Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 49: First Time Together

“Then, Xiang, I…will give myself to you, so please take care of me.”

Hearing these unintentionally provocative words, Wei Xiang’s blood boiled with desire.

But rather than immediately pouncing on his inexperienced little lover, he controlled the flames burning in his belly and suppressed the violent, raging lust. After living for fourteen thousand years and experiencing desire so many times, it would be shameful if he couldn’t even control himself at this point.

He would be careful and gentle, because this trust was something he cherished too much to take lightly.

When Qinghe had been in the orphanage as a child, embroiled in the rampant chaos and insecurity of that place, everything had felt uncertain and out of control, and he had hated that. Thus, when he finally got out, Qinghe did his best to always have some measure of control over himself and the situation, always calculating and manipulating it into going the way he directed.

But now, for the first time, he was willingly giving up that hard-won control. He was letting another person have power over the situation and his own body.

It was frightening to be sure, but also relieving. Qinghe believed in Wei Xiang more than anything and so entrusted himself to his lover freely.

And with how perceptive he was, how could Wei Xiang not understand this? Seeing his lover display such unreserved trust, Wei Xiang’s devotion could only entrench deeper into his being.

This was his most treasured person, his dearest beloved, and he would treat him with the utmost affection and care.

With gentle hands, Wei Xiang slowly removed Qinghe’s clothing, his careful movements as if he was unwrapping the world’s most precious treasure.

Though this was an action that had been done many times, Qinghe felt that his lover’s hands were especially tender tonight. And so, with trembling fingers, Qinghe also reached out and began undoing Wei Xiang’s uniform. Neither of them hurried, savoring each other’s careful and loving touch.

Once their robes had finished being piled up on the floor, both their bodies completely unclothed, Qinghe voluntarily went and laid down on the bed as if presenting himself as a sacrifice, his posture straight and hands folded neatly over his belly.

Wei Xiang’s mouth twitched, laughter dancing in his eyes.

Qinghe looked over at him impatiently. What was his lover doing just standing there? Shouldn’t they get started already?

Guessing his little lover’s reprobating thoughts, Wei Xiang tucked away his amusement and slowly walked towards his beloved.

Qinghe lay on the bed, feeling too self-aware and vulnerable as he watched his lover’s approach. He didn’t know exactly what would come next, and that made him nervous.

As Wei Xiang finally climbed onto the bed, Qinghe couldn’t help but want to flee from this unfamiliar situation. But in the end, he didn’t. He was curious and he wanted more than anything to feel the physical way lovers bonded, he wanted that intimate connection with Wei Xiang.

Determined to brave through the uncertainty, Qinghe looked up with trembling lashes as Wei Xiang positioned himself over Qinghe. Reaching down, he pulled Qinghe’s legs apart while folding them inwards before situating himself comfortably in between.

Qinghe saw his lover reaching out and closed his eyes in apprehension. But unexpectedly, Wei Xiang didn’t begin stimulating him right away.

Feeling Qinghe’s nervousness, of course Wei Xiang wouldn’t jump right into things. He instead decided to ease his beloved into this, to let him know how cherished and loved he was.

Wei Xiang lifted his Qinghe’s hand and gently kissed the fingertips that he had seen wielding weapons so skillfully.

He leaned over and brushed his mouth over those soft, petal-like lips that said such clever and witty things.

Moving up, he slowly kissed near each of Qinghe’s eyes, for they displayed those vivid emotions of his lover that Wei Xiang held so very dear.

He worshipfully kissed the silky cheeks that flushed in such lovely colors every time his beloved was teased.

Feeling Wei Xiang’s reverent touch, Qinghe’s unease melted away, dissolving into desire. The slow insistent burn of arousal spread beneath his skin in soft, silky waves, clouding his mind as the liquid heat pulsed through him.

Gradually, bit by bit, Qinghe relaxed and let the familiar need flow throughout his body, surrendering to the sensations as he gave himself up completely to his lover’s capable hands.

Sensing Qinghe’s acceptance, Wei Xiang’s touches grew bolder.

He leaned down and once again captured Qinghe’s lips with his own as his hands moved over the smooth, supple skin.

Qinghe willingly opened up, and Wei Xiang’s tongue swiftly entered past his lover’s lips, tracing the line of his teeth, sliding over his gums and rubbing over the sensitive roof of his mouth as he eagerly, devotedly learned and explored.

Wei Xiang’s hands rubbed over Qinghe’s sensitive points, roaming over his collarbones and chest. Taking ahold of the perky little buds, Wei Xiang gently pinched and rolled them. Qinghe gasped into his lover’s mouth as another wave of heat washed through him. Unrelenting, Wei Xiang’s warm palms mapped across his beloved’s skin, running over the familiar lines and curves as they exploited all known weaknesses.

