"Well, ten thousand signatures seem to be a little too much. Then it's a thousand. I' ll accept a thousand!" Wu xiao yu thought about the words of wenzhi, and she felt that there were indeed a lot of them, so she nodded and counted with her fingers.

Seeing that this person was a little abnormal, wenzhi didn' t want to talk to her anymore. He looked at qi ya and said sincerely," sister, congratulations! Raising such a wonderful son! It really made people envious and jealous! "

"Thank you, wenji! To be honest, I really didn't expect him to be so successful! I had been suspicious of him before, and the manager said you had to trust him, and now I understand. Yes! I should have trusted him! Because he's amazing! Qi ya looked at the image of her son on the screen and smiled happily.

She did not expect that her decision back then not only made her a precious son, but also made the world an additional singer.

Ever since cao yuezhi had been arranged by han shasha and shangguan ling' er to stay in that rented apartment, cao yuezhi's condition had begun to improve, both physically and mentally. Seeing her aunt's condition getting better and better, han shasha was truly grateful to shangguan ling' er. No one could take care of a mentally disturbed woman like cao yuezhi as their own mother, but shangguan ling' er was very patient. As long as she came to the apartment, whether it was cooking for cao yuezhi, bathing or talking to her, han shasha felt a little ashamed. At noon, shangguan ling' er called han shasha and said that she had some time to go over and take a look at cao yuezhi. Upon hearing this, han shasha immediately drove the car to cao yuezhi's apartment.

By the time han shasha arrived, shangguan ling' er had already arrived. It turned out that cao yuezhi liked to eat Vital Hotel's cakes, so she bought a box along the way.after watching cao yuezhi finish her lunch, she coaxed her to sleep with the nurse, and the two of them walked out of the bedroom.

"Ling' er, thank you so much! You must be busy these two days, right? "Han shasha knew that shangguan ling' er was the assistant of the' supreme alliance'. She must have been extremely busy these past two days.

"Well, I' m lucky to have an assistant. If I were myself, I wouldn' t be able to handle it." Shangguan ling' er smiled at her and sat down on the sofa.

"Don' t come over for the time being since you' re so busy. I' ll be fine here!" My aunt's health has improved a lot these days, I don't know how to thank you! "Han shasha was really grateful to shangguan ling' er.

"Look at what you said. Didn' t you say that you wanted to treat her as your sister? I have long regarded you as my sister, so please don' t be polite to me. I can' t find my relatives, but now I finally have a sister like you. If you are so polite to me, I will be very sad. Shangguan ling' er patted han shasha's hand and smiled at her.

"Well, I see. Han shasha nodded gratefully.

"Sister shasha, I have to go back first. The company is really busy. Shangguan ling' er looked up at the time and stood up from the sofa.

"Well, I'll give you a ride! Han shasha knew that her work had been very stressful lately, so she didn' t want her to stay any longer. She stood up with shangguan ling' er and walked towards the living room door.

The two of them walked to the elevator door one after another. Shangguan ling' er turned around to look at han shasha and hesitated." Sister shasha ..."

"What is it? "Asked hansa, smiling at her.

"There's something I really don't know how to say. Shangguan ling' er looked at han shasha with sparkling eyes.

"It's all right, just say it. Han shasha smiled, not understanding what shangguan ling' er wanted to say to her.

"This was accidentally taken by a friend of mine yesterday. She wanted to use these photos as the front page of tomorrow's headlines, but I stopped her. Take a look! Shangguan ling' er glanced at han shasha and hesitated for a moment before she unzipped her bag. She took out an envelope and handed it to han shasha.

"What is it? Han shasha looked at shangguan ling' er confusedly, then lowered her head to look at the envelope in her hand.

"You'll see! The elevator opened with a ding in front of shangguan ling' er, but she did not step in. Instead, she looked at han shasha sympathetically.

Han shasha blinked and took out a thick stack of photos from the envelope. Looking at the familiar faces on the screen, han shasha's face darkened instantly. The hand holding the photo froze.

"Big brother is the president of the refined state corporation. This child is now one of the refined state group. If big brother zhiyuan were to be exposed and said that he was in a relationship with this child's mother, one can imagine how explosive the news would be. Shangguan ling' er looked at han shasha sympathetically.

..."" Han shasha pursed her lips tightly, her eyes flashing fiercely. Zhang zhiyuan's face in the photo was a rare smile, and he even gently wrapped his arm around that woman's shoulder. Looking at their intimate expressions, han shasha felt as if something was pressing against her heart.

"Sister shasha, I' ll go first ..." Shangguan ling' er patted han shasha on the shoulder when she saw that her photo had already worked.

"Yes ..." Han shasha did not look up. She turned around and slowly walked into the living room of the apartment.

Shangguan ling' er looked at han shasha's lonely back and sneered.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, han shasha looked through the photos one after another. The people in the photos were all happy. Zhang zhiyuan was completely different from what she had seen. He must be happy right now, right? Han shasha tightly held onto the photo, her brows knitted tighter and tighter. After about five minutes, she couldn' t bear to watch anymore. She slowly put the photo in the envelope and put it in her bag. She took out her phone and dialed qi ya's number.

"Hello! Qi ya put down the pen in her hand and pressed the answer button.

Qi ya, it's han shasha. Do you have time now? I want to meet you! Just a few minutes, it won't take long! Afraid that qi ya would reject her, han shasha quickly explained.

"Now? Qi ya turned to look at zhang ran who was busy and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, now! I'll be downstairs at your office in a minute. "Said hansa as she carried her handbag out of the apartment.

"Well, well! But I don't work for the same company anymore. Qi ya was afraid that han shasha would go to yicheng decoration company again.

"Well, I know! Hang up, I'm on my way. Before qi ya could answer, han shasha hung up the phone.

Qi ya stood up from her office chair and walked to zhang ran to greet him. Then, she took her phone and left the company.

Qi ya waited downstairs for about five minutes before she saw han shasha's car slowly stop by the roadside. She quickly walked over. Han shasha rolled down the window and looked at qi ya." There's a coffee shop nearby. Let's go there and talk." Before qi ya could refuse, the car window rolled up slowly.

"Didn' t you say ..." Qi ya wanted to say something else. She looked at the black window and pondered for a while, then walked to the other side of the car and opened the car door.

Han shasha's face turned cold as she watched qi ya close the door and sit down. She started the car and drove towards the coffee shop nearby. About two or three minutes away, the car stopped in front of the coffee shop. The two of them got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop one after another. They found a quiet place and sat down face to face.

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