Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 86: Tournament Begins

A few days later marked the beginning of the Hundred-Year Tournament.

As one could guess, it was named as such because it took place only once every hundred years. The biggest aim of the tournament was to let the disciples compete to keep their skills sharp and also so that the various mid- and low-tier sects would have a chance to make a name for themselves.

The rewards for the winners were usually comprised of a collection of rare and unique treasures, cultivation manuals, artifacts, pills, spiritual herbs, beast cores etc. that were pitched in by each of the sects. The prizes also included resources that had been secured by the disciples of many sects working together, making the ownership of these resources remain undecided since most of them were unable to be distributed among them all.

But the biggest reason most took part in the Hundred-Year Tournament was of course so that they could gain the bragging rights of the victor.

The only requirement for a disciple to participate in the tournament was for them to have reached a realm equal to or above the fifth and below ninth. This was because people below fifth realm would get easily defeated while cultivators at ninth realm and above were already eligible to become an Elder or Sect Master.

As such, Qinghe definitely qualified as a competitor in the tournament since his cultivation was currently at eighth realm.

The morning of the tournament, Qinghe woke up as usual, bathed and dressed along with his lover as usual, chatting merrily and without a care.

As Wei Xiang was putting on his complicated Sentinel uniform at a steady and brisk pace, Qinghe sat at the side lost in thought, already having gotten dressed.

“Maybe I should try to find some more dual cultivation manuals like ours for Senior Brother and Brother Jing,” Qinghe suddenly said, his mind already flipping through all possible places where such types of manuals could be found.

However, Wei Xiang shook his head and dissuaded him, “Love, it’s next to impossible to find another like that in this world. Since that dual cultivation manual is able to change fates and join souls, it must at least be of heavenly origin. It’s a very rare and priceless treasure. Your master indeed cares much about you to give you such a thing so easily.”

Hearing that it was unfeasible, Qinghe’s shoulder’s drooped in disappointment, “Oh… So I can’t get any more of them?”

Seeing his little lover’s dejected look, Wei Xiang paused his actions and comforted, “After you ascend to Heaven in the future, you can bring down a few of these types of manuals from there and give them to your friends. Don’t worry about it for now.”

Qinghe’s head shot up, his eyes sparkling. So there was actually such an option!

Since the only deity in the current world, the Sentinel Grandmaster, was Wei Xiang’s master, he would naturally know the rules and whether or not a person would be allowed to come back down after ascending to Heaven. And the fact that the Grandmaster had himself descended proved that it was indeed possible.

Convinced, Qinghe nodded. “Okay then, let’s talk about it after I ascend.”

Then remembering something, Qinghe asked his lover. “But now that I think about it… Xiang, what about you? Why haven’t you advanced from tenth realm till now?”

Because judging by his beloved’s aptitude, Qinghe was sure that Wei Xiang could easily breakthrough into a demigod if he so chose. After that, becoming a deity would only be a level away.

Hearing this query, Wei Xiang smiled wryly. If this question had come from anyone else’s mouth, it would have sounded rude or mocking. But his little lover only looked at him matter-of-factly, his gaze burning with frank curiosity.

Wei Xiang finished dressing and began straightening all the miniscule creases and folds on his uniform as he explained, “That’s because I do not want to become a demigod and get that close to ascending yet, so I’ve been skimping on my cultivation for the past several thousands of years. I didn’t want to leave my master in this world while he had unfinished business here and ascend alone.”

With a complex expression, Qinghe looked away. “Oh…I see.”

Wei Xiang merely smiled and continued, “But now that I have you, I will naturally wait till you reach tenth realm and then cultivate along with you so that we can ascend together.”

Though he felt as if his thoughts were seen through, Qinghe nevertheless felt a flush of happiness suffusing his face.

“I…see,” he repeated softly, then nodded. “Okay, I’ll try to catch up soon then.”

Walking closer to his beloved, Wei Xiang lightly trailed his fingertips over Qinghe’s cheek, his eyes tender.

“There’s no need to hurry or push yourself, we’ll take our time,” Wei Xiang spoke gently.

Qinghe leaned into his beloved’s touch and closed his eyes. Now that their souls were bonded, Qinghe felt much more at ease, his mind filled with peacefulness and contentment.

Regretfully withdrawing his hand, Wei Xiang said, “I still have work to do now, but I’ll try to make it to the tournament along with Master at least by the second stage.”

Smiling, Qinghe reassured, “Don’t worry and just focus on staying safe. I’ll simply play around a bit in the tournament, that’s all. There’s no need to fret about it.”

Wei Xiang laughed at his little lover’s casual tone. “Even if you say that, I still want to be there to see you play around. And for me to finish up early and make it there at least by the second stage, I’ll have to get going now. Have fun and take care.”

