Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 78: Offering Oneself Up

The colors of evening painted the sky with vivid hues, dyeing the clouds in their warm shades. The vast expanse of the ocean glinted in the fading light as its waves rolled and swayed placidly.

Wu Xiao strode through the light-colored halls of the Silver Moon Sect, his boots softly tapping out a measured cadence on the stone floor.

As he walked, he saw yet another disciple giving him a strange look as if they knew some great secret about him. Wu Xiao’s eyebrows twitched in irritation as he shot a glare in that disciple’s direction.

The aforementioned disciple saw him glowering and giggled while advising with a knowing look, “Don’t disappoint those sweet expectations now, Sect Master.” Then the disciple rushed away, leaving Wu Xiao with more frustrated questions than answers.

What expectations? And what the heck did every single disciple on his way seem to know that kept making them act like that? Why couldn’t they come out and just say it plainly to his face?!

His brows furrowed, Wu Xiao finally reached his room. He pushed open the door and shut it behind him as he walked in.

The room he was staying at was big and airy, a huge painted screen bisecting the space into a living room and a bedroom. A row of large arched windows covered the entire wall on his left, currently left open to let in the sea breeze. Translucent curtains the color of sea foam lightly floated up in the salt-scented air.

With leisurely steps, Wu Xiao made his way towards the screen and the bedroom beyond. But just as the bed came into view, Wu Xiao’s steps halted, his entire being frozen.

He finally understood what all those looks directed towards him on the way had been for. It seemed that the disciples of his sect had been long aware of this unexpected guest of his.

Sitting at the edge of the bed with his legs hanging over the side was Jing Shui.

He looked as if he had just taken a bath, his fair skin still seeming somewhat moist and his unbound hair lightly curled. His ears were left unadorned and he wore nothing except for a single layer of fabric—a thin robe that looked soft and satiny, its color a warm, light blue that lent his skin the mesmerizing luster of a pearl.

Jing Shui’s liquid eyes lifted up and met Wu Xiao’s, his slender fingers smoothing over his robe in nervousness. Licking his lips, he spoke with a slightly quivering voice, “Wu Xiao…I-I’ve come to consummate our relationship.”

Wu Xiao blinked. “Ah-Shui? Right now? You… Are you sure?”

He suddenly had the urge to see if he was dreaming. His Ah-Shui had actually come to him on his own. He was really asking him to…

“Yes, I…I’m sure. Wu Xiao,” Jing Shui looked away with a faint blush as he said bashfully, “Do whatever you want with me.”

These were the same words he’d said back in their room while at the palace, but the way he spoke them just now, it held an obvious eagerness when compared to the hesitance and resignation of that time.

Hearing this, Wu Xiao at first felt startled, then his gaze slowly deepened. As his mouth curved up lightly, Wu Xiao began stalking unhurriedly towards his Ah-Shui.

Since his Ah-Shui was willingly offering himself up, who was he to refuse?

Jing Shui watched as Wu Xiao slowly approached him, his beloved’s smile sharp and his eyes gleaming with a hungry, predatory look.

‘Well,’ Jing Shui thought to himself as his heartbeat increased in fervor, ‘If my lover is a predator, then I suppose I will be his willing prey.’

Reaching Jing Shui and standing before him, Wu Xiao raised a hand to lift his Ah-Shui’s chin with a finger. “Are you sure? I’ve already told you that my tastes are heavy. Since this is my darling Ah-Shui’s first time, why don’t we take it slow?”

Feeling embarrassed, Jing Shui burst out, “How did you know that this is my―? …Fuck! I said to do it, so do it!”

Wu Xiao chuckled at his lover’s discomposure. There his Ah-Shui was spitting fire at him again. How cute!

“…Alright. But Ah-Shui, tell me if it gets to be too much,” Wu Xiao cautioned seriously.

Jing Shui turned his face away while flushing harder, “Hmph! You think I can’t handle it?”

Seeing this, Wu Xiao could only smile helplessly. “Alright, alright. If my darling says he can take it, then of course I won’t dare to doubt him.”

