Zhang zhiyuan looked at her and felt relieved. He lifted his hand to wipe away the tears on her face. He did not say anything but silently hugged her tightly in his arms.

The car quickly drove to the hospital in the city center. Before yuefeng came to open the door, qi ya quickly opened the door and ran out. Zhang zhiyuan looked at qi ya's back and quickly caught up with her. Since the refined state entertainment group was the star of the refined state entertainment's focus this year, the accident happened

After that, many of the staff of supreme entertainment rushed to the hospital. When zhang zhiyuan got out of the car, someone was waiting beside him. Ignoring other people's gazes, qi ya followed zhang zhiyuan to qi wei's room.

Long haowei, zheng yunchu, and qi wei were sitting in a business car. The car's performance was good, so when the car accident happened, the three of them were not seriously injured, but the driver was in a coma because of the huge impact. When qi ya arrived at the ward, qi wei and long

Haowei and zheng yunchu were being examined separately. Qi ya ran to the outside of the examination room nervously and looked inside through the window. When she saw that the three of them were really fine, her heart finally fell to the ground.

Qi ya and zhang zhiyuan waited for about half an hour before the three of them came out of the examination room one after another. Because the doctor suggested that they should stay in the hospital for a few days to observe, the staff of supreme entertainment only booked one ward with the insistence of the three of them.

As soon as qi ya saw her son walk out of the examination room, she was so excited that she hugged her son and kissed him.

"Mom, don't worry! I'm fine! Qi wei looked at her mother's nervous and excited look and winked at her to show that she was healthy.

"You scared mommy to death! "She held her son in her arms and refused to let go.

"Mother, have you forgotten that I am the holy one of qi tian? "Answered qi, without blinking his big eyes.

Qi ya, let qi wei go back to the room to rest first! Zhang zhiyuan stood aside and smiled at the two.

"Well, mom forgot when she got excited. Go! Qi ya held her son's hand and walked towards the ward. She looked at long haowei and zheng yunchu who were beside her and felt relieved.

The three of them walked into the room. As nothing serious happened, zhang zhiyuan watched qi ya and the three of them together and left the room in silence. There were only four people left in the room, and long haowei began to joke with qi ya again.

"You must have been scared when you got the call, didn't you? "

"Yes, I was scared to death! Qi ya looked at him with an embarrassed smile.

"I know you' re afraid. We didn' t intend to tell you, but we didn' t expect the staff beside us to still call the ceo. Zheng yunchu explained to qi ya with a smile.

"Why are you in a car accident? "Asked qi ya, puzzled.

"At that time, I heard the driver say that there seemed to be a problem with the brakes of the car, but yun chu, don' t you think it's a little weird? Why would there be a problem with the brakes of such a good car? She really couldn' t figure it out! Long haowei frowned and thought about it. He couldn' t figure out what was going on.

"How many people were there in your car? How are the others? When qi ya heard that there was a problem with the brakes, she didn' t think much of it and quickly asked if there were any questions.

"Apart from the three of us, there's also the driver, old wang, and our three assistants, apple-ping, and two other staff members. Because the three of us were in the middle, and it was safer, and they were more or less injured. Zheng yunchu thought about it and wanted to answer.

"Mom, uncle haowei and uncle yunchu protected me in the middle, so I was fine! "Answered qi, without blinking his big eyes.

"Thank you so much! When qi ya heard her son's words, she immediately looked at the two of them gratefully, her heart inexpressibly grateful.

"What's the use of saying thank you? It was too insincere. Why did he have to marry her with his own body? Long haowei looked at qi ya with a serious look on his face.

"You blabbermouth! Qi ya laughed at long haowei's words.

"Even if he's not my son, he's still my disciple and yun chu's disciple, right, yun chu? Long haowei looked at qi ya and finally spoke seriously.

"Oh, yes! Qi ya, don' t worry. As long as haowei and I are here, nothing will happen to qi wei. Zheng yunchu nodded in agreement. He looked at qi ya and promised.

"Thank you. I' m really relieved that he's with you two." Qi ya nodded gratefully at the two of them.

"I said that if you continue to say such insincere things to us, I' ll ignore you in the future. Don' t you think it's too strange to say thank you to us?" Long haowei looked at qi ya angrily.

"Well, I won't say it! Qi ya nodded with a smile. She was truly grateful to the two of them. With these two people by her son's side, she felt much more at ease.

"That's more like it! Long haowei laughed at qi ya's words.

Zhang zhiyuan walked out of the ward and yue zifeng, the entertainment director, quickly walked over. He rushed to the hospital as soon as it happened. If the car accident happened to other celebrities, he wouldn' t take it so seriously, but the youngest of the three was the one in the group.

However, the most important one was the honorable president. Therefore, when the others heard that the three of them had been in a car accident, they didn' t dare to neglect and rushed to the hospital. Then, they followed zhang zhiyuan back to the refined state group.

"What on earth is going on? As soon as zhang zhiyuan got into the car, he asked yue zifeng.

"I heard that the brakes of the car were in trouble. Because the car couldn' t stop, it crashed into a honda in front of us. The car behind them was too fast to avoid it, so they all crashed into each other. Fortunately, our driver violently turned the steering wheel before hitting it, so the car only hit it.

He got into a corner of the honda in front of him and bumped into the guardrail next to him. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable if all the cars in the back hit them. "Replied yue zifeng with a dark face.

"Why didn't you check the car before you left? Zhang zhiyuan frowned when he heard that there was a problem with the brakes.

"Every time before we set off, someone would check the car. Before we set off today, old wang had checked with another driver, but I don' t know why this happened. Yue zifeng did not understand.

"We have to find out about this. Yesterday, something happened on the internet and the three of them got into a car accident. I don' t think it was an accident. Zhang zhiyuan ordered with a frown.

Someone must have done it on purpose.

"Yes, president! "

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