Disengaging from the kiss, Qinghe moved his head to the side as he gulped down large breaths of air, trying to recover some semblance of control over himself. But his lover didn’t allow him that luxury.

Slowly, Wei Xiang’s touches moved downward, eventually settling around Qinghe’s hardened member. This was something they had already done quite a few times, but since his little lover was still unfamiliar with sex, Wei Xiang decided to first pique his desire using familiar methods to make his Qinghe feel less uncertain and more comfortable with the situation before going any further. After all, Qinghe’s past experiences in the orphanage had left him rather reluctant to explore his own sexuality all these years. It was only natural to take this very slowly, carefully unknotting his reservations little by little.

Not knowing about the amount of thought and consideration Wei Xiang was putting into his every move, Qinghe let out a helpless moan as his lover’s slightly rough palm began moving over his rigid length. All strength left his body as he shifted restlessly in Wei Xiang’s grasp. His body trembled as another rush of desire flooded him in thick, hot waves, drowning his reason under its merciless onslaught.

The other hand still played with the stiff buds standing at attention on Qinghe’s heaving chest. As the pitiless fingers kneaded and pulled at the delicate little points, Qinghe felt sparks shooting beneath his skin. Clear liquid dripped from his painfully aroused member. The constant stimulation pushed him higher and higher, until the peak of release was almost within reach.

And then Wei Xiang stopped.

With his cheeks flushed red and his eyes dazed from lust, Qinghe looked up at Wei Xiang and protested hazily, “Xiang…don’t stop…”

Smiling affectionately, Wei Xiang bent down to lay another kiss on his little lover’s moist mouth, sucking on those luscious lips reddened due to his previous ministrations. Qinghe gave himself over as he enthusiastically began returning the kiss with equal passion, his body still burning hot with need.

But even as their mouths remained melded together, Qinghe felt Wei Xiang’s heated fingers gliding over his skin that was thirsting eagerly for his lover’s touch, passing over his abdomen and stomach, and slipping further below.

Just when he though Wei Xiang would resume caressing his shaft, Qinghe felt the hot fingertips moving down, down, sliding further below into the crevice between the two mounds of flesh that quivered tautly with anticipation, reaching the little wrinkled bud that tightened as the warm touch neared it.

Qinghe leaned back and gasped for breath. “…Xiang?” he called out in nervousness.

Wei Xiang didn’t do anything more, simply rubbing a fingertip over the quivering entrance, waiting for Qinghe to get accustomed to being touched there.

Slowly, Qinghe relaxed. Sensing his lover’s gradual acceptance, Wei Xiang removed his fingers for the time being.

Qinghe blinked in surprise. What was his lover doing, dilly-dallying so much?

But soon, he felt Wei Xiang’s fingers pressing over that place again. This time, Qinghe clearly felt a faint wetness where they touched him.

Keenly feeling his lack of control over the situation, Qinghe shifted restlessly as he asked, “Xiang, what is that?”

In a patient voice, Wei Xiang explained, “It’s oil. It is necessary to use it as a lubricant to minimize pain. Especially since this is your first time.”

Qinghe blinked. What sort of a magical oil was that? He didn’t understand.

Looking at Qinghe frowning as if he were pondering on the great mysteries of the universe, Wei Xiang chuckled, his voice languid and low.

Wei Xiang lightly pushed against his lover’s opening, the tip of his finger sliding in. Qinghe stiffened again as he felt something intruding into him from below. He tried to relax, but his body instinctively remained clenched and taut.

In a soft, wicked whisper, Wei Xiang continued explaining, “See how tight you are down here? Using oil allows me to slide inside easier, like this.” So saying, he pushed the finger a bit further in to demonstrate.

Qinghe lightly trembled. Looking up, he could see Wei Xiang’s intense gaze focused on him as if savoring his every reaction, his lips raised up in a self-satisfied arc. At that sight, Qinghe felt his desire rising further despite the strangeness of feeling something pushing inside him.

Slowly, bit by bit, Wei Xiang succeeded in inserting the entirety of one digit into his lover’s lovely little bottom. It was all he could do to maintain control over himself as he felt the hot and tight passage gripping his finger strongly as it attempted to suck it in.

Wei Xiang moved his finger out, then gently thrust it back in. Qinghe thought of how his lover’s strong finger was currently inside him, moving within him, and felt his whole body flush in a mixture of excitement and embarrassment.

