Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 61: Blooming Affection

As he had decided earlier, Wu Xiao began teasing Jing Shui every chance he got, taking great delight in seeing that cute little face flush with anger, those clear eyes showing embarrassment and spitting fire. But despite all this, Jing Shui still stuck to Wu Xiao as closely as ever.

Soon, Liu Xue came to take Jing Shui back.

Now that his spirits had improved and his mind was in a state fit for cultivating, it was now time for him to be inducted officially into the Golden Sun Sect.

Under Wu Xiao’s persuasion and urging, Jing Shui finally left, but that didn’t mean he stayed away. Between his training and cultivation, Jing Shui still found some time to come visit Wu Xiao every now and then.

And every time Wu Xiao saw Jing Shui running back to him with barely concealed eagerness, he felt warmth and affection blooming inside his chest as he thought happily―Even though this brat already grew up to be eighteen, he is still so clingy!

But nevertheless, his arms opened wide every time to hug close that slim figure, enfolding him tightly, yet tenderly.

In this way, time flowed and the seasons passed, slowly drawing Wu Xiao and Jing Shui closer.

On this day, the skies were bright and clear as Wu Xiao strolled outside.

It had been quite some time since Jing Shui had last returned and Wu Xiao couldn’t help but worry if something had happened to him. Though his senior sister kept reassuring him that nothing was wrong, he still worried.

His gloomy thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he felt someone familiar approaching with soundless footsteps.

Wu Xiao turned his head and sure enough, it was his Ah-Shui.

A wide smile unconsciously spread on his face as Wu Xiao called out in a teasing tone, “Ah-Shui, it turns out you remember me after all. So, did you miss me~”

Jing Shui merely huffed in response. Turning his eyes away from the dazzlingly beautiful person who only seemed to have gotten more stunning, Jing Shui took a deep breath to calm himself before retrieving something from his storage space.

Wu Xiao was at first confused at Jing Shui’s uncharacteristically reticent behavior, but when his eyes fell on the object Jing Shui held out to him, Wu Xiao froze.

“A-Ah-Shui…this is… You made this?” Wu Xiao felt strange emotions bubbling up inside of him.

Still not looking at him, Jing Shui nodded and shoved the beautifully crafted crystal hydrangea into Wu Xiao’s hands before turning around and hurrying away.

During these past few months, Jing Shui had finally formed his cultivation core and had been made into an inner sect disciple. He was also instated as Sect Master Liu’s head disciple, so he still had a lot of work left to do and a lot of things to learn.

But despite his tiredness and busy schedule, he had been unable to stay away from Wu Xiao, so he’d rushed over just so that he could give the flower he had worked hard over several months to make.

Even after Jing Shui quickly left, Wu Xiao still stared after him. Then in a daze, he looked down at the flower.

The color was the same lilac-blue as the first hydrangea Jing Shui had gifted him so long ago on that rainy day, but this flower obviously had a lot more effort put behind it.

Tiny, smooth and gleaming crystals formed the flower petals, the transparent material radiant and pure. The highly concentrated water element based spiritual energy that made up each crystal gave off a tranquil and refreshing feeling, washing over one’s mind with a cool and soothing sensation.

If spiritual power could be said to be the condensed form of spiritual energy, and spiritual force an even more condensed form of spiritual power, then what made up the crystals in the flower was the most compressed and concentrated form of spiritual force.

It would have taken an overwhelming amount of spiritual force, refined with the utmost care over extended periods of time, to create even a single of these lustrous petals. And each petal was only the size of a fingernail.

To actually produce the entirety of a fully bloomed hydrangea, with leaves and stem and all, would have taken an unfathomably massive amount of spiritual energy distilled into solid form. The effort put into it must have been staggering.

Even as he though all this, Wu Xiao still couldn’t tear his eyes away from the delicate-looking bloom.

Why would anyone spend so much effort on another person?

Why would the proud and cute Jing Shui go through so much trouble for him?!

Feeling his heart thudding in his chest, Wu Xiao lifted up a hand to cover his mouth self-consciously. The skin on his face felt very hot under his fingers, as if warmed by a blush.

Closing his eyes, Wu Xiao took deep breaths to calm himself as he swiftly strode back to his room. Placed on a side table was the bottle-turned-vase, still holding the fresh looking hydrangea Jing Shui had sneakily given him before.