“You better not!” Jing Shui blustered.

Wu Xiao merely smiled wider and bent down, touching his lips to his beloved’s. Jing Shui didn’t hesitate to open up and their mouths soon closed over each other’s, their tongues eagerly entwining together.

While Jing Shui was focused intently on the kiss, his hands clutching Wu Xiao’s shoulders to pull him closer, Wu Xiao’s hands were meanwhile busily working to loosen his lover’s clothing. Once he succeeded, Wu Xiao gently pushed off the slackened robe so that it slid down his Ah-Shui’s smooth shoulders, down his slender arms, until the silky fabric pooled at his elbows and waist, where it was barely held together by the loosely cinched belt.

Feeling a draft of cool air brushing over his exposed skin, Jing Shui lightly shuddered and leaned back, his lips reddened, cheeks flushing, and eyes glazed.

“Wu Xiao?” he asked confusedly, his moist eyes blinking up at his lover dazedly.

Feeling a sudden surge of desire, Wu Xiao lifted Jing Shui up in his arms. Then settling himself down cross-legged on the bed, Wu Xiao sat Jing Shui on his lap, his beloved’s slim legs on either side of his hips.

Finding himself suddenly face-to-face with Wu Xiao, his bare chest pressed to his lover’s still clothed one, Jing Shui felt embarrassed and disoriented.

“W-What are you doing?” he asked breathily.

Wu Xiao smirked. “Well, if we are going to do this, then we’ll have to first prepare you, won’t we?”

“Prepare?” Jing Shui repeated dumbly. Then realizing what he meant, he turned even redder and buried his burning face into Wu Xiao’s shoulder. In a soft whisper, he finally replied, “O-Okay.”

But unlike what Jing Shui had expected, Wu Xiao didn’t remove his clothes the rest of the way. Rather, Wu Xiao simply lifted the hem of Jing Shui’s robe and tucked it into the belt, exposing his bottom while leaving his disheveled and half-undone clothing as it was.

As he felt the sensation of wind stroking his bared buttocks, Jing Shui lightly shuddered, then held on tighter to Wu Xiao, attempting to bury himself further into his beloved’s embrace.

Wu Xiao cupped his Ah-Shui’s soft butt with both his hands before giving it a light squeeze. Jing Shui stiffened, then forced himself to relax and push aside his shyness. Wu Xiao was after all his lover, so it was only natural that he should allow him to do this.

And yet Jing Shui felt unduly embarrassed.

“Tell me if it gets too uncomfortable,” Wu Xiao whispered to Jing Shui.

Jing Shui nodded, his head still buried.

Receiving his lover’s assent, Wu Xiao finally began.

With the fingers of one hand, Wu Xiao carefully parted Jing Shui’s buttocks, revealing the little puckered bud in between. A cool finger covered in slippery liquid lightly began teasing and rubbing over Jing Shui’s exposed opening, causing him to shudder at the strange sensation. Then slowly, carefully, the slickened digit entered his passage, pressing inward with a firm gentleness.

Jing Shui felt his breathing deepen as his shoulders hunched. He held on to Wu Xiao, his hands fisting on his beloved’s shoulders as he squeezed his eyes closed.

He felt Wu Xiao’s finger gradually beginning to withdraw and then push in again, continuously repeating this rhythmic motion, causing molten need to smolder within him.

Jing Shui felt a sudden thought intruding in his mind. Hadn’t Wu Xiao said before that his tastes were heavy? Just how heavy did he exactly mean?

Gulping nervously, Jing Shui wondered if Wu Xiao would use whips or switches on him. Or would he use those complicated looking restraints or clamps? Or perhaps it would be some other instrument that he’d never seen before?

Though these thoughts made Jing Shui feel slightly scared due to the potential pain or humiliation they’d bring with them, it also strangely excited him. After all, this was his Wu Xiao. Jing Shui had faith that he wouldn’t make him do anything too out of his comfort zone. But it still didn’t stop Jing Shui from feeling nervous.