As he felt his beloved’s inner walls loosen enough to accept one digit, Wei Xiang began pushing in another. Qinghe felt faint discomfort as his insides were stretched further, but slowly grew accustomed to the invasion. He even started deriving some pleasure from the friction.

Looking down at the enchanting figure of his lover, Wei Xiang felt his breath stuttering in his chest.

Sweat droplets glittered over the smooth stretch of skin like clear dew over silky petals. In contrast, the black strands of glistening hair lay scattered over the light-colored sheets, spread like spilled ink. His body flushed with passion, Qinghe’s muscles flexed agitatedly, causing his skin to stretch and roll as if in temptation. His slender limbs moved restlessly over the sheets, his hands fisted tightly as if he were trying hard to contain himself. His knees were bent and slightly parted, showing his unconscious trust as he allowed access to his most secret parts. His dusky pink opening was stretched taut and wide, clamping firmly over two slick fingers that moved in and out in a slow rhythm.

His eyes darkening at the vivid scene, Wei Xiang’s gaze was filled with satisfaction at the view of his own fingers sliding out and plunging back into his lover’s bottom.

Feeling the tight passage relax further, Wei Xiang added in a third finger. Qinghe shuddered slightly as he bore the added stimulation, feeling himself being relentlessly forced open wider.

Qinghe was almost out of his mind now. He had been played with by Wei Xiang for so long that all he could think of was that he wanted more, more, more.

Just as Qinghe felt his desperation rising, Wei Xiang removed his digits from his entrance, having decided that it was prepared enough.

Feeling his lover withdraw from his body, Qinghe immediately felt a stark emptiness in the place that Wei Xiang’s fingers had just occupied.

In a husky voice, Qinghe complained, “…Xiang…not enough…”

Supporting himself on an arm, Wei Xiang laid atop Qinghe. Feeling the warmth of his lover’s skin enveloping him, Qinghe focused his dazed eyes upwards.

“Qinghe,” Wei Xiang called softly, a hand cupping his little lover’s soft cheek. “I’m going to enter you now.”

Feeling his heart thumping wildly, Qinghe gasped out with breathlessness, “Okay.”

As he peered intently at his beloved’s face that hovered so close above him, Qinghe could see a loving smile warming Wei Xiang’s eyes.

Having gained Qinghe’s approval, Wei Xiang held his member in his hand and slowly guided it towards his lover’s prepared entrance. Feeling the blunt head pushing against his opening, Qinghe did his best to keep his muscles relaxed. The head of Wei Xiang’s shaft kept steadily pressing in until it breached the readied opening, entering into his lover’s soft and moist passage.

Qinghe panted, taking in quick short breaths. He felt a vague ache and a faint throb of pain. Seeing him frown in apparent discomfort, Wei Xiang immediately halted. Only when he saw Qinghe’s expression relax did Wei Xiang start pushing inside again.

Though the slight pain had begun to slowly melt into pleasure for Qinghe, Wei Xiang still remained careful, sliding into him slowly.

His mind gone hazy due to the pleasurable heat suffusing him, Qinghe looked up at Wei Xiang’s face, only to see that his lover’s brows were scrunched together, his jaws clenched in concentration. Sweat glistened lightly on his forehead. The honey-toned body of his lover was tense with the strain of holding himself back. The muscles cording his arms and thighs bulged as he held himself in strict control. The scarce light brushed over his skin, starkly defining every dip and swell on his compact, muscled frame.

In a daze, Qinghe thought, this was the person that he loved, someone who loved him back. Someone who laughed with him, who teased and infuriated him, but also held him gently, rubbing his back in comfort as he cried into his shoulder. This was someone who cared for him more than even he cared for himself.

And this person, this beautiful, wonderful person, was now on top of him, his body steadily pushing inside his own.

Thinking up to here, Qinghe’s passion reached new heights, his need for his Xiang soaring. He didn’t want to go slowly anymore.

Trying to spur on his overly cautious lover, Qinghe wrapped his legs around Wei Xiang’s waist, digging his heels into his lover’s tensed buttocks to drive him forward. Pausing in surprise, Wei Xiang looked down to see his beloved’s flushed face and the heated gaze focused intently on him.

“Too slow,” Qinghe griped.

With a strained laugh, Wei Xiang gave in to his little lover’s demands and sped up his actions, forcefully thrusting in.

Qinghe’s body arched upward at the swiftness of the motion, his hands moving urgently over the cool sheets as if searching for something to hold on to.

