'Did you not be happy now, little fool? Long haochen raised his hand and gently scratched the tip of her nose.

"Happiness! Qi ya chuckled.

"What shall we do next? Long haochen was actually dating a girl for the first time since he was young. Even when he fell in love with han shasha seven years ago, he had never done this.

"I am so hungry now, let's go and eat! There's a snack street around here. Come on, let's eat there! Qi ya dragged long haochen forward.

Although the name of the snack street was pleasant, it was actually just a shabby alley. It was already night, and the streets were crowded with people. Lights were shining everywhere and the whole street looked like it was daytime. Long haochen looked at the alleyway because the ground was a bit rough and uneven, and some places had accumulated some dirty water. Pedestrians would even splash a little water when they stepped on it. Looking at the two sides of the snack street, there were many people standing in front of each snack shop waiting in line to buy snacks. He frowned slightly and did not understand why qi ya chose such a place to eat.

"Let's go somewhere else! He estimated that he could not eat anything here.

"No! We're going out today so you have to listen to me! Qi ya brought long haochen to a snack shop, bought some fish balls, and poured some tomato juice on them before sitting down with long haochen at a clean table.

"Try it. The fish balls here are very delicious. Xiao yu and I always eat the fish balls here. Qi ya handed a fish ball to long haochen's lips.

Long haochen looked at the fish ball in front of him and hesitated.

"How is it? Isn't it better than abalone? "Asked qi ya, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Well, it's not bad! Long haochen chewed lightly, feeling that the taste was really good. No wonder the business of this fish ball store was so good.

Qi ya put another fork into her mouth with a smile and said while eating," I used to think that if I had a shop like this, I would be so happy. I could eat fish balls and earn a lot of money. "

"So this is your dream? Long haochen asked with a smile.

"Well, I used to, but I don't anymore! "

"What is your dream now? "

I want to be a designer and then have my own company. Qi ya was full of endless longing for the future.

"Your son earns enough money to start a company. Long haochen smiled and took out a tissue to wipe qi ya's mouth.

"That's his money, not mine! Qi ya pursed her lips and turned her eyes to long haochen." Oh right, how could I forget? You' re a master in the design world. In the future, you have to teach me everything you know!" Then I'll be a great designer, I can start my own company, and then I can make a lot of money, ha ha! I'm going to be rich! The more qi ya thought about it, the happier she became.

"It's not right for you to start a company. You can be a designer. Long haochen nodded and agreed with qi ya.

"Then teach me in the future! I have to be a designer! "

"Really? Long haochen looked at the determination in qi ya's eyes.

"It's my dream, of course I want to learn! Qi ya nodded affirmatively.

"Well! I'll teach you! Long haochen agreed with a smile.

"Good! Here, dear teacher, I'll give you some tuition! Qi ya happily handed a fish ball to long haochen.

"It would be better if you took out the word teacher! Long haochen looked at her with a smile and ate the fish ball.

Although the place where they ate was a far cry from the long hotel, long haochen felt very happy eating. It was already past eight o' clock in the evening when she walked out of the snack shop. The pedestrian street was already filled with stalls, clothes, crafts, handbags, and shoes, almost everything. Qi ya held long haochen's hand and looked curiously at the things around her.

Long haochen glanced at the boutique store not far away and walked over with qi ya on his arm.

"What do you want to buy? Qi ya looked at long haochen walking toward the jewelry counter on the first floor with her, puzzled.

"See if you like it? Long haochen walked to a group of counters and looked at the various kinds of jewelry on the counter.

"Will you give it to me if you like it? "She asked.

"As long as you like! "

"I like it when we get married and you give it to me! Qi ya smiled coquettishly at long haochen.

"Well! Long haochen smiled at her and pulled her hand out of the mall.

The two of them came out of the shopping mall. Qi ya looked at a small stall nearby where she had won the lottery. She had never played with anything like this before. Anyway, someone had paid for her on a date today, so she decided to play with everything. Long haochen looked at her happy face and followed her.

In the year qi ya was admitted to university, she used to practice shooting real guns in a military training unit in a city. However, when she was brought to the shooting range by the instructor, she was frightened by the deafening sounds around her. That time, the practice of real bullets was completely shot out by the instructor with her hand. However, this experience made qi ya feel a little confident when she picked up the toy gun again. She picked up the gun and aimed it at the target.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang ..." Ten shots were fired, and qi ya was so sorry that she missed a single shot.

"I was aiming at it all. There must be something wrong with the gun. Long haochen, give it a try! Qi ya handed the gun to long haochen.

"I'd better let it go, I don't want to irritate you! Long haochen smiled and didn' t want to play with such a thing.

"Then you have to try it again. I don't believe you can hit it right! Qi ya pursed her lips in disbelief.

Long haochen smiled, took the gun, put it in his hand, and took a look at the balloon in front of him. Then he asked qi ya," do you really want me to play?" "

"Well! We must fight! "

Bang! Long haochen pulled the trigger when qi ya nodded.

"Pa! A balloon shattered with the sound of the gun.

Qi ya widened her eyes and looked at the man in disbelief. She actually shot him. She took the gun in disbelief and shot herself at the target. Still missed.

"There must be something wrong with the gun! Qi ya was still somewhat unconvinced.

"Forget it, let's go! Long haochen smiled and put his arm around her shoulder to leave.

"No! We paid for it! I want that bear! Qi ya looked at the prize not far away and pulled long haochen back.

"Well! Long haochen glanced at the furry bear and let go of qi ya before returning to pick up the gun. After a few gunshots, all the balloons were broken.

The stall owner wasn' t a nice person to talk to, but seeing long haochen's imposing manner and seeing his skills just now, he had no choice but to pass the biggest furry bear to qi ya. Qi ya happily carried the furry bear and left with long haochen.

"I'll go to the mall and get you a nice one! Throw this away! Long haochen was certain that the things he had won at this stall were not good. Seeing that qi ya still liked them so much, he tried to discuss it with her.

"I want this! You won this! It's a prize, okay? How memorable! When we get old, I can hold it and tell our kids that your dad won it for your mom. Ha ha ha! Qi ya answered with a smile, holding the bear in her arms.

Long haochen's eyes lit up when he heard the word" memorial." He looked at her and smiled dotingly." Okay! Whatever you like! "

Hearing long haochen's words, qi ya raised her head and sized him up." Why are you so nice today?" "

"My attitude has always been good! ' Replied one cheekily.

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