Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 46: Lively Dinner Chatter

Thinking that he could better assess this Hei NingYu in a different environment, Qinghe decided to let him come along with them. And thus, the group of six cultivators changed into plainer clothes and set off to visit Yan Lin’s house.

As they reached Yan Lin’s little village and strolled along the streets while heading towards the cottage, Qinghe noticed that a lot of people looked at Yan Lin with strange gazes. Wherever they went, people tried to distance themselves from him even as they looked on with pitying eyes.

Seeing that Yan Lin had no reaction to this, Qinghe also let it be for now. Whatever troubles Yan Lin might have, Qinghe resolved to take care of them just like he had wanted to while in the orphanage.

Soon, they reached a little house located at the edge of the village.

The cottage had a thatched roof with neatly arranged layers of hay, sturdy and weathered wooden walls, and a small vegetable garden situated in the front. Thick trees were scattered around the house, some burdened with ripe fruits or decorated with fresh, blooming flowers. The evening sky framed the entire scene with nostalgic colors, projecting the feeling of a warm and comfortable, lived-in home.

The door to the cottage creaked as it opened and a short, slightly plump woman walked out, calling, “Ah-Lin, you’ve returned? And from where did you collect all these handsome young men?”

Yan Lin coughed in embarrassment, but was unable to hide the affection in his voice as he lightly chided, “Ah-Ying, stop teasing. They will be staying for dinner, so let’s go inside and start preparing.”

The woman’s mouth twitched. They would be feeding so many people and her husband told her only now? How many hands did he think she had to cook in such short notice for six more people?!

Yan Lin quickly introduced, “This is my wife, Zhang LiYing. Ah-Ying, these are the friends of that person I told you about.”

Showing a surprised expression, Zhang LiYing looked over the group of beautiful men and asked, “Oh? Then which one of them is your beloved friend Feng Qinghe that you like talking so much about?”

Yan Lin was startled into coughing again, but Qinghe calmly stepped forward and bowed. “I am Feng Qinghe. Yan Lin has taken much care of me in the past, so if you have need of anything, please don’t hesitate to ask me.”

“Ah, there really is no need to―” Yan Lin began to refuse, but his wife interrupted him in the middle as she graciously nodded and said, “There are in fact a few things we could use your help with.”

“Ah-Ying!” Yan Lin frowned at his willful wife.

But Zhang LiYing simply snorted. “Since they sincerely want to help, let them help. Isn’t receiving help from a friend only natural? Why are you getting so bent out of shape over it?”

Yan Lin could only sputter incoherently.

Qinghe immediately took a liking to this reasonable and straightforward Zhang LiYing. She was exactly the type of person Yan Lin needed. If not for her, Qinghe assumed that many people would have already stepped all over Yan Lin’s household by now.

Giving up, Yan Lin spoke ruefully, “The evening wind is damp and chilly, it’ll be easy to catch a cold if we keep standing out here like this. Let’s go inside and talk.”

The six people politely didn’t remind him that as cultivators, not only would they not catch any illnesses so easily, they also did not need to eat any food. But they couldn’t very well just sit idly and watch as their hosts ate either, now could they?

As the large group entered the simply furnished cottage and crowded around the table while trying to find a place to sit, they realized that the room was really too small of a fit. Though Yan Lin looked apologetic at having to cause his guests such discomfort, none of the six people minded the situation all that much.

Feeling bad that he’d be causing his friend and friend’s wife trouble, Qinghe spoke with guilt, “I’m sorry that I am unable to be of help. I cannot cook and can only impose on Madam Yan.”

The only thing Qinghe could make was his special sweets, the ingredients for which were comparatively expensive. There was no way Yan Lin’s house would have those at hand. So right now, Qinghe felt that he could only sit aside uselessly.

Also feeling responsible, Jing Shui spoke with remorse, “I can’t cook either.”

Wu Xiao’s eyes suddenly brightened as he opened his mouth, but Jing Shui slapped his palm over his maw in time while adding, “And believe me when I say that his cooking abilities are undoubtedly the worst among our group. Even though I don’t know what level the other’s skills are at, they definitely can’t be worse than his.”