With complex emotions, Wu Xiao gently added the crystal hydrangea into the vase to keep the older flower company. He couldn’t help but softly brush his fingertips against the petals of the two flowers that looked so alike even after being placed side-by-side. His heart still thumped loudly in his chest, beating out an erratic rhythm.

Though he had never before thought of his Ah-Shui as a potential romantic partner, Wu Xiao suddenly realized that the idea didn’t feel all that strange to him.

At first, he did feel a faint resistance to thinking of the boy that way. After all, he had never considered this possibility before, so he was still unused to it. But the more his mind wandered in that direction, the more Wu Xiao realized that he had long since seemed to have fallen for that brat.

When had it started?

Even he himself didn’t know.

It hadn’t happened at any particular time that he could pinpoint, but like the waves of the ocean gradually washing away the sand on a beach, his resistance towards his Ah-Shui’s charm had also been slowly swept away by the currents caused by their time spent together.

But did Jing Shui feel the same? Wu Xiao wondered. He decided that somewhere deep inside, Jing Shui must also feel something for him. Otherwise, why would he spend so much effort for his sake?

As Wu Xiao stewed in these thoughts, a knock sounded on his door.

From the other side, a disciple informed, “Sect Master Wu, Sect Master Liu is here to see you. She’s waiting in the guest hall.”

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Wu Xiao replied, “Very well, I’ll be there shortly.”

The disciple outside the door retreated.

Trying to regain his usual state of mind, Wu Xiao went to see what his senior sister wanted.

The second he opened the door to the waiting hall, Liu Xue shouted, “Xiao Xiao, where is that disobedient disciple of mine? Did he come to see you again?!”

Sighing, Wu Xiao nodded. “Yes, but he left right away. He should have gone back to the sect immediately.”

Liu Xue’s anger deflated. “…Oh, so he went back.”

Then tiredly rubbing her brows, she complained, “That brat is so troublesome. He just formed his spiritual weapon in the Spirit Guiding Cavern a few months ago, but the moment he returned from Heavenly Peak Sect after that, he immediately locked himself up in his room and started drawing out large amounts of spiritual force. I don’t know what he did with that much energy during these past months, but that kid must be beyond exhausted by now. When he came out of seclusion, I told him to stay put and rest properly, but did he listen to me? No! The moment he came out, he immediately took off somewhere saying he had urgent business. That stinking brat! Even though I’m his master, he never listens to me!”

Hearing this, Wu Xiao was beyond stunned. His Ah-Shui seemed to have gone through a lot more trouble than he’d expected just to gift him that crystal flower. But…why?

Seeing her junior brother dazing off, Liu Xue got a weird feeling. “Xiao Xiao, what’s wrong?”

Wu Xiao’s gaze refocused on his senior sister and he hesitated. Then opening his mouth, he asked, “Elder Sister, did he… Did Ah-Shui ever say anything to you that might suggest how he thinks of me?”

Liu Xue raised her eyebrows in realization. Ah-ha! So her junior brother had designs on her little disciple! Well, it was not like it was something unexpected. Actually, she herself had suspected several times that Wu Xiao and Jing Shui were in a relationship. That’s why she had even asked her little disciple about it.

When Liu Xue told Wu Xiao about this, he felt his heart jumping up to his throat. Swallowing down his anxiety, Wu Xiao strived to sound calm as he inquired, “What exactly did you ask him and how did he respond?”

Her brows scrunched in concentration, Liu Xue thought back. “Hmm, I asked him if he was in a relationship with you, and if not, then did he want to be in a relationship with you. His answer was quite interesting, actually.”

“So? How did he answer?” Wu Xiao prodded her impatiently.

Smiling at her junior brother’s frustrated and eager expression, Liu Xue almost felt sorry for him. “Well, my little disciple blushed red and stammered incoherently for a while. He seemed to be in a panic and very embarrassed about the question. But then he told me that no, he didn’t see you that way.”

Wu Xiao felt his heart dropping. He was unable to hide the naked disappointment dulling his eyes.

Seeing this, Liu Xue sighed before she continued, “Well, his exact words were ‘I don’t dare think of him that way. How can I even dream of having that sort of a person all to myself? The fact that he even allows me to be this close to him is already my greatest fortune.’”

Then tilting her head, Liu Xue asked playfully, “Just what spell did you put my disciple under, you wily old fox?”

