Heavenly Soul [BL]

Chapter 90: Reinforced Bonds

As the night grew long, Qinghe continued asking his father questions as Wei Xiang sat by his side.

“A while ago in the imperial palace of the Xing Long Empire, an Elder from Silver Mist told us that the reason the Order of Sentinels was established was directly linked to me. Grandmaster, do you know why she would say that?” Qinghe asked yet another question.

Feng Huixin took some time to put his thoughts in order before he began speaking, “When I first descended here, I was appalled by the lawlessness of this world, though that in itself was not enough to spur me into taking such a drastic measure like creating the Order. But when I thought that this was the world my son would fall into sometime in the future, I couldn’t bear to let it stay like that.

“As futile as I know my hopes turned out to be, at that time, I didn’t want you to suffer in such a dangerous world. That was why I worked as hard as I could to clean up this world and maintain order as I roamed the lands, hoping to find some small scrap of information about you. So truthfully, you really are the reason the Order of Sentinels came to be.”

Both Qinghe and Wei Xiang felt surprised at hearing this.

“Master, why didn’t you use the Sentinels’ resources to look for him? It would have spared everyone a lot of pain and effort,” Wei Xiang spoke up.

Looking as if he was considering how to answer his disciple, Feng Huixin finally said, “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to. But by the time the Order of Sentinels became established enough to be of use in that aspect, I had already made a lot of enemies in this world.

“To conduct an effective search for Qinghe, I would have had to reveal his existence to quite a few people. And if this information got leaked and my enemies found even the slightest hint that I had a son, I was afraid that what happened in the heavenly realm would occur once more and that he would be taken hostage to threaten me. I didn’t want to risk that, and so I kept it to myself. Even now, despite the world being more or less at peace, I still have a formidable enemy who would stop at nothing to hurt me.”

Wei Xiang frowned. “Master, do you mean the leader of the Black Fang organization?”

Feng Huixin gave a slight nod.

Wei Xiang didn’t ask anything more. If they kept going down that line of thought, he was afraid they would just start talking about Sentinel business again. Their time together right now was supposed to be for Qinghe and his master to bond by conversing. Wei Xiang did not want to jeopardize that.

As if understanding this, Qinghe asked another question that diverted the topic. “Grandmaster, there’re a few more things I wanted to talk about. When I fell, I clearly remember that the air in this world felt very rough and unpleasant. I could feel that breathing it in was making me noticeably weaker. Do you think it was because of the difference in air quality between the heavenly realm and this world?

“And there are a few other things I don’t understand. Why did I get so injured if I was still a deity at that time, and how could my cultivation be suppressed so easily by a low-level spirit suppressing collar? How did I get mistaken for a mortal if I was a deity? And how come you didn’t notice that another deity had descended into this world?”

As he fired off a barrage of questions, Qinghe’s eyes began to gleam with the need to know. After finally meeting his father and finding that he could, and was willing, to answer every one of his doubts, Qinghe let his curiosity loose.

Seeing those bright and inquisitive eyes looking at him expectantly, Feng Huixin couldn’t help but think how Qinghe reminded him of when he was a child. It seemed that despite everything, his son still retained quite a few of his characteristics from when he was younger.

Unable to deny that shining gaze, Feng Huixin began answering all the questions one by one in a measured tone, “At the time you fell from the heavenly realm to this world, your deity-level cultivation that had still been growing into itself must have suffered a serious injury as you tore through the space between worlds without preparation. As such, your cultivation must not have had time to recover when it was sealed by the spirit suppressing collar while you had yet to recuperate from the fall.

“Regarding your question about the difference in air quality between the heavenly realm and this world, it is somewhat true. The heavenly realm is saturated with pure spiritual energy. As someone born there, you would have naturally gotten used to breathing it in and absorbing its power subconsciously. So when you first fell into this world, the lesser amount of spiritual energy, along with the presence of a mixture of negative energies, must have made you feel that the air was abrasive and uncomfortable. And without being able to absorb power from the air to supplement your own, you would have felt like you were becoming weaker.”

Feng Huixin paused for a bit as he tried not to imagine all that his son would have thought and felt at that time.

