Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 52: Making Arrangements

The stars in the cloudless sky glinted with a frosty light, looking down upon the world with haughty indifference. During this dark night, the wind blew sharp and cold, ushering in mist that shrouded the Heavenly Peak Sect in its chilly embrace.

Feng Qinghe strode soundlessly down the corridors, his feet making nary a sound as he walked. A few turns later, he stopped in front of a plain wooden door.

Raising his hand, he lightly knocked as he called out, “Senior Brother, may I ask you to please open the door?”

The wooden door opened with a soft shush.

Inside the plain room, Chen Xiande was sitting on the bed in lotus position, seemingly deep in meditation. By the bed, Hei NingYu was stretched lazily, one hand raised as if in a wave, indicating that he must have been the one to open the door.

“Is there something you want with my little sheep?” Hei NingYu inquired after lowering his hand.

Qinghe intently studied the reposed man who made no motion to get up from his comfortable position on the floor.

Then, with his usual smile, Qinghe spoke, “No. In fact, I came here to ask Senior Brother if I could borrow you for a chat, Sect Leader Hei.”

Hei NingYu raised a brow, not really surprised that Qinghe knew his identity. Getting up in a smooth motion, Hei NingYu walked towards the doorway as he said agreeably, “Then by all means, let’s have a chat.”

As the two men left, they carefully closed the door behind them, mindful of the harmful night air entering and affecting the person serenely meditating inside.

Qinghe led Hei NingYu outdoor and into an elegant garden. The duo entered a small gazebo covered in a dense canopy of slender, swaying vines. The gazebo was surrounded by small artificial streams on all sides but one, little flowers bobbing on the water’s lightly undulating surface.

Hei NingYu walked inside and promptly leaned against a pillar as if he was too lazy to even stand properly. In contrast, Qinghe stood opposite him with a straight posture, his eyes deep and shadowed as he looked at the other man.

“So?” Hei NingYu broke the strange silence. “After evaluating me for these past few days, what is your verdict?”

Upon hearing this, Qinghe was unsurprised. He had long since known that Hei NingYu was aware of his scrutiny. In truth, he would have been quite disappointed had he not figured it out by now.

After all, people like Wu Xiao and Hei NingYu, who had lived for several tens or even hundreds of thousands of years, had complex personalities and a rich array of experiences under their belt. Qinghe knew that someone like him with only thirty-some years of life could not truly understand the depths of these people, nor did he want to try.

In a calm voice, Qinghe stated his observation, “You really do seem to have deep affections for Senior Brother.”

Hei NingYu tilted his head curiously, not having expected this strange little disciple to be so straightforward and reasonable in his evaluation. He had expected more drama and threats to stay away from his senior brother, not such a simple statement that spoke more than it let on.

In a frivolous tone, Hei NingYu declared, “Of course I have deep affections for him! My little sheep is so adorable, after all.”

For a second, Qinghe felt Hei NingYu’s figure overlapping with Wu Xiao’s as he proudly stated this, but he shook it off. Maybe being occasionally ridiculous like this was a common eccentricity among old men.

With an amused glint in his eyes, Qinghe spoke, “You keep calling him your ‘little sheep’, but you do realize that Senior Brother can also be quite the wolf? If not, there is no way he would have hated me so violently and kept up his grudge for so many years. His character is naturally not as simple as it seems.”

Hei NingYu just shrugged. “Of course I know. I saw it the moment we met. Do I really look like the sort who would want someone who can do nothing but be obedient? My little sheep is obviously more than that.”

Chuckling, Qinghe replied, “Oh? So you know that and still wish to stay with him? Then I hope you are prepared for when the wolf you call a sheep takes a bite out of you.”

Hei NingYu laughed cheerfully.

“Oh, no, I would not mind it even a little bit,” he said, then blinked sultrily as he continued, “In fact, I’m very flexible when it comes to matters of bed. I don’t mind switching positions at all.”