Sensing the muscles wrapped around his finger tightening suddenly, Wu Xiao realized that his Ah-Shui must be feeling apprehensive. So, even as he continued pushing his finger in and out while slowly adding in a second digit, Wu Xiao softly whispered into Jing Shui’s ear to distract him, “Ah, I never thought I’d be touching my beloved Ah-Shui like this.”

Jing Shui felt beyond embarrassed at how casually his lover had begun to converse now of all times. After all, Jing Shui could still feel Wu Xiao’s fingers moving within him, carefully and steadily massaging his insides.

Not waiting for Jing Shui’s reply, Wu Xiao kept talking, “Say, Ah-Shui, did you ever imagine that I’d one day be doing this to you? That you’d be sitting on my lap like this half-naked and aroused while being prepared to be entered?”

Mortified, Jing Shui tried to bury his head deeper into the crook of Wu Xiao’s shoulder.

Then Jing Shui suddenly felt the fingers lodged deep within him twist in an abrupt motion, rubbing forcibly against his sensitive inner walls. The unexpected friction sent a spike of heat shooting up his spine, causing his back to snap straight. Jing Shui swallowed down his moans and gritted his teeth as he tried to bear the stimulation silently while trembling.

Wu Xiao relentlessly continued speaking, his voice intimate and playful as his breath brushed the side of Jing Shui’s face, “My Ah-Shui is so cute~ After we consummate our relationship, I want Ah-Shui to look only at me. Don’t let anyone else take advantage of you even with their eyes, okay?”

Being tormented by his lover’s fingers and teased by his mouth at the same time, Jing Shui reached his limit and finally snapped.

“What the bloody hell are you talking about at this time with your fingers still in my ass!” he shouted angrily.

There was a moment of absolute silence in the room, the last few words echoing unnaturally loud in the wide space.

Realizing what he just said, Jing Shui immediately flushed in shame and groaned miserably while Wu Xiao began laughing. Jing Shui suddenly realized that the tension he had been feeling seemed to have lessened and understood that this was why Wu Xiao must have acted so ridiculously just now.

Rubbing his cheek against his Ah-Shui’s hair, Wu Xiao spoke in a kind voice, “Why are you so nervous? If you don’t feel comfortable with anything, all you have to do is tell me and I’ll stop. After all these years, is there even anything that you can’t tell me about?”

Lulled by Wu Xiao’s casual attitude and the familiarity he felt with his lover, Jing Shui finally felt himself relaxing.

Sensing this, Wu Xiao smiled tenderly even as he pushed in a third finger into his beloved’s tight passage. Jing Shui bit his lip and tried to keep his body loose despite the queer feeling of his entrance being stretched wide open. His arms hugged Wu Xiao tightly as Jing Shui endeavored not to let out any embarrassing sounds.

After a few more minutes, Wu Xiao finally felt satisfied with the amount of preparation.

Lifting Jing Shui up, Wu Xiao laid him carefully down on his stomach before helping his lover pull up his knees while he positioned his Ah-Shui appropriately, his hands all the while gentle and coaxing.

Jing Shui now lied on the bed, his head resting comfortably on pillows, his hands on either side of his chest, his lower body propped up on his knees with his legs folded.

Leaning back, Wu Xiao pondered seriously on the delectable view of his beloved’s posterior thrust up into the air like this, as if it were an offering presented solely for him to savor. Reaching out his hands, Wu Xiao lightly kneaded the two lily-white mounds again, feeling their softness and elasticity beneath his palms as he said in wonder, “Ah-Shui, your butt is so cute!”

Jing Shui buried his head into the pillows in shame. He felt that before this night ended, he’d die of abject embarrassment!

“Y-You…just hurry up and remove your clothes!” Jing Shui gritted out.

Wu Xiao raised an eyebrow and spoke teasingly, “Not yet, my eager little darling. There’s something else I want to try with you first.”

“Ah?” Jing Shui turned his head back to look questioningly at Wu Xiao, only to see him slathering some liquid onto a strange item.

