"No! When qi ya heard that her son wanted her to go up and play, she turned around and ran away in fright.

"Ha ha! Mom's scared! Qi wei laughed happily behind her mother.

After playing bungee jumping in the air, qi wei ran to the roller coaster again. Qi ya watched as so many people were sitting on it. After a while, she ran into the air, turned around, and slid down. Then, she made a sharp turn at ninety degrees. She was so scared that she didn' t want to play with such a thing.

"Mom, the three of us are playing together, really! Qi wei dragged her mother up to play with her and uncle zhang.

"I'll take a picture of the two of you down there, and I won't go up. Qi ya ran a few meters away and refused to play with them.

"The two of us can just go up. You' d better forgive your mother! Zhang zhiyuan smiled and excused qi ya as he watched her die of fear.

"That's right, just the two of you. I'll take your pictures downstairs! Qi ya nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go up! Qi thought for a moment without blinking, and did not persist.

Zhang zhiyuan and qi wei got on the train together and fastened their seatbelt. The two of them smiled and waved at qi ya. Qi ya quickly picked up the camera and left this warm scene for the father and son. Looking at the happy smiles of the two people on the screen, qi ya was moved to smile.

Perhaps because blood was thicker than water, the father and son looked so harmonious whenever they were together. This made qi ya feel more comforted when she lamented the regret that her son could not acknowledge her father. When her son grew up, she could tell him that he had been so happy with his own father.

Qi wei and zhang zhiyuan finished the roller coaster and continued to walk forward. Qi ya followed behind the two of them, capturing their figures from time to time. The three of them didn' t go far before qi wei curiously stopped in front of a ghost city.

"Uncle, shall we play with this? Qi did not turn back to look at zhang zhiyuan's suggestion, his big eyes filled with anticipation.

"It's full of ghosts, aren't you afraid? Zhang zhiyuan looked at qi wei and asked.

"Well, it's all fake, I'm not afraid. Qi wei shook his little head, then walked to his mother and said," mom, you didn't play those two games just now. Come in with us this time! "

"I don't play with this! I'll wait for you at the cave! Qi ya then walked towards the other end of the cave, afraid that the ghosts inside would really frighten her.

"No! You must play with us this time! Qi wei ran to her mother and dragged her to the door of the cave." Uncle zhang, come on, let's go in together! "

"Let's go! You're with me, it's okay! Zhang zhiyuan smiled and wrapped his arm around qi ya's shoulder as the three of them walked towards the cave together.

'I really don't want to play! Give me a break! Qi ya's pleading had no effect at all and was dragged into the cave by the two of them. As soon as she walked in, qi wei let go of her mother and ran towards the place where there was a ghost fire.

"Mom, I' ll go first. See who goes out first!" Qi wei's voice came from the front.

Qi ya looked at the dim green light in the dark cave and felt her scalp go numb. Zhang zhiyuan let go of her and walked forward. There was a mist slowly exhaling from the top of the cave. Qi ya wanted to leave again, but she realized that the door that came in had already slammed shut. She looked forward and found that zhang zhiyuan was no longer by her side. The surrounding area was completely surrounded by thick mist. Her heart tightened, and she tried to take a few steps forward. Suddenly, a ghost with a long red tongue fell down from the top of the cave and pounced on her with messy long hair. Qi ya's heart suddenly rose to her throat. She screamed and ran around in a panic.

"Ah! Help! Help! Qi ya felt like she was about to die of fright, but there was a thick fog all around her, and she did not know where to go.

"Qi ya! Ziya! Zhang zhiyuan followed qi ya's voice and grabbed her arm in his arms." I am zhang zhiyuan. I am here. Don' t be afraid!" "

"Boohoo, manager! There was a ghost trying to catch me! When qi ya heard zhang zhiyuan's voice, she hugged zhang zhiyuan and began to cry.

"That's all false! You follow me, I'll take you out! Zhang zhiyuan hugged qi ya and gently patted her back to comfort her.

"Well! Qi ya stopped crying and looked up at zhang zhiyuan and nodded.

"Let's go! Zhang zhiyuan looked at her with a smile, then held her hand and looked at the holes in front of him, wondering where to go.

Qi ya listened to the laughter of a ghost coming from one of the holes and was so scared that she didn' t want to go that way.

"Trust me, there must be no ghosts on this road, and we'll walk out of here. Zhang zhiyuan pulled qi ya towards the laughing hole.

'I don't want to go this way, I want to go this way! Qi ya was so frightened by the laughter that she trembled and refused to die. Looking at the quiet entrance of a cave next to her, a gentle light shone from inside, and she dragged zhang zhi far inside.

"This road is a lie! Zhang zhiyuan explained to qi ya, but qi ya didn' t listen to him and dragged zhang zhiyuan into the cave. Zhang zhiyuan knew that she was really scared, so he didn' t refuse to follow her closely.

The two of them walked for a distance and did not encounter anything. Qi ya looked at zhang zhiyuan and smiled happily." How is it?" Am I right? "

Zhang zhiyuan looked at her smile and smiled. "

Qi ya grabbed zhang zhiyuan's hand tightly and turned around to continue walking forward. Just as she turned around, she saw a head fall on the wall next to her. She shrieked and threw herself into zhang zhiyuan's arms.

Feeling qi ya holding him tightly, zhang zhiyuan's eyes flashed. He hugged qi ya tightly and patted her on the back, saying," if only time would stop here! He could hold her here without any scruple, without regard for worldly vision, or for his mother's human debt.

"Ah? Excuse me? Qi ya had been in a state of fear and did not understand zhang zhiyuan's words.

Zhang zhiyuan released qi ya's body and looked at her with a smile. "

"You're kidding me at a time like this! Qi ya looked at the man and felt that he was trying to divert her attention. She smiled gratefully.

Zhang zhiyuan looked at her thoughtfully and held her hand." Let's go. Trust me this time!" I'll get you out of here! "

"Well! Qi ya knew that she had chosen the wrong path and trusted zhang zhiyuan immensely.

With zhang zhiyuan's protection, the two of them walked very quickly this time. In a short while, they walked out of the cave. When they saw that qi wei was already waiting at the entrance of the cave, they were waving their hands happily at the two of them.

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