Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 70: A Nighttime Show

With worry tightening his brows and anxiousness swirling in his gaze, Wei Xiang stared at the empty room, waiting fretfully for his lover’s return.

After getting that list sent over by Master Kai, Qinghe had sped out like a gust of wind to implement whatever schemes he had concocted, asking Wei Xiang to go back to the Sentinel headquarters in the meanwhile and take care of his piled up work.

Though Wei Xiang felt resistant to the idea of leaving his lover alone, he had still agreed to do what Qinghe said while maintaining his calm on the outside. But inwardly, Wei Xiang was plagued with endless worries.

After all, this was Qinghe they were talking about.

The last time Wei Xiang had left him to his own devices like this for a couple of days, Qinghe had ended up in one of the Black Fang bases, ruthlessly tortured and looking like he was on the brink of death. So now that Qinghe had traipsed off on his own, how could Wei Xiang feel at ease?

And so, after quickly clearing the paperwork piled on his desk, taking care of some of his administrative duties, and reassigning a few of the more urgent tasks, Wei Xiang had hurried back to wait anxiously for his beloved’s return.

While the thought of going out to find Qinghe on his own had occurred to him, Wei Xiang didn’t want to make his lover feel like he was distrustful of him or looked down on his ability to protect himself. Qinghe was one of the most prominent and powerful cultivators of his generation, and with good reason at that. He definitely had the capability to take care of himself and defend against any threats.

But the question was, would Qinghe actually choose to protect himself if he was in danger?

Though Wei Xiang wanted to believe that he really would, that because of his intervention, Qinghe had really started to take better care of himself, he still couldn’t be sure.

Suddenly feeling his beloved’s approach, Wei Xiang pushed aside his fretful thoughts, his gaze moving over to the window as he forced his expression into a more normal one.

With soundless grace, Qinghe lightly landed near the open window. Without wasting any time, he quickly hoisted himself over the windowsill and swept into the room.

Wei Xiang’s eyes keenly roved over his lover, searching for any signs of bloodstains, torn clothing, or stiffness caused due to wounds. Thankfully, his beloved didn’t seem injured.

The second he stepped foot inside the room, Qinghe immediately dashed towards Wei Xiang with a wide smile.

Feeling his own lips quirking up, Wei Xiang opened his arms to receive his lover, enfolding him in a tight hug.

“Xiang, I’m back!” Qinghe exuberantly announced.

With affection pooling in his dark eyes, Wei Xiang spoke, “Yes. So, how was it?”

Leaning back, Qinghe answered, “It was alright. There’s only one more to go before I can move on to the next phase. Everything’s falling into place quite nicely. I reckon we’ll be done soon, so don’t worry.”

Wei Xiang’s smile turned wry.

Looking at his little lover, Wei Xiang contemplated how, even until now, he still didn’t know the true extent of Qinghe’s influence. But even if he were to outright ask him about it, Wei Xiang knew that something like the influence his beloved currently held would be difficult to quantify.

After all, Qinghe had collected favors from all sorts of people. He had connections with prominent mortals like Master Kai and the Pirate Queen, but was also associated with high-level cultivators like the sect masters of the Five Great Sects and their head disciples, not to mention all the other less-known disciples and mortals he must know.

Qinghe obtained all these people’s help by earning their respect and high regard, or convincing them with his silver tongue and logical reasoning, or by trading something of value to them in exchange. Of course, there were also some who didn’t dare refuse him because of their fear of him and the power he wielded.

All in all, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Feng Qinghe held great sway over both the mortal and cultivation worlds, the true power of his influence as of yet undeterminable.

But looking at his adorable little lover who was currently snuggling into his embrace with simple happiness reflected on his face, Wei Xiang felt that he didn’t look at all like someone with his claws lodged deep into the heart of the world.

Appearances were truly deceiving.

But putting aside all that, for now, Wei Xiang felt endlessly grateful that his beloved had returned to him without any injuries. It seemed that Qinghe really had taken to heart what Wei Xiang had said to him about taking care of himself. It was good that Qinghe was finally getting better in this aspect.

And it was good that his beloved was finally back at his side.