Then regaining his composure, he once again began speaking, his eyes without ripples and his voice patient as he went on to explain, “As for why you got injured despite your status as a deity, it was because the impure air of the mortal world must have soaked into you, dissipating the divine essence in you and making you more vulnerable. This is also why you must have seemed like a mortal to the denizens of this world.

“And the reason why I failed to notice your arrival was because no sooner had you entered this world than your cultivation weakened due to injury from falling through the unstable spatial rip. This sequence of events happened too fast and too close together, so I hadn’t had the chance to sense the arrival of a deity-level child. Also, though I might be somewhat powerful, my precision is only average, so my spirit sense is not accurate enough to have told me of any disturbances caused by your arrival while I was so far away from the area at that time. It’s your mother who generally excels in that aspect.”

Before his son could fire off another round of queries, Feng Huixin decided to address a few issues on his own.

“To answer any other questions you might have, I will tell you this: over the years you spent at that illegally run orphanage, the injury to your cultivation must have gotten healed on its own. Thus, when the collar was removed, your level had tried to shoot up to the deity stage. Thankfully, restrictions were applied on your soul in time, or else the presence of two deities on one plane would have caused this world to be torn apart.

“The spiritual capacity of this world is such that it can only contain the power of one deity. If two deities unleash their full strength at the same time, this world will break. That is why your falling into this plane while I was still in it was dangerous, especially so since you had just regained your powers and hence would have been inexperienced in controlling it.”

Qinghe intently listened to his father recite this long string of information with a look of concentration.

Coughing lightly at being the center of his son’s focused attention like this, Feng Huixin asked, “Do you have anything else you’d like to know?”

Immediately nodding, Qinghe spoke, “Grandmaster, do I have any siblings?”

Feng Huixin had to take a moment to adjust to the sudden change in subject before he could reply, “No, you do not have any siblings. By the time you were conceived, your mother and I had already ascended. And deities have a very difficult time conceiving and carrying a child to term, so it is unlikely that you will ever gain a sibling.”

Then pausing in thought, he added, “But if you want a brother or sister, we can always adopt.”

Hearing this, Qinghe seemed to be pondering over it seriously even as his lips curved in a playful smile. “Or you could carry the child instead of my mother. I’ve heard that there are ways for a man to carry his spouse’s child. It’s a somewhat complicated method that involves the couple melding their blood, spiritual energies, and other things, then putting it in the male’s dantian. Of course, there are several other steps and procedures involved as well. But nevertheless, technically it is indeed possible for me to gain a blood-related sibling if you use this method. So Grandmaster, are you willing to give it a try?”


Dumbfounded, Feng Huixin didn’t even know how to reply to this.

Seeming somewhat lost, he finally looked at his son’s impish smile and said, “…Qinghe, I’m realizing that you really are very similar to your mother.”

Unable to help himself at the abject helplessness he heard in his father’s voice, Qinghe started laughing.

Listening to this cheerful sound, both Wei Xiang and Feng Huixin looked at Qinghe with unhidden affection in their eyes.

As Qinghe’s laughter wound down, Wei Xiang asked him in a teasing voice, “Love, by saying that, are you trying to hint to me that you want to carry my child in the future?”

Hearing this unreasonable statement, Qinghe immediately burst out, “Oi, Xiang! Who said that!”

“Oh? Isn’t that what you meant?” Wei Xiang spoke while blinking innocently.

“Hmph! If I did that and ended up with a bulging belly, then I wouldn’t be able to wander about as I want to while going around poking my nose into other people’s secrets, now could I?”

Chuckling, Wei Xiang observed, “I see that my little lover is very self-aware. But don’t worry, if you don’t want to, then I will.”

Qinghe looked at his beloved blankly. “You will what?”

“If you want a child but don’t want to carry it, then I’ll just do it for you,” Wei Xiang replied with a nonchalant smirk.

Feeling his thoughts screeching to a halt, Qinghe blurted out, “…What?”

In a patient tone that hid his mischief, Wei Xiang reiterated once again, “I’m saying that if we ever get the opportunity, I’ll bear us cute little children.”

Qinghe leaned back and looked down skeptically at his lover’s flat, firm, and muscled abdomen that was currently hidden behind clothes, trying to imagine it swollen with a baby.

“…” He couldn’t see it. He really couldn’t see it.

Watching from the side as the couple played around like this, Feng Huixin felt content in his heart, his joy reflecting in his eyes.