Qinghe’s mouth twitched. “I do not need to know your private matters. Just treat him well, or else…”

“I know, I know,” Hei NingYu interrupted him while chuckling. “You don’t have to threaten me into it.”

Qinghe simply continued looking at him with a sharp smile, a warning still evident in his half-lidded eyes. Such shallow words would hardly be enough to convince him.

Seeing this, Hei NingYu sighed before explaining in a more serious and heartfelt voice, “Since you seem to genuinely care about his happiness, I’ll tell you this—though I am not at that point yet, I am sure that one day, Xiande will become my only reason to keep living. I have already tired of this world. I have long since let go of every other worldly attachment. I have only been living perfunctorily for a long while now, keeping myself alive out of habit. But now that I have him…” Hei NingYu’s mouth stretched with a smile filled with obsession. “I will stay with him until the end of our days.”

Qinghe was thoughtful for a while as he digested this.

Then in a casual tone, he noted, “If Senior Brother ever wishes to part from you, then it seems that I’d have to kill you before you’d leave him in peace.”

Grinning widely, Hei NingYu easily agreed, “Yes, that is why I tell you this. Xiao Feng, no matter what happens, if it ever gets to the point where I start hurting Xiande to keep him with me, I think you know what to do. You and I are too similar in certain aspects, so I’m sure you understand my meaning.”

For a moment, Qinghe didn’t know what to feel at being addressed in such a way. Then hearing the rest of Hei NingYu’s words, he blinked in surprise before replying reluctantly, “…Yes. I know.”

Actually, even Qinghe had noticed that though neither of them behaved similarly on the outside, both he and Hei NingYu exhibited several common traits.

For example, both their current selves were honed through the crucibles of untold painful experiences, but outwardly, they looked completely normal and unaffected by their hardships. They were both sharper than they let on, hiding a calculative heart under a seemingly harmless façade. Only in front of their loved ones would they remove their masks.

For Qinghe, this included the twins, Wei Xiang, his master, Jing Shui, and recently, Yan Lin and Chen Xiande as well. But for Hei NingYu, there was only one person he would deliberately let down his guard with, and that was Chen Xiande.

Pushing aside these thoughts, Qinghe shifted his focus back to the person in front of him. Taking a deep breath, Qinghe spoke, “One more thing. I want you to take Senior Brother with you and train him.”

Hei NingYu raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh? Weren’t you supposed to be his educator?”

Qinghe sighed and explained, “Though he might not show it that often, Senior Brother is a prideful person. I’m sure that he would prefer to learn from someone older and more experienced like you rather than someone younger like me. Plus, I am certain that you have a lot more knowledge than me that you could impart to him as well.”

Narrowing his eyes, Hei NingYu asked, “Are you trying to get rid of him because you think he’d drag you down on your little excursion to the imperial palace?”

Qinghe sighed at the accusation hidden in that sentence.

Shaking his head, Qinghe decided to give up the main reason he’d made this decision and spoke further, “That’s not it. Senior Brother is going to be the sect master one day, so I do not want him involved in whatever is going to happen in that place since it could be detrimental to his future prospects as the leader of the sect. So take him away and help him grow stronger like he wants to. I will ask the people of Lightning Sky Sect to lend you their Spirit Bewildering Forest for training. Make good use of it.”

Receiving a more proper explanation, Hei NingYu showed a satisfied smile as he praised, “I see that you’ve planned his education well. You truly do make a surprisingly good mentor.”

But Qinghe was utterly unmoved as he said, “I’m only doing what I think is necessary.”

Then looking at the sky to determine the time, Qinghe spoke, “We have talked enough. I hope you can depart soon. Please take good care of Senior Brother.”

“Of course I will!” Hei NingYu declared as he got ready to leave. “Now that we have this settled, I have a certain little sheep that I have to prepare to eat~”

With a merry twinkle in his eyes, Qinghe gestured to the exit as he said with mock solemnity, “Then by all means, have a good meal.”

