When qi ya opened the security door, wu xiao yu was about to pour a cup of noodles for her to eat. When she saw qi ya walk in, wu xiao yu's eyes lit up and she immediately ran over to hold qi ya's arm.

"My dear, I knew you were the best. Did you know that I had just come back and had no food to eat, so you specially came back? I knew you were such a person, I am starving, hurry and cook for me! "

Qi ya glanced at wu xiaoyu." Are you done with the drawing? "

"Just a little, I'm drawing. I was so hungry that I couldn't even take the mouse with my hands, so I ran out! Wu xiaoyu pouted, looking pitiful.

"Puff! Qi ya poked wu xiaoyu's head and looked at her with a scowl." You know how to act pitiful with me. Go and get some rest. I' ll be done in a while." "

"My dear, I love you so much. In return, I won't sleep until I finish painting tonight. Wu xiao yu finished her promise and floated back into the bedroom to draw pictures.

Qi ya looked at her good friend's back and walked into the kitchen with a smile.

Half an hour later, qi ya went into the bedroom and looked at her good friend who was drawing the picture and said with a smile," go and eat. It's ready!" "

"Really? Great! If you were a little late, I' d be starving ..." Wu xiaoyu gave qi ya a big hug exaggeratedly, then quickly floated out of the bedroom.

Qi ya walked to the dining room with a smile and sat down with a smile as she watched wu xiaoyu gobble down her food.

"What about that brat qi wei? Did he cause any trouble for her? Wu asked as she ate.

"I didn't go to see him. I went to dinner with Mr. Shu. "

Wu xiaoyu had half a piece of noodles hanging in her mouth, and her eyes instantly widened. She asked in disbelief," you said you went to have dinner with shu zijun?" "

Qi ya nodded with a smile.

"Hey! Wu xiao yu smacked her chopsticks and glared at qi ya." You' re too short of friends. Why didn' t you call me for dinner with him?" "

"He insisted on inviting me to dinner, and I had no choice. Qi ya shrugged helplessly.

"He invited you to dinner? Sob, why didn't I have such a good thing? Wu xiaoyu pretended to be sad and continued eating her egg noodles.

"It's nothing good to go and get angry. Qi ya could not help but feel angry at the thought of that arrogant fellow.

"No way. That shu zijun looks so gentle, how can you still provoke a stomach full of anger? Wu xiaoyu blinked in disbelief.

Shu zijun is not wrong. I was talking about that popsicle. He also went tonight and kept finding trouble with me. "

"Why? "

"Nothing, maybe he doesn't like me! Qi ya didn' t want her good friend to worry about her, so she casually made up a reason to cover it up.

"That person doesn't look normal to me. How could he be a designer? And he was driving a sports car. Which company's designers are so good? "

"I' ll send him the household chart tomorrow, and we' ll know when the time comes. You sure you can finish it tonight? "

"Don't worry, there's not much left. "

"Then go over it carefully after you finish it. Don' t let him laugh at me when the time comes! "That man would not miss any chance to humiliate himself.

"Well, I'll check it carefully, don't worry! "

Seeing that wu xiao yu was eating well, qi ya got up and went into her son's bedroom. She took out her phone and was about to call long haochen to ask where she was going to find him tomorrow.

Qi ya looked at long haochen's number with her phone in her hand for a long time. She really didn' t want to hear his voice, so she sent a text message saying," where am I going to find you tomorrow?"

Looking at the three words on the phone screen, qi ya felt a little nervous. She really couldn' t figure out what kind of message that egomaniac would send.

Qi ya had been waiting for five minutes, but she still hadn' t received the message from that guy.

"Arrogant fellow! "

It seemed that she had been completely ignored. Qi ya stood up angrily and wanted to wash up. As soon as she reached the door, she heard her phone ring. She turned around and picked up the phone. It was actually long haochen's phone. After hesitating for a moment, she pressed the answer button.

"Miss qi, I didn' t expect that you didn' t even have the courage to call me! Long haochen leaned against the bed with a towel wrapped around him. He remembered that the woman had a mocking smile on her lips.

"Long haochen, don' t be so narcissistic, okay? I am not sending you a message without courage, but I really don't want to hear your disgusting voice! "This man is really not an ordinary narcissist. How could he say such shameless words? Qi ya was so angry that she hurt herself.

"Really? Since that's the case, don' t be so angry. Be careful and hurt your liver! Long haochen changed his posture with a faint smile and his tone was so annoying that it made people feel their teeth itch.

"I don' t want to waste my breath with you. Tell me where I can find you tomorrow. Qi ya almost screamed out loud. She was really angered by this boring man. If he stood in front of her, she really wanted to give him two big mouths.

"How dare you come? Long haochen asked with a faint smile.

"What a joke! I owe you two hundred thousand dollars, not a life. Why wouldn't I go? Qi ya gnashed her teeth in anger.

"Very well! Tomorrow morning at eleven o 'clock, call me at the gate of the dragon group! Long haochen hung up the phone with a cold face.

"Well, who is it? No manners at all! Qi ya was speechless when she heard the beeping on her phone. I' m really unlucky to have provoked such a dead person!

She was so angry!

Long haochen put his phone on the bed and thought about the woman's tone just now. The corner of his lips twitched slightly. Since she didn' t know where to find him, it seemed that shu zijun didn' t tell her his real identity.

The phone rang again. Long haochen frowned slightly and looked at the strange number on the phone before answering the call.

"Ah chen, it's yu ying. I'm sorry to bother you so late. Tao yuying's gentle voice came from the phone, and long haochen's eyes darkened instantly.

"What is it? Long haochen narrowed his eyes and looked ahead without any expression on his face.

Grandpa asked you to accompany me to the engagement dress tomorrow morning, okay? "Tao made his voice as gentle as possible.

"To-morrow! Long haochen frowned and his face darkened. What he hated most was the fact that his grandfather was being held down by others.

"Well! So ... Good night! "Tao said softly, pursing his lower lip.

Long haochen hung up the phone quietly and looked out of the window coldly.

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