And with that, Wei Xiang finally set off.

Staring at the empty room, Qinghe cupped his own cheek as if to capture the warmth of his lover’s fingers against his skin. Letting out a deep sigh, Qinghe stood up, his eyes clearing and his gaze sharpening.

After placing an appearance changing talisman under his robes and assuming his usual calm expression and pleasant smile, Qinghe set out towards the venue of the Hundred-Year Tournament.

The Hundred-Year Tournament had a total of three stages, with points calculated for each test.

Two of the stages would be held one after another today itself, since one trial did not affect the other and the two stages each tested different things.

The third stage, on the other hand, would be held in the Battle Arena a week later. The reason for this delay was to let the participants recover their energy, and also so that judges could tally the points while the sects would have sufficient time to complete the necessary preparations for the third stage.

The first and second stages of the tournament would be held on a flat plain that was equidistant from the Five Great Sects and was also within a manageable distance for the other sects.

The vast plain was bracketed between a tree line and a steep slope, its surface cleared away of debris for the tournament.

As preparations for the first stage were being carried out, the disciples milled about restlessly, gathering in groups or wandering solo. At the side, the various sect masters and Elders were seated comfortably on a series of elevated, step-like platforms that oversaw the entire competition grounds.

In the direction of the slope was a large curtain of spiritual energy that stretched from the ground to the skies above, shifting and distorting the view beyond in metallic ripples. Many disciples speculated that the aforementioned preparations for the first stage were taking place behind it.

Meanwhile, Qinghe finally arrived at the plain after going through a chain of teleportation arrays and promptly decided to first greet his master. After all, Qinghe realized that he hadn’t once been to see Zhen YiLan since his return from the imperial palace. Also, his master had so considerately given him such a great dual cultivation manual, so it was only proper for him to show his gratitude in person.

Thinking this, Qinghe began to decisively walk towards the platform seating the sect masters and Elders.

Most of the disciples who saw him stopped what they were doing and offered their salutations. With his usual cordial expression on, Qinghe returned their greetings as he kept striding forward and quickly reached the platform.

Climbing up the step-like structure, Qinghe reached the level where Zhen YiLan and other prominent leaders of the cultivation world were seated. Behind the sect masters of the Five Great Sects, there were several seats set out for the most well-known and respected Elders of each sect as well.

To the far left of this platform was the sect master of the Drifting Clouds Sect, Lu Feiyu, his posture indolently graceful as he gazed at the competition grounds far below. Next to him was the sect master of the Lightning Sky Sect, his face set in its usual strict lines as he sat ramrod straight, his steely gaze trained directly ahead. Seated to his left, the sect leader of the Golden Sun Sect, Liu Xue, was resting her head on her hand and snoring softly, utterly unbothered about the time or place. Beside her sat the Sect Master of the Silver Moon Sect, Wu Xiao, discussing something with one of the sect masters of a mid-tier sect seated on the platform below. And finally, to the far right sat the sect master of the Heavenly Peak Sect, Zhen YiLan, stroking his fluffy white beard thoughtfully, his eyes unfocused.

With steady steps, Qinghe unhurriedly walked up to his master.

Sensing someone nearing, Zhen YiLan looked up, then was slightly startled to see his disciple approaching him.

“Master, this disciple offers his greetings,” Qinghe said with a respectful bow the moment he arrived in front of his master.

“Qing-er, you’re here!” Zhen YiLan exclaimed somewhat disbelievingly.

Feeling relieved that his disciple had finally made it to the tournament in time, Zhen YiLan unthinkingly reached out a palm as if to pat Qinghe’s head. But sensing the approaching touch, Qinghe instinctively dodged it even as he remained bowing.

Zhen YiLan froze, then lowered his hand with a dejected look.

Then quickly recovering, he motioned for his wayward disciple to stand up as he began to complain, “Qing-er, you didn’t even come to greet me after you returned! I was so worried that you were upset with your master. But when I came to give you a gift and reconcile, you were…uh, busy.”

Hearing the awkwardness in Zhen YiLan’s voice and remembering how he’d turned away his master by saying that he was ‘in the middle of getting fucked’, Qinghe inwardly winced in utter embarrassment.

Mustering up a sincere expression, he spoke, “Yes, I apologize, Master. And thank you very much for the manual. It is very much appreciated.”

Seeing that Qinghe seemed to have truly liked the gift, Zhen YiLan showed a pleased expression even as waved his hand to dismiss his disciple’s gratitude. “There’s no need to thank me. I only did what I should for my dear little disciple. But Qing-er, why haven’t you come out of your room these past few days?”