It seemed that these two people that he cared about were really doing well together.

For example, his disciple was usually majestic and indifferent, his presence imposing. But his face was now all wreathed in warm smiles and tender expressions as he teased his beloved, no sign of his usually sardonic wryness and indifference to be found.

Likewise, Qinghe had also shed his distance and the pleasant mask he usually seemed to wear, his expression animated and more natural. His son had on such a happy smile, looking just like his mother when she was out cheerfully murdering people―  ehem, he meant having fun.

Seeing how the youngsters were getting along well and how they seemed to be enjoying their life, Feng Huixin felt gladdened that the worries he had felt were unfounded.

Because, in a way, both Qinghe and Wei Xiang usually seemed somewhat displaced, as if they did not belong in this world and were unable to fully integrate into it. They both stood apart from the people of this world, living alongside them, but standing separate from them as well.

For Qinghe, it was because he truly wasn’t of this world. Having been conceived and born in Heaven, even as a child, he was a deity through and through, unable to mix well among mortals.

Wei Xiang, on the other hand, was from a different time altogether, his egg having stayed unhatched since ancient times. From the moment he had tumbled out of his egg, he must have already felt out of place.

And yet, these two people, one from a different place and another from a different time, had somehow managed to find each other, making a home together and living a happy, fulfilling life.

And seeing that his two sons, one by blood and the other by bond, were leading such content and joyful days, how could Feng Huixin not feel satisfied as well?

“Ah, I almost forgot!” Qinghe suddenly exclaimed.

Leaning against his beloved’s shoulder, he turned towards his father. “Grandmaster, is it alright for someone who already ascended to come back down? I’m not talking about a special case like yours, but more generally. I’m just wondering if I would be allowed to come and visit the people I know down here in this world after I ascend.”

Feng Huixin nodded and assured, “Yes, you can. The heavenly court doesn’t mind and even encourages deities, newly ascended or not, to go down and check on their loved ones occasionally until they pass away or ascend themselves.”

Qinghe felt surprised. “Is it really alright? In that case, won’t most newly ascended deities just stay in their home worlds until their friends and family die? Are the deities of Heaven not worried about the impact that that many ascended deities congregating in the mortal world may cause?”

Inwardly marveling at how his son seemed to be full of questions, Feng Huixin calmly answered, “As long as the deities don’t try to influence or interfere with the worlds too much―like setting up power bases or asking to be worshipped, for example―they are allowed to come and go as they please, though they are advised to keep their identity a secret.

“And even though the newly ascended deities might focus more on the mundane world at first, as their loved ones begin leaving the world one by one, they will slowly begin to integrate into the heavenly realm until they feel more at home there. It might take hundreds or thousands of years, but the time taken to transition doesn’t matter in the large scheme of things as long as the deities gain closure on their lives before they ascended. As the years go on, they will eventually be left without ties to the mortal world.

“Though it might be a slow process, Heaven does prefer to be kind. After all, if it were inflexible and cold, who would want to spend all that effort to ascend?”

Qinghe nodded, thinking that what his father said was reasonable.

Feeling somewhat tired, he shifted to rest his head on Wei Xiang’s shoulder as he suppressed a yawn, then continued asking his father even more questions. And without leaving a single one, Feng Huixin also unwearyingly answered them all.

The night stretched longer as father and son chatted, with Wei Xiang occasionally pitching in to subtly help his lover and master get closer, though most of the time, he was content to stay at the side as a spectator and watch Qinghe and Feng Huixin reestablishing their familial bonds in their own way.

Somewhere in the middle of Feng Huixin clarifying yet another doubt, Qinghe drifted off while listening to his father’s steady and soothing voice.

Hearing soft snores, Feng Huixin stopped speaking, looking at his sleeping son with surprise.

Wei Xiang smiled as he whispered, not wanting to wake his little lover up, “He’s probably tired after having to expend some energy today in the tournament. But the very fact that he is able to fall asleep in your presence itself means that he has accepted you. Master, you can rest assured now.”

Feng Huixin’s eyes slightly widened with the realization that his disciple was indeed right. For his son who had gone through various dangerous things and risky situations, he would definitely not fall asleep in front of someone he didn’t trust. In this aspect as well, he was very like his mother.