His throat let out a low groan at the feeling of the large organ pushing apart his inner walls as it entered him, sheathing itself completely. He could feel every distinct detail of his lover’s member, every little line and curve as his insides clamped tightly around it. Qinghe could feel the throb and pulse of the veins moving against his tight insides as the hard organ pressed in deeply, imprinting its shape into his depths as it claimed this place that had yet been unconquered.

Feeling his lover’s moist and hot passage squeezing him tightly, Wei Xiang gave a soft growl. But no matter how much he wanted to slam hard and fast into his lover, he still took the time to ask, “Qinghe, are you alright?”

Gasping lightly, Qinghe nodded.

Leaning down to plant a little peck between Qinghe’s tense brows, Wei Xiang pulled himself out before thrusting back in.

Qinghe gave a short moan as he felt his lover’s hard shaft rubbing inside and over his sensitive walls. He writhed and twisted as the thick length withdrew and forced itself back in, stretching his tender insides to the limit. He felt a particular spot within him being pressed and let out a full body shudder.

The intensity of his reaction shocked even himself. He blindly reached out a hand in panic, seeking out his lover’s steady and comforting presence. He felt a warm palm enfolding his grasping hand, long fingers wrapping over it as Wei Xiang’s calm voice soothed, “It’s okay. I’m here.”

Qinghe slumped back into the bed, reassured, as Wei Xiang continued moving inside him in smooth and powerful strokes, leaning down to drop little kisses on his face dampened with tears.

As their fervor mounted, the sweetness slowly gave way to bright hot passion and the movement of skin against skin became more insistent and demanding, their bodies pressing against each other as if trying to meld together their skin and flesh, seeking to fuse their hearts and souls into one.

Their movements grew more intense and desperate, their hunger for each other deepening, turning into something wild and frantic as their bodies slammed together and separated, their hips colliding again and again in a violent, savage rhythm, their actions filled with a heated frenzy.

Qinghe gasped and sobbed uncontrollably even as he pushed himself to move faster and faster, his hips tilting to receive each of his lover’s thrusts, his heels on Wei Xiang’s tensed buttocks urging him to go harder and push in deeper.

Each thrust drove Qinghe higher and higher, towards the peak of pleasure, until sparks burst and his vision turned white under the assault of unfathomable ecstasy. His lips opened in a breathless scream, gasping soundlessly. He didn’t even have a chance to brace himself as the climax rolled through him. Like a boat caught unprepared in a storm at sea, so too was Qinghe helpless as he drowned under the continuous waves of this unbearable pleasure.

Feeling the tight and slick passage pulsing violently around his member as if coaxing him, Wei Xiang let out a low, strained growl and bent down, touching his forehead to Qinghe’s as he released into the soft depths of his beloved.

Feeling the hot liquid rushing into his channel and drenching his insides, Qinghe’s climax extended, crashing over him as another brutal wave of ecstasy tore through his powerless body.

As the tides of pleasure eventually receded, Qinghe slumped down, completely spent and wrung out. His body still trembled with the aftershocks of his explosive orgasm. His eyes looked glassy and dazed, as if he was still unable to process what had just happened.

For a few moments, the only thing heard in the room was the sound of labored panting as the pair of lovers recovered their breaths.

Then Wei Xiang’s voice whispered near Qinghe’s ear, close and intimate. “Are you alright? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

His actions accompanying the care in his voice, Wei Xiang gently rubbed his hand over Qinghe’s belly, as if trying to soothe away any traces of distress.

Qinghe’s gaze finally focused on the man in front of him.

They were both slicked with sweat, casting a slight sheen over their skin. Wei Xiang’s arms were wound around his waist, radiating strength and making him feel safe as they laid on their sides, face-to-face on the bed. Wei Xiang’s dark eyes were attentively peering at him, care and concern unmistakable in his gaze.

They were still joined below and Qinghe could feel his lover’s softened member rubbing inside his overly sensitive inner walls. He felt the slipperiness in his insides due to being thoroughly filled with Wei Xiang’s release. He remembered how he’d cried out loud with wild abandon and felt a blush crawling up his cheeks.

Feeling unreasonably embarrassed, he buried his head in Wei Xiang’s chest, refusing to let his lover see his expression.

Wei Xiang was amused. He asked quietly, “Qinghe, love, won’t you look up?”

Qinghe immediately shook his head.

Chuckling, Wei Xiang asked, “Are you feeling shy?”

After pondering for a moment, Qinghe nodded honestly, face still buried.

Wei Xiang felt that his lover had gotten too adorable to handle. He wrapped his arms tighter and let Qinghe hide, reveling in the heat of his beloved’s soft cheek pressed against his chest.

From the windows, the peaceful light of the moon flowed into the room, softly enfolding the happily snuggled couple in its tranquil silver light.

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