Hei NingYu chuckled amusedly. “Oh? That’s all? Don’t you have any other statements to make?”

Confused, Qinghe asked, “Like what?”

In a more quiet tone, Hei NingYu replied, “You know how he fears pain. Aren’t you going to ask me to take care not to hurt him?”

Qinghe looked away, not knowing how to respond to that. In an awkward voice, he finally said, “That… I’m afraid that this is one thing I am unable to empathize with. I do not remember what it feels like to fear pain.”

Pain had been such a constant part of his life during his time in the orphanage. Every day was spent with the numerous cuts and bruises he’d gotten while fighting to defend himself or Yan Lin, the continuous throb and sting of it becoming a familiar thing. And even after he got out of that place, thinking that he’d caused Yan Lin’s death, he’d unconsciously continued punishing and tormenting himself by putting himself in painful situations.

Eventually, the feeling of pain itself was delegated to being just another sensation, something similar to the constant discomfort of dust and dirt on his skin or the ever-present feeling of being helpless and in danger while in the orphanage. It was unpleasant, but also manageable.

To put it simply, Qinghe had become used to being in pain so much that he couldn’t feel fear towards it anymore.

Hei NingYu felt sympathy towards this young one who could say such words despite only having lived for a few decades. “You’re still young yet. Give it time and I’m sure you will come to remember it again.”

Chuckling lightly, Qinghe spoke, “Shall I consider this to be advice from a senior? Then I will have to keep it in mind.”

But Hei NingYu spoke seriously, his sharp and discerning gaze too piercing as he said, “Feng Qinghe, you are not invincible. Stop treating yourself as if you are.”

In the sudden silence, the sound of the cold wind whooshing around the gazebo sounded unnaturally loud.

Then there was a soft chuckle.

With bright eyes, Qinghe tilted his head and asked, “From where does this concern come from?”

“He cares for you, so I naturally have to as well. Also, I do not necessarily dislike you, so you better heed my advice,” Hei NingYu said with rare sincerity in his voice.

Qinghe peered intently at the other man before he blinked and turned away. Feeling strange that someone he barely knew was worrying about him, he replied noncommittally, “Thank you for your concern. I…will keep it in mind.”

Hei NingYu merely sighed. “See that you do.”

Straightening, he made to leave as he walked towards the gazebo’s exit.

But just as he reached the opening, Hei NingYu hesitated before turning and speaking, his pleasant voice flowing with a strange cadence, “Feng Qinghe, you are like your name, you are like the wind, a free and unbridled existence that refuses to be contained or controlled. You can be kind and you can be cruel. You can gently gather seeds and deposit them in the nourishing ground, but you can also decisively uproot centuries-old trees with a single pull. That is a good quality to have for anyone, but especially so for a king. For you to have been honed to such a sharp edge despite your young life, I can see that Heaven has great expectations of you. Maybe it seeks to make you a ruler.”

The unexpected words hung in the air, heavy with meaningful portent.

With a calm gaze and a relaxed expression set in his cold face, Qinghe spoke firmly, “I do not care about Heaven’s expectations and I have no intention of ruling.”

“I know, but you definitely can choose to do so if you wish. You…would make a very good ruler.” So saying, Hei NingYu turned and swept out of the gazebo, leaving his words lingering behind him.

Qinghe stared at the retreating back of his senior brother’s lover with a deep gaze.

After a while, he also left the gazebo, walking through the garden with a blank face.

Suddenly stopping, Qinghe looked up at the stars with unfathomable eyes as he thought back on the conversation.

A ruler? He did not need such a cumbersome title. He was more than satisfied with his current life.

With the endless night sky reflecting in his eyes, Qinghe contemplated serenely.

Those stars that twinkled so merrily from up above, how they must be looking down and laughing at the follies and arrogances of the earthbound beings.

As Qinghe felt the weight of the world pressing down on him, his thoughts were abruptly derailed as warm arms suddenly enveloped him from behind.

