Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 26: Guardian to the Entrance

The inside of the forest was filled with bizarre and wondrous sights.

A river of smoke that flowed over luminescent bony protrusions; half-finished sigils and formations that glowed, hovering scattered in the air; huge shining spherical bugs with a dozen skittering legs that tried to lure them away from the path; swarms of transparent worms that swam almost invisible in the air―these were only a few of the strange things they beheld.

The young male disciple from the Lightning Sky Sect had run into those invisible worms and almost had his spiritual energy sucked out. It had taken the combined efforts of both Lei Zihua and An YaLing to resolve that situation.

As Lei Zihua led them deeper and deeper, Qinghe noticed Wei Xiang’s expression getting increasingly stranger. Slowing down, Qinghe kept pace with Wei Xiang, studying his lover’s face.

“What’s wrong?” he finally asked.

Wei Xiang’s brows were wrinkled as he uncertainly shook his head. “Nothing, I just feel that this path feels familiar.”

“Are you sure?”

“I think so,” Wei Xiang sounded uncharacteristically uncomfortable.

The other disciples saw the Heavenly Peak Sect’s famously efficient second disciple and the most feared Sentinel Wei discussing something with their heads together and decided to stay away. It could either be state secrets or affectionate words of love—they didn’t dare to know which. After all, the couple had not exactly been trying to hide their closeness, so the other disciples had already surmised that their relationship was not simple.

Without looking behind them, the disciples kept their attention on the duo following at the back.

Walking with the others, Jing Shui narrowed his eyes at those two. The others might not know much, but he definitely knew his friend, and Qinghe was not the type to get close to someone casually. He was burning with curiosity to know what the relationship between them was, but curbed it lest he tasted his friend’s fury.

Qinghe had been alert to the covert glances being thrown their way for some time now. It was obvious what they all wanted to know. His lips curled up mischievously.

Oblivious, Wei Xiang was still worrying over the familiarity of their path when he felt Qinghe’s hand reach over and curl around his nape. His attention snapped to his smirking lover as his head was pulled down. He felt Qinghe’s body pressing into his own as Qinghe’s warm lips brushed over his cheek, faintly and gently like the soft touch of a flower petal.

The disciples sneakily observing them almost tripped in shock. This declaration was too obvious!

Even after he was released, Wei Xiang could still feel the faint echo of lips on his cheek. His heart galloped in his chest.

When he looked at Qinghe, he saw his beloved smugly glancing at the group of disciples walking in front. There was a look of pride and possessiveness on his face. The tips of his ears were faintly pink.

His worries thrown away, Wei Xiang smiled and swooped down to land a peck on Qinghe’s forehead. This cunning fox of his was really getting too cute for him to handle.

The others all felt aggrieved in their hearts. This shameless couple, can’t you go make out somewhere you can’t hurt our delicate single hearts?!

From then on, Qinghe and Wei Xiang walked side-by-side while casually holding hands.

After a while, Wei Xiang was frowning again. This path felt undeniably familiar to him and something sparked in his memory.

“Miss Lei, are you sure this is the correct path?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Lei Zihua answered in her usual stiff voice.

“Then may I ask one more thing? What color are the scales of this serpent we are trying to find?”

Lei Zihua paused. She didn’t know why this Sentinel was asking this question, but he must have a good reason. So she answered truthfully, “We have some samples back in the sect’s laboratory if the Sentinel wishes to take a look. I’ve heard it is copper colored.”

For some reason, after hearing that, Wei Xiang chuckled. It was not a nice sound.

“Is there something wrong?” Qinghe prodded worriedly. Why was he so strange today?

His eyes glinting coldly, Wei Xiang had a sharp grin as he shook his head and said, “There’s no need for you to worry. It’s just that I finally realized why our route seems so familiar. I think I know where we’re going.” He didn’t say anything more.

Understanding that it was something he wasn’t comfortable with saying in front of others, Qinghe also let it go.

“If the Sentinel is familiar with the way, then do you by chance know of a method to bypass the tree guardian?” Lei Zihua asked, a hint of excitement coloring her voice. No one had yet been able to go past that vicious tree-shaped guardian spirit that had been blocking their way to the beast.

“We’ll see when we get there.” Wei Xiang, however, was noncommittal.

It wasn’t long before they reached the clearing where the aforementioned tree resided.

When the cultivators who had come before while tracking the beast had tried to circle around the tree guardian, they had been completely unable to find the beast. It was thus concluded that the beast must be in a small dimensional pocket that could only be accessed by receiving the permission of the tree guardian, which it never gave.

The edge of the clearing was lined with luminescent coral-shaped plants. A large formation drawn with metallic lines and half covered with dust and debris was set in front of a huge tree with twisting branches. The tree didn’t look sentient, at least not on the surface. Its leaves were a silvery emerald, its bark deep brown. Fist-sized globes hung like fruits from the branches, glowing in shades of blue, gold, purple, and green.

The second the group of six stepped over the border and entered the clearing, the branches and trunk of the ancient tree shuddered. The tree seemed to shrink and mold itself into an androgynous humanoid form. Two branches turned into arms with twig-like fingers, leaves still attached. The trunk split from the bottom to form two shapely legs, the roots still digging into the ground. The rest of the branches seemed to go limp as they softened to drape like hair over its back, the glowing fruits dangling like luminescent hair ornaments.

The transformation took barely half a minute.

Two bright amber eyes opened and studied them. A slash of a mouth opened and hissed, “Who dares trespass once again on this sacred land? You must be brave to not fear death!”

The other disciples stood and stared in shock while Qinghe only looked at it curiously. But Wei Xiang stepped forward and mocked, “Oh? Do you, an insignificant servant, dare go against me? You must be brave to not fear death.” He threw back its own words at it.

