After qi ya went to work the next day, she finished her work and headed straight to the long corporation. Thinking about yesterday, she couldn' t help but hate that man to the bone.

However, his bag was still in his hands, and everything inside was extremely important to her. So now, she had to tell herself that she had to endure it, and she had to endure it!

When she walked out of the elevator on the 68th floor, qi ya bumped into her secretary, shen yao, who smiled at her because of yesterday's experience and led her into the ceo's office.

At this moment, long haochen was on the phone, looking a little serious. Qi ya glanced at him and walked to the sofa to sit down. After a while, shen yao walked in with a cup of coffee and placed it in front of qi ya before retreating.

Qi ya picked up the coffee in boredom, put it on her lips, and took a sip. Her eyes unconsciously fell on the coffee table in front of her. A few hand-drawn designs appeared in her sight.

Putting down the coffee, he took the design drawings over and saw that they were shu zijun's design drawings. Although qi ya was a salesperson, her major in college was art. After she came into contact with this industry, she would often read some design books and draw a picture herself.

However, the few pictures in front of her really surprised her, because no matter from the composition, painting skills, and design, painting people are very profound. For the first time, this egomaniac made qi ya look at him in a new light.

"Are you beginning to worship me? Long haochen had already walked over and sat down on the sofa next to qi ya.

"To be honest, you did a good job! Although she did not have a good impression of him, these drawings made qi ya admire them.

You really adore me! Long haochen smiled slightly and seemed to be in a good mood.

Uncle, can you be more thick-skinned?

Qi ya couldn' t help but criticize in her heart. She looked at long haochen and asked directly," can you give me my bag now?" "She did not want to see the man's face for a moment. She wished she could leave right away.

"Why should I give it back to you? Long haochen's slender fingers lightly scratched his chiseled chin as he looked at qi ya's question.

"Hey, you ... How could you go back on your words? "Isn't this man too shameless? What you said yesterday, you turned your back on me today?

"You don' t seem to know me very well. Why can' t I go back on my word? Long haochen looked at her with a half-smile on his face.

"What ... What do you want? Qi ya stood up from the sofa, trembling with anger. However, she could not do anything to this man at that moment. She could only grit her teeth and glare at him, suppressing the anger in her heart.

"If I remember correctly, yesterday ... You seemed to have slapped me and poured me a cup of coffee ..." His fingers gently slid on his lips as if he was thinking of something. He had always been a vengeful man, and now that this woman was in front of him, how could he let go of such a great opportunity?

Qi ya gritted her teeth as she looked at the stingy man. He wouldn' t want to slap her and throw coffee all over himself, would he?

Long haochen gently twitched the corners of his lips, stood up from the sofa, and slowly walked to his boss's desk to open the drawer. He took out qi ya's bag from inside and walked to her. He blinked and said," you' re the first woman who dared to slap me ..."

Qi ya was furious at this man's words. She raised her head and looked straight into the man's eyes. She knew that it was impossible to reason with him because he was not a normal person at all.

"If you hadn't done that to me yesterday, how could I have slapped you? All things have a reason to have results, don't you know what you did yesterday? "She really admired this man so much that everything in his mouth turned into someone else's fault.

"That kiss is worth two hundred thousand! "Said long haochen arrogantly.

"Screw your two hundred thousand! What's so great about money? You can insult anyone you want with money? Kiss whoever you want? Who do you think you are? "This man really thinks of himself as an ancient emperor, so narcissistic.

Long haochen raised the corners of his lips and gently lifted qi ya's chin." As long as I want to, I can kiss whoever I want, including you!" You hit me yesterday, and you said ... Should I call back? "

Qi ya let out a sigh of compromise. She really didn' t want to continue pestering him, but she couldn' t give up her bag. She closed her eyes and said," then I' ll trouble you to hurry up!" "With that, her fingers clenched tightly together. The feeling of dying made her feel a little nervous.

"I never hit a woman, but you can pay it back in another way ..." As soon as long haochen's voice landed, qi ya felt her arm being pulled and her body instantly fell into a man's embrace. She widened her eyes in horror and saw long haochen looking at her with an evil smile on his face! "

"You can't do that ... Mmm

This stinking man, can' t he just talk properly? She began to regret offending the sharp-tongued man. Knowing that he was a dangerous person, she had even challenged him repeatedly. But now she had no time to regret it.

Qi ya angrily wanted to lift her hands and push the dead man away, but long haochen skillfully held her in his arms with one arm and held her back with the other hand, preventing her from moving at all.

"Haochen ..." A woman's almost calm voice came from the door.

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