Materializing from the shadows, Wei Xiang couldn’t help but embrace the lonely figure of his lover, unable to bear the sight of his beloved standing silhouetted against the cold sky that twinkled with indifferent starlight.

Sighing in comfort, Qinghe felt his mood lightening as he smiled, leaning back into his lover’s firm body. “He says Heaven wants me to rule. What do you think?”

Wei Xiang had of course been listening all along while staying hidden in the shadows.

“No one can crown you against your will. You might not be invincible alone, but as long as I stay with you, nothing and no one will hurt you or force you to become anything you don’t want to be,” Wei Xiang stated confidently in his smooth and steady voice, the rumble of his chest vibrating against Qinghe’s back.

Shedding the last traces of melancholy, Qinghe chuckled at his lover’s assured tone. “That is something I never doubted.”

They stayed like that for a while, a slender figure in white being hugged from behind by a larger figure in black.

And slowly, as their beloved’s warmth wrapped around and sunk into each other, heat suffused the couple’s bloodstreams. Standing so close to their lover, both of their needs were gradually aroused.

Qinghe closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of wanting someone, this yearning he felt to be as close to his Xiang as was physically possible. He had never thought he would have the chance to sample such an elusive sentiment in his life.

While still staying in his beloved’s embrace, Qinghe twisted his body to face Wei Xiang and leaned up to press their lips together. Lifting a leg, Qinghe looped it over Wei Xiang’s waist, pulling their bodies closer until there was no space left between them.

Sensing his little lover’s ardent need, Wei Xiang let his hands slide down to cup his beloved’s supple buttocks and hoisted him up by them. Qinghe obediently lifted his other leg to clamp around his lover’s waist, locking his ankles behind Wei Xiang’s lower back. Their bodies pressed together so tightly in this position, Qinghe could feel his lover’s aroused hardness pressing against his own through their clothes, the sensation only increasing his appetite for his beloved.

Not wasting any time, Wei Xiang immediately strode over to the shaded gazebo with his lover still hanging off of him. Qinghe chuckled happily into their ongoing kiss, delighted at the sensation of his lover’s heated palms gripping his butt so firmly.

The pair of lovers thus disappeared into the gazebo, shielded from watching eyes under the thick cover of draping vines.

Soon, heated sounds of a couple engaging in passionate activities overflowed from the gazebo, the groans and moans that spilled into the garden an indication of the pleasant spring night the pair was enjoying.

When seen from the arms of your beloved, even the white glint of the stars seemed warmer.


The next morning, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu prepared to head into the territory of the demonic faction.

As they were about to leave, Qinghe pulled Chen Xiande aside to give him some final words of advice.

“Senior Brother, I just want to remind you that the earth you wield is the most versatile of all elements. Please learn to make good use of it.”

Chen Xiande blinked. “Junior Brother, earth is one of the most stubborn and difficult elements to manipulate. How can you call it versatile? Compared to it, any other element can be considered more useful.”

Shaking his head at this assessment, Qinghe refuted, “That is not true. It might be somewhat tricky to wield, but earth can dam up water, block the flow of wind, and withstand the heat of fire. Plus, the element of earth can be found everywhere, even at the bottom of the ocean, so the environmental constraints an earth-wielder faces is much less compared to most. If one can master using it skillfully, then they would be a formidable force indeed.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiande sunk into thoughtful silence. What his junior brother said was indeed true. Though it didn’t appear so at first glance, his element did seem to have a lot of advantages over the others.

Chen Xiande knew that as someone who wielded wind, his junior brother would not be able to help him all that much when it came to mastering the earth element, but the advice Qinghe gave was still very useful.

And so, as Chen Xiande set out with his beloved for training, his resolve to become strong was burning brighter than ever before.

Walking by Chen Xiande’s side, Hei NingYu had on an enigmatic smile.

He felt that it was finally time for him to exact the rest of the ‘compensation’ from his cute little sheep.

And maybe, just maybe, he would have the pleasure of seeing the sheep turn into a wolf as well.

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