Therefore, for the past few days, he had been enduring the urge to disturb qi ya. However, when he heard her voice, his heart still felt a deep sense of disappointment and bitterness. Fate is sometimes like this, when fate comes, you bravely extend your hand, grasp may be happiness, but if you hesitate a little, miss is life.

"He explained it to you? When? Qi ya was a little surprised. Hadn' t long haochen been with her for the past few days? He didn' t have a cell phone in the temple at all.when did he call shu zijun?

"It was already very late that night ..." Shu zijun replied with a faint smile.

"Really? Qi ya didn' t know what to say.she really wanted to know what long haochen had said to shu zijun, but she didn' t have the courage to ask him.shu zijun liked her and asked him about long haochen, which was somewhat cruel.

Qi ya, I' m sorry. I have a guest. Let's talk another time. "Said shu zijun, looking at the secretary who had entered the office.

"Well, I won't bother you, goodbye! "

"Good-bye! "

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, qi ya put down the receiver. From the phone call earlier, shu zijun had given up on her and felt relieved. No matter what long haochen said to him, at least from now on, she would not have any psychological burden. Qi ya adjusted her thoughts a little. What had happened in the past two days was so sudden that she had no time to digest it. For some reason, her mood was still a little chaotic. Knowing that she was not in her state, she picked up her bag and left. She's still a" dead person," so the first thing she needs to deal with is her account. Knowing that the qi family was a dangerous place, she decided to go again.

After leaving the company building, qi ya walked along the sidewalk and looked at the cars in front of her and the people passing by. Thinking of her relationship with the qi family, qi ya's thoughts were in a mess. Although she had made an appointment with long haochen for a year, the thought that the woman who was engaged to long haochen was qi ning made her feel a little uncomfortable. On one side was her half-sister, on the other side was the man she had given herself to. Qi ya couldn' t let qi ning know about her relationship with long haochen, and she couldn' t tell long haochen about her relationship with qi ning.

Qi ya looked up at the road ahead and let out a long breath.

Bang! Qi ya, who was walking, suddenly felt a sharp bump on her shoulder. The intense pain on her shoulder made her loosen her grip on her bag. A pair of large hands reached out and grabbed her shoulder strap. Before she could react, the bag had completely left her arm. When she raised her head, the person holding the bag had already run away.

"Hey! My bag! Someone's got the bag! Qi ya shouted in panic. She gritted her teeth and ran a few steps before she saw that the person in front of her had disappeared. Qi ya watched as the man disappeared, but there was nothing she could do. She could only stomp her feet in anger.

"Don't worry, miss, I'll help you! An unfamiliar voice rang out from behind qi ya. Before she could react, a black figure had already disappeared in front of her.

Qi ya chased after him and ran a little breathless. In the end, she couldn' t run anymore, so she covered her stomach and walked forward with a frown. She had some doubts in her heart. She wondered if what that person said was true. In this society, no one dared to go up and help the old man when he fell on the road. Was there really someone who was so brave? Just as she was wondering, the young man who had chased after her suddenly ran back. He was holding the bag that qi ya had just lost.

Qi ya widened her eyes as she watched the man walk up to her. She couldn' t believe it.

"Miss, can you see if there's anything missing inside? The young man handed the bag back to qi ya and smiled at her.

"Thank you, thank you so much! Qi ya took her bag and kept saying thank you. She felt a little petty about her doubts just now. She quickly unzipped her bag and checked it. Fortunately, all her things were there. She smiled gratefully at the other party." Thank you!" There's nothing missing! "

"You're welcome. Be careful in the future. Goodbye! "The young man looked at her with a smile and then turned and strode away.

"Hey ... That ..." Before qi ya could finish her sentence, the young man had already left. Qi ya watched as the man gradually disappeared into the crowd and saw a leisure chair by the roadside. She walked over and sat down to calm herself down, then took out her phone from her bag and dialed the number of the qi family villa.

After what had happened earlier, she suddenly did not want to go to the qi family villa.

"Hello ..." As soon as the call was connected, kong xiangming's sharp voice rang out, and qi ya's eyebrows twitched slightly when he heard that cold and heartless voice.

"I am qi ya! "Answered qi ya coldly. Even if she could not see kong xiangming, she could imagine what kind of expression kong xiangming would have at this time. If she had plotted to kidnap him, would kong xiangming be surprised to hear her voice now? However, qi ya was a little curious. Would a ruthless woman like her be afraid too?

"You, you, you ... Who do you think you are? "Kong xiangming, who was eating fruits leisurely with his legs propped up, was shocked when he heard qi ya's voice. The fork in his hand almost fell to the ground due to panic. She stared in disbelief at the front, unable to believe that the person on the other end of the phone was really qi ya.

Isn't she dead?

"Qi ya! What? You forgot me after a few days? Qi ya smiled sarcastically. Kong xiangming's reaction really confirmed her conjecture. It seemed that the kidnapping had something to do with her!

"Qi ... Qi ya? Didn' t you already ..." Realizing that she had said something wrong, kong xiangming swallowed back his words. She swallowed her throat and looked at the servant beside her in a low voice." Wait a minute! "

Kong xiangming gasped nervously, his eyes filled with fear. Wasn' t qi ya already dead? Two days ago, she called that fifth brother. He assured himself that she would meet the king of hell even if she had nine lives. But why would she call me now? Could it be that her ghost came to the door? No, no! There were no ghosts on this sunny day. At this thought, kong xiangming's heart slowly calmed down. She grabbed the flashlight and nervously looked at the busy servants in the living room. She then gestured for the servants to leave and watched them walk out. Then, she put the receiver back to her ear.

"Are you really qi ya? "Asked kong xiangming, incredulous.

"I don' t know if I' m still qi ya. Didn' t you cancel my account already? You promised me a new identity a few days ago, now is the time? Qi ya sneered. Although she knew that she was the conspirator, she still did not want to make a scene with the qi family. Long haochen had told him that he had asked Wenfeng to investigate for a few days, but he had not found any results. That meant that even if he called the police, the police might not be able to find the murderer. Therefore, the first thing she solved was her identity. In this society, if you don' t have an identity card, it would be difficult for you to walk.

"Well, it's done. Let's meet somewhere! "Answered kong xiangming quickly, and his tone softened.

Qi ya raised her head and looked around. There was a boutique plaza across the street. She thought for a moment and replied," see you in the boutique plaza in half an hour!" "

"Good, good, good! I'm on my way! Wait for me! Kong xiangming quickly hung up the phone. She stood up uneasily from the sofa and walked back and forth in the living room. Then she went upstairs in a panic.

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