"Hello, old master long! "

Long yuanqiu stopped in his tracks and looked back at the man in his thirties.

"Who is this, please? Chang rong, who was on one side, immediately came over alertly and looked at him.

"I' m a student of madam yu. The teacher heard that old master long liked her ink lotus very much, so he specially asked me to bring her an old lady's work today. As a birthday gift for old master long. As he spoke, the young man handed a beautifully wrapped scroll to old master long.

"Madame fool? Her paintings are valuable, and I heard that her paintings are difficult to obtain, she only for their own appreciation of the people to draw. Are you really her student? Chang rong looked at the painting in the young man's hand and asked.

"Madam yu asked the students to send this painting as a birthday gift because she admired old master long. But now it seems that old master long doesn' t like it. I' m sorry to disturb you." "The other party wanted to take the painting back, but chang rong blocked it.

"You can't refuse a piece of your heart, madam. You go back and tell her, old man I am very happy, the painting I accept, when can see the true face of the fool's wife, it is a real honor. Long yuanqiu finally had a smile on his face. Getting her paintings was more expensive than all the gifts she received today.

"Madam had a request when she came to the school. She said that if old master long agreed to rebuild the city's orphanage with her, she would be very grateful. If old master long didn' t agree, the student would have to take the painting back and find another company to cooperate with. "

"Well! Then follow me! Long yuanqiu thought about it and turned to walk into the villa.

"Master! Chang rong shouted worriedly.

"Let's go! Long yuanqiu didn' t care about chang rong's reminder. That was why he let this man follow him into the living room of the villa.

The three of them walked in. The young man followed long yuanqiu and sat down on the sofa. Chang rong immediately left.

"This painting was completed after half a month by the madam of duke yu. Old master, you can have a look at it first. The young man stood up from the sofa and slowly unfolded the painting in his hand.

"Yes! Not bad! Indeed, it was the real work of madam yu! Long yuanqiu stared at every part of the painting and was overjoyed to find that it was indeed the real work of madam yu.

"Of course it's her real work. I wonder if old master long still remembers yu nan? The young man looked at long yuanqiu with a smile, not knowing when he had a black pistol in his hand.

"Who are you? What the hell are you doing? When long yuanqiu looked at the pistol in the young man's hand, he finally realized who he had met. He wanted to call for his bodyguards and found that all the bodyguards and servants were in the courtyard outside. And chang rong, who was loyal to him, never came out after entering the study. He realized that the other party might have other help.

"I' m just here to avenge madam. I wonder what old master long wants to use to repay madam's legs. The young man had a mocking smile on his face.he stood up from the sofa and walked to long yuanqiu's side to sit down, placing the pistol on his side.

"What did you say the name of madame fool? Long yuanqiu's eyes widened as if he had thought of something.

"Yu nan! The woman who was brutally murdered by the car you sent! "

"Isn't she dead? Long yuanqiu asked with a frown.

"Ha ha, you think too simply! How can a life be said not to have? Not only is she still alive, she has also become a famous painter through her own efforts. How did old master long feel now? "The young man sneered.

"What does she want? You're not gonna walk out of here! Long yuanqiu glanced at the study. Chang rong hadn' t come out yet, which meant that something had happened to him.

"Ha ha! I wasn't thinking of walking out of here! The young man laughed indifferently.

"Then you don't just want to kill me, do you? Long yuanqiu glanced at the young man beside him and thought about what he should do.

"Of course not! Get your grandson, president long! "Said the young man fiercely, his gun on long yuanqiu's waist.

"He's in the yard now, what shall I call him? Long yuanqiu's face darkened. If long haochen knew where he was now, he would definitely bring someone to save him.

"I think you two have a connection, don' t you? He's coming! The young man looked at long haochen, who was getting closer and closer to the door of the villa. Behind him was Wenfeng.

"What do you want, I promise you! Long yuanqiu was a bad person, but he still thought that long haochen was his grandson and that he was related to him by blood.

"It seems that your grandfather really dotes on his grandson! The young man did not listen to long yuanqiu at all. A wicked smile hung on his lips as he watched long haochen get closer and closer. In a short while, long haochen had already walked in with Wenfeng.

"Who is this? When long haochen entered the living room, he did not expect that there was an unfamiliar face here. Looking at the young man sitting closely with long yuanqiu on the sofa, he sized him up and asked long yuanqiu.

"Oh, he's my new bodyguard. Long yuanqiu replied in a low voice.

"Bodyguard? Long haochen's eyes flashed fiercely. Seeing that the two of them were in a strange position, he suddenly became vigilant. Did long yuanqiu already know something? Could it be that such a tight operation was leaked?

Long haochen looked at the young man beside him as he walked to the sofa beside long yuanqiu and sat down. Wenfeng also stood behind long haochen and stared closely at the bodyguard next to long yuanqiu.

"I want to talk to the old man about something personal. Can this brother leave for a while?" Long haochen probed.

The young man smiled at old master long and used his pistol against his waist.

"All of them! Don't be shy! Long yuanqiu looked at his grandson with an unnatural smile.

"Elder long, I think it's best to avoid it! Wenfeng suddenly had a pistol in his hand, which was directly on long yuanqiu's back.

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