Still maintaining the sincere look in his eyes, Qinghe solemnly replied, “After I returned from my visit to the palace, I was too tired, so I spent all this time in my room recuperating and relaxing with my lover.”

Sitting at the side and having been listening to this master and disciple’s conversation all this while, Wu Xiao sneered to himself after hearing Qinghe’s words.

He knew just what type of ‘recuperating and relaxing’ this Disciple Feng and that Sentinel lover of his must have been doing. After spending so many days in the room beside theirs, Wu Xiao could honestly say that he hadn’t met many people with such a high stamina, constantly going at it despite the time of the day, then appearing relaxed and fresh-faced the next time they met. It was really enviable!

Zhen YiLan, on the other hand, was very pleased to hear that this worrisome disciple of his had actually been looking after himself all this time. Maybe having a lover who would now constantly worry over him had spurred his second disciple to take better care of himself as well.

Thinking this, Zhen YiLan nodded to himself with a small, satisfied smile.

“I see. If you were resting, then that’s good. So Qing-er, how was your trip to the capital? I heard that a while back, just before you returned, there was some sort of a major upheaval. I think it was something about the imperial household changing or rebels rising and causing a disturbance. Did that affect your stay or give you any trouble?” Zhen YiLan asked his disciple with concern.

Hearing this naïve statement, the thoughts of the surrounding sect masters and Elders were unanimous―

How could Zhen YiLan believe that his disciple had nothing to do with this? No matter how you looked, considering Feng Qinghe’s personality, he must clearly be the reason for the aforementioned upheaval!

As if not noticing the others’ incredulous gazes, Qinghe answered calmly, “Thank you for your concern, Master. Your disciple had a pleasant and uneventful stay in the capital.”

Listening to this, all the venerable people sitting around them showed appalled expressions.

After inciting and managing the rebellion that changed the dynasty of an entire empire, this disciple actually had the gall to say that he had an uneventful stay! The eavesdropping sect masters all wanted to spit up blood in frustration!

On the other hand, clueless to his peers’ aggravation, Zhen YiLan nodded while stroking his fluffy beard. “Then that’s good. As for politics and those sorts of matters, someone as innocent as my Qing-er will just get eaten whole if you step into such shark-infested waters. Yes, it’s a very good thing that you steered out of trouble this time.”

All the surrounding sect masters cried tears of blood in their hearts at Zhen YiLan’s willful blindness. What ‘steered out of trouble’? Your disciple Feng Qinghe is obviously the one who started the trouble in the first place! If politics were shark-infested waters, then your disciple would be the water dragon devouring those poor, helpless sharks!

As if hearing their inner grievances, Qinghe lightly swept his gaze over the surrounding sect masters and Elders. For some reason, feeling those dark eyes being cast over them, all these remarkable personages felt eerie chills running up and down their backs as if in warning.

Everyone suddenly decided to pay the utmost attention to the competition grounds with focused eyes and brows furrowed in concentration.

Nope, they didn’t hear anything at all! And by no means were they going to poke their nose into that master and disciple pair’s business. If Zhen YiLan was ignorant, then let him stay that way. After all, ignorance was bliss!

With a satisfied glint that was quickly hidden away, Qinghe turned back to his master with his gaze radiating guilelessness and a face wreathed in an amiable expression as usual. “Now that this disciple has paid greetings to Master, I would be remiss if I didn’t do the same to the other sect masters and Elders. So Master, please excuse me.”

Zhen YiLan nodded happily while thinking how courteous and well-mannered his little disciple had turned out to be. On the other hand, the others simply felt that Feng Qinghe was threatening them with that sentence.

As if unable to see their stiff and cautious expressions, Qinghe gracefully greeted each of the sect masters and Elders before stopping in front of the sect master of Drifting Clouds Sect, Lu Feiyu.

“Feng Qinghe, you exceeded my expectations yet again,” Lu Feiyu commented drily to the disciple in front of him.

Lu Feiyu had only asked this disciple to help the Ping household maintain its status in those turbulent times, and yet Qinghe had overturned the entire Xing Long Empire itself and helped instate them as the new imperial family! To say he had held up his end of the bargain would be a gross understatement. Lu Feiyu couldn’t help but feel both horrified and impressed with this disciple’s capability.

Smiling elegantly, Qinghe spoke, “I’m glad to hear that you approve of the way I chose to fulfill your request, Sect Master Lu. Please don’t forget what you promised me in return.”

Lu Feiyu rolled his eyes discreetly as he replied, “Yes, yes. Twenty ghost lotuses, I remember. I’ve already reserved them for you. When they bloom, you can come and pick up your payment.”

“I see. Then I will. Then may Sect Master Lu please excuse me,” Qinghe said as he returned to his master’s side.