But lost in his thoughts as he was, Wu Xiao couldn’t hear her.

Though he had known that Jing Shui held him in high regard, Wu Xiao still couldn’t have imagined just how high up he was held in the end.

Hearing that Jing Shui thought so highly of him…

A faint blush colored Wu Xiao’s face even as he had to fight the impulse to cover it up with his hands.

Liu Xue observed her junior brother’s reaction before laughing. “Ah, I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be so utterly smitten by someone! How interesting!”

“…Shut up,” Wu Xiao managed to say faintly.

After chuckling for a while, Liu Xue finally softened her tone and asked, “Are you sad that he doesn’t seem to see you that way yet?”

Wu Xiao shook his head. Smiling ruefully, he answered, “How can I? If the reason had been that he didn’t think I was worthy of him or that I didn’t meet his standards somehow, then I could at least put this matter behind me and move on. But for this kind of a reason…I can’t even bring myself to feel bitter.”

“Oh? So are you going to give up on him this easily then?” Liu Xue sounded doubtful.

Laughing lightly, Wu Xiao replied, “Of course not. He’s simply not ready yet, but that’s alright. I can wait for him to grow up before I tell him that I want him. I can wait however long it takes.”

Liu Xue smiled at her junior brother’s patient way of handling his own feelings. If it was to this man, then she didn’t mind handing over her cute little disciple at all. It would be nice if they could spend their days together and make each other happy.

And after this very informative chat with his senior sister, Wu Xiao’s attitude towards Jing Shui went through a marked change. He would touch and hug his Ah-Shui every chance he got while trying to sneakily eat a little tofu here and there.

He wanted Jing Shui to slowly get used to him and get more comfortable with his touches physically.

On the other hand, Jing Shui merely thought that it was just another new way of teasing him that Wu Xiao had come up with.

But still, Jing Shui couldn’t explain to himself why he felt his breath stutter in his chest every time Wu Xiao casually touched him or why he felt like his blood was boiling with heat every time Wu Xiao hugged him. He only knew that it was a feeling that was both pleasant and nerve-wracking.

And so, in this way, their days had continued.


As Wu Xiao was busily immersed in these thoughts of the past, his attention was forcefully snapped back to the present when Jing Shui’s voice suddenly called out, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

Blinking, Wu Xiao realized that all this time he’d been reminiscing, his gaze seemed to have been fixed on his flustered little Ah-Shui. Immediately putting on a sincere expression, Wu Xiao professed earnestly, “I’m just admiring art. After all, my Ah-Shui is naturally the most beautiful being ever created!”

Though Jing Shui had heard all sorts of exaggerated compliments before from various people, Wu Xiao’s words still made him feel greatly embarrassed and bashful.

To hide his own reaction, he refuted stutteringly, “W-What―?! U-Utterly…ridiculous!”

Wu Xiao leaned back and laughed. “My dear, precious Ah-Shui, after all these years, why do I feel like you only got cuter?”

Jing Shui blushed furiously and turned his face away. Why did Wu Xiao keep complimenting him so much today? How could he cope with it if he kept praising him with such a sincere expression?!

“E-Enough, let’s sleep,” Jing Shui finally managed to speak. It was still evening outside but he couldn’t be bothered with that. He just wanted to somehow find an excuse to run away from this situation.

Even though he did not need to rest, Wu Xiao still cheerfully nodded and laid down anyway. After all, he would get to share a bed with his beloved tonight!

Jing Shui also suddenly realized this fact. But despite the pounding of his heart and the nervousness fluttering in his stomach, Jing Shui still lied down beside Wu Xiao without a fuss.

The room remained silent, filled with a strange and awkward atmosphere as neither of them spoke.

Both Jing Shui and Wu Xiao were excessively aware of the other’s presence. But in spite of that, after a few hours of twisting and turning, they both eventually fell asleep.

And while sleeping, Wu Xiao’s dreams were full of vivid spring scenes, all starring a certain Ah-Shui that he was obsessed with.

Wu Xiao dreamt of tying him up, the dark leather stark against his Ah-Shui’s tender white skin. He dreamt of leaning down and kissing away the clear drops of tears as they gathered at the corner of his beloved’s eyes, of closing his mouth over Ah-Shui’s so that Wu Xiao could swallow down his cries and gasps of pleasure.