It was a slightly curved, blunt and cylindrical object that had the thickness and shape of a male’s organ. It was covered in countless rows of small, smooth bumps that were spread evenly over its entire surface.

“Wu Xiao, th-that thing is… are we using it?” Jing Shui asked with equal parts unease and curiosity.

Smiling reassuringly, Wu Xiao nodded. “Yes. But if you don’t want to, then we won’t.”

“I-I have no objections,” Jing Shui murmured softly. Then feeling as if he needed to express more of his enthusiasm, Jing Shui hid his face in the pillows and arched his back, lifting up his bottom as if presenting it to his lover.

Wu Xiao felt surprised at how easily his Ah-Shui had accepted this, even seeming somewhat eager. Then smiling, Wu Xiao warned, “I might get a little rough. Are you still okay with that?”

Though he hesitated a bit, Jing Shui still nodded. He was just thankful that it wouldn’t be anything too painful or humiliating like he had imagined. Besides, he really trusted that no matter how rough Wu Xiao got, he would never actually cause him hurt…just maybe a little bit of soreness.

Receiving his lover’s assent and feeling how much faith his Ah-Shui placed in him, Wu Xiao’s heart warmed even as his smile grew sharper.

With a hand resting on his beloved’s hip, Wu Xiao positioned the head of the lubricated object over Jing Shui’s entrance, then began decisively thrusting it into the tight channel. With the preparations they’d already made, Wu Xiao was certain that this wouldn’t cause his lover any discomfort.

On the other hand, Jing Shui could distinctly feel the presence of the small, smooth bumps on the cold and hard object that was being shoved inside him. The hard little points pressed and dragged against his soft inner walls, the friction almost unbearable as it sent sparks arcing across his nerve endings.

Jing Shui felt his body burning hotter and hotter as the intense sensations burst under his skin. But no matter how much he twisted or squirmed, the vivid sensations flowing through him were inescapable.

Due to his frantic motions, Jing Shui’s loosened robe finally came undone, slipping to the side and gathering in a heap. Without pausing, Wu Xiao directly put the robe away into his storage space. He really liked how his Ah-Shui looked in it, so he couldn’t bear for it to get crumpled or stained.

Now that Jing Shui’s body was completely bared, Wu Xiao’s gaze greedily passed over his beloved’s writhing form. Tempted by the view of his lover’s shifting muscles, Wu Xiao traced his free hand over his beloved’s skin, sometimes rubbing his palm over his Ah-Shui’s straining shaft, other times skimming over his stomach and abdomen, then pinching and pulling the little points perked up on his chest. All the while, his other hand persistently kept pressing the hard length deeper and deeper into his Ah-Shui.

The little bumps rubbed against the inside of Jing Shui’s butt cheeks as the large, foreign object was slowly pushed further in, forcing his tender insides to swallow the hardness. His delicate passage was being reshaped around the intruding thing as it relentlessly and inflexibly kept being thrust into him.

As the strange sensations overflowed, soft, helpless whimpers spilled from his lips. Hot tears trailed down his cheeks as he unsteadily tried to accept the thick hardness into his inexperienced body.

“Ah-Shui,” Wu Xiao leaned over and whispered into his beloved’s flushed ear, his warm hand rubbing up and down Jing Shui’s back that had curved sharply due to the piercing pleasure. In a soft, concerned voice, Wu Xiao asked, “Can you take it?”

With wetness still running down his face, Jing Shui nodded as he sobbed and trembled, his red, tearstained cheeks rubbing against the cool fabric under him.

As the thick object seated itself fully within him, it caused indescribable pleasure to flow over his senses, making him sob harder at this unbearable feeling. But despite this, Jing Shui truly wanted to keep going. He even felt somewhat ashamed at how much he was enjoying this regardless of how overwhelming it felt.

Having received his reassurance, Wu Xiao pressed loving little kisses against Jing Shui’s back even as his hand ruthlessly twisted and pulled the hard length of the object completely out before mercilessly slamming it back in.

