that something was wrong.

The tremors came and went, like vibrations from footsteps. It was as if something very, very huge was steadily making its way towards them.

Qinghe cast a flight spell on himself. His spiritual energy spun and swirled around him, forming into the shape of a cup that reached from his feet to his waist. The swirling mass of spiritual energy flew upwards according to his wishes, carrying Qinghe with it.

Floating above the trees, Qinghe finally saw the problem.

It was a freaking Behemoth.

Towering above the entire forest was a huge spiritual beast that looked like a ginormous ape. Its skin was transparent, veins and organs visible through the clear membrane. Six black horns crowned its head, showing that its cultivation was in the sixth realm. That meant that it was stronger than everyone in the group except for Qinghe, who was currently hiding the true extent of his cultivation.

The truth was, you couldn’t find spiritual beasts anywhere else except in hidden realms like this. Due to over-hunting and killing on the cultivators’ part, spiritual beasts had all gone deep into hiding. No one knew where. But hidden realms that had been open during the time the beasts still roamed the land still contained a few of them.

This Behemoth had probably been sealed into this space long ago by cultivators who couldn’t deal with it.

Flying back down, Qinghe relayed the situation calmly. “There is a Behemoth heading our way very quickly. It has attained sixth realm and its horns have turned black, meaning it has turned demonic. It can be presumed that it has already sensed our collective spiritual energy since we have been gathered here for quite a while. It’s safe to say that it is after our spiritual energy and we are its chosen prey.”

Jing Shui frowned in displeasure. This was going to be troublesome.

The juniors, though, made faces of abject despair. Some of their faces paled, a few had bulging eyes. This situation was terrible! Their senior brothers were both only in the fourth realm, much less themselves who had barely passed the first. There was no way to beat it, they were all going to die!

Jing Shui read the looks on their pale faces and looked to Qinghe. “Do you have any ideas?”

Qinghe asked surprised, “Me? Why are you asking me?”

“Because martial brother Feng is, after all, the most learned amongst us,” Jing Shui replied glibly while his eyes shot a different message at him.

‘Is this the time to pretend? It’s obviously because you’re the most cunning! The rest of us are pure lotuses compared to you!’

Qinghe wanted to feel indignant, but oh well. He wasn’t wrong. They were all cute little white lotuses that he would have to protect. Jing Shui was a special tsundere lotus he’d have to especially take care of.

If Jing Shui could read his thoughts, he would surely cough up blood in anger while shouting: Who are you calling a special tsundere lotus you bastard!? Don’t inflict your weird naming sense on me!

Turning to his frightened junior martial brothers and sisters, Qinghe smiled reassuringly. “Please do not be afraid. There is a way to defeat the Behemoth. All you need to do is calmly follow my instructions. Alright?”

Though they were still a little scared, the juniors nodded. They had grown to trust this gentle and dependable senior brother of theirs during this past month they had spent together in this hidden realm. No matter what had come their way, he had never let them down.

Unknowingly, Qinghe had been elevated to the ‘leader’ position by the disciples, directly passing over Jing Shui.

“And please do not ignore my instructions like you did the last time,” Qinghe quipped with a wry smile.

Nervous titters sounded in the crowd, somewhat alleviating the tension.

“Okay, what do we do now?” Jing Shui asked Qinghe impatiently. The sooner they moved into positions, the greater their advantage would be.

“What do we do?” Qinghe raised an eyebrow as if the answer was obvious. “We run.”

And so they ran.

The two figures in the shadows were still there, observing everything as they followed the group.

<Do we help?> the older one asked the other telepathically.

<We wait. We will step in only if they need us> answered the younger shadow.

The ground beneath them quaked as the Behemoth approached closer.


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