Seeming to sense something, Qinghe looked up to see that a complex expression had spread on his lover’s face. “Xiang, what’s wrong?” he asked concernedly.

Wei Xiang shook his head. “No, it’s nothing for you to worry about.” The fact that his beloved had made it back safely was enough. His own thoughts and wants were irrelevant.

But Qinghe wasn’t having it.

Puffing up his cheeks, Qinghe directed a furious gaze at his lover. “Don’t give me that. I know that it’s not nothing. Tell me, really, what’s wrong?”

Sighing, Wei Xiang held Qinghe close again and confessed in a soft voice, “These past few days, I have constantly been anxious that you’d get hurt or let yourself be wounded for some reason. I felt very worried and lonely. Qinghe, I missed you.”

Blinking in surprise, Qinghe leaned back from his beloved’s arms and looked up, meeting Wei Xiang’s deep gaze that was churning with unspoken words.

And so, with earnestness brimming in his eyes, Qinghe professed in return, “I also missed you very much. And…I’m sorry. I’ll bring you along with me next time, okay?”

Seeing Qinghe trying to make amends, Wei Xiang felt like teasing his sincere-looking little lover.

In a playful tone, he spoke, “Alright then, but I want you to make it up to me in another way too. I was terribly lonely, you know?”

Qinghe tilted his head confusedly. “Make it up to you? How?”

Wei Xiang put on an expression as if he was seriously considering the question. “Hm… how about you put on a show for me?”

Frowning, Qinghe responded, “A show? You want me to sing and dance? Because I don’t think―”

Interrupting him with a chuckle, Wei Xiang explained with glinting eyes, “Not quite. Qinghe, I want you to pleasure yourself in front of me.”

Qinghe startled, then blushed with a strange expression claiming his face. His lover was really very forward tonight. But still, what he asked was a bit…

Coughing to alleviate his own awkwardness, Qinghe spoke, “I don’t think…it’ll go as you expect.”

“Oh? Why not?” Wei Xiang asked with curiosity evident in his voice.

Flushing further, Qinghe wondered just how he was going to explain this. After clearing his throat nervously, he began, “It…doesn’t work for me that way. It’s not like I haven’t tried pleasuring myself before, but I just lose motivation halfway through and think to hell with it and give up. I’ve never finished on my own. I simply thought that I was an asexual who did not have enough interest in physical pleasure to even masturbate. And to be honest, I didn’t really mind it all that much. So it was actually a pleasant surprise when I found myself attracted to you physically. I never thought that…I would have that.”

An affectionate warmth bloomed in Wei Xiang’s chest as he heard this. But outwardly, he merely cocked a brow as he stated, “No wonder you were so inexperienced in the beginning.”

Qinghe laughed and openly declared, “Yes, but I still did well, didn’t I?”

Smiling, Wei Xiang conceded, “Yes, you did. But all of that isn’t going to get you off the hook so easily, my love.”

“Then…what do you want me to do?” Qinghe asked in an uncertain voice.

Anticipation sparkled in Wei Xiang’s eyes. “How about you prepare yourself and I’ll watch.”

His eyes widening at the implication, Qinghe spoke hesitantly, “Prepare myself? You mean…”

“Yes,” Wei Xiang confirmed as he unabashedly grinned.

Qinghe lowered his head to hide his embarrassment. Then while blushing, he softly whispered his assent, “…Okay.”

After all, this was what his Xiang wanted. Even if this was Qinghe’s first time touching himself like this, especially that particular place, he only felt a little shyness mixed with the faint sense of excitement born out of doing something new with his lover.

Slowly, Qinghe stood up with flaming cheeks while avoiding meeting Wei Xiang’s intent gaze out of sheer mortification. Rather than dilly-dallying, Qinghe chose to immediately begin undoing his belt, then moved on to his robe.

After removing his clothes with quick and efficient motions, Qinghe pondered for a bit before choosing where to lie down.

His gaze alighting on the bed, Qinghe slowly walked up to it. With a bit of hesitation, he bent over the edge of the bed with his knees on the floor, his entire upper body lying on the mattress. Since his lover wanted a show, shouldn’t this position be alright?