Under Jing Shui’s hand, Wu Xiao pursed his lips as if pressing a kiss to the inside of the soft palm. Flustered, Jing Shui immediately removed his hand and looked away with a blush. Greatly entertained by his reaction, Wu Xiao chuckled but didn’t try to speak again. He also didn’t want to unleash the weapon of mass destruction that was his cooking onto his current friendly company.

Unheeding of those two’s actions, Chen Xiande spoke seriously and stated, “I also cannot cook.” He then looked up at Hei NingYu expectantly.

Following his gaze, everyone turned to Hei NingYu. He had obviously lived so long, surely he must have picked up the profound art of cooking.

But to their disappointment, Hei NingYu shook his head with his lips quirked upward. “Do you even know how many thousands of years it has been since I last had to hold a kitchen utensil? At least for cooking purposes, I mean.”

Everyone wordlessly turned away.

At this time, Wei Xiang unexpectedly spoke up, a hint of wry humor in his tone, “I can cook. Would you like my help?”

They all stared at him wide-eyed.

Not wasting any time, Qinghe unceremoniously pushed Wei Xiang towards the kitchen while saying gleefully, “Go, go, make me something, I want to eat my beloved’s hand-cooked meal!”

Tickled by his beloved’s enthusiastic response, Wei Xiang chuckled, “Very well.” Bending down to place a kiss on his lover’s eager little face, he headed towards the kitchen along with a relieved looking Zhang LiYing.

As they waited for the meal to be prepared, Qinghe and Yan Lin conversed with each other about their lives, while the pairs of Jing Shui and Wu Xiao, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu, spoke and bickered amongst themselves.

Soon, plates filled with varieties of fragrant, steaming food was placed on the table, the dishes plentiful enough to make the aged wood groan at the weight.

After Wei Xiang and Zhang LiYing joined those sitting by the table, the eight people happily began devouring the delicious feast with relish, occasionally asking and answering questions or stating opinions. The group maintained a lively atmosphere as they chattered between mouthfuls of food, all semblance of decorum and manners put aside for now.

“Eh? An official is targeting Yan Lin?” Qinghe exclaimed in surprise.

Pausing the movements of her chopsticks, Zhang LiYing gravely nodded. “This is one of the matters I need your help with. This Official Gao has a prominent status in this village and has been trying to coerce my husband into his bed by abusing his authority. He came by just today again to threaten us. I hoped you would know anyone with a high enough standing who would be able to resolve this situation for us.”

Yan Lin muttered guiltily, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault that this happened.”

Before Qinghe could refute this, Zhang LiYing snapped out angrily, “How the bloody hell is it your fault? It’s that dreadful old man who has been harassing us. Or are you saying that you went behind my back and seduced that disgrace of an official? Did you go to him and ask him to take you to bed? Because that is the only viable reason for you to apologize to me.”

His mouth hanging open in protest, Yan Lin tried to speak before wisely closing his mouth. Then he obediently shook his head and said, “Of course not. My Ah-Ying is absolutely right, the blame belongs entirely to Official Gao.”

As if she had gotten the answer she had expected to hear, Zhang LiYing nodded once in satisfaction, her chopsticks continuing to fly as she ate at the speed of light. She had spent years to train this self-blaming nature out of her husband and it looked like it was bearing fruit.

At the side, Qinghe looked on at the husband and wife’s interactions with amused interest. So this was where Yan Lin had picked up the skills necessary to convince Qinghe out of his own self-recrimination before.

On the other hand, Wei Xiang was frowning deeply in thought.

Pondering over Yan Lin’s situation, Jing Shui voiced his doubts, “If it is like this, then why haven’t you notified the Sentinels? I can understand why you wouldn’t risk reporting to the local officials who might be in this Official Gao’s pocket, but the Sentinels are a fair and neutral agency. They would surely help.”

But Zhang LiYing shook her head. “This village is far from any of the Sentinel Offices. Relaying our circumstances to them would require much time and effort, not to mention the cost of sending a message that far. This is why most minor crimes of this sort are usually swept under the rug in such remote areas.”

