"Miss han, did you receive those photos? A filtered woman's voice came through the phone, sounding cold.

"Who are you? Why are you sending me these? "Han shasha asked angrily.

"Well, I want to help you! Don't forget, the man up there is your fiancé, but he is about to be taken away by another woman, and you ask me why? It seems that I am really not in a hurry. Since miss han is not interested in these photos,

Even if I do this, goodbye! "The man said coldly, wanting to hang up the phone.

"Wait! "Cried han shasha hastily.

"What else can I do for you, miss han? "

"Why do you want to help me? Don't tell me you're just being nice! "Han shasha asked suspiciously. If there was no benefit, the other party would not have sent her these things.

"You may not remember me, but I do remember you very well. You have helped me, for me you are my life savior, so I would like to help you, if you do not believe me, I can do nothing! "

"I helped you? When? Where is it? As she spoke, han shasha began to recall who she had helped, but she had left the city seven years ago and had not returned in the past seven years. She really could not remember what she had helped here.


"You helped me seven years ago. You gave me a hundred yuan when I was at the bottom of my life. That thing was just a small effort for you, but it changed my life. I've been following your news for years, and I just want my benefactor to be happy.

That's why I wanted to help you, that's all. Even if you don't believe me, you should trust those pictures! That's what really happened, and I didn't make it up. "She said earnestly, and she somewhat believed what she said.

"How would you like to help me? Han shasha looked at the photo on the coffee table and asked softly at the door of the living room.

"As long as miss han says something, I' ll help you as much as you want me to help you. Even if you want this woman to disappear completely in this city, I won' t hesitate to do it for you! "

"Thank you! I don't need you to do this for a while! Han shasha interrupted her directly. She was not a ruthless woman. Although she did not like qi ya, she had never thought of harming her.

"Well! If miss han needs anything in the future, she can make this call anytime! "The other party didn' t continue to pester him, and after that, he closed the line.

Hearing the blind tone on her phone, han shasha frowned slightly and placed her phone on the coffee table. Looking at the photo of qi ya in front of her, she fell into deep thought. In fact, she had interacted with qi ya a few times. As a woman, she could clearly feel the tenderness that zhang zhiyuan displayed towards qi ya.

The first time she saw zhang zhiyuan's gaze on qi ya, she felt that zhang zhiyuan liked qi ya. However, at that time, she did not take it to heart. She thought that as long as she married zhang zhiyuan, she could use her tenderness to move him and let him slowly fall in love with her. But

She was looking at the latest shooting date on the photo. It was clearly what happened yesterday. It turned out that they had never broken off contact.

Now, what should she do?

She carefully put all the photos on the coffee table into her bag and carried them out.

Because of the conversation with long haochen last night, qi ya seemed to have completely changed. She was full of confidence in her future life. She arrived at bocang's design company on time. Because it was still early, there were only two designers in the company. Qi ya is a free man

She went to the bathroom to get a mop to clean up the entire office area. In a short while, the designers all came one after another. Seeing her hard work, they thought that a new cleaner had arrived.

"Please help me to empty this garbage can, thank you! "

"Please go downstairs and get some information for me! Thank you! "

"Please get me a glass of water, please! "

"Trouble ..."

Qi ya didn' t refuse. She helped the designers clean up the trash cans with a smile and ran downstairs to get the documents. After she came back, she poured some tea for others and was delighted.

Bang! When qi ya was about to pour more water, she turned around and accidentally bumped into a wall.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Knowing that she had bumped into someone, qi ya quickly apologized and tried to bypass her with a cup of water.

"Are you here to pour water for others? "A hint of anger rose from the top of qi ya's head.

"Ah? I ..." Qi ya raised her head and saw bai kang's angry face. She didn' t expect him to be so gentle yesterday. Why was he so strict today? She was at a loss for words.

"Whose cup is this? "Asked the designer as he took the teacup from qi ya's hand.

"Manager, it's mine ..." The designer, zhang ran, stood up awkwardly and replied with a smile.

"Buy another one! Bai kang looked at him silently and threw it into the trash can without saying anything. Then he looked at qi ya and said," you, come in with me!" Then he went into his office without looking back.

Zhang ran stuck out her tongue in embarrassment and sat back in her seat nervously. Everyone else quickly started working.

Qi ya didn' t expect this person to be so serious. She felt a little uneasy and followed bai kang nervously into his office.

"Sit down! As he was packing his things, he turned on his computer without lifting his head, then picked up the pen on the table and started drawing on a piece of paper.

Qi ya stood nervously at the door, neither sitting nor standing. She had no choice but to stand there stupidly.

"Do you think this place looks better with this or not? Bai kang didn' t seem to notice qi ya's awkwardness as he looked down at a design drawing on the table and pondered.

"Ah? Qi ya was a little flattered as she walked over and looked at the place that bai kang had mentioned. It turned out to be a set of decoration materials for the entertainment city. Bocang was looking at the lobby on the first floor.

Since qi ya entered the decoration industry, she had been exposed to most of the domestic decoration, and she had barely touched the complex design of the work clothes. Looking at where he was pointing, she bit her lip and said," I think it would be better if I didn' t add it. "

"Why? "He suddenly looked up at qi ya and asked.

"The decorations around are already a little complicated. If there are too many ornaments here, it will make people feel a little complicated. "Qi ya spoke boldly of her feelings, but she was only relying on her own intuition.

"In fact, design is a kind of visual and physical enjoyment in the final analysis. If it gives people a feeling of discomfort, then it can not be said that people-oriented, and there is no need to design. It's your first day here today, so you just have to do your job in the field, that's all I need

A good designer, not a good handyman. Also, from today on, you are prepared to work overtime every day. I am equal to all the designers here. Don't have any special ideas just because you are introduced by Mr. Zhang. "Percon looked at them

Ya slowed down her expression.

"Yes, manager! Qi ya nodded vigorously.

Bai kang glanced at her, reached out and pressed the internal line on the table, allowing the secretary to call in the designer, zhang ran.

The office door was soon pushed open and zhang ran walked in.

"Manager! Zhang ran walked to the desk of bocang.

Qi ya will be your assistant from today onwards. I will check her results in a month. Get out of here! He looked down at qi ya and began his work.

"Let's go! Zhang ran smiled at qi ya and walked out of bai kang's office. Qi ya quickly followed zhang ran.

There are four designers in the office area, each with its own design space. Qi ya later learned that the designers here were all very powerful. Regardless of the design or drawing skills, they were all more than one level higher than the ones downstairs. Each

The designers all had an assistant, but the other three assistants were all brought up by the designers downstairs. This made qi ya feel unprecedented pressure.

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