Seeing his disciple coming his way again, Zhen YiLan showed a worried expression. “Qing-er, is something else the matter? If you need your master’s help with anything, just ask.”

Hearing this, Qinghe couldn’t help warmth from seeping into his eyes. His master was truly a good person who obviously cared for him very much. And so, Qinghe decided to give his master the one thing he had never been able to give before.

Bending down, Qinghe carefully wrapped his arms around his master.

Zhen YiLan froze.

This… Was his disciple actually hugging him? This couldn’t be right, he must be dreaming!

Qinghe let go of his unresponsive master and straightened again as if nothing of note had happened. In a casual tone, he advised, “Master, from now onwards, if you wish to touch me, please indicate it beforehand so that I can prepare myself mentally to accept it.”

Then with a turn of his heel and a swish of his robes, Qinghe descended the platform, seamlessly blending into the crowd of disciples.

Zhen YiLan kept staring in wonder. In all these years, his beloved disciple had never once let him or anyone except those twins touch him, and he had definitely never initiated a hug like this himself.

As he felt his eyes stinging due to complicated emotions, Zhen YiLan decided that having a lover definitely suited his disciple.

Not knowing the impact his actions had had on his master, Qinghe was casually drifting among the disciples while curiously observing the layout of the competition grounds. He glanced once to the side where the huge curtain hiding the preparations blocked the view beyond, then shifted his gaze away as a group of disciples approached him to talk.

Though he knew that Jing Shui was somewhere here, Qinghe did not intend to hunt him down just so they could chat. If he wanted to talk, he could just contact his friend at any time. After all, they weren’t strangers. And since the few other disciples he was truly close to, like the twins and his senior brother, were unable to participate and were busy with their cultivation and duties, Qinghe spent most of this time speaking to casual acquaintances or disciples he had never conversed with before.

Qinghe passed the time in this way until the first stage began. Sometimes he talked with a few other head disciples from the various sects, at other times he listened as a few speculated about the contents of the first stage, which would test the disciples’ spirit sensing. Every time in the Hundred-Year Tournament, the test in the first stage alone was always different.

As the participating disciples all eagerly chattered, the loud and clear sound of a bell suddenly rang out, piercing through the noise.

The people quietened as they all turned to face in the direction of the sound, only to see a giant silver bell hanging from a tall stone frame that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

In front of the bell stood a row of Elders who were clearly in charge of invigilating the tests.

“The first stage of the Hundred-Year Tournament is now about to commence!” announced one of the Elders in a sonorous and grand voice.

Further behind the bell, the curtain of spiritual energy that had been blocking the view suddenly shifted and began to part, revealing the scene beyond.

On that newly revealed part of the plain that was backed by the slope was the competition area for the first stage.

There were several large cylindrical chambers placed on the ground in a neat row, their walls transparent and made out of spiritual power molded into barriers. The cylinders were as high as they were wide and filled to the brim with round glassy marbles of various colors. A ring of spells circled the bottom of each cylinder, its purpose being to keep up the cylindrical walls of spiritual power.

Attached to the front of each cylinder was an enchanted stone tablet to accurately measure and display the time each participant took to complete the task.

As for the rules for the first stage, the invigilating Elders soon began explaining them.

The objective was for the disciples to use their spirit sense and find marbles of a specific shade in the cylinder, the color itself being randomly chosen, and then to crush only those particularly colored marbles in the shortest possible time.

Qinghe could already guess that many would find this test difficult, because if they used a bit too much force and made the marbles spill out of the filled-to-the-brim cylinder, they would be disqualified. Also, the ability to accurately detect different shades of colors using their spiritual perception was in itself a very difficult to acquire skill. On top of that, if they so much as chipped a marble that was not of their designated color, they would lose points.

And so, to quickly find marbles of a particular color would test the strength of the disciples’ ability, and having to accurately crush only those specific marbles would test both their precision and control.

All in all, Qinghe felt that it was a comprehensive and well thought out test.

To qualify for this stage and earn points, a disciple had to score less than a hundred instants on the rectangular black stone tablet mounted in front of each cylinder. Each instant was represented by a white dot and amounted to one-hundredth of a second. To put it in other words, one had to finish the task in less than a second to qualify. This difficulty level was enough to weed out more than ninety-five percent of the disciples.

The number of points for each of the disciples who qualified in the first stage was determined by tallying the number of instances they earned and their cultivation level. After all, a disciple in a higher realm would of course perform better. It would be unfair if the final results were based on the instances alone.

The final score calculated using this method would only be revealed at the end of the third stage, just before the score for all three stages are tallied and the champion is finally named.

Once the Elders finished reciting the rules and the procedure for this stage, the disciples were asked to line up in front of a cylinder to finally begin the first stage of the Hundred-Year Tournament.

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