"It seems that getting engaged with me makes you feel very wronged? Zhang zhiyuan's eyes turned cold as he looked at han shasha.

"Yes! I just feel so wronged! I like you so much, I love you so much, but is your heart with me? You are not even half as good to me as you are to qi ya. Why can't I be wronged? "This time, han shasha was determined to reveal her thoughts.

"Well! Since you are so wronged, let's break the engagement! Zhang zhiyuan watched as han shasha finished her sentence word by word, then turned around and strode out of the bedroom. In a short while, the car outside the villa started to ring. After a while, the sound disappeared into the distance.

"Zhiyuan ..." Looking at zhang zhiyuan's determined back, han shasha collapsed onto the floor." No! I'm not breaking the engagement! Don' t ... Be far away, you can' t do this to me ..." Tears welled up again.

He thought that as long as he was a little tough, maybe he would admit his mistake. However, he did not expect things to turn out the other way. He did not understand what he was thinking. At the moment that zhang zhiyuan left, han shasha felt an indescribable regret in her heart.

Jing yuan.

Han shasha knelt in front of yu nan with tears streaming down her face. She tightly held yu nan's hand and looked at her with pleading eyes." Mom, he doesn' t want me anymore. You have to help me! I can't live without him! I can't live without him! Mom, you have to help me! In this family, yu nan was the only one who could help her. Zhang zhiyuan was a filial man, and he never refuted his mother's words. So now, she could only ask yu nan to help her save zhang zhiyuan.

"Get up, child! Get up! Mom help you! Mom will help you! Yu nan would not be soft-hearted when facing anyone, but when she faced han shasha, she felt that she owed her. Seeing han shasha kneeling in front of her with tears streaming down her face, she couldn' t take it anymore.

"Miss, if you have anything to say to madam! "Ah shan walked up to her and helped her up.

"Mom ..." With ah shan's help, han shasha walked to the sofa and sat down. She looked at yu nan crying again. Zhang zhiyuan was her spiritual pillar. If she really broke off the engagement with him, she didn' t know what her future would be like. She really didn' t dare to think about it.

"My child, I promise you! He always listens to his mother. He won't leave you! Yu nan was pushed to han shasha by ah shan. She reached out to hold her hand and comforted her gently.

"Mother, he doesn't like me at all! He likes ziya! He never liked me! "Cried han shasha to yu nan.

"Sasa, he must have been angry at the distance. You are his fiancée. How could he leave you? Don't be sad! Mom, make sure he apologizes to you this time! Okay? Yu nan raised her hand to stroke the hair on han shasha's forehead before gently wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"Mom ... I really can' t lose him! Han shasha looked at yu nan with tears streaming down her face. When she heard zhang zhiyuan say that he wanted to break off the engagement with her, she was really scared.

"Yes, mother knows! Mom knows! Don't worry, he won't leave you far away! I promise you! Yu nan pulled han shasha into her arms and gently patted her back to comfort her.

"Mom ..." Han shasha sobbed as she lay on yu nan's lap.

When the time went by, zhang zhiyuan got a call from his mother and drove back to jing yuan. After parking the car in the courtyard, zhang zhiyuan walked out of the car and saw ah shan standing there and nodding at him." Young master, madam is waiting for you in the study!" "

"Well, I see! Zhang zhiyuan nodded and walked towards his mother's study.

Yu nan's study was now quiet. Zhang zhiyuan slowly walked in and saw his mother sitting in a wheelchair with her eyes closed. He went to his mother and was about to speak when he saw her open her eyes and look at him.

"You're here? Yu nan looked at her son and asked. There was no expression on her face.

"Well, mother, what are you looking for me for? Zhang zhiyuan walked to the sofa next to his mother and sat down.

"Why did you break off your engagement with Sasa? Yu nan's voice suddenly became stern, and she unconsciously raised her voice.

"People say that you know your son better than your mother. Others don' t know about it, and you don' t know about it, mother?" I know you owe them so much, but we can pay them back in other ways. Why do I have to marry a woman I don't like? Yes! I admit, I just don't like her! She was beautiful and gentle, but love was about fate! If I don't love her and marry her, it's cruel to me! Zhang zhiyuan decided that he would not compromise this time. He wanted to get a chance for his feelings.

"Mother knows all that you say! But love can be cultivated slowly! You're bound to have feelings for Sasa when you're married. As soon as the long family affair is over, mother will give you two a wedding. Mother knows your pain, but you have to think for mother, if not for Sasa's parents, they tried their best to save me, your mother I can live to now? If I had died, how could you have been born? How could everything be like this? You talk to me about cruelty, and I ask you what could be more cruel than losing sasha's parents at the same time? I'm crippled, and you can still see me, you and your mother, and she? She's got nothing but us! Her parents died for me. If you really want to break off the engagement with her, you can break off the love between mother and child with me first! Just pretend I never had a son like you! If you go out today, you will no longer be my son! Yu nan said emotionally. The moment she thought of what had happened back then, she felt an immense sense of guilt towards han shasha.

"Mother! Zhang zhiyuan heard his mother's words and called out with a frown.

"Tell me now, what is your choice? Whether you go or stay, I won't force you! Yu nan looked at her son angrily and asked.

Zhang zhiyuan looked at his mother's resolute expression.he closed his eyes and nodded helplessly." Alright!" I promise! I'll marry her! But never force me to love her! It was the greatest concession he had made, and he had another woman in his heart, and there was no more room for another woman.

"Well! As long as you promise to marry sasha! The rest is up to you! Yu nan looked at her son and felt bad. She had been in love before, and she understood the pain of being together when she did not love him.

Outside the study room, han shasha stood in the corridor with tears all over her face. She turned around and walked towards the door of the living room. She heard the conversation between the mother and son clearly in the room. She had asked yu nan many times why she was so nice to her. Yu nan told her that it was because her parents and she were her best friends. Now, she knew that the reason why her parents left her was to save yu nan. Because of her parents' departure, yu nan had been full of guilt towards her for the past few years. In order to repay her parents for saving her life, she would let her son, zhang zhiyuan, marry her!

Han shasha stood at the door of the living room and looked at the deep night sky with a sour smile. Zhang zhiyuan's words just now," never force me to fall in love with her," shattered the last bit of hope in her heart.

He said he would never love himself!

What does a marriage like that mean to me? She's not a puppet, she's not a robot, she's got feelings. Ever dreamed of a man to love himself, holding himself in the palm of his hand. But now, what was the use of marrying zhang zhiyuan? He did not love himself, and the reason why he married him was to repay the kindness of the previous generation.

When zhang zhiyuan walked out of his mother's study, he saw han shasha standing on a wooden bridge in the yard, staring at the moon in a daze. Her back looked lonely, and the breeze gently lifted her hair, making her look a little pitiful.

Zhang zhiyuan's eyes flashed fiercely as he slowly walked towards han shasha.

There were familiar footsteps behind her. She did not need to look back to find out who that man was. In the past, when she was in the villa, she listened to the footsteps coming in from the courtyard every day, but when she heard them again today, she no longer had that kind of anticipation in her heart.

"Sasa, I'm sorry! I take it back! Zhang zhiyuan said what he did not want to say, even though he had ten thousand unwillingness in his heart.

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