He dreamt of being welcomed into his beloved’s body, entering him from the rear and filling him up with his release again and again until it overflowed, the white liquid tracing a tantalizing line down a pale, smooth thigh as his Ah-Shui pleaded in a trembling voice for more.

He dreamt of seeing a flushed Jing Shui lying on rumpled sheets, his chest and belly covered with Wu Xiao’s release. He imagined how it would look if his beloved shyly dipped a finger into that thick liquid, bringing it up to his ripe, red lips. Then, slowly meeting Wu Xiao’s eyes, his Ah-Shui would blush in embarrassment while extending out the tip of his tongue to curiously lick at the white fluid covering his fingertip, his other hand slowly reaching down and―

Wu Xiao’s eyes snapped open, his senses going on full alert. But not detecting any danger in the room, he relaxed his vigilance again.

Sparse moonlight flowed through the small window, barely diluting the thick darkness. A soft, silent hush blanketed the room, the very air seeming still and stagnant.

Wu Xiao’s body still felt languid and hot due to his dreams, and he sensed that he had already gone hard. Sighing, he tried to clear the lingering images in his mind. Would he not be free from his Ah-Shui’s bewitchment even while asleep?

Suddenly, Wu Xiao heard a soft whimper from beside him and turned his head to see that unlike him, Jing Shui did not seem to be having pleasant dreams.

Jing Shui’s brows were scrunched together, the expression on his face as if he was going through great sufferings. His lips trembled as tears tumbled down from his eyes, the fabric under his cheek already soaking wet.

Succeeding in finally calming his desire, Wu Xiao bent down and wrapped an arm around his Ah-Shui. Tamping down his distress at seeing his beloved like this again, he whispered in a low, steady voice, “Ah-Shui, I’m here. As long as I’m here, they cannot get to you. I will not let them.”

During those nights when Jing Shui would snuggle into his bed because of the nightmares plaguing him, Wu Xiao had comforted him very much the same way. He would sometimes have to hold Jing Shui the entire night, murmuring reassurances until the little teen felt safe enough to sleep. But even his dreams had often not been spared from his fears.

Holding him and whispering to him like this brought Wu Xiao back to those days. He had thought that they had left those nightmares far behind, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

As Wu Xiao continued comforting his sleeping Ah-Shui, he saw the frown on that beautiful face easing, Jing Shui’s expression finally relaxing as he unconsciously accepted the reassurance just like he used to back then.

And just like back then, Jing Shui called out in a voice weighed with sleep. “…Wu…Xiao…”

Smiling gently, Wu Xiao answered, “Yes, I’m here. I will always be here by your side.”

Jing Shui finally smiled a small, content smile as he drifted deeper into a more restful sleep.

But unfortunately, it was not so for Wu Xiao.

How could he have forgotten his Ah-Shui’s habit of clinging to him in such an inconvenient way every time Wu Xiao succeeded in soothing him back to sleep?! And Wu Xiao was afraid that if he moved, he’d wake up his beloved after he just managed to sleep more peacefully.

Sighing, Wu Xiao leaned back on the bed and settled in for a long, sleepless, and torturous night.

Soon, dawn arrived, spilling its golden light over the world.

Just as Jing Shui awakened from his relaxed sleep, he felt the queer sensation of something touching him between his legs, brushing over that intimate part of him that had risen as if to greet the morning.

Jing Shui froze.

Opening his eyes, the first sight he saw was Wu Xiao’s harried looking face. Then when he looked down, Jing Shui saw his own arms clamping onto and hugging close one of Wu Xiao’s arms as he used to do when they had shared a bed before in the Silver Moon Sect. The back of that poor hand was now pressed against a certain bulging part of his, making Jing Shui’s entire face flame red.

Quickly releasing Wu Xiao’s arm, Jing Shui leapt out of bed as if it were on fire.

“Wu Xiao, I’m so sorry!” he exclaimed, his eyes all everywhere over the room as if unable to meet his companion’s gaze.

How could he have forgotten this particular habit of his that was triggered only when he slept beside Wu Xiao?! Jing Shui felt acute, stinging embarrassment overflowing within him.

Wu Xiao merely sighed. “Ah-Shui, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” Actually, he wanted to touch him more, but his beloved clearly wasn’t ready.

Sighing once again, Wu Xiao thought wryly―such were the sweet torments of rooming with the one you loved.

But in the end, Wu Xiao still felt that it was very much worth it.

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