"Wash the fish and cut the vegetables. I' ll help you when I' m cooking later. She looked at him smilingly, wondering if the overbearing man would listen to her orders.

"Less power. If you give me some power, I'll do it right away. He looked at her with a wry smile.

She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. As expected, ceo long ran over to wash the fish with a smile. Qi ya stood by the side and sighed with emotion that ceo long really knew how to do such a job. Thinking of how high and mighty he had always been, she turned around and ran out of the kitchen. After a while, she took out her phone and took off her apron and tied it to long haochen. Then, she took out her phone and snapped photos of him.

Knowing that she was patting him, long haochen smiled at her and continued to do his work. In a short while, he packed up all the dishes. Qi ya looked at the countertop and nodded with satisfaction like a leader. She then took off long haochen's apron and tied it on her body. Then, she waved at him and told him to leave.

Long haochen smiled and turned around to leave. However, after a while, he returned. Just like qi ya, he turned on the camera on his phone and took photos of her from left to right. Because after today's separation, he didn' t know when they would meet again. He wanted to keep her on his phone, and when he missed her, he would take it out to take a look to resolve the pain of lovesickness.

Dinner was very good. The two of them washed the dishes together and cleaned up the kitchen together. After finishing all the work, long haochen held her hand and entered the study. He opened his laptop and sat her down on his lap.

"What are you doing? Is there some privacy in here? Qi ya looked at the computer in front of her curiously, not understanding what he wanted to show her.

"So you want to see my privacy? He smiled as he hugged her waist.

"Yes, people are curious, and I am no exception! "

"What privacy do you want to see? I can satisfy you now! "He smiled as he opened the camera on his computer. In fact, he just wanted to take a photo with her.

Knowing that she would always lose in a fight with this person, qi ya simply didn' t say a word and looked at the screen on the computer.

Long haochen adjusted his position and the two of them took a lot of photos as if they were taking photos of each other. Some of them were laughing, kissing, and even making faces at qi ya. Long haochen chose the most beautiful one from the inside and set it up on a computer screen. The two of them played in the study for a long time before qi ya came down from long haochen and walked to the window to look at the night sky.

"Come here when you miss me! Long haochen walked over and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He pressed his face against her soft hair and whispered.

"Will you come as long as I come here? ' She asked eagerly.

"Well, if there are no special circumstances, I will certainly come. He knew her whereabouts like the back of his hand, and he would know it as soon as she came.

"But I don't have the key here. ' She asked, blinking.

"I have put it in your bag. He let go of her waist, pulled her over and faced her, lifted her chin and kissed her on the lips.

"You schemer, are you so thoughtful? She laughed at him as he looked so confident.

He smiled and didn' t say anything. Before she could react, he pushed her against the windowsill and found that his body was constantly being stirred up by this little woman. At this moment, she clearly didn' t do anything, and he really wanted her. Her body reacted visibly and pressed against qi ya's body, caressing her slightly.

Long haochen! She was not used to calling him haochen, so she called him the wrong name again.

After some time, she collapsed into long haochen's arms. Long haochen lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead before carrying her into the bathroom. Qi ya was so tired that she didn' t have any strength. She didn' t expect that this kind of thing would be more exhausting than running a business for a day. She obediently allowed long haochen to wash her body and lay her down on the bed. After covering qi ya with a quilt, long haochen went into the bathroom again. After a while, he came out and pulled the quilt aside to lie down beside qi ya. He wrapped his arms around qi ya's waist and closed his eyes.

The next morning, qi ya was completely awakened by long haochen's passionate kiss. She opened her eyes and moved her body. She felt a little sore, but it was much better than when she was in the temple for the first time.

"What time is it? Looking out of the window, it was already bright, and qi ya was a little nervous that she would be late for work.

"Just seven o 'clock. After speaking, long haochen kissed her lips again, his big hands caressing her back.

"No, I haven't brushed my teeth yet. Qi ya gently pushed him away.

"Then kiss somewhere else ..." Long haochen smiled and pulled her into his arms.

"You big pervert / wolf, why do you open your eyes to such a thing? Qi ya looked at the man speechlessly.

"Qi ya ..." He looked at her and his eyes flickered slightly.

"What is it? "

"Why don' t you come here once a month in the future?" A month was a little long for him, and if he had not considered her safety, he would not have let her go.

"A month? "Qi ya blinked.

"Well, a month. "

"Well! She agreed without thinking.

Long haochen smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"I have to get up quickly. It's a bit far from the company. What if I'm late? Qi ya struggled to sit up, picked up her clothes and began to put them on.

"Don' t worry, even if you don' t work for a month, zhang zhiyuan won' t deduct your salary." Long haochen smiled and pressed qi ya into the bed.

"I don't want to be that kind of person, to be looked down upon. "

"Well, I'll let you off today. Get up. "

The two of them washed up and had breakfast. Long haochen asked qi ya to take his bag and leave first. If he had something else, he wouldn' t send her off. Knowing that he was worried, qi ya did not care. After kissing long haochen goodbye, she entered the elevator alone and soon the elevator stopped on the first floor. She walked out of the elevator and had just stepped out of the apartment when she saw wenzhi standing not far away waiting for her. Her eyes widened and she ran to him.

"Wenji, why are you here? "Didn't he leave last night? Could it be that he hasn't left all night?

"Someone called me this morning and told me to pick you up here, so I rushed over. "Replied wenzhi with a smile.

"Really? Sorry about yesterday. Sorry to bother you again today. Her face turned red at the thought of yesterday.

"Sister qi ya, I didn' t see anything yesterday. "Wenji was very clever in clarifying.

"You ..." Qi ya looked at him with a smile and continued," let's go! "

Not long after qi ya and wenzhi arrived at the company, wu xiao yu ran into qi ya's office and looked at qi ya from head to toe with a glass of water, which made qi ya's heart shiver.

"Drink the tea as you please, or you can take it all away! Qi ya couldn' t stand the look of this good friend, so she took out the tea leaves and placed them on the table.

"Tell me honestly, why didn't you come all night last night? Wu xiaoyu ignored her and went straight to the point.

"Well ... Didn' t Wenfeng call you and tell you? "She answered, somewhat guiltily.

"What did he say to me? Why wouldn't I know? Wu xiaoyu asked, pretending to be silly.

"Really? He didn't call you? Qi ya bit her lip and couldn' t figure out which part of the problem was.

"He didn't. Tell me what's going on. Wu xiaoyu looked at qi ya's evasive eyes and became more and more suspicious.

"Well ... I ... Aiya, it's really nothing! Qi ya did not know how to explain and tried to put it off.

"Don't tell me, do you? Don't say I went outside to ask wenji! I asked loudly in the company, I will be very loud oh! Wu xiaoyu didn' t take any tea and walked out with her little butt twisted in an empty glass, swaying as she continued," I' m going to ask!" "

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