"Miss, you are pregnant now, so don't do something yourself. Do you have anything you really want to eat? "Xiao mei, the maid, stood beside qi ya with a smile. She was a very competent wife of the month, and long haochen had specially come to take care of her for qi ya.

Qi ya turned her eyes and thought for a moment." I want spicy cabbage!" I really want to eat these days! "I don' t know if it's because I' m pregnant, but qi ya's taste has begun to change significantly over the past few days. She rarely ate spicy food before, but now she can' t think straight.

"You can't eat spicy cabbage! Long haochen walked out of the study and stood at the bedroom door, smiling at qi ya.

"Why? "Qi ya pouted.

"Tomorrow, I' ll ask the chef of the hotel to do some. It's too late to do it now. I' m worried about the things outside." Long haochen walked to qi ya's side and waved at xiao mei who was standing beside him. Xiao mei immediately left and closed the door behind her.

"But I want to eat it! I really want to! Qi ya looked at long haochen coquettishly.

"I want to eat too! Long haochen held qi ya in his arms and smiled as he lowered his head to kiss her forehead. Then, he bent over to pick her up and walked towards the bed.

After a long time, long haochen let out a low roar.

"I have good news for you! As soon as qi ya was dressed, long haochen walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his handsome face gently caressing her hair.

"What good news? "Asked qi ya with a smile.

Remember the sky we heard about when we fell off a cliff in the temple? "

"Yes, I do! You wanted to see him, but he wasn't there! "Thought qi ya.

"He is my father! "

"Really? Qi ya turned around and looked at him incredulously.

"Really! Long haochen nodded with a smile and continued," back then, like you, he was thrown from that cliff into the river below and was rescued by the abbot of the temple. But when he woke up, he completely lost his memory. A year later I thought of myself. "

"Why didn't he come back to you then? Qi ya was puzzled.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you more about it tonight, okay? "

"Well, then tell me carefully! Qi ya nodded. She really wanted to know everything about him.

"Then let's go to dinner now! Long haochen wrapped his arm around qi ya's waist and went downstairs with her.

That night, long haochen told qi ya everything that had happened in his family. He wanted to stay with her until the end of his life, so he didn' t want to hide anything from her.

Hearing what long haochen had experienced, qi ya's eyes welled up with tears. What moved her the most was that when these things happened, he knew that she might be in danger.

"Why didn't you tell me that you wanted me to share it with you? Qi ya touched long haochen's face with her little hands, feeling deeply remorseful.

"Even if I did tell you, you can only worry about me. If you knew the truth, maybe I wouldn't be able to do it. Fortunately, everything is fine now, my parents all safely back to me, and I now have a beautiful wife and daughter, well, this life is really great! "Spending time with his family day and night was just a wishful thinking for long haochen. In the past, he thought that he would never have another day like this in his life, but he did not expect his fate to be so precious to him. His father had returned from the dead, and his mother, who had been crazy for more than ten years, was actually faking it. It was a huge surprise to him.

"You can't bear it alone! Thinking about it made one's heart ache. How did you get through those days? Qi ya held long haochen's face in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes.

She thought that she was already the most pitiful person in the world, but she did not expect that his life was not much better than her.

Qi ya, thank god I met you! If you hadn't shown up, I wouldn't have known my father was alive in this world my whole life. If he hadn' t met qi ya and if he hadn' t fallen in love with her, he wouldn' t have jumped off the cliff at all. There would have been no father and son behind him, not to mention revenge for his grandparents, aunts, and their dead relatives.

"I didn't do anything, and you thanked me? Qi ya looked at him reproachfully.

"You've already done a lot, honey. Will you come home with me tomorrow? Let my parents meet their future daughter-in-law and their granddaughter. Long haochen smiled and stroked qi ya's stomach.

"Who is your wife? Qi ya blushed and smiled embarrassedly, but her heart was filled with happiness.

"What? Do you have any other ideas at this time? Long haochen looked at her with a frown.

"But have you forgotten that I still have a son? I am an unmarried mother. Will your parents agree to our marriage? "Although they truly love each other, she is an unmarried mother. Would long haochen's parents accept their son so generously? At the thought of this, she felt a little uneasy.

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