Repositioning Qinghe into his arms, Wei Xiang slowly stood up while carrying his beloved, being careful not to jostle him awake.

“Master, please excuse me. I’ll go and lay Qinghe to bed.”

Looking up at his third disciple, Feng Huixin solemnly spoke, “Xiang-er, thank you for giving us time to talk and staying beside us all this time.”

Hearing this, Wei Xiang showed a wry smile as he replied matter-of-factly, “Master, the both of you are the people I care about the most. I would of course help you reconcile with each other.”

Hearing Wei Xiang say this with an imperturbable tone, a rare impulse to tease his disciple came over Feng Huixin.

With his usual expressionless face, he remarked, “If your senior brother heard of this, he’d be saddened that he wasn’t included in the top two people you most care about.”

Since Wei Xiang didn’t want to scoff rudely right to his master’s face, he deliberately turned his head away and replied, “Who cares about that idiot senior brother of mine.”

Not willing to discuss about Kong Min anymore, Wei Xiang walked to the bed, his steps slow and steady.

Feng Huixin’s eyes showed a smile as he watched Wei Xiang gently lying Qinghe on the bed. After removing his peacefully sleeping lover’s outer robes, Wei Xiang carefully positioned him so that he would be comfortable, then covered him with a quilt.

In a quiet tone, Feng Huixin spoke, “Xiang-er, do you consider him your mate?”

Wei Xiang silently walked back to the table and sat down opposite to his master. Then he simply answered, “Yes, I do.”

“And does your beast not mind?” Feng Huixin couldn’t help but ask.

He didn’t want his sons to end up separated and sad because of incompatibility, so he had to make sure. After all, Wei Xiang’s beast instincts were a very distinct part of him. Even though he had learned to act more like a human than a spiritual beast, the effect that his heritage had on him was undeniable.

“Even if you like him, can your beast accept a mate with whom it cannot procreate?”

But shaking his head easily, Wei Xiang put these worries to rest. “Master, at this point, my beast is already more than enamored with him. It definitely accepts Qinghe as its mate.”

Then smiling with amusement, he went on, “It is actually quite satisfied that it now has a fellow predator to play and roll around with as it wants. My beast also respects Qinghe as its equal. It feels quite gleeful that it managed to capture the affections of such a sneaky and powerful predator. Rather than disliking him, I’m afraid it likes him too much.”

Hearing this, the corners of Feng Huixin’s lips twitched as if trying to curl up. “I see… Then that’s good.”

After a while more of talking with his disciple, Feng Huixin finally got up and left to manage the Order.

Once Wei Xiang sent his master off, he removed his outer clothes and laid down beside his little lover to also sleep.

Outside, the moon slid across the sky as the night continued on, before a glimmer at the horizon heralded the arrival of dawn.

The next morning, Qinghe and Wei Xiang woke up and went through their morning rituals as usual. Wei Xiang headed to the Sentinel headquarters to work while Qinghe spent the day continuously training a batch of junior disciples, including the twins, in weapons-based combat.

By the time Qinghe finally felt that the juniors had learnt enough for one day, it was already evening.

Keenly feeling the sweat and dust sticking to his skin, he couldn’t help but wish for a warm bath. And so, Qinghe retrieved a large tub from his spatial storage, then set off to fill it with water before heating it up with a talisman. Once everything was ready, he happily got in.

Qinghe leaned back relaxedly in the tub of warm water, his eyes closed and body loose as he wound down after a long day.

The scene was like that of a tranquil painting, drawn with simple lines and colored in mild shades, yet exuding a relaxed and leisurely elegance that brimmed with quiet sensuality. Thin vapor rose slowly from the water, softening the picture further and lending it a dream-like quality.

Qinghe’s slick, dark hair seemed especially stark against the mild colors, glistening wetly and trailing down over a pale chest and firm back, like a waterfall of black flowing down in glossy strands. Clear rivulets of water slid over smooth and lustrous skin before plopping lightly onto the water surface.

Steam misted over his enchanting features as he laid reposed in the tub, making his stunning face look infinitely more charming. The vapor beaded into crystalline droplets, causing his thick black lashes to glitter with moisture, the drops perched on it trembling as his eyelids eased open, revealing a pair of clear and calm eyes that shone like stars.

The gentle sounds of rippling water sloshing placidly in the tub could be heard as the figure within shifted slightly.

