Today is sunday, also is the business department weekly summary meeting.

Qi ya walked into the meeting room with her business colleagues and found an inconspicuous seat. The manager, zhang zhiyuan, hadn' t arrived yet, and the salesmen were talking to each other.

"I heard that the manager left at the end of this month. The company is going to choose a new manager in our business department these days. "Zhang Jing looked at wang yiran, his eyes twinkling, and he lowered his voice.

"Really? Looks like your guy's got a shot. Who else in our business department is qualified for this? "Said the king, still somewhat fawning.

Zhang Jing pretended to look around unintentionally, then lowered his head and turned his head slightly to wang yiran's ear." En, let me tell you. Actually, Dongming really didn' t take this position seriously, but a person still has to go step by step, right? "

Wang yiran nodded in agreement.

Seeing that wang yiran did not say anything, Zhang Jing continued to whisper in her ear," the manager may suggest Dongming during the meeting later. Don't forget to support him. I will treat you to dinner. "

"Don't worry. "The king still looked at the tacit understanding of Zhang Jing and smiled at each other.

Qi ya sat alone in her chair, holding the black pen and clicking aimlessly on her notebook. As she thought about the two hundred thousand dollars in her head, her eyes darkened. For the past seven years, in order to support her and her son, she had worked hard, but after paying the rent and living expenses, as well as the custody fees of her son, she had no savings at all. Not to mention 200,000 yuan, it was a problem for her to be able to pay 20,000 yuan now!

Two hundred thousand! Where is she going to get the money?

Qi ya sighed heavily in her heart. She raised her head and inadvertently glanced at the money tree in the corner of the wall.

Life exists everywhere with its strong willpower ...

Qi ya's eyes darkened. Where was her hope in life?

The sales manager, zhang zhiyuan, walked in from outside the door, and the meeting room instantly fell silent.

Sitting down in the middle of the conference table, zhang zhiyuan's gaze slid across everyone's face.when he saw qi ya, who was in a daze, his eyes paused for a moment before he left.

"Today's meeting will only talk about two things. First, starting next month, our sales department will receive a commission from the original 1. Five points, three points. "

The moment zhang zhiyuan finished speaking, the salesperson's face was filled with surprise. There is nothing more demoralizing than hearing such material news.

Looking at the smiles on everyone's faces, zhang zhiyuan paused for a moment before continuing," you may have heard that I have to leave the company for personal reasons." Before I leave, I will choose a new manager within us. If you think you are qualified, you can recommend yourself to me and write a detailed plan. "

"Manager, can I recommend someone else? "Asked the king, suddenly interjecting.

"Of course! Zhang zhiyuan nodded with a faint smile.

"Then I recommend xiao Dongming! The king still raised his hand to speak his mind.

"I also recommend xiao Dongming ..." Someone chimed in.

"Me too ..."

"I recommend qi ya! A discordant voice rang.

Everyone looked at Zhang Jing, especially wang yiran. Their eyes widened in disbelief, completely unable to understand why she did this ...

"I think qi ya's ability isn' t bad either. We' ve seen her performance! "Answered Zhang Jing, smiling at zhang zhiyuan.

Zhang zhiyuan nodded in approval.

Everyone looked at qi ya again ...

At this moment, qi ya lowered her head slightly. Thinking about 200,000 yuan and the little green that she had just seen, she was lost in thought ...

Qi ya sat opposite zhang zhiyuan, her head slightly lowered, her hands tightly clenched together, like a schoolboy who had done something wrong.

"Is something wrong? Zhang zhiyuan asked quietly as he looked at qi ya's nervous face.

"No ... No ..." Qi ya shook her head and fell silent again.

"Every time the sales department meets, you' re the most serious one. This time, you don' t even know what I' m talking about in the meeting. You even said you' re fine? Zhang zhiyuan looked at her angrily.

"I'm ... Really fine! Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan's scrutinized gaze and lowered her head. She knew that zhang zhiyuan had always taken care of her.ever since she came to this company, she had been causing him trouble. If he knew he owed two hundred thousand, he would do his best to pay his debts.

She really didn' t want to trouble him anymore, so now, she chose to remain silent.

"Is it time to pay the rent? Zhang zhiyuan continued to stare at her, knowing that she had always been nervous financially.

"No! Qi ya smiled and shook her head.

"What on earth happened? Zhang zhiyuan was a little annoyed by qi ya's attitude, but he couldn' t do anything to her.

"Manager, I'm really all right! I just ... I'm not feeling well ... Ah, I'm sleepy! Qi ya gave a random reason and yawned on purpose.

"Really? Zhang zhiyuan looked at her with confusion.

"Well, I don't know why, but now I want to go home and sleep. Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan and chuckled.

Zhang zhiyuan stared at qi ya for a few seconds and looked at her helplessly." Alright, since you won' t tell me, let me know when you want to." Ziya, I recommended you to the company to be the sales manager. Your work ability is outstanding during this period of time, the boss is also very appreciative of you, have a thought to prepare, don't embarrass me at that time. "

"Ah? Business manager? Me? Qi ya suddenly widened her eyes and looked at zhang zhiyuan, unable to believe what she had heard.

"Yes! Zhang zhiyuan couldn' t help but smile at her.

"No, no! I can't do it! I can't do it! I'm a business manager? Ha! She would be laughed to death! Qi ya did not even think about it.she could not even take care of herself and become a business manager? Absolutely not!

"Why not? In this world, as long as you want to do, there is nothing impossible! "Said zhang zhiyuan, staring at her.

"Manager, please forgive me, I really can't! Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan pleadingly.

Zhang zhiyuan looked at qi ya's expression and thought for a moment, then looked at her deeply and said," do you remember how you entered the company? "

Qi ya looked at him and pursed her lips in silence ...

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