Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 22: Educational Excursion

Chen Xiande waited in front of the arch at the entrance of the Heavenly Peak Sect, his foot tapping the ground impatiently. His junior brother sure seemed to like keeping him waiting. Though last time hadn’t exactly been his fault, it still irked him.

Two figures slowly appeared in the distance. It was his junior brother and that Sentinel. They were holding hands, their fingers lightly intertwined, but their expressions were just as usual. Qinghe was elegantly smiling and Wei Xiang looked unconcerned.

It seems they got into a relationship after all, Chen Xiande mused.

The taller figure was wearing black and gold while the slimmer figure wore a pure bright white. One looked like the charming and disreputable son of a noble while the other looked upright and elegant―they couldn’t have looked more different had they tried, but together they formed a harmonious whole, like yin and yang balancing each other.

“I apologize for making Senior Brother wait for so long,” Qinghe said in his pleasant voice.

“I thought you said we were going into town while hiding our identities, so why is your Sentinel still in his uniform?” Chen Xiande decided to address this issue first.

Chen Xiande himself was wearing a grey and green robe while Qinghe had chosen a plain white one without the sect emblem. Wei Xiang was clearly the odd one out.

“I only have uniforms in my storage,” Wei Xiang said, unbothered.

“…” How much of a workaholic was this person?

“Please rest assured, Senior Brother. I will make sure that it does not interfere with our task,” Qinghe placated.

“Then why are you wearing mourning white? Wouldn’t that make people get the wrong idea?” This was another thing Chen Xiande didn’t understand.

“Mourning white?” Qinghe’s voice sounded surprised as he looked down at his attire. “I didn’t think of it that way. I only thought it’d be more convenient if we got into a scuffle since I’d be able to see all the places I was wounded.” Turning to Wei Xiang, he asked, “What do you think? Should I change?”

“You look good in white, so leave it this way,” Wei Xiang said affectionately as he brushed the back of his fingers against Qinghe’s cheek. Truthfully, Wei Xiang felt the same no matter what clothes or face Qinghe wore. What attracted him were his actions and his fascinating expressions, not his outward appearance.

Qinghe’s heart grew warm at his loving tone.

“Then let’s leave it at that,” Qinghe said cheerfully.

Chen Xiande once again felt the feeling of being an unneeded third wheel and was bitter in his heart.

They took a forest road down to the nearest town. Just before reaching the town, Qinghe ordered Wei Xiang, “From here on, you can just shadow us.”

Nodding, Wei Xiang immediately disappeared into Qinghe’s shadow.

Seeing the Sentinel melting into his junior brother’s shadow just like that, Chen Xiande was shocked at first. But thinking back to when he met the Sentinel for the first time in his junior brother’s room, he remembered that he had arrived through the shadows then too.

He didn’t know if this was something all Sentinels could do or a technique only this particular Sentinel Wei could use, but Chen Xiande knew for sure that it must be a secret not many knew. And for this couple to let him see it so casually could only signify a trust that not many ever showed towards him.

Chen Xiande could feel something inside him squeeze at this thought as he followed his junior brother down the path.

The three thus entered the town, Qinghe leading the way as if familiar with the paths.

“So where are we going?” Chen Xiande asked. He had only been told that they would be heading out for an ‘educational excursion’ to get him some experience.

“To meet with one of my contacts,” Qinghe said lightly.

“Are we going to fight something after that?” Chen Xiande couldn’t help asking nervously. He really lacked practice and experience when it came to actual combat, and he was especially afraid of the pain any injury would cause him.

Qinghe looked at him strangely, “What makes Senior Brother think we’ll be fighting? The purpose of this excursion today is solely to introduce you to my connection. He might come useful in the future when you become the sect master, after all.”

“It seems I was under the wrong impression,” Chen Xiande said, relieved and regaining his calm now that he knew there would be no bloody battles.

As they kept walking, the rough and pitted path smoothened out and became firmer, eventually lined luxuriously with flagstones. They had entered a street that was clearly reserved for housing the wealthiest.