Hearing this, Qinghe lightly nudged his lover. “You should set up a reliable chain of relay points to avoid these kinds of situations from happening again.”

Wei Xiang nodded, seriously considering the suggestion. “Of course. I’ll see that it’s done.”

Zhang LiYing looked at them with confusion as she asked, “What are you talking about?”

Qinghe serenely smiled and explained, “I seem to have forgotten to introduce my lover.  He is Wei Xiang, the Sentinel Grandmaster’s third and most favored disciple. If he requests it of his master, then he will surely help resolve the situation.”

Yan Lin looked at Wei Xiang with widened eyes as Zhang LiYing asked disbelievingly, “Is this true?”

After all, the Sentinel Grandmaster and his direct disciples were a mighty, revered, and far-off existence. They were somewhat of a legend even among cultivators, much less the common mortal folk. Even catching a glimpse of a normal Sentinel would be enough for the people in their village to talk and rave about for months, not to mention the well-known Sentinel Wei who was rumored to be the successor to the position of the leader of Sentinels.

And this great person had been sitting in front of them while casually chatting and eating all this time?!

“Of course it’s true, isn’t it?” Qinghe said, turning to Wei Xiang.

Wei Xiang nodded, hints of pride seeping into his voice as he spoke, “Rather than a disciple, Master treats me like his son. Of course he’d listen to me.”

Looking at his beloved’s confident smirk, Qinghe suddenly felt his heart grow itchy. So it seemed that even his always dependable and mature lover had such a side. It suddenly made him curious to see with his own eyes just what sort of a person this Sentinel Grandmaster was to have gained his usually indifferent lover’s high regard.

Seeking to know more about his beloved, Qinghe asked with avid interest, “You say he treats you like a son. Does that mean you also look to him as a father?”

Wei Xiang met Qinghe’s inquisitive gaze and nodded. “Yes. In fact, I think you are somewhat similar to Master in many aspects as well.”

Qinghe chuckled and teased, “Is that why you chose me? After all, they do say that one looks for a husband who is similar to their father and a wife similar to their mother.”

Amused by his lover’s playful query, Wei Xiang bent down and nuzzled Qinghe. “Does the reason matter? The fact is that I chose you and had the good fortune of you choosing me back.”

Laughing lightly, Qinghe spoke, “As long as you don’t look at anyone else, I will hold my peace.”

Being forced to witness this couple’s blatant flirting, Jing Shui grumbled discontentedly from the side, “Since I’m very much not a dog, can you both stop choking me with your dog food?”

His eyes sparkling with mischief, Qinghe immediately exclaimed exaggeratedly, “Xiang, my beloved, make sweet love to me!” and threw himself onto his lover in a hug.

Not wasting the opportunity so thoughtfully presented to him, Wei Xiang swiftly pulled Qinghe onto his lap, his lips descending upon his lover’s arched neck as he trailed little kisses on the soft skin. The cool scent of mint flooded his nose as his mouth moved eagerly over the slender neck.

Struggling in laughter, Qinghe patted Wei Xiang’s shoulder as he spoke, “Xiang, I was only joking!”

Wei Xiang paused for just a moment as he replied, “I know.” And then he continued his brazen display of affection, uncaring of the presence of others.

Having had enough, Jing Shui made sounds of disgust as if he wanted to vomit as he was forced to witness such overt shamelessness.

At the side, Hei NingYu whispered into Chen Xiande’s ear, “Little Sheep, how about we also take your junior brother’s lead?”

Chen Xiande flushed, but boldly lifted his mouth and placed it over Hei NingYu’s smiling lips as he twined his hands behind the older man’s neck. As they lost themselves into each other while also forgetting their surroundings, sweet and ambiguous sounds soon started spilling from the both of them, painting an amorous picture.

Jing Shui was even more disgruntled. Why was he surrounded by so many shameless couples? Can’t a person eat in peace around here?!

Chuckling at his expression, Wu Xiao casually spoke, “Ah-Shui, how about we go with the flow and do what everyone else is doing?”

