"If they don't like you, I'll run away with you! Long haochen teased her.

'No! Qi ya rolled her eyes at him on purpose.

"Don't worry! They must like you more than I do! Long haochen was playing with her little hand.

"Yes. Qi ya did not say anything this time, but nodded obediently and then leaned into long haochen's arms.

After driving for about half an hour, the car finally stopped in front of a luxurious villa. The two of them got out of the car and saw a black suv parked next to them. Qi ya looked at the license plate number and was somewhat familiar with it. She thought that it should be long haowei's car. As long haochen's younger brother, he would definitely come here to visit his parents as soon as he found out the truth.

The two of them held hands as they entered the villa's main door. The courtyard of the villa was huge. In addition to the lawn, there were also some flowers and trees planted inside. As soon as qi ya walked in, she saw long haowei digging and digging on the ground with a shovel in his hands. She didn' t know what he was doing. Beside them stood a couple in their fifties, looking gentle and simple. Long haochen held qi ya's hand and walked over.

'Well, what is the matter with you? Didn't you say you were going to pick up my sister-in-law? Why did you bring her here? Long haowei's eyes were sharp as he saw his big brother holding the hand of the woman he liked. He put down the shovel in his hand and looked at the two people in front of him with displeasure.

"She is your sister-in-law! Long haochen looked directly at his brother and said.

Long haowei put down his shovel in disbelief and walked to qi ya's side. He wanted to put his hand on her arm, but long haochen quickly pulled her into his arms. Then she looked at qi ya and said," qi ya, call mom and dad! "

Qi ya couldn' t react for a moment. She widened her eyes and looked at the couple opposite her. They were actually long haochen's parents. Looking at the two of them, they didn' t put on any airs at all, and the uneasiness in qi ya's heart dissipated instantly.

"Father, mother! Qi ya bowed slightly to long zhenye and han yulin, then smiled at them.

"Well, indeed a good girl! Go! Let's go inside. It's hot outside. "

Long zhenye and his wife looked at qi ya and nodded in satisfaction. The first time they saw qi ya, they fell in love with this strong girl. The four of them entered the villa as they spoke. Long haowei looked at the sky with displeasure.

"Hey, big brother, you are too dark! He even told me that he wasn' t interested in her at all. He didn' t expect that you even had my little nephew. Did you have a big brother like you? Long haowei was still complaining when he entered the living room of the villa.

Long haochen looked at his brother's disappointed expression and smiled smugly." I really can' t help it, but you don' t have to be disappointed. Aren' t there many beauties in supreme entertainment? "

"Shall we change? Long haowei asked him shamelessly.

"You child, are you joking with your sister-in-law like this? Listening to their conversation, han yulin, who was sitting at the side, couldn' t help but look at long haowei and reprimand him.

"Mom, if you want to teach him, you have to teach him first. He doesn' t tell the truth! You're playing dirty with me! Long haowei looked at his big brother, unconvinced.

"If he doesn't tell you the truth, don't you know why other people don't know? Long zhenye looked at his son, then at qi ya and said with a smile," haowei has always been like this since he was young. You don't have to take it to heart." "

"I was good friends with him, and I knew he was joking with us! "Qi ya replied with a smile. She didn' t mind long haowei's words. He had been like this ever since he met this person.

"Well! For the sake of your cooking, I won't bother with you. Long haowei listened to qi ya's words and leaned against the sofa, looking generous.

Long haochen couldn' t help but smile at his brother.

Qi ya, don' t you have a son? Why didn't we bring him here today so we could see him? Han yulin looked at qi ya and asked. She had heard from her son, long haochen, that qi ya had given birth to a son at the age of 19 and raised him by herself. She really wanted to see how she had educated her son. Before that, no one had told her about qi wei. Therefore, long zhenye and his wife did not know anything about qi.

"He's today ..." Just as qi ya was about to answer, long haowei interrupted her.

"Mother, if you had told me last night that you wanted to see him, I would have brought him here today. Do you know that I am now at supreme entertainment? Long haowei looked at his parents proudly and continued," let me tell you, the refined group composed of me and the other two singers is now the most promising golden group in the entire refined state entertainment industry. Do you know who one of them is?" The son of ziah, his name is qi wei. You want to watch him turn on the entertainment channel and you can see him. "

"Really? Han yulin was surprised that qi ya had such a wonderful son.

"It must have been hard raising him all by himself. Long zhenye asked gently.

"At first it will be a bit, then happiness is more than hard work. Qi ya nodded honestly.

"Mom, dad, I' m telling you that qi wei looks very much like me. He's definitely a handsome man when he grows up! When it came to qi wei, long haowei became interested.

"What do you mean he looks like you? He looks just like me! Long haochen rolled his eyes at his brother.

Long haowei blinked his eyes at his brother's words. He held his chin and thought for a moment, then suddenly slapped his thigh and said," I studied abroad seven years ago, so qi wei couldn' t possibly be my child. I mean, brother, he's not really your son, is he? Why do I suddenly feel like he's acting like you? "

"No way! How could there be such a coincidence in this world? Long haochen said incredulously.

"Then let me ask you, qi ya, have you found qi wei's father? Long haowei looked at qi ya and asked.

"No ..." Qi yawei bit her lower lip and replied with a twinkle in her eyes. She didn' t want to say zhang zhiyuan's name, so she had no choice but to say no.

"Why are you so sure that he is not your son? Long haowei pursed his lips.

Hearing the conversation between the two brothers, long zhenye understood a little. He smiled at qi ya and asked," do you have a photo of that child on your phone? Let's take a look. "

"Yes! We can't wait to see him just by listening to you. "Han yulin said with a smile.

Qi ya nodded slightly. When she heard that they liked her son, she didn' t think much of it. She took out her phone from her bag and handed the photo to him.

Long zhenye took the phone and looked at a young boy who was full of energy and cuteness. His eyes flickered, but he didn' t say anything. After looking at it for a few seconds, he handed it to his wife.

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