Jing Shui jerked violently as the blunt points scraped almost harshly against his fragile inner walls. Again and again Wu Xiao tormented him, thrusting it in and out in decisive, pitiless motions, sometimes rotating, sometimes twisting, without allowing him a moment of reprieve in between.

Jing Shui felt like he was slipping down the edge of sanity as the raw pleasure tore through him, both fierce and brutal in its intensity. He buried his head in the sheets and screamed until his voice went hoarse, the sound muffled and desperate as he struggled to clutch onto the last strands of his reason.

“Ah-Shui, do you want to stop?” Wu Xiao asked considerately.

Jing Shui slowly shook his head twice even as he gritted his teeth, his head bowed and his hands clutching the sheets tightly as the unbearable sensations kept washing over him. And still he wanted more, so much more, until he was filled to the brim with this liquid heat, until he could drown under the waves of this intense pleasure.

And just as he wished, Wu Xiao kept giving him more, pushing him higher and higher still.

Tears kept unabatedly slipping from Jing Shui’s closed eyes and clear liquid spilled out of the corner of his mouth as his lips stretched wide to let out helpless gasps and strangled screams. His fists were clenched so hard that they shook as they jerkily moved on the bed in uncontrollable motions. His skin was flushed a delectable red, contrasting with the pure white sheets being rumpled under his twisting body.

Though Jing Shui knew that his writhing and squirming appearance was extremely unbecoming, he wasn’t in a state to care about that. Besides, his body had long since slipped out of his control. He could only let himself be played in between his lover’s experienced and ruthless hands that seemed to know just which places to caress and touch to push him into a frenzied state.

Wu Xiao smiled, his eyes glinting happily as he continued his ministrations. The more undignified Jing Shui looked, the more pleased Wu Xiao became, taking pleasure in the fact that he was the one who had driven his beloved into this state. He wanted his Ah-Shui to behave more unrestrainedly, to not shut in his feelings and to express them freely, just like how he was doing now.

And so, as it went on, Jing Shui kept enduring the torment, sweating and shaking while he was pushed higher, his need winding tighter. But just as he was about to reach the peak, right on the verge of attaining release…

Wu Xiao stopped.

As he laid there in dazed confusion, Jing Shui felt the intrusive device slide one last time against his over-stimulated insides as it was pulled out with a wet, sucking sound. A feeling of pervasive emptiness claimed him at the sudden absence of what had been filling him up and stretching him to the limit till now.

Before Jing Shui could recover, careful and firm hands turned him around and flipped him over onto his back on the bed. Still befuddled due to the intense need burning through him like wildfire, Jing Shui stared blankly at the ceiling as his position was suddenly changed.

Before he could adapt, he felt a cool body pressing down against his own heated skin as a naked Wu Xiao laid on top of him.

“Ah-Shui, are you willing to receive me?” Wu Xiao asked gently.

Still quivering under the relentless onslaught of desire, Jing Shui tremblingly nodded. Yes, what he wanted now more than anything was to hold this man inside of him.

Wu Xiao bent down and slowly kissed away his beloved’s tears. He had truly not expected that his Ah-Shui would be able to take it till now. He had thought that Jing Shui would call it quits halfway through. But the fact that he was able to come this far was good.

Supporting himself on an elbow, Wu Xiao used his other hand to carefully guide himself to his beloved’s entrance. Feeling his opening being breached again, Jing Shui widened his legs further and endeavored to relax his inner muscles to make it easier to accept his lover into him.

Closing his eyes, Jing Shui tried to absorb every moment of this, of Wu Xiao steadily pressing inside his tight channel.

Jing Shui felt his hot inner walls being pushed apart as the intruding member was slowly thrust in. He could feel his opening being forced to expand, his tender insides stretching around the large organ. As his warm, tight passage wrapped around his lover’s hard shaft, his delicate inner folds were stretched until they smoothened. He could feel every nook and cranny of his sensitive and slick channel being rubbed against the hard length that his tight passage was being forced to accept. His insides quivered at the strange sensations washing through him.