After a few more minutes of walking, they finally reached their destination. In front of them was a pair of large and shiny metal gates that displayed a tasteful use of the owner’s obviously abundant riches. Two armed guards stood impassive on either side.

In a clear voice, Qinghe announced himself, “I am Feng Qinghe, here to meet Master Kai.”

The guards looked them both up and down before sneering. Their master was clearly a great person, even the imperial household had to be respectful to him. How could he have an appointment with these two casually dressed common chaff? Though the one dressed in white had good temperament, it hardly made him qualified to meet someone as esteemed as their master.

“Who do you think you are, asking to meet our master so shamelessly! Leave before we throw you out,” arrogantly said one of the guards.

Qinghe tilted his head. Oh, they seemed to be new. Were they trying to chase them away to show how reliable they were? Or else they wouldn’t be so enthusiastic.

Wordlessly he showed them a medallion with their master’s emblem carved into it. It was of exquisite craftsmanship and denoted goodwill that all the gold in the world couldn’t buy. The person who gave it to Qinghe clearly thought him of high importance to have bestowed this upon him.

“Here, this was given to me by your master,” Qinghe said. He just wanted to be done with this song and dance already.

“Hmph, you must have forged it or stolen it. There is no way our master would grant something so priceless to a commoner,” the other guard sneered.

Qinghe was fed up, so of course a deceptively brilliant smile lit his face as he spoke, “It seems you haven’t been taught well. It doesn’t matter what your opinion is on the people who’ve come to meet your master. If you turn them away prematurely and your master ends up losing face, whose fault do you think it will be? So let me do you a favor and educate you.”

Before the guards had a chance to react, Qinghe had already moved. Twisting the sword out of one guard’s hand, he hit him on the chest with a carefully placed palm. The man coughed out blood and staggered before tumbling. The other guard finally realized the threat and charged with his spear pointed towards him. Qinghe deftly stepped out of the way and swung the sword he’d taken from the first guard, hitting the second guard’s temple with the heavy hilt, and instantly knocked him down.

Two guards, still in their expensive and majestic uniforms, were squirming and groaning on the ground while clutching at their injuries. Though they weren’t severe, Qinghe had made sure that they would hurt like hell.

“Do better to not underestimate your guests next time,” Qinghe said breezily as he stepped over them and pushed the lavish gates open by himself. They swung soundlessly on well-oiled hinges, revealing a smooth and wide path that led to a large, sprawling mansion.

It seemed that the commotion had alerted the residents, for a well-dressed figure came hurrying from the building and down the path, stopping in front of Qinghe and Chen Xiande.

“What’s happening here? Who dares make a racket in front of― Oh, Lord Feng. We weren’t expecting you.” The well-dressed man’s expression went from fury to surprise.

“Clearly,” Qinghe drawled.

“May I ask how these guards have offended you?” the man asked Qinghe politely. This young lord was not someone whom he had ever seen angry. He was always pleasant and never unreasonable. For him to go this far, these guards must definitely be the ones at fault!

“It’s nothing. They refused to let us in despite Master Kai’s token, so I just chose to educate them a bit, that’s all,” Qinghe said while smiling brightly.

Wretched groans issued from the felled guards as they cried out miserably in pain, but Qinghe unsympathetically ignored them.

The well-dressed man gulped. It seemed this young lord had quite the temper. It would be better not to offend him.

“Please, Lord Feng, come in,” he graciously invited.

“Thank you, Old Mo. I’ll let myself in and find Master Kai. I know the way, so there’s no need to accompany us,” Qinghe boldly walked in while saying.

With a nod, Old Mo withdrew.

Chen Xiande was staring at his junior brother. He felt like he finally understood why that Jing Shui had been so sympathetic when he heard that he would be taught by Feng Qinghe. His methods were a bit…harsh.

“Why didn’t you just knock them out using spiritual power?” Chen Xiande asked as they walked down one gorgeously appointed hallway after another.

