Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 36.5: Bonus Scene – Dream


Morning had arrived, spilling golden light through the window, and yet Qinghe slept peacefully with no intention of waking.

Wei Xiang observed his lover from the side, his mouth unconsciously curving into a gentle smile as he listened to Qinghe’s soft snores and watched his adorable face relaxed in sleep.

As much as he would like to keep looking at his lover’s tranquil expression, they both had duties to attend to, so Wei Xiang regretfully decided to wake him up.

“Qinghe,” he called in a soft voice.

Murmuring incoherently, Qinghe turned towards him but didn’t wake.

“Qinghe?” Wei Xiang coaxed again, a bit louder this time.

After having slept together with the twins for so long, Qinghe was used to being awakened while being sought for comfort at odd hours. So, absentminded and still half-unconscious, Qinghe raised his hand and sloppily patted Wei Xiang’s head as he asked in a voice blurred with sleep, “What is it, Xiang-er?”

Wei Xiang’s lips twitched. Why was he addressing him as if he were one of his annoying junior brothers?

But a sleepy Qinghe was also very cute. He looked so soft and warm and comfortable, perfect for snuggling.

I wonder what he’s dreaming about.

The more he thought, the more he wanted to know.

Wei Xiang relented to his curiosity and inquired softly, “Are you having a dream?”

Qinghe frowned lightly and replied in a voice thick with drowsiness, “Hmm…water…lots of water…”

“Oh? And what are you doing in the water?” Wei Xiang continued to pester him. He wondered if he was having a spring dream. Wei Xiang hoped his lover had included him as well if that were the case.

To his disappointment and amusement, Qinghe answered, “…I’m a…fish…”


For a second, Wei Xiang didn’t know what expression to make. Then he recovered his composure and asked, “Then what is my little fish Qinghe doing?”

“…swimming away…faster…” Qinghe was slowly beginning to drift deeper into sleep.

Wei Xiang interrupted again, “From what?”

Qinghe grumbled groggily but answered, “…bigger fish…Xiang…”

Blinking in surprise, Wei Xiang asked, “The bigger fish is named Xiang and you’re running― no, swimming quickly away from it? Why?”

The drowsy Qinghe frowned harder, displeased at having to process such a long sentence while he was more than half asleep. “…wants to…eat me…”

“This bigger fish Xiang wants to eat you?” Wei Xiang had to stifle his laughter. “Then what is my little fish Qinghe going to do?”

Qinghe mumbled discontentedly, “…fish tail…”

Baffled, Wei Xiang asked, “What about your fish tail?”

With a somewhat angry expression, Qinghe muttered again, “…slap big fish…in the face…with it…”


Wei Xiang truly didn’t know if he should be offended or amused, but mirth eventually won out.

The Qinghe who had once more fallen asleep without his lover’s questions interrupting him was suddenly startled awake as unrestrained laughter rang out right by his ear.

Blinking blearily, he looked at the cheerfully chortling Wei Xiang and asked, “What happened? Why are you laughing?”

Looking at his awakened lover’s befuddled expression, Wei Xiang knew that he didn’t remember anything of his dream or the questions he’d asked about it while he was half-asleep.

With his amusement still unhidden, Wei Xiang replied while grinning happily, “It’s nothing at all. Just a strange dream.”

Qinghe shrugged and let it go. The morning had already gotten late, so he got up and rushed to get ready.


Later that day, Qinghe abruptly spoke, “I suddenly have a craving for fish.”

At the side, Wei Xiang smiled, his eyes shining with amusement and remembrance, but he didn’t say anything.

Not minding him, Qinghe found some simply seasoned fish and started eating it with relish. It had been a long time since he’d eaten anything, since as a cultivator, ingesting food was no longer necessary.

Wei Xiang looked on with a strange smile as if he was aware of some big secret.

Unaware of the meaning behind his lover’s expression and thinking that he must also want a taste, Qinghe offered him a fish. “Do you also want to eat one?”

While trying hard to contain his chuckles, Wei Xiang said, “I’d rather not eat fish or I might get slapped with a fish tail.”

The confused Qinghe: “…?”

Was his lover still dreaming? Qinghe wondered absentmindedly as he continued chomping on a particularly large fish with evident enthusiasm.

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