"I hope miss qi will stay away from him in the future. I know this may be difficult for you, but I really love him and he loves me very much. I really don't want a second woman to ruin our relationship. I know miss qi is a reasonable person. I hope you can stand up

Understand me from my point of view, okay? "Han shasha looked at qi ya with a sincere tone.

"Well! I' ll try my best to avoid meeting him in the future, but ... He's my boss, and my son is currently at supreme entertainment ...

"I' m not saying that miss qi won' t meet him even once. As long as it's not important, I hope you can reject him. "

"Well, well! I promise! Qi ya nodded and agreed, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Thank you, miss qi! I hope you don't tell him about this meeting, okay? Han shasha warned qi ya worriedly.

"Well, well! Qi ya nodded at han shasha.

"Thank you! I'll go back then. Bye! Han shasha looked at qi ya and smiled gratefully. She turned around and walked towards the car across the street.

Qi ya glanced at han shasha's back and walked towards the bus stop, a little disappointed.

Not far away, in a black car, a man took a picture of the scene just now and sent a familiar phone number.

Today, because long haochen and qi ning held a press conference to announce that the two of them were getting married at the end of the month, the refined state group was busier than usual. Almost at the same time, zhang zhiyuan put down the document in his hands and rubbed his forehead, leaning against the leather chair to rest

The phone on the table suddenly vibrated. It was the sound of information. Zhang zhiyuan reached for his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number that was texting him.

The colorful letter was a few photos. Zhang zhiyuan frowned when he saw the scene of qi ya and han shasha together on the screen. He stared at the photo on the screen and fell silent for a few seconds. He stood up with his phone and left the office. His assistant, yue feng, quickly followed closely behind him.

Zhang zhiyuan left the company and sat in the black cayenne. The car started slowly and headed towards the zhang family villa. Zhang zhiyuan took out his phone with a frown and found his fiancée, han shasha's number.he hesitated for a moment before putting the phone back into his pocket.

Zhang zhiyuan's car was very fast.

"Where did you go? Zhang zhiyuan asked with a faint smile as he looked at han shasha.

I went to see my aunt. Han shasha smiled gently and put her hand into zhang zhiyuan's arm as she walked into the villa with him.

"How is she? "Asked zhang zhiyuan as he walked.

"It's much better these days. Thanks to the doctor you introduced, my aunt has recovered so quickly. Far away, thank you! Han shasha looked at zhang zhiyuan and smiled gratefully.

"Where else? Did you check out the shop? Zhang zhiyuan asked with a smile.

"No! I was at my aunt's all day today. "

"Really? Zhang zhiyuan's eyes flickered and he didn' t ask any further.

The two of them entered the living room and went upstairs together. Zhang zhiyuan was about to go back to his bedroom to change, but han shasha hugged him from behind.

"What is it? Zhang zhiyuan looked at the end of the corridor and asked slowly.

"Far away, will you leave me? "She was really afraid of losing him. The photos she received today suddenly made her lose confidence in her future.

Zhang zhiyuan slowly turned around and looked down at her with a smile." Why are you asking such strange questions today?" "

"Answer me first! "Han shasha looked at him stubbornly and did not dare to blink at him. She was a little nervous, afraid that what he said was not what she wanted to hear.

Zhang zhiyuan looked at her with a smile." No! No matter what happens, I won't leave you! "

Their family owed her two lives. That was a debt that he would never be able to repay in his life. It was also the biggest helplessness in his life. Between affection and love, he had no choice. In addition to paying the debt, it was also paying the debt!

"Really? No matter what happens, you won't leave me? Han shasha asked in disbelief. She had never thought that she would be so charming, but judging by zhang zhiyuan's attitude towards her, it was not like he loved her to the bone. He clearly liked qi ya.

But he didn' t abandon her.why on earth was that? She was puzzled.

"Well, no matter what! Zhang zhiyuan looked at her and nodded again.he gently brushed her hair and gently hugged her in his arms." In this life, I will never leave you! You will be zhang zhiyuan's wife for the rest of your life! He looked ahead

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes. His deep eyes blinked and disappeared in an instant.

"Zhiyuan, thank you! Thank you! Hearing zhang zhiyuan's words, han shasha's eyes instantly turned red. She was somewhat flattered by his confession. She hugged his waist tightly and was so greedy that she did not want to let go.

"Didn't you tell me not to say thank you? Zhang zhiyuan pushed her body away with a smile." I' ll go change first." "

"Well, then I'll go back to my room. Han shasha looked at zhang zhiyuan's sweet smile, then turned around and ran upstairs happily.

The smile on zhang zhiyuan's face gradually disappeared as he watched her retreat.he turned around and walked into his room. After a while, zhang zhiyuan changed into casual clothes and went downstairs from the bedroom. Just as he walked down the stairs, he saw yue feng walking in with han shasha's bag.

"Ceo, miss han left her bag in the car. Her phone kept ringing. Yue feng handed the bag to zhang zhiyuan.

"Yes. Zhang zhiyuan took han shasha's bag and sat down on the sofa.

Han shasha never expected that zhang zhiyuan would see the photo in her bag. When she came down from upstairs, zhang zhiyuan was frowning and holding the photos in his hands, his face solemn.

"Far away ..." Han shasha walked over anxiously, her face full of embarrassment and uneasiness.

Zhang zhiyuan looked up at han shasha and stared at her for a few seconds.

"These ... I didn' t take them ..." As soon as she spoke, han shasha realized that this explanation was not convincing at all. She didn' t take the photo, but it was in her bag. How could this make sense?

"What did you tell her? Zhang zhiyuan looked at qi ya in the photo with an awkward expression on his face.he could even guess what she was thinking at that time. He asked without raising his head, making han shasha even more helpless.

"I ... I want to tell her ..." Han shasha tried to explain in a trembling voice, but she felt that these explanations did not work on zhang zhiyuan's slightly angry face at all.at this moment, she once again understood what kind of position qi ya held in this man's heart.

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