Once he was fully seated inside his beloved, Wu Xiao stopped, allowing Jing Shui some time to adapt to the feeling of being stretched and filled by his hot member.

Unwilling to stay still, Wu Xiao bent down, resting his face in the crook between Jing Shui’s neck and shoulders as the younger man trembled incessantly at the fierce pleasure spreading anew through his body.

Wu Xiao took in a deep breath, savoring the heady scent of his Ah-Shui’s warm and flushed skin dampened with sweat. Wu Xiao could see Jing Shui’s pulse throbbing hectically in his neck, his beloved’s chest heaving in short rapid breaths.

Leaning back up, Wu Xiao relished the sight of his impassioned lover. Jing Shui’s entire body was flushed, his eyes open yet glazed, his soft, red lips gaping open as he arched up and writhed, sobbing and moaning his beloved’s name breathlessly.

“…Wu Xiao…more…”

His eyes softening, Wu Xiao murmured back, “As my Ah-Shui wishes, then.”

And so he finally began to move.

This time, Wu Xiao went slowly. As his hips rocked to and fro in a maddeningly unhurried and relaxed rhythm, his hands and gaze incessantly roamed over his beloved’s body.

Wu Xiao leaned down now and then to place little kisses on Jing Shui’s face. His fingers lightly grazed and gently kneaded the soft little buds on his Ah-Shui’s chest, before a hand slid down and gripped his lover’s slender shaft in its palm, beginning to pump it languorously, yet steadily.

This slow torture had Jing Shui just as overwhelmed as before. The pleasure lapped at him in slow, heated pulses before receding again, only to return stronger than before. This torment was all-consuming and felt endless, washing over him again and again.

Jing Shui pressed the back of his hand against his mouth, trying to stifle the sounds trying to slip out of him, feeling that he’d already let out enough embarrassing noises for one day. But Wu Xiao didn’t allow him the luxury of hiding behind anything. Cool fingers wrapped around his wrist as Wu Xiao pulled away his hand from where it was pressed against his quivering lips. Leaning down, Wu Xiao whispered, “I like it when you cry out for me, Ah-Shui.”

A desperate, broken moan was drawn out of Jing Shui as if in answer.

As Wu Xiao’s face hovered close to him, that pale visage framed by shining silver hair that shone like watered silk, Jing Shui dazedly thought how similar Wu Xiao was to the brilliant moon perched in the sky, obscured by the clouds and hazy mists, so cold and distant, its light so far away.

But that aloof person, that someone who was always so elegant and extraordinary, was now pressed on top of him, moving inside of him. The thought was mind-boggling, yet so strangely satisfying as Jing Shui thought amazedly—Yes, this was now his person, his dear lover.

Gradually, Wu Xiao’s thrusts grew more intense and insistent, his member sliding in and out of Jing Shui’s passage in hard and fast motions. And in response, Jing Shui also quickened his movements, his hands lifting to rove over his lover’s smooth skin hungrily as he felt the urgency brought on by his nearing release.

Raising up Jing Shui’s legs, Wu Xiao hoisted them on his shoulders. Jing Shui reflexively crossed his ankles behind Wu Xiao’s neck and tilted his hips up to allow his lover to thrust in deeper.

Hoarse panting sounded as the pair of lovers worked their hips furiously, rushing to move harder and faster in a frenzy. The sound of sweaty skin slapping against each other mixed and merged together with breathless moans and throaty growls.

As Jing Shui was relentlessly pushed higher and higher, pleasure gathered at the base of his spine before shooting throughout his body as the orgasm suddenly ripped through him. It felt like a powerful bolt of lightning was cleaving through his nerve endings as the roar of thunder seemed to rush through his ears.

His mouth gaped open as he screamed silently, his body twisting as if in excruciating agony, his eyes scrunched close as it squeezed out more tears. As the punishing waves of ecstasy flooded him, Jing Shui felt as if his very being was slowly splintering apart before joining together again, forming anew.

