Heavenly treasure: ceo daddy, please pay the bill

Chapter 115 I Don't Feel like It

"Yes! Qi ya smiled embarrassedly and looked at wenji with surprise." Do you think I don' t look alike?" "

"No, no! I always thought that the business manager was made by men, but you are not only a woman but also so young! "Wenzhi answered truthfully. He really did not expect his future boss to be such a young girl. This was far from the image of the business manager he had imagined.

"Learn from your manager in the future! Don't look down on her, she is very powerful! On one side, wu xiao yu proudly introduced to wenzhi. A friend was in the company as a leader, and her face was not as dignified as usual.

"Yes, of course! "Replied wenzhi, nodding quickly.

Qi ya looked at wenji and didn' t say anything. She saw the elevator stop at the floor of yicheng, and then she opened it with a ding. Qi ya and wu xiao yu walked out together. Because it was still early, the people in the company hadn' t come all the way, let alone the salesperson who came to apply. Qi ya looked back at wenji and said," come with me to the office!" "

"Yes! "Wenji quickly followed.

Qi ya walked into the office and asked wenji to sit on the sofa for a while. She took the cup on the table and took a glass of water. Then she returned to her seat and sat down to find the application information for wenji. She asked wenji with confusion," I called you yesterday at ten o' clock. Why did you come so early?" "

I want to familiarize myself with the company environment. "

"Familiar with the environment? How do you know you're going to make it today? "Asked qi ya, looking at him with a smile.

"I have that confidence! As long as I work hard, I will be able to apply for success! "

"But sometimes you don't have to work hard to get a job! She had said the same thing before coming to the company, but many companies had shut her out. Most of the time, you don't have to work hard to be successful. It depends on one's chances.

"I know! But it's human! I believe I have the ability! "Wenji was still full of confidence.

"With your appearance, you can find a more relaxed job. Why do you have to be a salesman? It is hard work to know the salesman. Only a heart that really wants to do the job can you really do it well.

"If I was afraid of hardship, I would not apply. If you give me a chance, I will surprise you. "Replied wenzhi with confidence.

Hearing that, as long as you gave me a chance, a year ago, she had said the same thing to zhang zhiyuan.perhaps it was because he helped her retrieve the lost bag, or maybe it was because he said the same thing about her.qi ya decisively left wenzhi behind and told him to come to work at the company tomorrow.

Wen ji stood up gratefully and was about to speak when the door to the office opened. Wu xiao yu walked in with her glass of water in her hands, walked to qi ya's desk, and looked at qi ya with an inquisitive gaze." How is it?" Did you get the job? "

Qi ya looked at this person speechlessly. She must have fallen in love again.

Wenzhi smiled and nodded at her. Then, he stood up and said to qi ya," sister qi ya, thank you so much!" I have just arrived in this city, where I have not yet lived, I wonder if the company can provide accommodation? "

"Oh, it's not available! Qi ya shook her head apologetically.

"Really? Then forget it. I won't bother you then. I'll come to work on time tomorrow. Bye! "Wenji took his bag and bowed to qi ya to leave.

"Wait! Wu xiaoyu stopped wenzhi.

Qi ya looked at her friend in confusion, not knowing what she was going to do.

"I know a very cheap hotel. You can go there today. Wu xiaoyu suggested kindly.

"Really? Thank you, I won't go, I got off yesterday when the wallet was stolen, again. Sister qiya, I'll go first. Bye! Wenzhi smiled gratefully at the two of them and strode towards the door.

"Wait! Wu xiaoyu called out to him again, and wenji smiled and looked back at the two of them.

Wu xiao yu put the cup in her hand on qi ya's desk, leaned over, and whispered into qi ya's ear," anyway, qi wei isn' t going home right now, and his house is empty. Why don' t we let him stay with us and earn some rent? What do you think? "

"Ah? Qi ya looked at wenji at the door. Judging from the fact that he had snatched the bag back for her, he shouldn' t be a bad person. She thought about it and looked at wenji." I live with xiao yu. There's an empty house at home. If you don' t mind ..."

"Thank you, sister qi ya. Thank you, xiao yu! Before qi ya could finish, wenzhi immediately walked over gratefully and bowed to the two of them.

"Hey, why did you call her sister and me xiao yu? Wu xiaoyu blinked at wenzhi.

"Because you are not the manager! "Said wenzhi directly.

"Poof! Wu xiao yu rolled her eyes. I made the offer! "

"Thank you! "

Qi ya couldn' t help but laugh at wu xiaoyu's expression.

"Forget it, I won' t argue with you! Wu xiaoyu ignored the doctor and walked to qi ya's side. She bent down and took out a bag of good tea from her drawer and put it on the table. She poured some into the cup.

Because of wu xiao yu's suggestion, wenji followed qi ya and wu xiao yu home after work. On the way home, wu xiao yu told wenzhi about the situation at home, and then she enthusiastically led him to qi wei's room. Wenji was a very industrious man. He put his things away and soon came out with a new set of home clothes. And volunteered that he would make dinner tonight.

What shocked qi ya and wu xiao yu was that this wenji actually cooked a good meal, and his cooking skills were comparable to qi ya's. After a meal, the two of them were very satisfied. After the two of them finished eating, ah zhi even took the responsibility to wash the dishes and did not let them move at all. Wu xiaoyu was overjoyed.

"Aya, what do you think of this man? Wu xiaoyu walked over to qi ya with a glass of juice and sat down beside her.

"Well, very well! Qi ya nodded and answered with a smile.

"What do you think of me turning him into a boyfriend? Wu xiaoyu rolled her eyes and asked.

"Yes! Qi ya nodded in agreement, then looked at her friend and said suspiciously," but I don' t know if you have the ability." "

"Don't worry! I am a master in love! "

"No! You are still in love with a master, you call that a secret love, okay? Tell me who you've been in love with all these years. Qi ya looked at her friend with a teasing look. Although this good friend always likes this one and likes that, she has not had a real love affair so far.

'No! You're making fun of me again! Wu xiaoyu rolled her eyes.

"Come on! I got him! "Qi ya cheered her friend with a smile.

"Well! Then I'll go seduce him. Wu xiaoyu stood up seductively.

"Go, go! Don't bother me here! Qi ya waved at her with a smile, and wu xiaoyu walked out of the bedroom with the juice in her hand.

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