"No, let him go! Long yuanqiu narrowed his eyes.

Long haochen quickly walked from the slate road beside the villa to the backyard and into the small building that had imprisoned his mother for more than ten years. He looked at everything in the small building with a dark face. Thinking about how his mother had been imprisoned here for more than ten years, he wished he could turn this place into ashes. Suppressing the anger in his heart, he stepped up the stairs and walked into his mother's room. Everything inside was the same as before. But when he learned the truth and came back here, he was in two different moods.

"Young master ..." Feng yun followed behind long haochen and called out to him softly.

Long haochen turned around and looked at the woman in front of him who was not tall and had a kind look on her face. His heart was filled with gratitude. But he knew very well that he could not say anything now. Even if he simply thanked her, he could not say it. He looked at the servants at the door, then looked at feng yun and said angrily," you' ve been taking care of madam for so many years. When the accident happened, didn' t you know how to shout? Is there a bodyguard here or not? "

Feng yun lowered her head apologetically and said:" young master, I'm sorry! "

"I'm sorry, can I have my mother back? Long haochen looked at feng yun loudly and reprimanded her. He then glared fiercely at the servant standing at the door and strode to the door, saying," if something bad happens to my mother, none of you will escape your responsibility! Then he went downstairs angrily.

Long haochen walked out of the small building in the backyard. He didn' t even take a step in long yuanqiu's living room before he got into the car in Wenfeng and left.

On the night of long haochen and qi ning's wedding, the entertainment news broadcast the story of the long family and the qi family as a big news. Qi ya was completely shocked when the host on tv reported that old master kong and kong xiangming had all died on the day of their wedding. She did not expect the wedding to be a funeral for three people. Thinking about what kong xiangming and qi ning had done to her in the past, she felt mixed feelings. She was not a person who would beat her down. Although kong xiangming had done a lot of bad things to her, qi ning was her half-sister, and their bodies were bleeding the same.

Thinking about how long haochen was alone and under the pressure of the outside world, qi ya's heart was clenched tightly. She really wanted to stand by his side and give him some encouragement. Even if she didn' t say anything, as long as she stood by his side silently, she would be satisfied. However, she couldn' t do anything.

She lay quietly on the bed and put her hand on her stomach. There was a new life growing there. It was her and long haochen's child. Baby, you must grow up well, mom and dad are waiting for you!

"Why are you sleeping so early today? Designer qi! Wu xiaoyu had just washed her head and walked in with a scarf on her head while she was drying her hair.

"I have nothing to do today, I want to sleep early! Qi ya was not in the mood to read the design book. She just wanted to have a good rest. In fact, even if she did lie down, she might not be able to sleep.

"By the way, are you feeling very happy today? Wu xiaoyu sat at the computer table and looked back at qi ya.

"What is so delightful? "She asked knowingly, and she did not want to talk about it.

"Long haochen's wedding! Alas, although the bride was a bit hateful, she did not expect to be so upset and jump into the sea to die. However, after thinking about it, a live broadcast of her own kind of scene came to the entire city, and it was estimated that no one would have the courage to live. Wu xiao yu shook her head in disbelief as she spoke.

"How is george today? Qi ya didn' t want to continue this topic and asked wu xiaoyu.

"Didn't you see it when you were eating? I reckon he's back to life in a few days. "Wu answered, her lips curling.

"How are you? "

"What else? I found him a little lukewarm about me, and, alas, I felt as if I had no hope. Although she had been with him for some time these days, she found that he was not at all in his own mind.

"Why do you say that? "Asked qi ya, somewhat puzzled.

"I don' t know. Sometimes I feel that he cares more about you than I do. I' m probably nothing to him. Oh, come on, people don't like me. What can I do? Thinking of wenji's ambiguous attitude towards her, wu xiao yu felt depressed. She looked at qi ya and said angrily," manager zhang likes you. Shu zijun likes you, and even wenzhi treats you differently! I don't know what kind of potion you gave them? "

Hearing her friend's words, qi ya couldn' t help but smile. Then, she looked at her friend and comforted him." Wenji only treats me as his sister. Don' t think too much about it. Maybe he likes you too. "

"I hope so! Forget it, fate should come when you can't block it, love how it is, I don't believe, there is no one in the world like sister. Wu xiaoyu stood up with a sad face and walked out of the room with a towel.

Qi ya was lying on the bed. Although she knew what her friend was thinking, she couldn' t help it. The phone on the bedside rang at that moment. She reached out to take the phone and saw that it was zhang zhiyuan calling. The corner of her lips curved and she answered the call.

"Manager ..." Whenever she heard zhang zhiyuan's voice, she found that her heart was warm.

"Tomorrow morning at nine o 'clock I will bring qi wei to pick you up! Don't forget breakfast! Zhang zhiyuan's voice came from the phone gently.

"Can you go tomorrow? Qi ya did not expect zhang zhiyuan to call to remind her, and she was moved.

"Yes. "

"Yes! I'll be waiting for you tomorrow! Qi ya smiled happily.

"Good night! "

"Good night! "

The next morning, qi ya finished her breakfast early. Seeing that it was still early, she remembered that her son liked to eat her own food. She packed up the kitchen and ran in. He began to cook some of his son's favorite dishes. Wenji walked in from the living room and looked at qi ya, who was busy washing the dishes. He was somewhat puzzled.

"Sis, what are you doing again? "

"I want to make something good for my son! Qi ya smiled happily at him.

"Let ah liang come, you are pregnant. "Wenzhi was a little worried.

"No! Qi wei likes my cooking the most, he may not be sure what ah liang has done. Qi ya smiled and continued to work on her own.

"Sister qi ya, let me help you. Which dishes do you need to wash?" "Ah liang came in and was about to help qi ya pick the dishes.

"Well! Then cut the meat first! Qi ya looked at the time and asked ah liang to cut the meat for her.

With ah liang's help, qi ya's cooking speed was much faster. Because her appetite had not been very good during this period of time, qi ya tried to throw up several times when she was cooking, but she thought that this was her son's favorite food, so she endured it.

By the time zhang zhiyuan and qi weiwei arrived, qi ya was already standing downstairs with the thermos in her hands. Looking at the car approaching from afar, qi ya smiled slightly. The car slowly stopped beside qi ya. Qi ya opened the door and sat in the back seat.

"Mother, what good food do you have? Qi wei sat in the passenger seat and turned around to stare at the thermos in qi ya's hands.

"I made you some braised meat and spring rolls. Do you want to try them now? "Qi ya opened the thermos with a smile as she spoke, and a strong smell of rice wafted through the car.

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