As the violent tides of release finally swept by and receded, Jing Shui fell onto the bed weakly, his muscles trembling due to the strenuous coupling. His body felt as heavy as a rock while his mind floated in a cloud of bliss in the afterglow.

Soon after, Wu Xiao also reached his climax, emptying himself inside the soft confines of his beloved Ah-Shui before listlessly sprawling down on the bed.

The pair of lovers thus laid side-by-side, trying to recover their breath.

Still lost in a haze, Jing Shui’s mind felt weightless, drifting and skipping from thought to thought directionlessly before finally finding something to ponder over.

Jing Shui was all too aware that he had the bad habit of hiding his emotions, acting angry or indignant instead of expressing what he felt properly. Though it wasn’t as bad as it had been a few years before, and though the people around him had more or less learned to cope with it, it still didn’t change the truth that this habit of his was decidedly unhealthy.

But being with Wu Xiao today had overloaded his senses with so much pleasure and stimulation that Jing Shui couldn’t even hide behind his bluster. All he could do was twist and writhe, moan and scream passionately with wild abandon. He hadn’t had the chance to cover up his true emotions, displaying everything for his lover to see.

And in a way, it was freeing.

It might have been frightening if this were to happen with anyone else, but there was no one Jing Shui felt safer with or trusted more than Wu Xiao. Jing Shui didn’t mind being uninhibited and unrestrained in front of him. He didn’t care about looking unbecoming or undignified in front of Wu Xiao, because Jing Shui believed without a doubt that Wu Xiao would accept all of him without reservation.

And he would do the same as well.

Jing Shui was prepared to accept Wu Xiao’s ‘heavy tastes’ and enjoy them. He would accept his eccentricities and sometimes infuriating behavior. He would accept all of Wu Xiao just as his lover accepted him.

Interrupting these solemn contemplations, Wu Xiao suddenly gathered Jing Shui in his arms and spoke seriously, “No matter how roughly I behave in bed, you do know that I love you, right?”

Caught off-guard, Jing Shui flushed and looked away, his voice cracking as he admonished, “I-Idiot! If I didn’t know, do you think I’d let you do all that to me?!”

Wu Xiao softly chuckled and admitted, “My dear, dear Ah-Shui… I never imagined you would accept me this wholeheartedly.”

Hearing this, Jing Shui felt his face becoming hotter.

Pushing down his embarrassment, Jing Shui lifted his head up and blinked his soft, dewy eyes at his lover. Leaning upward, Jing Shui took the initiative to deliberately place a warm and lingering kiss on Wu Xiao’s lips, then quickly bent to hide his face in his lover’s chest out of bashfulness.

Wu Xiao laid there stunned, his expression frozen in surprise.

Then a soft blush slowly suffused his face.

Not knowing how to react, Wu Xiao did what he did every time he felt shaken—he fell back to teasing.

In a somewhat unsteady voice, he tried to joke, “A-Ah-Shui, does this mean you’re ready for another round?”

But to his immense surprise, Jing Shui nodded shyly. Looking up at Wu Xiao through his lashes, he whispered, “It doesn’t feel sore inside anymore, everything seems to have already healed. And…I also took tomorrow off in advance, so I don’t have to go back for now.”

What he was suggesting was plain as day.

Wu Xiao felt desire exploding inside of him again as he pressed his Ah-Shui down into the bed, while Jing Shui eagerly reached up his hands to rest them on his lover’s shoulders and pulled him closer, anticipation fluttering wildly in his stomach.

And so, the passionate night stretched longer.


The couple is lying on the bed lazily when Jing Shui extends a hand to lightly grasp Wu Xiao's forefinger like a child, pulling on it to get his lover's attention.

Wu Xiao: Hm? What is it, my dear Ah-Shui?

Jing Shui: *cheeks puffed in embarrassment* W-Wu Xiao…even though this was my first time, you still touched me everywhere, both outside and inside, then did all those shameless things to me. *blushes* S-So, you better take responsibility for me forever! *looks away shyly*

Wu Xiao: …

Wu Xiao: *dies of excessive nosebleed*

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