“Y-You! Shut up! So shameless, the whole lot of you!” Jing Shui sputtered as he looked away, his face and ears dyed red as blood.

Delighted, Wu Xiao gave a merry laugh as he began teasing and bickering with Jing Shui.

At the side, Yan Lin and Zhang LiYing looked at the boisterous group with content smiles. It really was nice to have friends over for dinner.

And looking at Qinghe laughing and fooling around with his beloved, Yan Lin felt particularly happy in his heart. This was the kind of joyful life that his little friend deserved to live.

After having found a particularly ticklish spot on Qinghe’s neck, Wei Xiang was mercilessly attacking it, making Qinghe writhe with uncontrollable laughter. Finally getting a chance, Qinghe pushed his mischievous lover’s face away from his poor, beleaguered neck and spoke between gasps, “Cease your canoodling, Sentinel! You should go and report about the matters here to your headquarters.”

Wei Xiang looked at him with an aggrieved expression. “Right now?”

Qinghe nodded unbendingly. “The sooner the framework for the relay points is set, the better. Isn’t preventing crime your duty as a law enforcement officer?”

Sighing as if a great injustice had been done unto him, Wei Xiang finally relented and let go. Qinghe escaped his lover’s evil clutches and seated himself properly again while neatening his appearance.

Remembering something, Qinghe suddenly looked towards the Wei Xiang who had stood up to depart. “Ah! One more thing, give me your authority token before you go. It’ll come handy if there’s an emergency and I need to make an arrest using the Sentinels’ name.”

Qinghe wanted to be prepared just in case this harassing Official Gao showed up.

Understanding this, Wei Xiang wordlessly took out a crisply cut circular disk and handed it over.

The authority token was well-wrought and the size of a palm, seeming to be made of very high-quality black jade and inlaid with the majestic gold emblem representing the Order of Sentinels. The stylized character for ‘judgment’ situated at the center of the token glinted brightly even in the fading light of dusk.

The round disk felt heavy in Qinghe’s hand as if with the weight of countless years spent fulfilling duty and carrying the burden of responsibility.

Seeing the token, Qinghe felt something pressing against the back of his mind. He seemed to remember seeing this somewhere before, specifically the character for ‘judgment’ written in this particular way. But the memory eluded him, slipping like smoke through his fingers. Pushing aside the vague feeling, Qinghe casually put the token away.

Witnessing the authority token passing hands so easily, all the people watching had their mouths agape.

One must know that a Sentinel’s authority token was absolutely not something that could be given away so easily!

A Sentinel’s authority token, just like the name suggested, was the representation of a Sentinel’s authority and proof of their station. Giving it to someone essentially meant that the Sentinel was giving away their authority to act. If the person possessing the Sentinel’s authority token misused it, then the punishment conferred to the Sentinel would be exceedingly severe and unimaginably devastating. Expulsion from the Order or having their soul sealed would be the least of their worries.

For Wei Xiang to give it away so easily could only represent his absolute trust towards his lover. And for Qinghe to ask for it so casually could only mean that he didn’t doubt his place in his beloved’s heart in the slightest. They were truly a pair with deep faith and understanding between them.

Seeing this gladdened Yan Lin even more. Yes, Qinghe truly deserved such a loyal lover. He truly deserved the best in the world.

At the side, Zhang LiYing also smiled. She knew that her husband had been endlessly worried about his ‘little friend’ Feng Qinghe for a very long time. Now, reconnecting with his friend and finding him happy, Yan Lin could naturally lay to rest his fears. As his loving wife, how could Zhang LiYing not find joy in this?

Wei Xiang left for his headquarters, reassured at leaving Qinghe amid such a warm atmosphere.

Thinking to make the mood even merrier, Wu Xiao asked Zhang LiYing, “Madam Yan, would it be possible to have some wine now that dinner is over?”

Qinghe’s eyes immediately brightened at the mention of wine.

After some deliberation, Zhang LiYing finally nodded and went to unearth a few jars. A few minutes later, several dozens of jars of delicate-smelling wine were crammed onto the surface of the table, replacing the empty dishes.

Wu Xiao cheered happily, “Now this is a fitting dessert!”

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