But who could have thought that Wei Xiang would brazenly pull Qinghe’s knees apart, settling himself comfortably between his beloved’s trim legs? Crossing his own legs, Wei Xiang rested an elbow on one knee and held his chin in his hand, his head lowered so that it was almost face-to-face with Qinghe’s posterior, only a couple of handsbreadths away from the most sensitive of areas.

In a husky voice, Wei Xiang spoke, “Don’t mind me, just continue.”

Flushing at how his lover’s warm breath fanned over his naked backside, Qinghe swallowed down his flustered complaints, deciding to let Wei Xiang do whatever he wanted.

Qinghe buried his cheek in the bed, trying to hide the embarrassment coloring his face as he brought up two fingers up to his mouth and sucked them inside. After making sure to wet them thoroughly with his tongue, Qinghe reluctantly reached behind and pushed at the opening situated in the cleft between his round buttocks.

“Open yourself up and let me see,” Wei Xiang commanded in a soft voice.

Qinghe licked his lips nervously and, forcing down his bashfulness, used his thumb and little finger to push apart the cheeks and expose the dusky little bud situated in between, feeling unused to the sensation of the open air brushing over his entrance.

Wei Xiang watched as his lover’s slender fingers, slickened with his own saliva, hesitatingly pushed into the tight little hole. He continued to gaze enthralled as the fair fingers slowly sank in, swallowed into his lover’s delicate entrance. The slick digits moving in and out created a titillating picture, and Wei Xiang’s gaze slowly grew fevered, heated from within by his rising passion.

On the other hand, as Qinghe felt his own insides wrapping around and closing tightly over his fingers as they breached the opening, he felt strange. The feeling of intruding into himself, the sensation of his fingers pressing in and rubbing against his own soft walls, all of it was different from when Wei Xiang touched him like this. And though he didn’t derive the same pleasure, the thought of Wei Xiang’s intense gaze focused on him, on his fingers sliding in and out of his entrance as he stretched himself open for his lover, evoked both shame and a strange sense of excitement within him.

With difficulty, Qinghe pushed in a third finger, inching it inside himself little by little. He bit his lip in concentration as sweat beaded his frowning forehead.

Wei Xiang observed with interest as Qinghe labored to widen his opening slowly. As all three digits finally fit in, the rim of Qinghe’s dusky entrance stretched tautly over the intruding fingers, looking even more unbearably enticing.

Trying to accustom himself to the width, Qinghe moved his fingers back and forth carefully. He felt his channel gradually loosening and relaxing around the digits as it widened further.

Wei Xiang watched, captivated by Qinghe’s movements. Then finally reaching his limit, he spoke in a voice turned husky with desire, “That should be enough.”

With a jerky nod, Qinghe slipped his fingers out. The stretched opening immediately tried to squeeze close, leaving only a small gap to show for his preparations.

Removing his own clothes swiftly, Wei Xiang positioned himself over Qinghe. Leaning down, Wei Xiang kissed Qinghe between his shoulder blades, inciting the slender young man lying beneath him to shudder lightly.

“Was that okay?” Qinghe turned and asked Wei Xiang in a hesitant, unsure voice, his moist eyes looking up at his lover through long lashes.

Feeling a burst of affection, Wei Xiang hummed, “Yes. You did very well.”

Qinghe felt his lover’s comfortable warmth cover him from behind, he felt the vibrations in Wei Xiang’s chest as he spoke. The scent of warm metal and woodsmoke shrouded him, making him feel cherished and safe. The familiar anticipation rose in his belly, slowly spreading heat and want through him in languid pulses.

Wei Xiang used one hand to hold Qinghe’s waist as the other hand guided his stiffened member into his lover’s prepared entrance. As Wei Xiang slowly eased into the gripping warmth of his beloved’s opening and slid inside the slick passage, Qinghe let out a low moan, his hands fisting on the bedcovers.

Feeling his lover slowly fill him up, Qinghe’s desire was pushed even higher, swallowing his reason as skin pressed against heated skin. His beloved’s firm arm was looped over his waist to hold him in place as Wei Xiang began moving inside him in smooth, powerful strokes. It was all Qinghe could do to tightly grip the sheets in his fists as he received his lover’s thrusts.