“We are hiding our identities, using spiritual power will naturally give it away that we are cultivators. We do not need people saying that cultivators are going around knocking out common people. Using some common martial arts should be enough,” Qinghe explained patiently as he led them down yet another opulent hallway.

Just when Chen Xiande was sure that these hallways would never end, they finally entered a wide room. It was large and well appointed, with one wall left completely open to the garden outside. In the garden was a small pool with cheery yellow water lilies floating on its surface. Little fish darted within the crystal clear waters.

Near the open wall, sitting by a small table, was a handsome middle-aged man silently sipping tea. His face was pleasantly proportioned with sharp, masculine features, his mildly thick eyebrows arched in such a way that it gave him the impression of fierceness. His gaze was intense and cutting as it looked steadily outside.

“Master Kai, I hope you are well,” Qinghe greeted. “How is the Queen? Still terrorizing the seas, I hope?”

The man turned, the fine lines between his brows crinkling into a frown. “Leave my troublesome wife out of this. Feng Qinghe, what have you come to extort from me now?”

“Now, now. I have a business proposition that will prove beneficial to you too, as it always does,” Qinghe proceeded to seat himself in front of the man.

Chen Xiande hesitated before following suit.

Sighing, the man called Master Kai seemed to give up. “Fine then, on whose behalf are you here this time?”

“Drifting Clouds Sect,” came the succinct answer.

“Not our own sect?” Chen Xiande blurted out. He had been under the impression that they were carrying out a task for the benefit of their own sect.

Qinghe, as if reading his mind, enlightened him, “In a way, you can put it like that. Our Master owes the Drifting Clouds Sect a favor due to a particular matter, so I negotiated with them about repayment for the favor by providing an alternate supplier for the spelled paper they use to make talismans.”

“How is that related to us coming here?” Chen Xiande felt stupid for not understanding.

“Master Kai is the most prosperous merchant and trader in the empire. He can provide me information on suppliers, trade routes, taxes etc. He is the best there is in this business.”

Chen Xiande was suitably impressed. From the luxurious furnishings, the huge manor, and Qinghe’s explanation, it was clear that this Master Kai must be a big figure in the mortal, and maybe even the cultivation, world.

Master Kai looked neither pleased nor displeased at the praise. He only grunted and asked, “Who’s your companion?”

“He is Brother Chen, a friend. He’s here to observe, please don’t pay it any mind,” Qinghe replied offhandedly.

“Oh?” Master Kai looked intrigued. “You’ve never brought anyone else with you before. Why is this young master special? Is he from the same sect as you?”

Qinghe smiled genially as he warned, “Master Kai, I advise you not to pry. I’m sure you understand what I mean.”

Master Kai shuddered lightly. “Yes, yes, I know how scary you get when it comes to your precious sect. Fine then, keep your secrets. Now spit it out, what exactly do you want?”

“Just as I said before, the administration of Drifting Clouds Sect has run into problems with their previous provider for the paper they use to make talismans. They require a new provider, ideally from a new trade route.”

Master Kai looked thoughtful. “Since you’re saying they need a new route…does this mean they used to get it from the eastern traders? Yes, the east has been having a lot of trouble I hear. Which route do you personally think is more suitable?”

“The northern one. I hear they have abundant trees that can be used to make talisman papers,” said Qinghe.

“Why specifically the north? The costs for lumber transportation there are preposterous,” Master Kai asked.

Qinghe began to clarify, “The issue of the costs can be skirted if we use our own transportation. Plus, the paper for talismans needs to be able to absorb a good amount of spiritual power. The forests in the north are far more abundant than the one in the east when it comes to the growth of this specific type of tree. It’s a mutant variation of the spirit absorbing herb. It’s crucial that we only get this specific variant…”

As the discussion grew more and more detailed with technical terms getting mixed in, Chen Xiande began to lose the thread of conversation. When did his junior brother become adept at speaking about matters of trade? And this Master Kai who was said to be so powerful and influential seemed to greatly respect Feng Qinghe. Just what was going on?

Chen Xiande was so confused that his eyes seemed to spin in spirals.

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