Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 83: Impending Future

Elder Yue’s receiving room was bright and cheery, the windows at the sides left wide open to invite in the sea breeze. Gauzy curtains billowed and swayed with hazy lightness, turning the blinding sunlight filtering through it into a softer and calmer color as it lit up the room.

In the receiving room was a light blue stone table, and on one side of this table, sitting casually on a high-backed chair, was Elder Yue. Seated opposite to her were Qinghe and Wei Xiang.

Wu Xiao stood to the side of the table with Jing Shui standing a bit further away. Hei NingYu leaned against the wall by a window, seeming unconcerned, while Chen Xiande was standing beside his lover, looking at Elder Yue as if he had something to say.

Elder Yue turned and addressed Chen Xiande in a teasing tone, “It seems that at least you haven’t forgotten the promise.”

“Yes,” Chen Xiande nodded, then delivered a deep and respectful bow. “I am endlessly thankful for Elder Yue’s help to my lover. Please accept my gratitude.”

Then seeing that Hei NingYu was just standing there lazily, Chen Xiande shot him a look while still remaining bowed.

Hei NingYu sighed, but also bent with barely passable manners. “Yes, what my little sheep said.”

Elder Yue’s mouth twitched with suppressed laughter. “So insincere! And you even promised that you’d come to personally thank me!”

Rolling his eyes, Hei NingYu straightened as he quipped, “And you trusted the word of a demonic cultivator just like that? Anyway, since we’re done with what we came here to do, we’ll be leaving now.”

Hei NingYu promptly began walking towards the door, pulling Chen Xiande upright on the way and dragging him along.

“Now, now, don’t rush,” Elder Yue spoke unhurriedly. “What we are about to discuss next will have an impact on the entire world. Are you sure you still want to leave, Sect Leader Hei?”

Sighing, Hei NingYu halted.

Though he was usually easygoing, he felt especially impatient today. He just wanted to go home and cuddle with his cute little sheep.

After their affectionate heart-to-heart yesterday night, they hadn’t even had a chance to reaffirm their love through passionate bedroom activities that Hei NingYu had hoped would span several days and nights. And yet, not only had this visit interrupted what he had been greatly anticipating, it was even intolerably dragging on.

Why was his life so difficult today?

But unfortunately, as the leader of the demonic faction, he couldn’t avoid matters that could be important, so he had to give in.

“Fine, I’ll listen,” Hei NingYu finally grumped, then walked back to where he had been leaning on the wall before, his expression showing his reluctance.

Sensing his lover’s dissatisfaction, Chen Xiande patted his beloved on the arm in comfort as he leaned beside him, their shoulders touching. Feeling his little sheep’s warmth snuggled so close, Hei NingYu smiled contentedly, his mood improving.

Now that that was settled, Qinghe politely got down to business. “So Elder Yue, why did you summon me here?”

Elder Yue’s cheery expression slowly faded, replaced by a grave one. Her dark eyes grew deep and unfathomable as she replied, “I saw something very important that you need to know.”

At the side, Wu Xiao frowned. He’d rarely seen his master ever looking this serious. It seemed that the matter this time wasn’t so simple. But if it was as his master had indicated before, if this was truly something that concerned the entire world, then he supposed that this solemnity was only to be expected. Even his master wouldn’t act with her usual frivolousness when the lives of everyone in this world might be at stake.

Qinghe, however, remained calm. “May I ask what you saw?”

Leaning back on her chair, Elder Yue closed her eyes. “It’s been some time since I did a complete reading like this, so it might get a tad uncomfortable. Just bear with it, it’ll only be a moment.”

Nodding, Qinghe settled to patiently wait.

As Elder Yue slowly released her power, the air in the room seemed to become sluggish, weighed down as if it was gradually being filled with thick and potent energy.

The view around them gained a sudden sense of unreality, as if what they were seeing of the world was nothing but an illusion, a vague, untrustworthy dream. The space surrounding them seemed to become thin and insubstantial. Their senses grew blurred and distorted, queer whispers scratching at the edge of their consciousness. The world slowly, little by little, seemed to be tilting out of phase with reality, time and space stretching taut and on the verge of breaking apart.

“Master, this much is enough,” Wu Xiao’s soft whisper suddenly cut through the discomfiting sensations, steadying everything once again.

As if in reply to Wu Xiao’s words, the heavy power that was saturating the room slowly retreated like the tide.

Elder Yue opened her eyes, her pupils dilated. Her face looked blank, her attention seemingly unfocused.

Qinghe spoke in a clear voice, “Elder Yue Yi, tell me what I need to know.”

The silver-haired woman slowly nodded, then opened her mouth. In an unusually subdued voice that seemed light enough to float away with the wind, Elder Yue spoke, “Your fall thirty years ago set in motion the awakening of something that Heaven wills to sleep. But you aren’t the one who set it free, so you do not bear the responsibility.”