Burying himself deep inside his beloved, Wei Xiang slowly stopped moving, savoring the feel of his lover’s passage squeezing him tightly, the hot, liquid heat swallowing his member completely.

Before Qinghe could react to the sudden lack of motion, the slightly rough fingers of Wei Xiang’s other hand reached forward and held his jaw to pull his head to the side. Lowering his lips over the exposed arch of his lover’s pale neck, Wei Xiang kissed and suckled the delicate skin before swiping his moist tongue over it, feeling his beloved’s frantically throbbing pulse under his lips.

Panting, Qinghe extended his neck further to allow better access as he reached back to twine his fingers in his lover’s hair. Using this grip, Qinghe pulled Wei Xiang’s head down lower, letting his beloved’s lips bear down more firmly as they caressed the side of his vulnerable neck.

Wei Xiang’s other hand slowly wandered up from Qinghe’s waist, sliding over the smooth skin with familiarity. As those long fingers finally reached his lover’s chest, they lightly pinched and pulled at the sensitive little buds, playing with them leisurely.

Qinghe clenched his fists so hard that they trembled, trying to contain his reaction to the bursts of pleasure exploding from everywhere his beloved touched him.

Biting his lower lip to contain his moans, Qinghe swallowed frantically, his Adam apple bobbing and brushing the corner of Wei Xiang’s palm that was still holding his jaw. As Qinghe squeezed his eyes shut tightly, his lashes quivered, dampened and glistening with moisture.

The liquid heat of desire was everywhere, covering his skin from the outside, filling him up from within, like a boiling fire raging out of control. So unbearable, yet so undeniably pleasurable that he could only let it flood through him unresistingly.

Wei Xiang lifted his head from his lover’s neck and brushed his lips against a flushed ear. “Why are you holding back today? Come on, open your lips so that I can hear you cry out.”

Saying so, Wei Xiang’s hand shifted on his lover’s jaw, his fingertips pressed into the seam between Qinghe’s lips as if urging them apart. Qinghe finally opened his mouth, a low, breathless moan slipping out of him. Wei Xiang’s fingers took the chance and dipped inside, pressing into the soft, moist mouth and taking liberties.

Qinghe felt his lover’s fingers exploring his mouth, playing with his tongue and brushing over the inside of his cheeks. Trying to accommodate his beloved further, Qinghe tried to part his lips as far as he could, not caring about the clear liquid dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this seductive appearance of his little lover as he unhesitatingly opened himself up for him, Wei Xiang’s eyes softened. Removing his fingers from that hot mouth, he bent down to press a gentle kiss to the corner of Qinghe’s lips, lapping lightly at the saliva trickling down.

Qinghe panted as he felt his body grow hotter, his need winding impossibly tighter.

Bending low over the edge of the bed and pressing his flushed cheeks into the cool sheets once more, Qinghe reached back and pulled Wei Xiang closer until his lover’s hips were flush against his own soft buttocks, silently asking his beloved to start moving again. Any more of this teasing and Qinghe felt that he would go completely mad.

Chuckling at the unspoken demand, Wei Xiang happily obliged.

After they smoothed down over his lover’s supple body one last time, Wei Xiang’s palms landed on Qinghe’s hips. Holding his beloved firmly, he began to move, pulling out swiftly before slamming back in, again and again in hard and fast motions.

Qinghe trembled at the fierce sensations washing over him as he let out an uninhibited groan of pleasure.

The sound of flesh slapping against flesh sounded loud and lewd, accompanied by whimpers and moans intercepted with deep growls. By the time they both finally reached climax, they were slicked with sweat and panting heavily.

Wei Xiang dipped his head to press a gentle kiss on his lover’s shoulder before sliding his member out. Retrieving a cloth from his spatial storage, he wiped the excess white liquid dripping down his beloved’s thigh in careful motions and cleaned up more of the fluid covering his lover’s shaft after his release. As for the sheets, they were simply replaced.

Then lifting Qinghe up, Wei Xiang placed him on the bed and spoke, “Wait for me, I’ll be back in a moment.”

Qinghe lethargically nodded, his body feeling heavy and lax in the aftermath of their coupling.