The malicious expression on the tree’s face faltered. Its amber eyes widened as it stuttered incoherently, “Y-You…No, Y-Your Majesty…the Sovereign?”

It recognized him? Qinghe and the others turned to Wei Xiang as one, a question in their gazes.

“Did you forget how your master looks, servant? Do you dare bar my way?” Wei Xiang’s tone was imposing and cold. The expression on his face screamed brutal murder. It seemed he was really pissed.

Seeming to collect itself, the tree replied humbly, “S-Sovereign… I would dare not block your path, but the humans… Well, you know there are rules. Even if they have your permission, I can’t let the humans through until they complete at least one trial. Please, I beg your understanding.”

Wei Xiang narrowed his eyes, displeased. But he also knew that these rules had been set in place long before his or this tree’s time. The disciples could only aim to complete at least one of several tests to receive the right of passage. As the sovereign of the space being guarded by the tree, Wei Xiang alone would be able to pass directly without the need of any testing.

The only way to forcefully let them through without a trial would be if Wei Xiang forcibly erased the imprint of the dimension’s creator and claimed it for himself and gained true and complete ownership. But the creator had been a very powerful divine beast, so Wei Xiang would have to have at least cultivation equal to or greater than a deity to gain ownership, which was not possible at present.

So he could only accompany them for protection and let them take the test.

“Very well. Choose the simplest one then,” he commanded.

The tree nodded obediently.

“What type of test?” Jing Shui asked. He had enough brains to figure out that if they wanted at the beast, they had no choice but to go through this.

“A test of mettle, or so I’ve been told before,” Wei Xiang replied uncaringly.

An YaLing looked worried, “I hope no one gets hurt.”

Frowning deeply, Lei Zihua commented, “This is the first time the tree has offered an option. So we can go through to where the beast is if we pass this test?”

“It should be so,” Qinghe said while still smiling.

“I hope it’s not hard,” Lei Zihua’s junior disciple muttered, nervous.

Wei Xiang looked at Qinghe, seeing if he was mad at him for hiding this. Sensing his gaze, Qinghe looked at him and smiled. “It seems Sentinel Wei has a lot of secrets.”

Of course he was mad! After all, just yesterday, Qinghe had spilled the whole sordid story of his past while on the verge of tears. Though he wanted to give Wei Xiang his space, it still stung that he hadn’t come clean too.

Sighing, Wei Xiang confessed, “Alright, I’m sorry. I should have told you. It’s just…”

“It’s just?” Qinghe prodded.

“It’s just that I forgot.”

“…” How can you forget that you own a secret dimension in the Spirit Bewildering Forest?!

As if reading his doubts, Wei Xiang replied, “It happened so long ago. It’s been around ten thousand years since then, so of course I forgot.”

“…” T-Ten thousand? Wasn’t that a bit too old? Qinghe himself was only thirty-six. Though, of course, he only looked to be around twenty due to his cultivation.

“So…how old are you actually?” Qinghe asked hesitatingly.

Wei Xiang smiled and replied, “About fourteen thousand, maybe. I didn’t keep a strict count.”

Qinghe really didn’t know what to feel at having such an old man for a sweetheart.

“You’re practically robbing the cradle then,” Qinghe said, shaking his head in mock disapproval.

“Oh? I don’t think you mind though,” Wei Xiang countered. Then just because he could, he bent down and laid a kiss on Qinghe’s soft cheek, making him flush.

“You are incorrigible,” he said. But Qinghe was smiling happily, not minding these public displays of affection at all.

“Do you lovebirds think we can start or do you need another half a day more?” Jing Shui asked wryly from the side. He was still somewhat in disbelief that Qinghe of all people had gotten a lover.

“Then give us half a day more,” both Qinghe and Wei Xiang said as one, then looked at each other and chuckled.

Jing Shui gave up. It seemed these two really were suitable for each other. At least there were now two less dangerous people on the prowl.

In contrast to the warm atmosphere around Qinghe’s group, the tree guardian only felt bitterness.

It hadn’t expected to see that frightening person after he’d left. Sovereign? Yeah, right! The only reason he was called that was because there was no one else left to assume that title!

Though to be truthful, he’d still eventually have been crowned if he hadn’t… The tree shuddered lightly in repressed horror. It still remembered the scent of thick, metallic blood and charred wood coating Wei Xiang as he had left that last time. No, no one else was as powerful or as decisive as him. He definitely deserved his title.

But the bitterness in the tree guardian’s heart did not subside. Look at him flirting and grinning so imprudently. There was none of that cutting bloodthirst around him anymore. He seemed to have long been defanged, losing his explosive brutality and the wild sense of violence he had around him like a beloved pet. He must have gotten soft.

Thinking like this, the tree guardian had a bold idea. Though it wouldn’t affect the sovereign since he was already recognized as someone with the right to enter, it couldn’t be said to be the same for his weak human companions.

En, it was worth considering…

At the thought of seeing that bloodthirsty and ruthless fiend’s expression of shock, the tree guardian was giddy with anticipation.

Unaware of the tree guardian’s change of heart, the others kept on bickering and discussing.

After a while, their chatter finally abated and they turned to the tree guardian, ready for the test.

“Do it,” Wei Xiang commanded.

The tree guardian humbly nodded, but was gleeful on the inside.

The glowing fruits hanging from its hair started brightening and dimming rhythmically. Wind blew as the silver formation beneath their feet glowed. As one, the group disappeared.

The tree guardian resumed the shape of an ancient tree, the rustling of its emerald leaves sounding like hoarse laughter.

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