At the side, Wei Xiang sensed something flash through his mind. He felt like something he had recently encountered was related to some event that happened almost thirty years ago. But what was it?

However, the more he tried to remember, the more it slipped away from his grasp, lost in the tangled skeins of his memory. Wei Xiang finally chose to give up for now, hoping that the memory would come to him on its own eventually.

After a slight pause, Qinghe replied, “I…see. Then may I ask what this awakening will bring to the world?”

Her gaze indistinct, Elder Yue once again answered, “It brings battle and the battle heads your way. The outcome is yet uncertain. But one thing I can tell is that your life and death rests solely on Heaven’s acceptance of your soul. Ah, and such a beautiful soul you have, such a pure one. I suppose it is only to be expected of a heavenly soul.”

At the mention of Qinghe’s soul, Wu Xiao narrowed his eyes. When he had sealed it long ago, this little disciple’s soul had certainly felt purer and more powerful than normal.

On the other hand, as someone who was able to actually see Qinghe’s soul, Wei Xiang could only nod in agreement. Yes, calling it something heavenly wasn’t untrue in the least.

Not knowing the others’ thoughts, Qinghe frowned as he echoed doubtfully, “Heavenly soul?”

“Yes,” Elder Yue continued, unperturbed. “You have a very good chance of being chosen by the Throne, but it is still uncertain. Heaven is after all quite an unpredictable existence.”

Shaking his head, Qinghe admitted, “I’m afraid I don’t understand.” He felt like this discussion was slowly veering off-track. Weren’t they supposed to be talking about some danger to the world?

But Elder Yue maintained her serene blankness as she replied, “You don’t have to understand it for now. What should happen will happen. If you do what you must, this world and everything living in it can be saved. If not… this world will simply cease to exist, consumed by him for power.”

Sensing the weight in her words, everyone grew silent.

From what Elder Yue just said, it was easy enough to deduce that a great calamity was approaching their world. So they all sharpened their hearing so as to not miss a single word of what was about to be said. If they could, they would like to make preparations in advance to tide over whatever disaster that might be coming their way.

“Consumed by whom?” Qinghe asked, feeling faintly frustrated at how this exchange seemed to be getting more incomprehensible. He really wanted to know more about how to navigate the danger the Elder was speaking about.

“The black one’s companion, of course,” Elder Yue replied, not explaining anything, her words only giving rise to more questions. “Ah, those two poor, lonely beings, so much do they hunger. All he wants is to meet his beloved person again and ask ‘Why?’.”

Qinghe finally had to sigh in defeat, not knowing how to drag this conversation back on track. This didn’t seem to be going anywhere, Elder Yue’s words only getting progressively more confusing.

Keeping the disappointment out of his tone, he vaguely responded, “I will keep that in mind if I ever meet them.”

Elder Yue shook her head sadly as she advised, “There is no need to. Their burdens are not your own. But later, when you prepare to end the battle, you must remember―do not hold back.”

After saying this, Elder Yue’s lashes slowly quivered as she once again closed her eyes, her chest rising as she took in a deep breath. And when she opened her eyes this time, she displayed her usual lively cheer as she said, “You may continue asking your questions.”

Qinghe blinked at this sudden change. But tilting his head, he nevertheless decided to continue his query to seek more hints, “About what you said before, what do you mean by ‘do not hold back’? What exactly should I not be holding back?”

Now back to her usual self, Elder Yue shook her index finger and tsked as she said, “Feng Qinghe, what I mean is that it is not good to restrain yourself this much.”

Smiling pleasantly as usual to hide his befuddlement, Qinghe replied, uncertainly “…I don’t think I am restraining anything.”

But letting out a light laugh, Elder Yue shot him a knowing look. “Then I wonder where all that battle lust you inherited from your mother went off to. Thankfully, you also seem to have inherited some of your father’s traits to balance everything out, or you might have ended up becoming another tragically chaotic existence. Truly, you are a perfect combination of your parents’ attributes.”

Hearing this, Qinghe’s face suddenly turned expressionless, his eyes flashing with an unreadable emotion. A fierce and oppressive aura abruptly burst out of him, pressing down over the occupants of the room with a fierce and shocking brutality.

But just as quickly as it appeared, the pressure disappeared again as Qinghe carefully restrained himself once more.

In a flat tone that gave nothing away, he spoke, “My battle lust, as you say, is perfectly under control. Elder Yue need not worry. But I have to correct you on one thing. Though I may have gotten certain characteristics from the mother and father I don’t even remember, those inherited traits are now my own. I am not merely made of pieces of my parents glued together. I, as Feng Qinghe, am a complete and whole person.”