Wei Xiang disappeared into the shadows without bothering to put anything on, then appeared again a few seconds later with a large copper tub full of water that was sloshing down the sides. After setting the tub on the floor, Wei Xiang placed a palm over the surface of the water and used the energy of the fire element to heat it up.

His eyelids lowered in laziness, Qinghe absentmindedly marveled at his lover’s convenient ability.

These past few days in the palace, rather than calling for a bath for his lover’s aftercare, Wei Xiang used the shadows to return to his room in the Sentinel compound and personally filled up his tub with water drawn from a well situated nearby. Then bringing it over, he’d heat it up just like this. By now, Qinghe had long grown used to this process.

First, Wei Xiang helped clear out Qinghe’s back passage before refilling the tub again with fresh water for a bath. Then the pair of lovers comfortably settled themselves inside the large copper tub and peacefully soaked in the warm water.

“Xiang,” Qinghe suddenly called out in a husky voice. “Let’s wash each other?”

Smiling affectionately, Wei Xiang easily acquiesced, “Alright.”

Qinghe immediately became energized and jumped over to his lover. After eagerly scooping up some water, he used the excuse of washing his beloved to unabashedly run his hands all over his lover’s well-defined frame. As Qinghe openly groped him with overt glee on his face, Wei Xiang smiled with helpless amusement.

With humor glittering in his eyes, Wei Xiang lightly remarked, “It seems that the more time we spend together, the more directly you’ve learned to take advantage of me.”

Qinghe blinked his limpid eyes at his beloved. “Who else would I take advantage of if not my lover?”

Leaning back and resting his elbows on the rim of the tub, Wei Xiang laughed freely. “Indeed.”

His roaming hands suddenly paused on his lover’s skin as Qinghe remembered something. Looking at Wei Xiang, he noted curiously, “It seemed like you really liked touching inside my mouth today.”

Not expecting his beloved to open up this topic out of all things, Wei Xiang looked startled, then he replied, “I like touching you everywhere. Why? Did you not like it?”

Qinghe immediately shook his head. “No, no, you can touch me there anytime! Actually, you can touch me anywhere you want to.”

However, suddenly remembering Wei Xiang’s sharp nails, Qinghe amended, “Of course, except when you’re in your half-beast form. Your nails seemed rather sharp, after all.”

Wei Xiang chuckled and reassured, “Don’t worry. Even in that form, I can change my physical features at will. For example, last time I chose not to manifest the wings and horns.”

With eyes sparkling with fascination, Qinghe asked, “You can control it to that extent?”

Laughing at his beloved’s expression, Wei Xiang admitted, “Yes, but unfortunately, I can’t control the number of my shafts.”

“That’s okay. I still like your half-beast form very much,” Qinghe spoke, not minding it in the least.

Wei Xiang noted with amusement, “You seem really excited at the thought of me taking you in that form.”

Qinghe shrugged and stated as if it was only natural, “That’s because I want to taste my Xiang in all possible flavors.”

“All possible flavors, is it?” Wei Xiang repeated, quirking a brow. “But I’m afraid that some flavors of mine will be impossible for you to handle.”

Blinking, Qinghe asked confusedly, “Eh? What do you mean?”

“I mean my complete beast form. As a wyvern, I’m really quite large,” Wei Xiang elaborated.

Qinghe contemplated upon that with a thoughtful expression, then inquired, “How large?”

With a smirk, Wei Xiang answered, “Hmm… In that form, I suppose that my member itself will be as long as your full height.”

For some reason, that comparison made Qinghe flush. Then in a determined tone that held traces of anticipation, he declared, “Then I’ll just have to hug it tightly.”


Wei Xiang tried very hard not to imagine such a ridiculous image, but failed spectacularly.

Just picturing how his lover would look, stripped naked and tightly hugging his large member, arms and legs wrapped around his length like a possessive little octopus…

Unable to take the sheer absurdity of such a thought, Wei Xiang exploded into unrestrained laughter.

Qinghe tilted his head, not understanding his beloved’s reaction. Why did it seem like when it came to him, his lover always seemed to burst out laughing at the most random of times?

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