Lazily bending his head, Qinghe perused his own body with critical eyes as he wondered just what his Xiang liked about it.

Qinghe felt mostly indifferent towards his own body and treated it as a tool that he used to accomplish things. And just like how tools must be properly maintained to keep functioning, so too did he take care of his health so that his body would remain in optimum condition and stay useful.

But whenever Qinghe was with Wei Xiang, as he saw his beloved’s gaze turning worshipful while his hands and eyes roamed over his skin, his Xiang’s lips sliding over his flesh that was made sensitive by a lover’s touch, Qinghe started feeling that his body might actually be somewhat beautiful.

After all, something that made his lover show such a fascinated expression must definitely be very good, shouldn’t it?

As Qinghe pondered over this, he sensed someone approaching him quietly from behind, but he didn’t turn to look.

Soon, he heard the sounds of rustling as clothes were unfastened, and the soft shushing as they fell to the floor. Then the newly arrived person stepped closer and a pair of firm arms wrapped around Qinghe from behind, tugging him back so that his head rested on a warm and bare chest.

Qinghe looked down to see that the arms looping around him were colored with a tint of honey that contrasted against his own pale white skin. Qinghe trailed his fingers lightly over those familiar arms, his eyes showing wonder.

Then turning around, he tilted his head up just in time for his lover’s lips to meet his in a gentle kiss.

Without a word exchanged, Wei Xiang entered the large tub and extended a hand, and without a word spoken, Qinghe immediately lifted his bottom to accept his beloved’s fingers into him.

A few minutes of preparation later, Wei Xiang seated his little lover on his lap and entered him slowly.

The couple softly groaned at the comfortable feeling of being fully connected once again. Though need burned under their skin, they did not immediately begin to move, just sitting there face to face and peering into each other’s eyes with flushed cheeks.

“What were you thinking about just now?” Wei Xiang whispered in a low and intimate voice.

“…I was just wondering about something,” Qinghe replied softly.

Smiling and nuzzling his lover, Wei Xiang prodded, “Oh? Tell me.”

Leaning back to escape the teasing, Qinghe rested an arm on the edge of the tub and raised his other hand, placing the fingertips over his own chest as he asked, “Xiang, do you find this body pleasing?”

Wei Xiang raised an eyebrow, but still dutifully responded, “No matter what your body looks like, I would still find it very pleasing.”

Qinghe pouted, unsatisfied by what he thought of as a placating answer.

“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me to get mad,” he complained.

Tempted by his little lover’s pout, Wei Xiang pulled him in for a kiss. Then raising his beloved up by his hips, Wei Xiang began slowly moving him up and down, making his hard member slide in and out of his little lover’s tight passage.

Clutching the edge of the tub, Qinghe momentarily forgot his dissatisfaction as breathy gasps and low moans were drawn out of him.

But not wanting his Qinghe to misunderstand anything, Wei Xiang leaned into his beloved and explained in a hoarse whisper, “No matter how your body looks, it’s you, the person inhabiting it, that makes it attractive to me. I can’t explain it properly, but if I had to…then I’d say it’s the way you curve your waist when you bend, the way your fingers play with your hair sometimes when you’re thinking deeply about something, the emotions you display in those eyes, the way you curve your lips when you smile, the angle at which you tilt your chin… All these little details that only you can make your body show are what make it pleasing to me. I only like this body because you are in it.”

Qinghe had honestly not expected his Xiang to expound on this topic to this degree. Listening to his beloved’s warm and pleasant voice whispering such sweet things softly into his ear, Qinghe felt his face flush further as his heart hummed with happiness.

Breathlessly, Qinghe groused with a hint of playfulness, “…You make it sound as if I’m a ghost possessing another’s body.”

“Love, you certainly possess my heart,” Wei Xiang replied smoothly with a chuckle.

As his lover’s thrusts became faster and harder, his passion winding impossibly tighter, Qinghe squeezed his eyes shut and painstakingly gasped out between pants, “Xiang…you… You’re such a…sweet-talker…”

Wei Xiang kissed Qinghe’s closed eyelids, his lips then trailing down over his lover’s cheeks as he murmured into the soft skin, “Only for you, my beloved.”

And the couple thus spent another sweet and gentle evening together.

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