At the side, Wei Xiang couldn’t help but frown with concern. For his lover to suddenly and blatantly drop his usual pleasant mien, something must definitely be wrong.

After listening to Qinghe, for a second, Elder Yue showed a vaguely surprised expression. Then seemingly uncaring of his sudden change in attitude, she cheerfully admitted, “You are certainly right! You have my apologies. But I am curious, are you not going to ask me if I know something about your parents?”

“I have no interest in knowing,” Qinghe said, then stood up. “If that is all, then I shall take my leave.”

But as if not hearing him, Elder Yue pressed on, “Though you say you have no interest in your parents, does it still hold true even if I tell you that they did not abandon you?”

Qinghe felt a vague pain inexplicably stinging in his chest as he heard those words. He wanted to grit his teeth and walk out unheeding of manners, but he still forced himself to speak politely, “Elder Yue, while I do appreciate your help thus far, I must respectfully ask you not to meddle further in my affairs.”

“Oh? Then what about Heaven? It is very clearly meddling in your affairs. I’m sure you’ve realized it by now,” she continued to pry.

Hearing this, Wu Xiao startled lightly while Hei NingYu widened his eyes imperceptibly. Meanwhile, Wei Xiang narrowed his eyes, displeasure coloring them at the thought of his lover being targeted by Heaven for some as of yet unknown reason. On the other hand, Jing Shui and Chen Xiande were more unrestrained in their reactions, openly showing shocked expressions.

After all, for Heaven to directly interfere in a person’s affairs, it could only mean that that person must have unparalleled importance.

But Qinghe remained unimpressed. Giving a cold chuckle, he spoke in a soft voice that could nonetheless be heard clearly, “I will bear Heaven’s shackles and let it maintain its control over my life for now. But if Heaven wishes for something from me, then it should already know to not push my limits. Coercion will only turn me against it, I’m sure Heaven already comprehends this.”

Then glancing at the silver-haired woman with piercing eyes, Qinghe spoke, “And Elder Yue, you might be able to see the past and the future, but you cannot see into someone’s thoughts. So please do not presume what goes on in another’s mind.”

Turning around, Qinghe didn’t wait for a response as he walked out the door, leaving behind a silent room.

Wei Xiang felt worry pulling taut his brows. There was definitely something weighing on his little lover’s mind. So without hesitation, Wei Xiang followed his beloved and also exited the room.

On the other hand, Wu Xiao felt like massaging his forehead. He didn’t know which nerve of the always cool Xiao Feng his master had managed to touch, but he had never seen Feng Qinghe behaving this openly cold before.

Smiling and shaking her head, Elder Yue remarked, “Youngsters these days are really quite stubborn.”

Then turning to Hei NingYu, she said, “Even you weren’t this stubborn before.”

Hei NingYu laughed drily. “Well, I had an incentive to not be. After all, I knew that my little sheep was waiting for me in my future. But I have to say, Xiao Feng really has the aura of a ruler. So domineering.”

Wu Xiao rubbed his chin in thought as he looked in the direction Qinghe had gone in. “Yes, he would make a good ruler. Crafty and calculative, but only for the benefit of others; empathic, but not naïve or clouded by emotions; he’s someone who’s gone through a lot and clearly knows how to use that experience. Indeed, he is very suitable for a ruling position.”

“You boys have good eyes,” Elder Yue praised them happily. “Feng Qinghe might really end up as a ruler one day, and it will be the most important position too.”

Then chuckling, Elder Yue continued on a different tangent, “But never mind that for now. Xiao Xiao, I really miss your cooking. Why don’t you go and make me something sweet?”

Hearing this, Wu Xiao’s eyes brightened, the recent incident easily put out of his mind for now. He didn’t even mind that stupid nickname perpetuated by his senior sister anymore.

“Right away, Master!” he replied, sounding exceedingly cheerful.

At the side, Jing Shui couldn’t help but wince. In the entire world, Wu Xiao’s master must be the only one who truly enjoyed eating his cooking. Honestly, even calling it cooking was a travesty. Jing Shui knew how any ingredients placed in his lover’s hands were automatically turned into chemical weapons of mass destruction by his beloved’s cooking skills. No one would even dare to go near the finished product, much less consume such a deadly thing!

Sweating silently, Jing Shui chose to make a tactical retreat. “I-I will be going then. I, um, have some very urgent assignments left to do.”

But before Jing Shui could escape, Wu Xiao casually captured him by the collar of his robe as he began dragging him away.

“Where do you think you’re going, my dear, beloved Ah-Shui? As my lover, it is naturally your duty to help taste test for me,” Wu Xiao spoke with a bright smile, the grip of his fingers firm on the back of Jing Shui’s collar.

