In the first place, he had suspected his grandson, long haochen, because he was dissatisfied with his marriage arrangements, so he deliberately put the video of qi ning's ex-boyfriend on the big screen. However, the sudden appearance of that stranger and the truth he had told him made long yuanqiu feel that things weren' t as simple as he had imagined. If long haochen really did this, he only needed to tarnish qi ning's reputation and ruin the wedding. After all, the long corporation also had a part of him. He didn' t need to do anything else to ruin the reputation of the long corporation. This would not do him any good. What was the purpose of that stranger's appearance on the screen, just to embarrass the long family? No! From the stock market of the long family, that person's motive was far more than that. He seemed to be targeting the entire dragon family. His aim was to bring down the entire dragon family completely.

So who was this person?

Qi ning's mind went blank as she left the wedding with the help of her mother, kong xiangming. After such a humiliating incident, it was impossible to get married. Qi ning's tears kept falling and her body kept shaking. She felt that her life was completely ruined. Before she married long haochen, at least she was innocent in other people's eyes. But now, every part of her body was broadcast live on the big screen. She recalled that some of the people on the scene were pointing at her on the screen, and her entire body trembled violently. In the future, she would not have the face to face anyone else. As soon as she walked out of the door of the qi family, someone would scold her behind her back for being a slut. At the thought of this, qi ning cried even harder.

But things have happened, and no one can reverse them. If it weren' t for the greed of the qi family, the entire qi family wouldn' t have come to this stage. Kong xiangming held his daughter in his arms and was completely defeated. All her pride and arrogance were ruthlessly shattered at this moment. What made her step into a rich family, and the qi family's multi-billion dollar project with the long family all disappeared. After such a sudden incident, how could the long family agree to this marriage? All she wanted was for her greed to be too heavy. If she hadn' t been thinking about the position of the young madam of the long family, perhaps her family wouldn' t have come to such a stage that people would despise today.

"Mother! What about me? What am I gonna do now? I don't want to live, I don't want to live! The wedding scene replayed in qi ning's mind over and over again. Qi ning broke free of her mother's arm and ran towards the window wearing the expensive wedding dress. Although she was not a girl with high self-esteem, after experiencing such a scandal, she knew that she would never have a man like her in this lifetime and would be willing to marry her. Instead of living like this, she might as well die now.

"Ning' er! You can't do this! What if you die, mom? Mom loves you the most in her life. You can't leave mom like this. You can't do this! "Kong xiangming hugged his daughter tightly and couldn' t help but cry. Even if she had a hard heart, she couldn' t resist her daughter's heart-rending cries.

"Mother! What's the use of me alive? How am I supposed to go out and meet people? You let me die! Mom! Qi ning cried her heart out and her mind was in a state of collapse. Her emotions were on the verge of collapse. She was a pampered and pampered young lady of a rich family. She really could not bear the pain.

"Ning' er, you can' t do this! You can't! Your grandfather dotes on you so much, he has already gone to the hospital. Even if you don' t look at others' faces, on account of how your grandfather dotes on you for so many years, don' t do this anymore, okay? Ning! "Kong xiangming hugged his daughter tightly and her tears kept falling. At this moment, she could not help but regret. If it hadn' t been for her, perhaps her daughter wouldn' t have gotten to where she is today. It was all her fault!

"Mother! "Qi ning fell into her mother's arms in despair, her tears wetting kong xiangming's clothes again and again.

"Ningning, I know you' re a strong child. You have to pull yourself together now. That bastard feng ziyu, you can' t just let him off for nothing. If you die, won' t he still live in this world? "Kong xiangming kept persuading his daughter.

Thinking of feng ziyu, qi ning suddenly stopped crying! Yes! It was feng ziyu who made his life fall from heaven to hell. She couldn' t let that man off so easily. She was going to send that man to hell, and she was going to make his life a living hell.

"Mother, I want revenge! I must take revenge! I'm going to make his life a living hell! Qi ning bit her lip, and a fierce light suddenly shot out of her eyes.

"Yes! We can't take advantage of that guy! Ningning, as long as you pull yourself together, mom will send that bastard to you. You can kill him or cut him up! Grandpa went to the hospital now, the situation is not known how, we go to see grandpa now okay? Kong xiangming was still worried about his father's safety.

"Well, mother, let's go and see grandpa! Qi ning's eyes softened slightly. Since someone wanted her to live a life of misery now, she had to cheer up and return the insult she had suffered bit by bit.

"Well! Then let's go now! Kong xiangming seemed to see a glimmer of hope as he held his daughter's hand and walked towards the elevator.

Because of the sudden change in the wedding, the reporters downstairs suddenly doubled in half an hour. When kong xiangming and his daughter were about to leave, they came out of the elevator in the hotel lobby and saw a lot of reporters waiting for an interview. Kong xiangming quickly pulled his daughter back, then pressed the elevator and walked in.

"Mom, what's wrong? Qi ning, who had been immersed in her grief, did not understand what was going on.

"There are reporters outside now. It seems that we can't go out through the front door now. Let me see. What should we do now? "Kong xiangming was walking back and forth in the elevator, and she was somewhat at a loss in the face of such an unexpected situation. She kept clenching her hands and frowning. After a while, her eyes flashed and she pressed the number button of the elevator. After the elevator rose a few floors, it began to fall to the parking lot on the ground floor.

The elevator stopped after a while. The mother and daughter walked out of the elevator and looked at the empty underground parking lot. Kong xiangming held his daughter and walked quickly towards the exit, praying that the reporters would not see them. Otherwise, they would not be able to escape.

The two of them finally reached the exit. Just as they reached the exit, they saw a few reporters standing guard in front of them. When they saw the two of them, someone shouted," here! "As soon as he finished speaking, someone came running towards them with the machine on their shoulders.

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