"How is your mother? Yu nan took a sip of the ginseng tea on the table and asked slowly.

"It's all thanks to the doctor brother zhiyuan helped me find. After taking the medicine for a few days, my mother's mental state improved a lot. Shangguan ling' er looked gratefully at yu nan and replied.

"Yes, I know you' re worried about your mother. This is what every child should do. However, you have to do a good job of keeping secrets. Don' t reveal your identity. That way, you' ll be killed." Yu nan looked at her and told her.

"Yes! I'll be careful, ma' am. Shangguan ling' er nodded.

"When are the three of them going to produce records? "Asked yu nan.

"On the first of next month. "

"Yes. Yu nan nodded and looked at shangguan ling' er with a slight frown on her face." Long haochen is getting married at the end of this month. You must have known about it a long time ago, right?" "

"What does madame want me to do? "Asked shangguan ling 'er, her eyes sparkling.

Long yuanqiu, this old fox, clearly knew that the girl wasn' t carrying his great-grandson and wanted to marry the qi family. When you were engaged to long haochen, he sent two cars to harm you. I wonder what tricks he would play this time. "

"What shall we do this time? Do you need a gift for long haochen's wedding? "

"The things must be sent. Go and find this man tomorrow. As yu nan spoke, she took a photo from the coffee table she had prepared earlier and handed it to shangguan ling' er.

"Who is he? Shangguan ling' er looked at the strange man in the photo and asked.

"His name is feng ziyu. The child in qi ning's stomach is his. This man recently owed a lot of debt because of gambling. You go find him! "

"Yes, ma 'am! I know what to do! Shangguan ling' er took feng ziyu's photo and nodded.

Qi ya painted until three o' clock in the morning last night. Feeling that she had finally met her requirements, she went to sleep with satisfaction. The next morning, she took her homework to the design company. When she put her paintings in front of zhang ran, zhang ran's progress towards her

Step was shocked. He looked at the childish expression on the screen, but he could tell from the whole picture line and layout how much effort she had put in.

"Well, it's a little better than I thought. Zhang ran picked up the pen and marked the area on which she needed to pay attention. Then he took out the drawing of the room from the drawer and handed it to her, saying," this is currently under construction

Figure out what the difference is between you and this picture. Come with me to the construction site of this hotel in half an hour. "

"Aren't we just designing? Qi ya was surprised.

"Sometimes there is a gap between the site construction and the drawing. "

"Oh, I see. I'm on my way! Qi ya took the drawing and returned to her seat.

Half an hour later, zhang ran took qi ya to the construction site of the hotel. Because the hotel was still in the early stages of construction, the construction site was filled with piles of materials, and the construction supervisors on the site had already received news that they were coming out to welcome the two of them. Qi ya followed behind zhang ran and the supervisor.

First, he went to the ground floor. Before she came, qi ya took a small notebook and a pen. Listening to zhang ran's conversation with the construction supervisor, she carefully wrote it down. Zhang ran was a very responsible designer. After checking the construction drawings with the construction supervisor, he looked at the problems on the spot and the supervision

Made contact. She instructed qi ya to write down everything behind her.

One morning, qi ya followed zhang ran from the ground floor of the hotel to the sixth floor. He explained everything to qi ya about the style of the room, why did the line go like this, and the construction techniques of the marble were divided into several types.

The power supply is the best, what board is the best, what floor tile is the best, and so on. When qi ya was making home clothes, fortunately, she was familiar with all the materials, and she would know about the new materials that were in vogue. Although she didn' t know much about the design, she added that she had been the one

Having worked hard as a business manager, she basically understood everything zhang ran said. Zhang ran was a serious person.as soon as he worked, he was almost a workaholic, and the hotel had a total of eighteen floors, and the elevators were all used by construction workers, so the two of them climbed the stairs completely. When zeya follows

When he climbed the last floor, he was too tired to walk.

Zhang ran looked at qi ya's tired face and raised her watch to look at the time before saying," you can sit here for a while. I' ll look around by myself. I' ll call you when I get back!" "

"No! I'm fine! Qi ya looked at zhang ran with a smile.although her legs hurt a little, she knew very well how important this opportunity was to a designer. Many of the problems encountered at the scene were not seen in the design book. And zhang ran would make it for her whenever she went

A very detailed on-the-spot explanation, it is estimated that in this city will never find a second such a generous designers. She must not miss any chance.

"Really? Zhang ran stared at her.

"I'm really all right, let's go! Qi ya took the lead and walked forward.

Zhang ran smiled and liked this girl's character very much. He looked around and began to devote himself to a new round of work.

Zhang ran was very satisfied with qi ya's performance today.

When the two of them came out of the hotel, it was almost four o 'clock in the afternoon. Zhang ran and qi ya walked into a small fast food restaurant and ordered a few side dishes.

"How is it? Exhausted? Zhang ran smiled and poured a glass of water for qi ya.

"Well, I am a little tired, but I have gained a lot. "She answered honestly.

"Although you' ve been in contact with this industry before, you definitely don' t know much about the actual situation inside, so I brought you here to take a look. It may happen more often in the future. It may be even more tiring than this. Aren't you afraid of suffering? "

"I am not afraid. As long as I can learn something, I am satisfied. Qi ya smiled indifferently.

"Well! For this, you have the potential to become a qualified designer, I like you, come on! Zhang ran looked at qi ya and smiled encouragingly. Her impression of this girl was getting better and better.

"Thank you! "

Underground casino in the city.

Feng ziyu walked out of a small hidden door with a depressed face.his luck today was so bad that he lost all the tens of thousands of dollars he had borrowed from his car. He looked around and the night fell. The lights were on and the entire city was shrouded in darkness. Here

Many of the workers who had been home for the past few days were sitting at the dining table enjoying a warm dinner, and he had nothing but debts. He looked around. His eyes were a little lonely. He put his hands in his pockets and spat hard on the ground, then turned to the side.

Walk back the way you came.

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