Giving up any semblance of dignity in the face of this terrifying threat, Jing Shui struggled and flailed in desperation as he gasped out frantically, “No, Wu Xiao! Show some mercy! I-I don’t want to die yet, and I definitely don’t want to die in such a horrifying way! Let me go!”

Bearing silent witness to this scene, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu decided to make their escape lest they also be roped in to ‘taste test’.

Though they did not know just how bad Wu Xiao’s cooking was, but just by seeing Jing Shui’s strong reaction… Yes, they definitely didn’t dare to stay here. So hastily bidding Elder Yue their farewells, Chen Xiande and Hei NingYu also left.

Sitting alone in the otherwise empty room, Elder Yue looked towards the door quietly, thinking of Feng Qinghe and his tempestuous exit.

With a helpless smile, she murmured to herself, “That brat is so troublesome. But no matter how much he might want to distance himself, his parents won’t let him go so easily. Ah, familial love, so poignant. I suppose it’ll only be a few more days before he meets his father, eh?”

Elder Yue’s bell-like laughter echoed throughout the vast room, sounding eager with anticipation.


Qinghe and Wei Xiang soon returned to the Heavenly Peak Sect using the shadows.

As he stood in his room, Qinghe’s face retained its grim, almost angry expression.

Seeing this, Wei Xiang was at a loss. He had never seen anything truly angering his little lover to this degree, and now that he was faced with this unprecedented situation, Wei Xiang didn’t know what to do.

“Qinghe, what’s wrong?” he finally asked.

Suddenly realizing that he was not brooding alone in his room as he was used to doing before, Qinghe froze. As he turned his head, he was greeted with his lover’s worried face.

“Ah, Xiang, I…” Qinghe stopped, then turned away and continued, “I-I’m sorry. I’m not being myself.”

Wei Xiang smiled as he replied, “No, don’t apologize. Qinghe, I like every part of you, and I know that how you are now is also a facet of your personality. You don’t have to hide or make excuses for it.”

Lowering his head as complex emotions churned within him, Qinghe nodded.

Extending his hand, Wei Xiang patted his lover’s head comfortingly as he began, “Qinghe, about today―”

Suddenly reaching up, Qinghe clutched his lover’s hand and interrupted, “Xiang, I-I’ll tell you later after I figure some things out, okay? I don’t want to talk about it now.”

Wei Xiang paused in surprise, but nodded understandingly. It seemed that Qinghe still needed some time to think things through. If that was the case, then Wei Xiang would wholeheartedly support his lover and be there for him as he needed.

So in a gentle voice, Wei Xiang finally spoke, “Alright then. We’ll leave it for later.”

Qinghe lifted his head to look up at Wei Xiang, his expression somewhat surprised. “Really?”

Wei Xiang could only smile helplessly at the relief he heard in his little lover’s voice. “Yes, really. Qinghe, in the end it’s your decision. Please don’t feel that I’m forcing you.”

Qinghe leaned forward and wordlessly hugged his considerate lover before saying, “Thank you, Xiang. I-I only need a bit of time”

His eyes warming with affection, Wei Xiang wrapped his arms around Qinghe and patted his beloved on his back soothingly. “Then take as much time as you need. But for now, let’s go to bed.”

Stiffening, Qinghe stuttered, “Ah, t-that’s…” As he trailed away, soft pink suffused his cheeks.

“I meant only to sleep. What were you thinking?” Wei Xiang teased with a chuckle.

Qinghe puffed his cheeks as he admonished, “Xiang!”

Considering his lover’s choice of words, it was obvious that he had deliberately tried to mislead him!

Wei Xiang laughed, then held his little lover tighter, leaning down to speak in a low voice, “Qinghe, about what that Elder said today, don’t take it to heart. No matter what happens in the future or what you choose to be in the end, know that I’ll support your decision and always remain by your side.”

Hearing this, Qinghe felt the last traces of coldness and anger in his heart thawing, replaced by the blooming of tender warmth.

The couple soon undressed and lied down on the bed, holding each other and sinking into peaceful sleep.

But for Qinghe, that peace didn’t last.

He once again dreamt of falling and falling, his body finally impacting the harsh ground and spattering into pieces.

He dreamt of many things, bits and flashes of memories from before swimming hazily through his mind, causing his chest to ache heavily.

When Qinghe abruptly woke up in the middle of the night, he felt his heart still clenching tightly with remembered dread and pain. Though he knew that his parents were probably not to blame, the feeling of betrayal felt by his childhood self still remained, cutting at him from within.

If he, despite being a cultivator of only thirty-six, already felt that his memories were so burdensome, then he wondered how those beings who were thousands of years old bore this weight.

Sighing, Qinghe slowly got up and walked to the backyard, heading towards the stream.

Maybe the cool water would wash away these unwanted emotions and grant him some peace at last.

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