When qi ning woke up, she found herself in a large bedroom. She slowly moved her fingers, then turned around and looked at everything in the bedroom. Luxurious crystal chandeliers, upscale european-style sofas, fine cashmere carpets, purple tulane curtains fluttering gently in the breeze, as well as all kinds of high-end ornaments are fully indicative of this is not an ordinary family. Qi ning blinked her eyes and began to recall everything that had happened before. The scenes at the wedding began to churn in her mind. She clearly remembered that she had jumped into the sea in her wedding dress. She had drunk a lot of water, and she did not remember anything else.

Qi ningteng sat up from the bed and looked at the unfamiliar surroundings. Then, she looked at her nightgown and sat up nervously. She put on her slippers and walked out of the bedroom. There was a corridor outside, so she couldn' t hear anyone. She carefully walked towards the end of the corridor. It turned out that this was the second floor. She walked down the stairs and found that it was a luxurious villa. When they were about to walk down the stairs, qi ning saw two servants cleaning in the living room. When she saw qi ning coming down, she greeted her.

"Miss is awake? I'll tell sir! One of the servants then turned and left the living room.

"What is this place? "Asked qi ning, looking at the other servant in confusion.

The servant looked at her and smiled." Sir will tell you later! "Said he, turning again to do his own thing.

Qi ning looked at the servant and knew that she couldn' t ask anything. She turned around and walked out of the living room. The courtyard of the villa was huge, with a large swimming pool in the middle. In the swimming pool, a 30-year-old man was swimming inside. When he saw qi ning walk out, he swam to the edge of the pool and walked in. He was only wearing a pair of swimming trunks. Qi ning looked at the man's body and found that he was in excellent shape. There was no weight on his body at all. His facial features were very shapely, and there was an air of nobility between his brows. If it had been in the past, she might have been fantasizing about this kind of man, but now she had completely lost interest in him. Coming back from the gates of hell, she knew that she was no longer the rich lady from before.

"Who are you? Qi ning looked down at the man as he walked towards her with a towel on.

"The man who saved you! The man looked at her with a smile and walked to the side under the umbrella and sat down in the chair. Looking up at qi ning staring straight at him, he smiled and pointed to the sun chair beside him." Sit down!" "

Qi ning looked at him and sat beside him with an uneasy look on her face. He continued to stare at him and asked," who the hell are you? Why save me? She knew that her family had never done anything good or helped anyone, and she had never seen this man before. This made her doubt his purpose.

The man smiled at her words and took a sip of the juice on the table before narrowing his eyes and looking at her, he said," how come you haven' t learned to be calm after experiencing life and death? Many people come back from the gates of death, there will be a kind of transformation, but in miss qi, I do not seem to see this phenomenon. With your attitude, how could you avenge your grandfather and mother? "

The man's words instantly darkened qi ning's eyes. She looked at a certain point on the ground and said disappointedly," I have nothing now. Even my father doesn't want me. How can I take revenge?" "

"Oh! If your father doesn't want it, he's a stray dog now. What do you need him for? The man laughed mockingly and then drank the juice in his hand.

"What's wrong with him now? The man's words surprised qi ning. She did not know what he was talking about.

The qi group has declared bankruptcy. All of qi yuedong's assets have been frozen and the villa has been mortgaged by the bank. He's homeless now, and probably doesn't even have a place to sleep tonight! "

"Broke? Qi ning's eyes flashed fiercely, then she lowered her head. From the moment his father chased him out of the qi family, he had nothing to do with him. No matter where he lived or whether he had food or not, it was his own fault. However, she did not expect that the scene that had been staged on qi ya back then would happen to her again.

"You just had a miscarriage and your body is rather weak. Let's talk in the living room. The man stood up in a towel and turned to walk into the living room. Qi ning looked at the man's back and let out a long sigh. She stood up from the sun chair and walked into the living room.

Hearing this man's words, qi ning finally remembered that she was pregnant. She subconsciously touched her lower abdomen. There was no new life there anymore. She stood up with a lonely face and slowly walked into the living room.

Qi ning waited on the sofa in the living room for a while before the man walked down the stairs in a handsome casual outfit. When he reached the middle of the living room, he gestured to the two servants in the living room to leave first. The maid nodded at the man and walked out of the living room. The man glanced at qi ning on the sofa and then walked to the sofa opposite her and sat down. He looked at qi ning thoughtfully and took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to qi ning.

Qi ning took it and looked down at the business card. It read: gong nanyu. The president of nanyu group.

"Gong nanyu? Qi ning looked at the strange name and then looked up at the man opposite her.

Gong nanyu raised his eyebrows and looked at qi ning with a smile." Yes!" I am not only the president of nanyu group, but also your savior! "

"Why did you save me? "Asked qi ning persistently.

"There's no reason. I don't like people living in my sight. Especially a woman in a wedding dress. The scene was so sad that I saved you! "Gong nanyu shrugged his shoulders and said calmly.

"That's it? "Qi ning looked at him incredulously.

"So simple! "

"Then why are you so clear about our family? "Not only did this man know her name, but he knew everything about her father. How could it be so simple?

"To be honest, I' ve taken over your company. So I know everything about you! Gong nanyu did not intend to hide anything from her.

"You took over? Qi ning looked at gong nanyu in surprise.

"You can't just let a big company like that go to waste, can you? Gong nanyu shrugged his shoulders again.

'You shouldn't have saved me! Gong nanyu's words reminded qi ning of her identity again. Her eyes darkened and she looked down at a certain point on the ground. If she really jumped into the sea and died, at least her mother would accompany her. But now, living alone in this world was not easy for a rich young lady like her.

"I' ve told you before that I just don' t like people living in my sight. Although I saved you, your life is still yours now. This place is very close to the beach and you can walk for ten minutes. If you leave now, you'll be able to find your mother in less than half an hour. I won't stop you! Gong nanyu leaned against the back of the sofa and his eyes shifted slightly.

"You didn't save me for fun, did you? "Qi ning looked at the man coldly.

"Of course not! "

"Why on earth? "

"Actually, I have a most important purpose in saving you. Because I have a common enemy with you, the dragon group. I just wish I could find some help, that's all. Of course you can also choose to give up, continue to commit suicide, and then let your enemy live a happy life. "

"What can I do for you? "

"If you want to help, you can help! Now you just tell me if you want revenge or not? Gong nanyu sat up straight and asked qi ning.

"Of course! "Since she is alive now, she must not let her enemy off so easily.

"Very well! Take a rest for a few days, and when you are well, I will send you to america! "

"To america? "

"Yes! You need a new identity. Then you'll know! "

"How long? "

"About a month! "

"Shall I go alone? "

"I'll go with you! "

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